Why Exchanges Need To Improve User Experience For More Adoption

Published on: 07 October 2021 Last Updated on: 03 September 2024
Why Exchanges Need To Improve User Experience For More Adoption

You might have thought, what is the reason behind Cryptocurrency adoption taking so long? It has already been a decade since the first-ever Cryptocurrency Bitcoin was launched. Still, people are hesitant when it comes to Cryptocurrency Adoption.

Now the question is why? As the reason is, many investors have pointed out the not-so-cool user-friendliness of exchanges. On the other hand, some excellent bitcoin revolution login platforms are considered one of the best Crypto trading platforms.

If you are a Crypto Trader, you should answer the following questions.

While making a trade, what problem do you usually face?

  • Do you have a proper understanding of the price fluctuation of the market?
  • For overviewing of the market, are there any tools that help you with that?

The answers to all these questions are related to the user experience offered by the Crypto Trading platforms. For accelerating Crypto trading, there have to be more Crypto exchanges like Bitcoin Revolutions, which will offer quality guidance.

Why Exchanges Need To Improve User Experience For More Adoption

Whenever you talk about any of the digital devices in this digital world, the first thing to be considered and checked is the user experience. With the advancement of technology, things are becoming simpler in a complicated way.

In order to get access to those simpler things, you first need to learn the complicated way in which they are being operated. For example, online money transfer has made our life easier and saves a lot of time.

But in order to transfer money online, you will need to know how to operate the platform, using which you will transfer your money. The same goes for more Cryptocurrency. This is why user experience has to improve for better adoption.

1. Functionality

A good user interface has to be always created by keeping the user in mind. The users can be anyone, from a beginner of the Crypto world to an experienced old investor when it comes to the Cryptocurrency world.

The user interface of the exchange has to be clean and user-friendly. Only then a beginner trader will be able to understand everything properly. Some features, such as filtering and sorting, are not at all common for most software or tools. It restricts the user from getting to know the market properly.

2. Ease Of Use

The best way of understanding the whole user experience thing is how comfortably you are interacting with the help of any device or website. Along with this, you also have to keep track of the feasibility, speed of the platform, easily understand the application, and smooth navigation.

We are living in a world where everything has become digital or shifted to the online world. Many businesses are providing their customers with services or products online. It means you have to be really efficient and also fast in grabbing whatever opportunity you are getting.

3. Credibility

Whenever we meet a new person, it usually takes around 0.1 seconds to leave a good impression on that individual. But when it comes to a website, the time reduces to half, i.e., 0.05 seconds. So, the website’s user interface must be easy to understand.

Whenever you find a website that has created a good impression on you, you will start navigating the website to see what other things it has to offer you. Just the same way a website works, the Cryptocurrency trading platforms or exchanges also work the same way.

User Experience Is All

While developing a Cryptocurrency exchange, a developer has to keep all these things in mind. The professional has to consider the requirements of a beginner and also of an experienced trader and combine them in the right way to present a reliable and efficient solution for all types of users. So, by improving the user experience, the adoption rate of Cryptocurrency can be accelerated.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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parent dies

Surviving Loss: What to Do With an Estate After You Lose a Loved One

2.4 million funerals take place in the U.S. every year. If you're not in the funeral business, this is a sobering thought. When a parent dies, the grief and pain you are dealing with can often be compounded by financial pressures if you are named as their executor. In a way, it is flattering to be named a parent's executor. It means they trusted your intelligence, patience, and fairness enough to appoint you the overseer of their property after they are gone. In other ways, it is overwhelming to consider the number of debts, unknown assets, and contentious relatives you will need to keep a record of. If you are unsure what to do when a parent dies and you are the executor, take a deep breath, pick up a pen, and begin to approach your responsibilities in an organized, measured way. What to Do When A Parent Dies and You Are the Executor: Right after someone dies, there is usually a period of chaos. During this time, the estate needs to be opened, and the executor is appointed to avoid surprises by debt collectors or the IRS. You may have already been appointed the executor in a will. No one should begin to take or distribute assets yet. As the executor, it is your job to decide whether or not the will should go into probate, which is the official "proving" of the will in court. If the estate is larger, or if there is some disagreement about the will, probate may be necessary before you can begin carrying out your duties as the executor. When you go through probate, you will have to file papers with the local probate court, prove that the will is valid, and present the court with a list of debts and assets. You should also explain how they should be distributed. The probate process could take anywhere from a few months to a year. If your parent set up a living trust, you won't have to go through probate. The person named as the trust's successor will be able to distribute assets according to the will without having to go through the courts. Your overall responsibility as the executor is to make sure that all debts and creditors of the deceased are paid off. Then the rest of their assets can be distributed according to their expressed wishes. An executor is different from a power of attorney, who makes decisions about life-sustaining medical treatments while a loved one is still alive. Once they have passed, the power of attorney is no longer valid. If there are any dependent children or pets, you will need to be certain that guardians are appointed in accordance with the decedent's wishes. These are often complicated things to handle, you might want to enlist the services if an expert right away. Thomas Church, Florida Will Contest Attorney is one of the best Estate Litigation experts in USA. Get the Right Paperwork: Your first duty as the executor is to find your parent's will. It could be filed away with important paperwork or in the hands of their attorney. It is usually necessary to file with a probate court, even if it is determined that probate is not necessary. If there is a will in place, you will receive letters testamentary, which is a legal document authorizing you as the executor to take control over the decedent's estate. If there is no will, you will receive letters of administration. You can then begin your work as an executor. You should also be certain that a pronouncement of death has been filed. This is a letter filled out by a medical professional stating where and when the decedent died. A death certificate should become available after the funeral. You can obtain it from your funeral home, county registrar, or health department. About 10-15 copies should be sufficient to cover your administration needs. You will need the certificate to prove the situation to insurance, credit card, and mortgage companies. If you find you need more copies, they can be obtained from the Department of Vital Records. It is important to begin keeping a list of assets and liabilities before liquidating assets, paying off debts, and distributing funds among beneficiaries. Acquiring credit card statements, mortgage statements, vehicle registrations, a social security card, and copies of insurance policies will also make the process smoother. You should be sure to punch a hole in the decedent's driver's license and passport to help prevent fraud. Giles & Robinson, P.A. explains that an ancillary administration can take six to nine months to finalize. Hire Some Help: An estate attorney, like Verhaeghe Law, can help you avoid mistakes that could cost you money in the long run. A financial consultant can help with asset transfers. An insurance agent can assist with claims forms to help make sure beneficiaries are paid. The costs of the funeral, as well as getting the decedent's affairs in order, are taken from the estate. Don't be afraid to ask for help to make sure the process goes smoothly and does not end up making you liable for problems that may arise. Stop Payments: The decedent's estate is responsible for any debts that arise after death. Heirs and beneficiaries are not responsible, although some feel a sense of moral responsibility to pay them off. You should notify all credit card companies, government agencies, utility companies, and mortgage banks of the death. This will help you to avoid late charges, and accounts will be transferred to decedent status. Doctors and other health professionals who may be owed fees should also be notified. Check the decedent's credit card statements and be certain to cancel any payments with "auto-renewal," such as those for magazine subscriptions, AARP, AAA, and clubs. You may want to wait a month or two before closing the decedent's primary credit card so that you can view the companies that need to be notified. Be certain to contact the three main credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and Transunion, immediately. They can flag the decedent's account so no one will try to steal their identity. It is also a good idea to check back two months later to be certain no fraud has occurred. You should be sure to notify Social Security so they will stop payments and you will not be responsible to pay back posthumous checks. If your parent was employed at the time of their death, you will need to call their employer. You can find out about any payments due to them, death benefits, life insurance policies, and beneficiary benefits. Pay Off Debts: Keep a list of how much your parent owed to mortgage companies, credit card companies, car payments, etc. You may need to liquidate assets, such as selling houses or cars, to pay off these debts. Check with a CPA to see if your decedent's taxes have been paid. Money from the estate can be used to pay any money owed to the IRS. You will also need to file taxes for your parent from the day of the year they passed until the date of death. If the estate is large, there may also be state or federal estate taxes to pay. Consolidate Assets: The executor should open a separate bank account for ongoing bills, as well as incoming checks. Keep valuables safe in a safety deposit box. You should hire an assessor to see how much their property is worth. It is your duty as the executor to maintain the decedent's property until it is sold or bequeathed to the proper beneficiary. Distribute Assets and Maintain Healthy Communication: After all known debts are paid, you can begin distributing remaining funds to the family as specified in the will. It is important to get and keep a signed receipt from each beneficiary after they are paid. Many arguments and breakdowns during the asset distribution process happen because folks feel that they are being overlooked or marginalized. It is important to let them know what the timeline is so that they will know exactly what is being done with the funds and when they can expect to receive funds that are due them. It is a good idea to take some time before making investments with estate funds, as grieving can be an emotionally overwhelming time for most. Close the Estate: You may be required to file a petition in court before distributing assets and closing the estate. As the executor, your duty is complete. Take Care of Yourself: Losing a parent can be one of the most confusing, disheartening times in an individual's life. If you are overwhelmed by the complications of what to do when a parent dies and you are the executor, be sure to enlist the help of qualified professionals. By keeping detailed records, liquidating assets, paying off debts, and distributing assets, you can be assured that your parent's affairs have been handled properly and you can begin taking steps toward the next chapter in your life. For more lifestyle advice, read our blog today. Read Also: Eight Essential Tips For Getting Out Of Debt 9 Vital Options For When You’re Desperate For Money

Accounting Services

A Closer Look At The Common Types of Business Accounting Services

So, you have recently launched a business, and that is great. However, in order for it to succeed, and even though you are just starting, you need to know with the various kinds of accounting services available. Becoming familiar with these services will allow you to know what is to come and how to handle the situation. The ability to pinpoint the following will be a huge benefit to your business as you'll ultimately require a few pairs of hands in order for it to excel. Ensure that you do in-depth research or consult professionals for detailed information. That being said, here are the common types of business accounting services. A Closer Look At The Common Types of Business Accounting Services: Bookkeeping This is perhaps the most common type for companies that have just launched, up until the medium ones. Bookkeeping involves recording the daily activities that include your papers, files, and expenses. It is imperative to have everything in place as it is a common ground for new businesses. In this digital age, bookkeepers utilize accounting software like Knuula and Quickbooks to monitor financial information. Tax Accounting This is a form of tax income returns specialization. Professionals who specialize in this field are the best ones to consult when you are paying unnecessary taxes. They are ideally knowledgeable on the various tax fees that different areas have. Chartered Accounting Accounts under this field have their specialized field in the accounting domain. They are ideally part of the professional accountants that are skilled in an array of accounting range. Forensic Accounting Accountants in this fieldwork to figure out any tax discrepancies or possible tax fraud or evasion in the financial records. They can be able to identify any missing slots in detail, thus making them an ideal asset to law enforcement agents. Financial Controller Services This is a service that's known to be the head of accounting departments. Their role is to assign work for employees, hiring as well as both internal and external. They ideally speak to clients and ensure that your company is performing well. Public Accounting This is a form of accounting that varies with the field. It consists of accountants in the management accounting domain, financial analysis, and much more. Since it is a broad type of business accounting, it is sometimes referred to as 'assurance services.' Accounting Audit Accountants in this field are tasked with tracking down financial records, receipts, and statements to ensure all the information submitted is valid. With this, they're able to know the status of your company and how it is progressing, which is an important aspect of running any business. Management Accounting Professionals in this domain of accounting are able to see the company's financial data. Their role allows them to analyze your company's assets, and are able to manage them properly. Not only that, but the accountants are able to budget the business' allowance just in case you are planning to release a new service or product. Internal Auditing Accountants in this field look into your business' practices to ensure that you are doing everything right in the eyes of the law. Ideally, they check for any malpractices, fraud and anything else that involves going against the law financial wise. These are the most common types of business accounting. Read Also: Tips To Hiring Accounting Firms Rochester NY For Your Business 7 Advantages In Hiring A Third Party Company To Manage Your Accounting Needs

Bitcoin Trading

The Profit Revolution: The Best Bitcoin Trading And Investing Platform

Ever since Bitcoin first emerged on the scene, it has been able to polarize opinions, make millionaires overnight, and create secure Blockchain technology. It has also managed to make the world leaders stand up and take notice, obstruct and demonize a democratic and open call for mass equality. The earliest investors in Bitcoin became billionaires in no time. They went from being your average kids to billionaires and millionaires driving supercars and buying villas in downtown LA. However, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies came under severe criticisms. From funding terrorists and notorious arms deals to sex trafficking and other evils, world leaders left no stone unturned in opposing the biggest challenge to the global economic and financial order ever. In this article, we will not be looking at the philosophical aspects of Bitcoin or its impacts. We will be looking at how investing in Bitcoins can help you earn handsomely and make the practice a sustainable professional practice. Bitcoin Trading and Investing: Which Platforms to work on? If you are confused about why you will need a Bitcoin Trading Platform, let me clear the air on that one. A bitcoin trading and investing platform work in exactly the same fashion as a share or stock platform. The platform helps you with real-time calculations, suggestions, data and financial expert services at all times. All of the above factors help you make the right informed decision at all times. This minimizes the risk of losses that are the frequent complaints of many a Bitcoin investor. We need to acknowledge the fact that Bitcoin trading has seen its fair share of difficulties. To help you tide over such uncertainties, you need a financial expert that can guide you with the right kind of information. Imagine a situation where you had bought some Bitcoins in early 2018. I am sure all of you remember the depths to which the valuation fell in late 2018. 90% of people who owned Bitcoins sold them and exited their investments. However, the people who bought them at those crashed prices held on to them and saw their value increase to nearly $10000 USD in October 2019. Why should I use the Profit Revolution? There is no doubt that the Profit Revolution is one of the most attractive trading platforms in the digital currency world today. Let us look at some of the factors that make them an immediate choice- 1. The Human Factor (24x7 Financial Expert Consultation): One of the best features of the Profit Revolution platform is the Expert Financial Help on offer 24x7. You can talk to an expert at a time of your convenience from anywhere in the world. Automation is good, but if you have a human element guiding you at all steps of your journey, you definitely feel more reassured. 2. Data and Automation to drive Decision Making: The biggest financial institutions and stockbroking firms use sophisticated AI and Machine Learning to compute data and inform decision-making. Profit Revolution uses the same tech and helps you see how the markets at behaving at all times. They also show projections, trends and offer suggestions on which stocks you should be moving on. 3. Instant Monetization Benefits: Yes, there are other platforms as well. However, the worst criticism of them is that they have several hindrances when it comes to withdrawing funds. On Profit Revolution, you can withdraw the funds instantly from your linked Bank Account. It is as simple as that. No time stipulations, no minimum balance maintenance, and no extra paperwork. Conclusion: If you are looking to invest in Bitcoins, you should check out the Profit Revolution platform. It is easy, convenient and offers complete security at all times. 2019 is perhaps the right time to invest in Bitcoins. Several experts are of the view that the valuation is likely to hit $15000 in early 2020. What are you waiting for? Read Also: Bitcoin Profit Review 2019 What To Expect When You Become A Forex Trader Exciting Facts About Cryptocurrency And Crypto Wallets