5 Most Exciting Facial Treatments For Smooth & Gorgeous Skin

Published on: 24 May 2021 Last Updated on: 21 December 2024
Facial Treatments

How can I take the best possible care of my skin?

What can I do to preserve the youthful looks of my skin for a good long while?

These are age-old questions that have fuelled an industry worth millions of dollars. Companies are researching for and developing thousands of beauty products and facial treatments that line the shelves of pharmacies, supermarkets, and malls.

Each claims to give you gorgeous, glowing skin that is free of blemishes like acne, pigmentation, and signs of aging. In the coming years, you can expect to see an even more mind-blowing array of creams, ointments, and salves. According to a report released on Reuters, the Global Cosmetics Products Market is projected to rise at a CAGR of 7.14% in the 5 years from 2018 to 20123 reaching a high of an unbelievable USD 805.61 billion.

5 Most Exciting Facial Treatments of 2018 – For Smooth, Gorgeous Skin

Side by side is the growth in the salons and spas across the country with upmarket professionals offering you a range of specialty facial treatments; some that they have developed and perfected on their own. Each comes with a USP that promises to give you the skin you’ve always wanted.

2018 had its share of options, some gained more popularity than others while there are a few more that are still new on the block. Here’s a quick look at some of the most exciting beauty procedures you can try.

1. PRP Facials:

PRP facial treatments, also known as Vampire facials first made waves a few years ago with Kim Kardashian being one of its first proponents. The procedure continues to hold the interest of celebrities and everyday folk has given that it is possibly one of the safest anti-aging options available today.

In place of chemicals, the serum used in PRP therapy is extracted from a sample of your blood. This serum contains a concentration of healing elements such as platelets, growth factors, mesenchymal stem cells, and various others. Together, these components stimulate the rejuvenation of the layer of collagen and elastin under the skin.

Over the next 3 to 4 weeks, the natural plumping up of the skin can erase flaws like fine lines and wrinkles, breakouts, pigmentation, dark circles, and even scars left behind by acne and injuries.

2. Laser Facials:

Lasers have long been used extensively in the field of medicine to perform procedures with a minimum of scarring. You’ve probably also heard of laser liposuction for inch loss or low-level laser therapy that can reverse hair loss and promote the growth of hair.

One of the newest facial treatments available today uses lasers to scrape away the damaged top layers of the skin so new cells can emerge. Like this feature on WebMD explains, the procedure is also called laser resurfacing and uses two different kinds of lasers.

During the first part of the session, the dermatologist uses the YAG laser that cleans the skin of impurities at a deeper level. The second pass is done with the IPL laser at a low setting to stimulate the layer of collagen to start producing new cells.

Most of these facial procedures are completed with 15 minutes and involve absolutely no downtime. You can go back to work or any other activities right after.

Laser Facials

3. Cryotherapy Facials:

You’ve probably heard about the Cryolipolysis treatment also called CoolSculpting that can help you get rid of excess inches. Cosmetologists have taken the technique a step further and now use it to help rejuvenate your skin. Cryotherapy facial treatments have several positives.

Like, for instance, they can erase the signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles and help reverse the sagging brought on by advancing years. In case you’re looking for an effective cure for acne or eczema, the cryo procedure might just be able to help you.

As Rebecca Norris reports on Allure, dermatologists use a cryo-probe or blast of vaporized liquid nitrogen to cool the skin to below freezing temperatures rapidly.

This action results in the tightening of the tissues as the circulation drops. When the blood vessels and capillaries restore normal circulation, the rush of blood helps clear away toxins and other impurities while at the same time bringing in nutrients and fresh oxygen. This new infusion oxygenates and restores the layer of collagen under the skin to give it a youthful glow.

4. LED Light Facials:

The LEL light facial treatments are another of the newest procedures that perform a range of functions to help restore the smooth, flawless beauty of your skin.

The process begins with steaming to clean your face of all traces of makeup and open the pores, so they are more receptive to the action of the light. LED facials to make use of light at 4 different wavelengths each with a specific purpose.

  • The red light lowers inflammation and boosts blood circulation in the skin
  • The infrared speeds up the recovery of the skin
  • The blue light acts on acne-causing bacteria to destroy it
  • The amber light stimulates the growth of collagen and elastin cells in the skin

LED Light Facials

Your skin is exposed to each one of the wavelengths for a few minutes at a time as you lie under a dome-like structure. After the light exposure, the cosmetologist clears the skin of blackheads and whiteheads, and then, uses a wand with high-frequency waves to remove any remaining bacteria. The final step involves a soothing face mask to nourish the skin.

5. The Gankin Massage:

Like many women in today’s time with a busy career with personal and professional commitments, you may not have the time to visit the salon for a facial every 30 days as recommended. There is now a unique system that you learn to perform at home as outlined in Vogue magazine.

Originally a Japanese concept, the facial treatment involves massaging your skin with the special SUQQU cream. The trick here is to stimulate the right pressure points to promote blood circulation and the drainage of lymph for clearer, more beautiful skin. This treatment can erase any swelling and sag for smoother and sharper facial contours.

There you have 5 facial treatments that were highly popular in the year 2018. Suitable for all types of skin, ages, and genders, they promise to restore the flawless perfection of your skin. Sign up for the procedures or perform them at home and see the transformation in your looks.

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Overcoming Procrastination And Achieving Success With A Life Coach

Procrastination is a widespread issue that can lead to increased stress, missed opportunities, and a decline in overall well-being.  However, a life coach can help individuals overcome this issue and realize their potential.  Often, procrastinators feel overwhelmed or indecisive when they encounter their long-held goals. The human brain is designed to process concrete ideas, making it challenging to start work promising future advantages. A life coach can help them recognize that procrastination is a natural response to fears of failure, perfectionism, and commitment. In the long run, procrastination can cost you heavily. It leads to missed opportunities and hinders positive life changes.  However, a life coach can help you live a more fulfilling life by recognizing the reality behind procrastination.  We shall dive deeper into the effects and psychological reasons behind procrastination and how a life coach can help you overcome it. What Is Procrastination? Procrastination is delaying or postponing tasks, which can often lead to negative consequences.  It's a common tendency that most people resort to at some point in their lives. According to psychologist Joseph Ferrari, approximately 20% of U.S. adults are chronic procrastinators.  Even the most well-organized and committed individuals can spend hours on trivial pursuits instead of work or school-related projects.  This issue can affect job performance, grades, and, ultimately, one's quality of life. However, it's essential to note that procrastination is not a serious issue but rather a common tendency.  Therefore, it's not a sign of a serious problem but rather a natural human tendency that most people experience. Psychological Implications Of Procrastination Procrastination is an outcome of deep-seated psychological issues. Given below are some of the psychological reasons why one tends to procrastinate— 1. Boredom If a task appears dull or unappealing, you will procrastinate and delay its completion until later. 2. Lack Of Belief When we tend to put off tasks, it could be due to a lack of confidence in our abilities. This is a vital component of our daily functioning. When our self-efficacy is low, it can impede us from initiating or finishing tasks. 3. Anxiety And Fear Procrastination can be caused by fear. We might delay important things like medical checkups or finishing projects due to social anxiety and fear of judgment. Managing our fears is vital to avoid negative consequences and stay on track with our responsibilities. 4. Distraction Social media and other distractions can hinder our ability to focus. Procrastination has always been challenging for humans, and technology has made it even more difficult. Overcoming distractions requires awareness and self-control. 5. Obsessing Over Perfection Striving for perfection can occasionally result in unproductive delays. Therefore, individuals hold off on tasks they fear they may not excel at or may fail.  They may postpone tasks until they feel motivated or develop a superior idea. How Do Life Coaches Help You Overcome Procrastination? Given below are the different approaches implemented by life coaches to help clients overcome the problem of procrastination— 1. Creating A SMART Framework Creating a SMART framework is one approach life coaches use to help clients overcome procrastination.  This involves setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals.  By breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable steps and setting clear deadlines, clients are more likely to take action and avoid procrastination.  Therefore, providing a structured plan helps you stay focused and motivated. 2. Using The Eisenhower Matrix Another approach employed by life coaches to address procrastination is utilizing the Eisenhower Matrix.  It's a fantastic tool that can help you prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. By categorizing your tasks into different quadrants, you can manage your time efficiently and focus on what really matters. Let me tell you more about it!  By prioritizing tasks effectively, you can identify which ones need immediate attention, reducing the tendency to procrastinate.  Therefore, it encourages you to tackle important tasks first and delegate or eliminate less important ones, increasing productivity and decreasing procrastination. 3. Using The Pomodoro Technique The Pomodoro Technique is a method that involves breaking tasks into manageable intervals. These intervals are typically 25 minutes, called "pomodoros," followed by a short break.  By working in focused bursts and rewarding oneself with breaks, you can maintain motivation and overcome the urge to procrastinate.  Therefore, it helps you stay on track and complete tasks more efficiently, ultimately reducing the likelihood of procrastination. 4. Implementing The 5-Second Rule The 5-Second Rule involves taking immediate action within 5 seconds of having an impulse to do something.  Furthermore, this technique can combat procrastination by training the brain to act quickly and prevent overthinking or hesitation.  By implementing the 5-Second Rule, you can overcome the tendency to delay tasks and instead take immediate action. Therefore, it increases productivity and reduces procrastination. 5. Using Visualization Visualization is a powerful tool that can help combat procrastination.  By imagining yourself completing a task or goal, you can increase motivation and reduce the likelihood of putting off tasks.  Visualizing the desired outcome can create a sense of urgency and focus. Therefore, it makes it easier to stay on track and complete tasks efficiently.  Incorporating visualization techniques into daily routines can help you overcome procrastination and increase productivity. 6. Helping With Positive Affirmation Positive affirmation is another effective strategy for reducing procrastination.  Here, you must repeat positive statements to yourself, such as— "I am capable of completing tasks on time." "I can stay focused and productive."  Therefore, it helps you boost your self-confidence and encourage a proactive mindset.  This practice helps to counteract negative thoughts or self-doubt that often contribute to procrastination.  Moreover, You can cultivate a more optimistic and determined attitude toward the work by consistently using positive affirmations. Therefore, it leads to increased motivation and a greater likelihood of completing tasks promptly. Find The Right Life Coach! Working with a life coach can be immensely beneficial for people who struggle with procrastination.  Lif coaches help you set clear goals and provide support, guidance, and strategies to address underlying issues. Moreover, they help you empower and overcome procrastination to lead a more fulfilling life.  Celebrating accomplishments and recognizing progress can also boost confidence. It reinforces positive behaviors, reducing the likelihood of falling back into old patterns.  A life coach can help individuals cultivate essential skills and offer accountability. Therefore, it makes it easier for them to control their time and unleash their true potential.  Partnering with an efficient life coach could be the first step if you want to make lasting positive changes. Read Also: Make Your Vacation Less Stressful With the Following Tricks 5 Ways College Students Can Minimize Back to School Stress Releasing Stress Even if You Don’t Leave Home


Everything You Need To Know About Concussion And Its Treatment

A concussion is said to be the most common injury in Australia with more than 3,000 people receiving concussions every year, and that’s just those incurred while playing sport. It can be a serious injury and, with so many cases, you’re certain to be faced with one at some point. That’s why you need to know how to tell its concussion and what to do about it. What Is Concussion Your brain isn’t attached to anything inside your skull. Instead, it is surrounded by a fluid, this is effectively a cushion that protects your head whenever it comes into contact with a hard surface. However, if the impact is too hard or rapid, the brain will collide with the inside of your skull. This collision is likely to damage the outer brain cells and can even change the chemistry of the brain. It most commonly happens in contact sports. But, it is also caused by trauma, such as car accidents. The good news is that, in most cases, the damaged brain cells recover and you continue life as normal. However, if you experience complications you’ll want to see a good neurosurgeon who will check what damage has been caused and how best to treat it. Symptoms Of Concussion There is no guarantee you’ll experience all of the following symptoms, it partly depends on the person and the severity of the impact. But, you will see some of these symptoms: Temporary loss of consciousnessBlurry visionNauseaHeadacheProblems trying to balanceFeeling confused or disorientatedA ringing sound in your earsTirednessForgetfulness or an inability to stay focused In most cases, there will also be a bump on your head, as a result of the injury. It’s worth noting that the first symptoms will appear very quickly after the trauma. But, more symptoms may not appear until hours or even days later. That’s why anyone who has suffered a head trauma should be monitored for at least 24 hours. Related Resource: 6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Treating Concussion In most cases, the brain settles and heals surprisingly quickly by itself. However, if any of the following symptoms are visible then you need to get emergency assistance. SeizuresVomitingLoss of feeling in extremitiesUnusual speech, particularly slurringEnlarged pupilsInitial symptoms appear to be getting worse, not better The hospital will perform a visual exam to check vision, balance, muscle strength, and whether there has been any nerve damage. They may also ask someone to complete an array of mental tests to check how their problem-solving skills are doing. Concussion and the extent of the injury will usually be confirmed with a brain scan. This helps the doctors know what they are dealing with and gives a base image that they can check against o ensure the patient is recovering, and not getting worse. To recover from a concussion the best course of action is to rest physically and mentally for 24 hours. You can then undertake light physical and mental duties. Abstaining from mental activity has been shown to increase recovery time. Read Also: 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental HealthLiving Healthily | Six Crucial Lifestyle Tips for College FreshmenWhen Will Social Media Addiction Be Considered a Mental Health Condition?


What To Know About Abortion And Should You Visit An Abortion Clinic

There are various steps involved in the abortion procedure. First, you must seek information about the treatment from your doctor or the nearby health clinic. This stage will assist you in determining whether or not you want to accomplish this and whether or not you are prepared to do so. The doctor will recommend a checkup, and a few tests will indicate what stage of pregnancy you are in. Speak with a specialist to give yourself the time and space to psychologically and physically prepare for the procedure. The Professional Nurse And Doctors For Abortion Don't have a legal abortion because it could lead to a slew of severe health issues and put your life in jeopardy. Specialists, physicians, and nurses will walk you through the procedure and provide directions on how to proceed. The best action you can do is put your faith in someone you can rely on. Someone who will be there for you and look after you if you require further assistance. Read more on this link what-to-know-about-abortions.  To help ease the transition, several doctors recommend creating an entertaining bed rest program. To keep oneself occupied while on bed rest, you may rent movies, novels, or any other pastime you enjoy. Always consult your doctor before using pain medication, as some of them can exacerbate the adverse effects. You may like also: 9 Tips for Staying Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy Safety And Comfort Concerning Factors Many women decide to have an abortion before even visiting a health center. They don't really want to talk about it any longer and want to get started on the surgery as soon as feasible. For every living being, the mandated counseling prior to abortion constituted a form of torture. The mother needed to listen to the fetus' heartbeat and look at the images for a while. Many people may experience major psychological problems as a result of this type of consultation. Several of them have been known to change their minds in the heat of the moment and then regret their choice after it's too late. The Pregnancy And Abortion Which One Is Better? A woman has a right to decide what she wants to do with her body and when she wants to do it. Everywhere on the earth, regardless of culture, sexual preference, or the cause of an unplanned pregnancy, the right to choose should be available. Furthermore, there is no impartial list of benefits to continuing with the pregnancy. Every woman, and every man, for that matter, has unique needs. Furthermore, everyone walks and achieves success and happiness in life in their own unique way. That is why forcing a woman to do something she does not want to do is not in her best interests. So, if something causes your life to take an unfavorable turn, you should be able to determine for yourself what to do with it. Click on this page for more. You may like also: Golden Pregnancy Care Tips for all Expectant Women It Entirely Depends Upon Your Choice  Legal abortion permits a woman to get an abortion whenever she is ready. According to the earlier law, she must wait a few days after consultation to rethink her decision. With legal abortion, the operation can begin whenever the person is ready and believes it is necessary. Since this process would not be extended, the costs will be cut in half. In addition, the individual will not need to visit the clinic multiple times for consultation and legal procedures. How Many Risk Factors Are Associating With Procedure? Because legal abortion is performed by specialists and trained employees, the operation is exceedingly safe. As a result, this technique is addressed as one of the safest medical procedures available. Here are a few risk factors which are associated with the procedure. This treatment will not harm your capacity to have a baby in the future if done correctly by competent personnel with good equipment. Additionally, it will have no negative impact on your health. Abortion does not induce infertility, and it does not increase the risk of breast cancer. Countless studies have shown that many women who have abortions become pregnant shortly after the operation.  Your physician and medical staff will assist you in crossing the finish line with as little pain as possible. You can try Charlotte Women's Clinic to find all the answers you need.  Medical complications following abortion are rare, and they are becoming rarer as technology advances. This knowledge can be reassuring to any woman who has decided to get an abortion. Medical teams can better their work and aid anyone who wants to be helped because abortion is permitted. What Should I Be Aware Of Before Beginning My Procedure? There really is no right or wrong answer to the question. It is entirely up to you and how you feel about it. You are the one who decides what is best for you. However, before you decide, be sure you're well-informed and have the support you need. It's important to remember that you're not alone. Every year, thousands of people throughout the world are faced with unintended pregnancies. A big portion of them believes that now is not the proper time to start or extend their family. Keep in mind that having an abortion does not make you a terrible person or suggest you don't care about children. There are a variety of reasons why a person may not be ready to establish a family.  Conclusion: Many women, for example, believe they are economically unprepared for this situation. Others think they’re also too young to care for another person. Some people already have kids and do not want to add to their family. Finally, you are the one who must decide what is best for you and your family's future. You want to continue your pregnancy, or you want to go under the abortion procedure. Read Also: Get an idea about infections during the tenure of pregnancy Complete Pregnancy Guide For Mumma’s To Be