Prevent Travel Nurse Burnout: Easy Self-care Tips

Published on: 27 May 2021 Last Updated on: 11 September 2024
Prevent Burnout As A Travel Nurse

We all know what stress is. We all cope with it every day; we look for creative new ways of handling it but prolonged exposure to stress can lead to burnout which could have some long-term consequences. Travel nursing, like any other health care field, falls into the category of highly stressful jobs. The stress became even more emphasized since the pandemic had started.

In the last few years, jobs for travel nurses have not only grown in scope, but also in terms of remuneration. The global pandemic has necessitated the biggest movement of trained nursing professionals across the world. While there are stressful moments involved, the salaries and compensations are the perks that are leading the nursing industry. With the chance to see the world, a lot of young professionals are encouraged to pursue short term travel nursing jobs.

Travel nursing can be both stressful and rewarding:

There has been an increasing demand from medical staffing companies for healthcare workers in the past year. And yes, while it also meant higher pay for travel nurses, more job openings, and travel opportunities it also came with exponential exposure to everyday stress.

Now, as a healthcare professional you are already used to coping with situations that would upset and throw out of tracks every average person, but COVID-19 is still quite new to everyone, and just like with everything that’s new it takes some time getting used to it.

We know how tough you are but you are still prone to feeling effects of accumulated stress over time and as a health care staffing agency that puts its employees first, we are saying that you should take some measures of precaution to avoid burnout and to increase or maintain the quality of your life.

Things you can do outside work:

We know it can be hard to put work aside and go back to your normal life once you take off your uniform. But if you think about it, in a long run, doing so you are doing yourself and your patients a favor. By focusing on your wellbeing, you are refueling, reenergizing, and investing in your career too. You will be more concentrated, more rested, and more efficient if you had enough time for yourself.

Focus on your physical and mental health:

This can be, for example, a walk in a park, going for a run, or just wandering around the city exploring new cafes, restaurants, parks, buildings and enjoying the pulse of a new place.

You could start off by exploring your new residential area and discovering places according to your taste. You could go on a hunt for a beautiful sunset or sunrise and get the perfect postcard for your friends back at home.

Invest in your own health – find a farmer’s market and enjoy organic or unique specialties that locals could tell you about.

Yoga is great for both physical and mental health:

Yoga is great for both physical and mental health:

Find a gym or a park to do yoga every day. If you are not a fan of exercising indoors, you could find a park or a nice and quiet place to do your stretches or yoga, for example. It’s very beneficial to practice yoga outdoors with other people. Why not try that out?

Maintain social relationships and contacts:

Stay in touch with your friends from home or hang out with some new people you’ll definitely meet. It would be nice if you could avoid talking about work and instead focus on experiencing new tastes, learning new things, and hearing different points of view. Make the most of your stay.

Things you can do at work:

It can be very busy and sometimes overwhelming at work, and we understand that being a travel nurse you sometimes can’t just decide when to take a break. But if you have the chance, take that little break.

As they say, one can be surrounded by people and still feel alone. That’s why you should try to bond with your colleagues or/and patients that you like. It will make your workplace a much more pleasant place to be at and you will look forward to your next day at the hospital. The social component of our overall wellbeing must not be disregarded. We are social beings, right?

Everyone’s threshold of stress tolerance is different. And if you start feeling overwhelmed by your everyday tasks, if you find yourself unable to stay focused for a longer period of time, or if you start getting easily frustrated, don’t wait. Seek professional help, take care of yourself and put yourself in the first place just like your medical staffing agency does.

You are important to us. And we take care of what’s important.

Don’t push yourself.

Be gentle with yourself.

Treat yourself like you treat your patients.

Let us take care of you.

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CBD for Pain Relief: Dosage Guidelines and Safety

A lot of people have been using CBD oil for pain relief. One of the wonderful effects of using CBD is the effective pain relief it can provide for people experiencing various kinds of illness and conditions, including arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain. You can consider CBD like a multivitamin which takes some time and some getting used to for the body to experience its benefits. Also, the effects can vary from one person to another, which is why it is essential to consider the best way to dose CBD. CBD Dosage for Pain How little or how large a dosage of CBD to take will depend on a few elements, including your body weight, your body chemistry which is unique from others, the condition or illness you are trying to treat with CBD, and the concentration of the CBD product you are taking, whether it’s in the form of CBD infused beverage, oil, capsule, pill, gummy, or balm. And while there is no ‘right' CBD dose that can work for everyone, one can set his own dosage instructions with the passage of usage and time. One of the easiest ways to figure out the best CBD dose to start with, especially for beginners, is based on body weight. If you have an average weight of 150 lbs. to 240 lbs., a starting CBD dose of 15 mg to 20 mg would be enough to relieve pain if you are looking for a variety of ailments. It can be taken either once or twice a day. The effect of this dose can differ from one another. Some might experience its effect right after taking the dose while some others might take time noticing its effects. General CBD Dosage Guide The general CBD dosage guidelines will depend on your body weight and at what dosage range to start and how to progress from that. 1. Mild Range Taking CBD should be gradual. It will be ideal if you start on a lower dosage, especially if you are considering CBD for the first time. It would be smart to make your body well acquainted with the effects of CBD before taking them in large doses or as you need. At this range, the recommended dosage for an average weight between 46-85 lbs. is 9mg, 12mg for between 86-150 lbs. average body weight, 18mg for between 151-240 lbs. average body weight, and 22.5mg for average body weight more than 240 lbs. 2. Medium Range If you need a higher dosage of CBD or if you are not experiencing any benefits or effects with the mild CBD dosage range, then you can move on to taking the medium dosage range for CBD. At this range, the recommended dosage is 12mg for 48-85lbs average body weight, 15mg for between 86-150 lbs. average body weight, 22.5mg for between 151-240 lbs. average body weight, and 30mg for average body weight more than 240 lbs. 3. High Range If the medium dosage range still hasn't given you the desired effects, then you can go all-in with the high CBD dosage range. At this range, the recommended dosage is 15mg for 48-85lbs average body weight, 18mg for between 86-150 lbs. average body weight, 27mg for between 151-240 lbs. average body weight, and 45mg for average body weight more than 240 lbs. When to Dose CBD? After figuring out the best dosage to start with when using CBD for pain relief, the next thing is to find your preferred CBD dosing schedule. There are three main dosage schedules you can choose from when taking CBD. Hourly Micro-Dosing Every Two to Three Hours Once or Twice a Day You can choose what is more convenient for you, as long as you stay with the recommended dosage amount per day. CBD Edibles Dosage Guide There are various CBD products you can take, and it doesn't necessarily have to be in the oil form. There are CBD edibles available if that is your preferred way to take CBD. It often comes in capsule or gummy forms. CBD edibles usually come with a guideline as to how much CBD there is for every serving. Aside from CBD oils, this CBD form produces a more prolonged effect, which is perfect for using in a once or twice-a-day dosing schedule. You can take one or more capsules or gummy depending on your needs or dosage. CBD Balm Dosage Guide You will either need to apply very little or a lot depending on the strength or concentration of the CBD balm. Using a small amount of the balm on the affected area is the best way to start and reapplying as needed. The dosing of CBD mainly lies in the product, its quality, and its concentration. Some companies that produce CBD products provide dosing guidelines, but that is often specific to their product only. If you want to get your desired results, you can make use of this dosing guide, to begin with, and find the best dosage for your needs. CBD for Pain Safety Concerns As much as CBD can be beneficial for pain relief, that is only true if CBD is used the right way. Here are some guidelines when consuming CBD. 1. Make Sure You Are Dosing CBD and Not Other ‘Similar’ Oil There are a lot of oils you can find in the market, and some can be mistaken for CBD oil. If you want to get the best benefits CBD can offer, then you have to choose your products well. If you are going for an oil-based CBD product, then make sure it's CBD oil and not hemp oil. The two are not the same, even if you think they are. 2. Start Slow and Work Your Way Up from There CBD can have very intense effects, depending on who takes it and how much. As a beginner, it is always recommended to start small and go your way up from there. That way, your body wouldn’t feel the shock of the effects of CBD. There is no single ‘dosage' that can work for everybody when it comes to CBD. The amount of CBD you take for pain relief will depend on several factors like body weight and chemistry, as well as the quality and concentration of the CBD product you have. The best way to figure the dosage of CBD for pain relief would be to use this starting dosage guideline and enjoy the process of figuring out which amount or dosage range works perfectly to achieve your desired effects. Read Also: Should You Consider Drinking Cbd Water? How To Make Your Own Cannabis Topicals Cannabis Can Help In The Fight Against Drug Addiction

Sleep Well

Ways to Sleep Well at Night as You Age

You might realize that as you age, it’s not easy going to sleep anymore. Even if you try hard to sleep, it takes time, and it might be worse if you had sleeping problems even when you were young. Age will only compound the problem, but don’t blame everything on age, since your lifestyle might also have something to do with experiencing sleeping problems. Sleep Experts contributed a Sleep Habits Survey among different age groups to better understand sleep habits and their impact on everyday life. Try these tips to make it easy to fall asleep. Have a warm bath Before you hit the bed, take a warm bath since bathing in warm water will make you feel sleepy. If you soak your body in a tub for a while, your body temperature will drop, and it helps you easily fall asleep. It’s recommended that you do this an hour or more before bed, to give time for your body temperature to fall. Calm down before you sleep Regardless of the problems you might have faced during the day, you need to stay calm. Let go of everything that causes stress and read a book or listen to soothing music; try anything that helps you unwind. A significant reason why you might be having a hard time sleeping is that several things are still bothering you. Do not eat or work in your bed When you see your bed, you need to send a signal to your brain that it is time to sleep - the problem is when you eat or work in your bed. Train yourself to use the bed only for sleeping and if you try hard to sleep, but after 20 minutes you are still awake, get out of bed for a while. Wait until you start feeling tired before you go back to bed. Do not sleep in the afternoon It is easy for you to feel tired when you age. When you are exhausted, your first instinct is to find a place to sleep. Sometimes, it is easy to sleep in the afternoon because the environment seems conducive for sleeping.It’s okay to nap if you want to, as naps of only 30 or so minutes won’t bother your night’s sleep. Try not to nap too close to your normal bedtime, as these naps can affect your ability to fall asleep at night. Schedule your exercise well You need to exercise and hit the gym if possible. You do not need rigorous exercise to stay healthy; you can benefit from a moderate exercise like jogging and brisk walking. Make sure that your workout schedule is set for earlier than three hours before bedtime. Exercising keeps your heart rate up and makes it difficult for you to calm down, and sleep. Take supplements You need to select the right kind of food that will help you sleep well. If you cannot get all the nutrients you need from the food you eat, you can try food supplements. There are many different types available, so look for something that will meet your needs. For example, if you are aged 40 or over and hitting the gym regularly, then building muscle over 40 supplements will help you with your fitness goals and also help you fall asleep easily. See your doctor and ask which food supplement would be suitable for your needs. You need to be consistent in your intake to see results. With these tips, you can look forward to a better night’s sleep. It’s okay to start slowly and build up your new routine. Make gradual changes at first and build an exercise, nutrition and anti-stress program that contributes to restful sleep. Read Also: 3 Health Advantages Of Good Night’s Sleep Things To Do Before Bed For A Perfect Night’s Sleep Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits

Eyes Healthy

3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Eyes are a gift of nature, and we should take care of their health just like we take care of our other body parts. Most people resist going to the eye doctor Calgary. People seem to think that their eye health is not as important as other parts of their body, but this could not be further from the truth. This article revolves around three very important pieces of advice that everyone should follow to keep the eyes healthy and clean. It is an education that we want to give people in general who normally do not consider their eyes in their priority list. So, stay with us till the end and learn these tips that are super easy to follow. 3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy: 1. Eat Well: The secret of good and healthy eyes is in what you eat. If you eat leafy vegetables, organs, fish, eggs, and nuts in your diet, believe me, your eyes will never lose their health any time in the future. You have to maintain the health of the eyes by eating all these good foods that give you all the essential nutrients. 2. Quit Smoking: Smoking, as we all know, is the root cause of many diseases. It not only cause respiratory and lung diseases but also results in contractions of your optical nerves in eyes and make them weak. This results in blur vision and loss of sight very quickly. So, if you are addicted to smoking, then we would advise you strongly to quit this habit as it can take you into extreme troubles of unhealthy eyes. 3. Look Away from laptop: According to famous eye specialists, such as eye doctors Cherry Hill NJ, it is essential that a person stay away from the laptop screen because it can cause any harm to our eyes if we keep on using it for a longer period. The most common type of problems that people face due to it include blurry vision, eyestrain, dry eyes, trouble focusing at a distance, headaches, and along with this neck, shoulder back, and pain is also very common. To avoid all this, you can use the anti-glare screen, keep it leveled to your eyes, and you can also start using a comfortable chair. Moreover, you can consult an eye doctor and ask him to issue your computer glasses that are specifically made for those who use a laptop quite often. Conclusion: Well, the tips given above need no further explanation because they are self-explanatory. All of us already know the importance of these and how effective they are to keep eyes healthy, but still, a reminder is always needed. Therefore, we decided to share with you and once again insist you make your whole body, especially eyes, a healthy part because this gift is priceless and any harm to it can cost you a lot of money and tension. So, try to keep them in mind from now, and start working on them to find the best ever results. Read Also: 10 Healthy Habits To Improve Your Health Tips To Get Beautiful Eyes At Your Home Contacts Vs Glasses: Which Of These Two Eyesight Improving Methods Are Best For You?