10 Health Problems Eased by Yoga

Published on: 25 February 2021 Last Updated on: 14 October 2024

Yoga originated over 4,000 years ago as a spiritual practice. Over time, however, health and wellness experts have found that there are many physical benefits as well. Now, yoga is as much of physical practice as it is a spiritual one.

While yoga is not a substitute for traditional healthcare, as a compliment, it can help ease symptoms associated with a variety of health problems. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), people are increasingly using yoga to relieve pain, anxiety, stress, and to improve their overall health.

So what are the health problems that yoga can help with? Put together by a Portland yoga studio, let’s take a look at 10 health conditions that researchers show yoga can ease.

10 Health Problems Eased by Yoga

1. Chronic Stress:

Chronic Stress

Practicing yoga may be helpful in relieving chronic stress. A regular yoga practice can reduce your stress response and provide options for self-soothing and better management of stress.

2. Anxiety:


A study in the Journal of Preventative Medicine shows that yoga can help reduce the symptoms of anxiety. When used alongside other treatment methods, it is helpful in reducing anxiety and helping patients manage their symptoms.

3. Heart Health:

Heart Health

Practicing yoga has been shown in studies to reduce the risk of heart disease. When practiced as part of an overall healthy lifestyle, yoga can be used to improve heart health and reduce the risk of dangerous diseases.

4. Brain Health:

Brain Health

Practicing yoga could be beneficial in improving brain health. Researchers report that people who practiced yoga for 14 years had thicker brain tissue in the areas responsible for memory and attention than their peers.

5. Chronic Back Pain:

Chronic Back Pain

People who suffer from chronic back pain may find some relief through a regular yoga practice. Research shows that yoga can reduce back pain and improve mental health in people with chronic pain. Researchers note that yoga and other stretching exercises are both beneficial in this way.

6. Improve Balance:

Improve Balance

Yoga is a great way to improve balance. This is important, especially for older adults. Some studies suggest that a regular yoga practice can reduce the risk of falls in older adults. This is a promising option for older adults to get low-impact and meaningful exercise.

7. Thyroid Function:

Thyroid Function

Research in Medical News Today suggests that stress can lead to improper thyroid function. Fortunately, practicing yoga can reduce stress, which in turn, helps improve thyroid function. Research is ongoing, but studies suggest yoga could potentially help ease medical conditions like hypo-and hyperthyroidism.

8. Diabetes:


Research in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research shows that a regular yoga practice can reduce blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. For people with Type 2 diabetes, not only could they lower their glucose levels naturally, but they also may be slowing down progression of the disease.

9. Atrial Fibrillation:

Atrial fibrillation is a heart condition where the upper chambers of the heart don’t contract as they should. This can cause symptoms like dizziness, palpitations, and shortness of breath. It also increases the risk of heart failure. Research shows, however, that practicing yoga at least twice weekly can improve symptoms. When added as part of a regular treatment plan, yoga can help improve heart function and manage stress.

10. Boost Immune System:

Boost Immune System

Health conditions related to chronic stress account for 60 to 80 percent of all visits to primary care doctors. Several studies now show that practicing yoga can reduce stress, and as a result, also reduce the symptoms caused by it. Chronic stress and illness weaken the immune system, but a regular yoga practice could be the key to naturally averting some of these illnesses.

As you can see, there are many benefits to practicing yoga. The next time you talk to your doctor, ask him or her about the possible benefits of adding yoga to your treatment plan.

Is Yoga Enough Exercise? 

Yoga can be enough of an exercise, especially if you’re looking to improve flexibility, balance, and strength.  

In fact, if you do it right, it helps build core muscles and tones the body while promoting relaxation.  

But if you have intense cardio or muscle-building goals, it might not be enough. In that case, coupling yoga with other cardio or muscle building exercises is the best way to go. 

Is 10 Minutes of Yoga Good? 

First, you must understand that building a yoga routine takes time. Therefore, you should begin with a ten-minute routine. 

So, yes, even if you only have 10 minutes, yoga can help you feel better, more flexible, and less stressed. It’s perfect for a midday break or to start your day on the right foot. Regular work in small doses adds up to big improvement. 

Yoga After Delivery? 

Yes, you can…. but….not right away! 

On the safe side we recommend waiting at least a few weeks after delivery to start yoga but it depends on the recovery. Post delivery yoga should focus on breathing & stretching lightly. Do not try to move your body too much! Yes, you won’t be too flexible at that time (even if you do yoga beforehand). It is normal! 

Note: Please consult your doctor if your body is ready for physical activity & then only get back to regular yoga. 

What Yoga is Appropriate When Pregnant? 

Prenatal yoga is a type of yoga class that is specifically designed for pregnant women. Prenatal yoga classes are usually gentle and focus on breathing and relaxation techniques. 

If you’re pregnant, use our prenatal directory to find a prenatal yoga, then drop into a class. 

Finally: Can Yoga Help with Anxiety? 

Yes, yoga is great for anxiety! 

Yoga uses conscious breathing and movement to induce relaxation and calm the mind.  

Over time, this practice lowers stress hormones—making it an effective natural treatment for anxiety disorders. But both yoga and other forms of treatment are needed for optimal mental health benefits. 

However, over time, you must build consistency. You cannot do yoga occasionally for a month and expect a change. If you want to see some difference, whether physical or mental, you will have to keep going. 

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Ways to Relax Yourself after a Long Day of Work

We are sure that you can connect with the feeling of no ounce of energy we invest in your body after a long, tiring day at work. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, we just can’t seem to unwind at the end of the day after working hard. Your brain is still working at an overdrive thinking about the could haves and would haves. If you ask anyone a way out, they'll simply tell you to leave your job at your office. However, it is better said than done. Read on as we list a few ways in which you can relax and calm physically and mentally. Lie Down on Your Bed and Do Nothing Of course, we were going to start with this tip! You have spent hours at your job sitting in the same position with no rest. Do you feel that strain in your neck and shoulders that is constantly irritating you? It is due to this very reason. Just lie down in your bed or couch, close your eyes, and do nothing. For this purpose, you need to ensure that your bed or couch is comfortable. If it’s not, take the necessary steps to make it comfortable. For your couch, if you feel that your cushions are not good enough, you can use pillows instead. In fact, there are also pillows designed for neck pain relief to effectively help you relax your body. Stay away from clumpy couches as well - not good for your back. If you prefer lying down in your bed, make sure that the mattress is good. Often, long office hours can cause back pain. To get relief, you can buy a mattress designed for back pain as well. In the end, do nothing - just lounge around and try to take the mind of your work. Take a Hot Bath Most of the time, we take short and quick showers to rush to the office – a short hygienic ritual and we’re done. This gives you all the more reason to take a long bath at the end of the day. Soaking in hot water has a therapeutic effect on your mind. The soothing effect of hot baths can help you drastically lower your anxiety levels. In addition to this, it’s also beneficial to regulate the circulatory system as well as lower your blood pressure. The warm wetness surrounding you can be the perfect way to destress yourself, for sure. Indulge in Your Hobby to Enjoy Yourself The dictionary defines a hobby as an activity that is done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure. Well, this couldn’t have been after. The reason why you call something your hobby is because you enjoy it, which can also make it a great stress-buster. If you like reading a book, this is the best time to get lost in the world of imaginary characters and powerful plots. If you prefer reading non-fiction too, the inspirational stories can help to instill in you a sense of contentment and positivity. If you like painting, cooking or listening to music, go ahead and indulge! In fact, listening to music can really be one of the best ways to destress after a long day - even research backs this fact! Call Your Friends and Family Thank God for friends and family for being there when we want to vent or share things. We always have a few family members or friends who help us calm down. Maybe it’s their advice, their humor, or just their ability to hear which makes them that perfect refuge. So, when you return home, make yourself comfortable and call your lifeline.  Even if you don’t want to share anything about your day, you can always listen to them recount a funny story from the past or share something amusing that may have happened to them. Try to Meditate You must already be aware of the benefits of meditating. Taking out even ten minutes of your daily schedule can be extremely positive for your body. Your mood, blood pressure, breathing, and your stress levels will all be under control. There are also many meditation applications available on the internet which you can download for this purpose. Just make sure that you are in a noise-free environment where you can relax. Visit the Gym for a Last-Minute Workout If you are health-conscious or like visiting the gym, you might already be aware of the benefits of gymming. If you aren't, before you cross this tip out of the list, hear us out first. According to Mayo College, exercise is actually helpful to reduce stress in multiple ways. Not only do you feel your confidence improve, but due to the secretion of endorphins in the body, you also feel good. The fact that you also are doing something productive makes your mood better as well. Change Into More Comfortable Clothing Formal clothing is usually uncomfortable because you have to wear full suits, shirts, pencil skirts, heels, and whatnot. If you quickly change your clothes into something more comfortable or even nightwear, you’ll be figuratively be shedding off heaps of exhaustion and frustration. Make it a point to follow this because, at first, you might feel a bit lethargic but, it actually is better for your own wellbeing. Not that fashionable, but oh-so-comfy!  Watch Relaxing Videos Online Since the purpose here is to enter into a blissful state away from worry, watching relaxation videos on YouTube can be the best way out. Not only is this completely free of cost, but you get to enjoy nearly any video that you feel can help you recharge your batteries. You can also watch your favorite sitcom, movie, or TV series. A good tip would be to stick to watching comedies. The laughing can be good for your soul and spirit. Seeing your favorite stand-up comedian in action can help you forget about your deadlines, work pressure, and anything that may be weighing you down mentally. Read Also: The Perfect Way For Girls To Unwind And Relax With Their Friends In Brisbane The Best Way In Relaxing Your Feet Why The Best Time To Relax Is When You Don’t Have Time For It

Stroke Treatment

What To Look For With Stroke Treatment In Dallas

There is no question that experiencing a stroke is one of the hardest attacks to recover from. Few attacks bring home that we are but mortal beings subject to the whims of the fates, and can take so much from us that we take to be us. While most stroke victims can recover from the damage it inflicts that recovery is likely to take a long time, and that ignores that many stroke victims are handicapped by the attack. As such many relatives are looking for the best possible stroke treatment facility that they can find, but many have no idea what they are looking for; in that respect it can only help to know what to look for in stroke treatment in Dallas. Different Ways You Can Opt For Stroke Treatment In Dallas    There are multiple ways you can opt for stroke treatment in Dallas. In the below-mentioned article, you will get the complete details of it. Work out the plans that can help you to achieve your goals in the best possible ways. Dallas Is A Great Place For Therapy: First off, seeking out a treatment facility in Dallas is not a bad idea. Dallas in and of itself is exactly the kind of weather that most stroke victims require, with it being hot, dry, and sunny. That kind of weather has been shown to help stroke victims get better as it is consistent as well as does not exacerbate other conditions. It also allows them the maximum freedom as they are not restricted by weather; this is a major boon for those that can enjoy that freedom. Dallas also has an excellent overall medical program as well as caretakers, allowing it to take the best possible care of sufferers. Nonetheless, not all facilities are the same and there are some things you can keep an eye out for. Do Your Research: Obviously make sure that you do at least basic research on the facility. Every facility is different and therefore the experiences of those under its care will also be unique. It is easy enough to do some basic research on any facility, and if none is available then it should be seen as a major strike right off the bat. When you look at the various critiques of the facility keep in mind that you need to filter out the more extreme comments and that you should be looking for a consensus; you are looking for overall patterns and generally not specific complaints. You want to get a general view of the facility in question and make a decision if you want to proceed to the next step or just go with a different facility. The next biggest concern should be the weather itself. The hot weather can exacerbate the stroke itself, especially if the facility has known issues with its air conditioning; too much heat can lead to heat exhaustion and heat strokes, after all. The dryness may help overall, but it can create chapped skin, which can in extreme cause skin problems, especially if the skin gets too tight and actually starts tearing. Thus, a facility has to have some sort of skin care regimen available, or at least access to a pool, as well as an air conditioning system that regularly works, should be considered a mandatory condition. Schedule A Visit With The Stroke Specialist: Once the facility passes muster in both critiques and basic precautions, it may be time to make a personal visit. While you are there look for how well the site is maintained, try to get a general feeling from the staff and those under their care, and in general how pleasant the surroundings are in general. You should be able to interview those under care to get a better picture of the level of care of those at the facility. In fact, you should be worried if you cannot obtain that access. If the facility looks great, then you just have one last step to worry about: It's time to look at the stroke therapy staff. It is never a bad idea to look at the staff, and it needs to be done at some point. Admittedly while you are at the facility is a great time to talk to some of the doctors, especially those that are part of the main staff that deal with stroke patients. You can also look at the staff online, and should do at least some basic research on them. If you have any additional questions then you should call them in, but if you start coming up with too many questions it may be time to start looking at another facility. All of this information should be combined in order to obtain a good idea about the facility in question. While it can only help to know what to look for in a stroke treatment facility in Dallas, keep in mind that you should trust your gut. Given how serious the issue is you should take every care to make the best possible decision, so make sure that you do so in order to obtain the best possible care. Read Also: Unhealthy And Healthy Solutions For Coping With Stress Are You Wondering About The Risk Factors For Depression?

Cystic Acne

Expert Doctor’s Treatments for Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is one of the worst kinds of acne. This is formed when a pore gets clogged by dead skin cells, sebum, and other dirt - creating a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Cystic acne happens when these bacteria go deep into the skin to cause inflammation. It appears to be a red, tender bump that is filled with pus. What causes Cystic Acne? Cystic acne usually grows on the chin, cheeks, forehead, and jawline. It is caused by four main factors: clogged hair follicles, excess oil production, hormone imbalance, and bacteria. Shifts in hormones, especially in women, causes the oil gland to overproduce sebum, which blocks hair follicles and lead to acne. This may also run in the family genes - some people naturally overproduce oil, leading to oily skin. Diet also plays a significant role when it comes to cystic acne breakouts. Dairy and high-glycemic foods trigger inflammation on the skin and can speed up the formation of cysts. Treatments for Cystic Acne: Cystic acne forms deep inflammation and fluid-filled cysts that take a long time to heal and always leave scarring. These are red, render, and elevated bumps on the skin which can appear on your face, chest, or back. Patients with cystic acne will require treatments either with strong, active ingredients to target acne-causing bacteria or procedures that use devices that fight inflammation. Want to learn more about cystic acne and effective treatments to get rid of them? Click here to find out more. Laser Treatments: Laser treatments effectively target acne-causing bacteria, reduce inflammation, and can prevent cystic acne from coming back.  Acne also leaves stubborn acne scars because of lesions deep within the skin. The laser beams can target scarred areas, help break down pigmentation, and stimulate collagen production. It is absorbed by the damaged tissues or area infected by acne, this then penetrates under the skin’s surface without the heating effect and repairing the inflammation caused by acne. Oral Antibiotics: Antibiotics, such as doxycycline, can reduce any inflammation. It targets bacteria in and around infected hair follicles where cystic acne may start to grow. It helps reduce oil production which lessens the chance of this infection from forming. Injections: This infection is deep inside the pores - to treat this, you will need treatment that targets the deep infection. Steroid Injections doesn’t do anything for the pus, but it can reduce pain and calm inflammation. Medical Skincare and Facials: Medical grade facial acne treatments are not your ordinary face masks. This chemical peeling mask consists of active ingredients that can cleanse and exfoliate the skin from deep within. Effective ingredients found in these masks are alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy acids together with enzymes that penetrated deep into the skin. Antibiotic creams that contain Clindamycin may also help battle acne-causing bacteria. Some self-care remedies won’t be able to clear your acne. This is when you will need help from the specialists. They can prescribe stronger medications and procedures that can directly target the infection from deep within the skin. Read Also: Ways To Rejuvenate Your Skin In Montrose 4 Must Have Ingredients For Homemade Beauty Products (Plus One To Skip)