How to Find the Best Exchange Rates

Published on: 12 December 2018 Last Updated on: 19 July 2019
Best Exchange Rates

Traveling or trading with foreign currencies require additional fees, which often include surcharges for credit cards, commissions, fees for ATM, and others. Whether you are travelling to a new country for a vacation or considering expanding your currency portfolio, it’s no surprise that financial institutions are looking for ways to increase their profit in the long run. After all, each of them is technically running a business.

If you are looking for a way to add more value to your money, there are ways on how you can find the best exchange rates almost effortlessly.

Here are some tips to remember:

1. Research the Exchange Rate Beforehand:

Exchange Rate

Exchange rates differ from country to country. There are countless online currency converters available, many of which come from reliable sources that are derived straight from the Forex market. If you are purchasing cash online via a mobile application, you may notice some additional charges that come with the conversion.

To get the most of your money, consider searching for various cash apps with affordable transaction fees and compare them with each other before ultimately deciding which works best for you.

2. Plan ahead:

For travelers who are visiting another foreign country, one of the best things you can do while preparing for the trip is to plan how much money you are going to need. After that, you can purchase your foreign currency ahead of time online instead of the last minute which usually requires costly delivery rates.

Purchasing ahead also gives you a chance to see whether or not your payment has come through and allows the business the chance to confirm your identity. Purchasing currency online also saves time spent standing in lines and can be done as quickly as possible.

3. Use Credit and ATM Cards:

ATMs abroad usually provide the best exchange rates when it comes to purchasing foreign currency which are usually 2-7% better compared to exchanging cash or traveler’s checks. During travel, it’s best to avoid using money exchange kiosks in public transportation areas and tourist spots.

4. Exchange Cash and Traveler’s Checks:

For people who may not want to use their cards for small purchases, exchanging cash and traveler’s checks is another way to find good exchange rates. However, be wary of exchanging them in tourist-filled areas like airports and train stations. Consider checking in banks and post offices. To get a proper exchange rate, read the postage rates very carefully and ask for the net rate that comes after commissions. It’s important to remember that commissions work in two ways:

  • The commission that takes per percentage.
  • The commission that is charged per item and transaction.

To lure tourists, certain money changes that are not at banks or post offices will post the sell rate for the currency rather than the buy rate, which means you might be buying more than what you intend to spend. These money changers may also offer great rates exclusively for traveler’s checks or very large sums of money which can be dangerous to hand carry around.

As an added precaution, be wary of exchanges in the black market which often include scams and counterfeit currency.

5. Watch out for hidden charges:

Some companies may offer deals that advertise how much money you can save if you choose a specific delivery option, which actually includes extra hidden charges. To be safe, find out how much you are paying in total and exactly how much currency you will receive, changes with great exchange rates can be negated by commissions and handling fees.

6. Read the fine print:

There are various apps and sites out there advertising the fact that they do not include transaction fees, delivery fees, and commissions. While this is very tempting, the last thing you want to do is to purchase a large sum of currencies only to realize that there are certain limitations and deductions. As much as possible read the fine print in the site’s terms of use. You can also call the company and ask some questions they may not address in their website.


Dealing with foreign currency doesn’t have to be a hassle. As a currency trader or a traveller, one of the most important things you can do is actively research on a reliable business that stays close to the exchange rate without adding in extra hidden charges. While it may be time-consuming at first, learning to add value to your purchases is simply an investment you can’t avoid.

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how to get a copy of your w2 online

How to Get a Copy of Your W2 Online

You're filing your tax return at the last minute. You gather all of your documents, but you notice that your W2 form is missing. The W2 shows your main source of income. You cannot file your tax return without it. Moreover, you only have two days left to file your taxes. You wonder if your employer sent it to the wrong address. What do you do? File your tax return even if you haven't received it. With that, contact your employer to see if human resources or payroll can send it to you. If your employer can't provide it, contact the IRS immediately. They might also provide the W2 you need digitally. This article will show you how to get a copy of your W2 online without hassle. Read on if you wish to get your W2 quickly. Contact Your Employer: The best place to get your W2 is from the payroll department. However, you can also use human resources as a guide. If your former employer is out of business, the people who worked in the payroll department could still send it. Also, ask your employer if the company sent it to the wrong address. Additionally, confirm the appropriate address with the higher-ups. Further, ask them if they can send your W2 digitally to save time. The IRS Route: The IRS can also send your W2 online. Go to the official IRS website to submit an online request. However, ensure that you have the following information before contacting the IRS: Employment Dates SSN Address Appropriate estimate of income and/or wages From there, the IRS can send your W2 with ease. If you received no W2 whatsoever from your employer, you can use Form 4852 to replace it. Use your pay stub information to fill out Form 4852. If your W2 form gets lost, contact the IRS to note the issue. A lost W2 form can result in someone filing in your name or stealing your personal information. Contacting the IRS will alert them in case any irregularities arise. Contact the SSA: Your employer first sends your W2 to the Social Security Administration (SSA). After the SSA processes your W2, officials send it to the IRS. Therefore, you can also get your tax records from the SSA if you're unable to get it from your employer or the IRS. Note: Getting your W2 from the SSA is usually free. However, you'll face a $86 charge if you need it for purposes not related to your SSN. Filing a state or federal return falls under the non-related category. If you need to contact the SSA about your W2, you'll need the same info as the IRS would need, such as your SSN and your address. What if I Cannot Get My W2 in Time? If all else has failed, you can file an extension with the IRS. You can also note that you lost your W2. Read this article to discover other alternatives. How to Get a Copy of Your W2 Online: If you need to know how to get a copy of your W2 online, contact your employer first. There is a chance that your employer forgot to mail it. The IRS and the SSN are your next best alternatives. Filing your tax return without your W2 is not a major issue. If you cannot pay your taxes on time, you have options at your disposal. For more information on what to do if you can't pay your taxes, visit this page to weigh your alternatives. Read Also: 6 Tips On How To Pay Off Your Tax Debt Building Your Business Profile Is Easier Than You Think Under What Circumstances Can You Bring A Claim Against An Employer?

Employee Retention Tax Credit

Commonly Misunderstood Facts About The Employee Retention Tax Credit

The ERC, employee retention tax credit, or employee retention credit, is a hot topic regarding business taxes. However, it is often overlooked because it originated with the PPP or Paycheck Protection Program. Additionally, as more people are talking about it, it seems that many misunderstandings have caused business owners to believe that they don't qualify for it when they do.  Some of these misunderstandings stem from prior laws that have since changed, while others are based on the fact that some methods of getting ERC money are more popular than others. Additionally, there are other misunderstandings stemming from scams and confusion about the ERC. Here Are Four Common Misunderstood Facts About The Employee Retention Tax Credit Here are some frequent misconceptions regarding the ERC and the truth around them.  1. Two Eligibility Tests The most notable misconception is that a business must have a decrease in revenue to be eligible for the ERTC. This stems from the eligibility facet that states that companies must have a gross receipts decline compared to their pre-pandemic numbers to be eligible. This is one of the tests used to determine ERC eligibility and is the more popular option. However, some areas of confusion within this test include: An increase in revenue doesn't disqualify you if you still have a decrease in gross receipts.  This test is based on quarters, so failing to meet it in one quarter doesn't disqualify you from others.  There are multiple methods to apply a gross receipt test.  PPP loan money is not included in the amount you claim for the ERC.  While this is one test, there is also another. Although often overlooked, a full or partial suspension of operation due to government orders can also qualify your business without a decrease in gross receipts. Despite popular belief, you can still be eligible for the credit if you meet this requirement, even if you have an increase in revenue and do not have to shut down your business.  2. Credit Amount Employers who qualify can receive up to $7,000 per quarter per employee for the first three quarters of the year. Small businesses that opened during the COVID-19 pandemic can receive an extra $7,000 per employee. However, most companies will cap out at $21,000 per employee per year. If you have 100 employees meeting the salary requirements, you could receive $2,100,000.  The ERC is refundable, which means it will be a refund credit for these employers. That means you can still write off other expenses on your taxes and get a return. That can make it more desirable than other tax credits, which must be taken immediately or forfeited.  3. PPP Loan Disqualification Another common misconception is that receiving funds through the PPP disqualifies employers from ERC eligibility. While that was initially true, recent legislation has changed this. You can now receive PPP loans and an ERC, but you cannot use the same wage money towards both programs. That means that if you take out a loan, the money from it doesn't count towards your ERC. Instead, the money that you spend on paychecks in addition to your PPP loan is what matters toward your ERC.  4. Third-Party Assistance This is more of a warning about issues that have caused concern among business owners. Due to the potential for significant credits, many scams have been established to help business owners file for ERC money. While some small businesses are qualified to help individuals analyze the ERC laws and apply them for you, there are still scams out there. If you file with third-party help, ensure your chosen company is appropriately qualified.  These misunderstandings have kept many small business owners from applying for the ERC when they were eligible—small business owners who have previously missed out need to consider whether they qualify for the ERC. If you are eligible, you can receive thousands of dollars in tax credits. That can help your business recover from the recent pandemic and stay afloat amid future financially challenging times. Read Also: Five Ways an Employee Recognition Can Help Employees Perform Better The Role of Communication in Employee Retainment The Best Ways To Successfully Fund Our Dreams

Notary Business

Notary Business – 5 Ways To Earn Extra Money

There are many ways to earn extra money. It could be from being a notary or even from other types of businesses. You can even do something as simple as officiating weddings. This article will tell you all about these different opportunities. Here Are Five Prime Ways To Earn Extra Money: 1. Signing Agents Notary Signing Agents help facilitate signings of real estate and loan closings. They are independent contractors. Their fees range from $75 to $200 per loan closing. If you are considering starting your own notary business, you need to determine the best way to make money. Most states have rules on notary fees, so it's important to know what the going rates are in your area. You might be interested to know that notaries can also make more money by specializing in different services. Some of these include providing courier services and performing field inspections. Notary jobs are an easy way to make money in your spare time. You can work in your own home or even travel to clients' offices. Whether you work on a regular basis or just for one client at a time, you can expect to make a decent salary. Many individuals and businesses benefit from having a commissioned notary on their payroll. The average notary earns $16,000 to $90,000 a year. However, the opportunity to start your own notary business can be overwhelming. Start your business by networking. Joining a local chamber of commerce is a good place to start. This will give you credibility. Be sure to attend ribbon-cutting ceremonies and trade events. It's also a great idea to take a notary training course. Whether you want to get certified to perform online notarizations or I-9 forms, you can find courses that will make you a competent signing agent. Starting your own notary business can be a lot of fun and exciting. You can make a lot of money and gain valuable real-life experience. Plus, a successful business is better than any extra job you can find. 2. Officiating Weddings Becoming a wedding officiant is an excellent side business to earn some extra money. Although weddings are generally confined to weekends, you can find work during the week. If you live in a popular area, you can be on the lookout for local couples and use word of mouth to promote your services. It's also a good idea to build up a website for your business. You'll want to research local laws to ensure your business is legal. For instance, some states require you to register with your county government and have a license to perform marriage ceremonies. The cost of this will vary depending on your geographic location and the number of guests at the ceremony. Your state will also require you to obtain a license to notarize. Some states do not specify the fee, while others require a minimum amount. In some cases, you may be required to pay for travel time. Becoming an officiant is usually a straightforward process, but you should be sure to check with your county clerk's office. Otherwise, you may be subject to hefty fines. You may want to consider attending ribbon cutting and other events where you can showcase your work. This will increase your credibility and help you get more business. A great way to market your wedding officiant service is to create a website. While it doesn't need to be a complex site, you should include your photo and videos of you performing a wedding. Consider joining a local chamber of commerce, as well. Another great idea is to attend wedding fairs. These events can be a good place to advertise your business and have the opportunity to meet and greet many brides and grooms. 3. Mobile Service If you want to make money on the road, a Notary business can be a great option. However, starting a mobile notary business can be a daunting task. You will need to consider many factors, such as vehicle maintenance, business expenses, insurance, and tax reporting. Mobile Notaries can work part or full-time. Some can earn up to $900 a month while others are making over $12,000 per month. Depending on your location and the type of clients you work with, your income can vary. Aside from working as a notary, you may also have the opportunity to perform other non-notary duties such as fingerprinting, courier services, field inspections, or escrow services. Be sure to follow all state laws regarding the use of a mobile notary service. You will need to apply for a license and register your business. The business may also require an employer identification number (EIN). Creating a personal website can be a great way to market your Notary business. You can also use social media to promote your service. Another great idea is to attend networking meetings and ribbon-cutting events. Getting involved in the local chamber of commerce adds credibility to your business. If you're considering a career as a notary, you will need to provide a high level of customer service. Developing a positive attitude is key to your success. The demand for mobile notaries is projected to rise through 2021. This means that you will have plenty of opportunities to earn extra income. However, you will need to be prepared to take on challenges along the way. This means investing in software solutions such as this App for Notaries in order to simplify and streamline the document signing and notarizing processes and sticking to your business plan. In fact, one survey found that nearly two-thirds of full-time mobile Notaries earn between $2,000 and $4,000. Nearly thirty percent of part-time Notaries report earning more than $1,000 a month. 4. Chamber Of Commerce Getting involved in your local Chamber of Commerce is a good way to promote your notary business. You can reach potential clients by advertising on your member's websites or by submitting materials to their newsletter. Notaries are in demand, so getting involved with your chamber can be a great way to boost your business. The chamber's mission is to promote business and generate more business activity for your community. Notaries can network with other members of their chamber and other professionals in the community. Using social media to spread the word about your notary services is also a good idea. Notaries can get involved in leadership positions in their local Chamber of Commerce. In addition, volunteering can help you build your business and keep you connected to the community. Attending ribbon-cutting events and other business events is a good way to attract new clients. Networking events are also fun ways to meet new people. Building your referral base is a major factor in your success as a business owner. When you have contacts, you can provide quality service and encourage others to use you. Adding additional services to your notary business is a great way to increase revenue. Make sure your website and notary business are professional. A good website will provide an overview of your company's history and services. Be sure to take advantage of all available networking opportunities. These can include attending events, joining notary professional organizations, and contacting other businesses. Also, volunteer at local charities and schools. It is important to remember that a good attitude is key to your business' success. Start by creating a simple website. This can be done for less than $1,000. 5. Insurance Notary services are a great way to earn some extra money, and they can be very lucrative. The key is to offer a service that people need and make sure that they know about you. Aside from notary signs and signatures, there are many other ways to generate business. You can advertise your services, volunteer to be part of a local leadership group, and participate in networking events. While you’re at it, you should also set up a website. This is a great place to list all of your services and a good place to start. If you’re looking to grow your business, you should also look into SEO. With the right strategy, your site can appear closer to the top of search results for relevant terms. Taking the time to create a business plan will help you to understand the market better. Your plan should include an overview of your business, its target demographics, and how you will reach customers. For this, you can use automated ap processing, where you can enhance your company’s workflow and offer brilliant service and accuracy in managing accounts and payslips. Read Also: Need Some Help Saving Money As A Young Professional? Use Mycare To Learn How To Budget! 10 Ways To Earn Money From Your Mobile Device Craigslist Knoxville – 5 Money Scams To Consider