Food Allergies in Dog and How You can Prevent it?

Published on: 05 February 2018 Last Updated on: 21 October 2020
Food Allergies

Is your dog itching and shaking like hell? Does he suffer from a recurring ear infection? The symptoms point towards food allergy and a visit to the vet might be in order.

Allergies, be it skin or food, can be devastating and frustrating for you as well as your fluffy-friend. The non-stop scratching of ear, face, and paws can drive him crazy. Make sure you are covered with dog insurance if you want to be prepared for these situations.

Now, you must be wondering where did these allergies come from when your pet is vaccinated regularly and eats healthy?


Is your pet really having a healthy diet?  Ponder-upon! Unlike humans, a dog’s food is different. You could be taking your pet toward distress if you are feeding him food he is allergic to. For many dog owners, dog allergies related to food are a rising concern.

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As a dog owner, it’s important to know that food allergy and food intolerance both are different. While food intolerance leads to poor digestion, food allergies are the result of your dog’s immune system’s response to an invading problem.

How do you know he is suffering from a food allergy?

If your dog is showing the following symptoms, he/she might be suffering from a food allergy:
  • Itching
  • Paw biting
  • Obsessive licking
  • Poor coat quality
  • Chronic ear inflammation
Some other symptoms of food allergy in dogs are:
  • Skin Rashes
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Itchy rear end
  • Vomiting
  • Chronic gas
  • Nausea
  • Hives

Now, if your dog is showing the above symptoms and is diagnosed with a food allergy make sure you keep him away from foods like:


Some dogs are dairy intolerant and have problems digesting lactose. This further can lead to problems like diarrhea, vomiting, and gas which a dog suffers from.  A dairy allergic dog may also have skin itchiness or paw itching.


People have so many misconceptions about carbohydrate-containing foods such as grains that are made for dogs.  Some dogs show an allergic reaction to wheat, so if your pet is one of them, consult a vet and treat your loving fluffy pet.


Egg allergy in dogs means your dog’s immune system is overreacting to the protein which presents in the egg yolk.  However, for this allergy, you don’t have to visit a vet, just avoid giving them and your monster will be fine.


Dogs mostly suffer from protein allergies. Also, if you are feeding the same food over and over, the chances are that your dog will develop an intolerance or allergy to those foods. And food like beef is one such. However, to avoid this, don’t repeat the same food over and over. Instead, run the repeat cycle after 4-5 days.


Like beef, offering your dog only chicken over and over will make them intolerant to that.


Since many dog foods are made from chicken or beef, lamb can be a healthy option for your pet. However, some pets still experience allergies to this meal. But you can try sweet potato, rice or mix with some other food to avoid allergies.


Offering soy to dog’s can cause various health issues that are beyond allergies. Your pet may face problems like thyroid, liver disease, and much more.

Which Breads are More Prone To Allergies?

Although no specific breed is prone to allergies, some of the most common breeds are:

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  • Collie
  • Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier
  • Boxer
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Springer Spaniel
  • West Highland White Terrier
  • Shar-Pei
  • Dachshund and much more

Although it’s overwhelming to have a cute, cuddly monster at home, taking good care of them is a job that needs attention and dedication. Following a proper diet can keep allergies at bay, but in case if your pooch does catch one, Benadryl is a good OTC drug that you can also give to your dog. CertaPet features a very detailed article covering everything you need to know about Benadryl for dogs – make sure you read it.

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best hamster toys

What are the Best Hamster Toys for Your Pet?

Are you the proud owner of your own hamster? Congratulations! Despite their small stature, there can be quite the learning curve while you get to know your new furry friend. Many parents grew up with dogs and always planned on getting their kids a dog too, but what do you do when your child wants a whole different kind of pet? What should I feed them? How big should their cage be? What are the best hamster toys? These are all questions you might ask yourself as you gear up for your new life as a hamster-parent. Hamster toys are an integral part of your new pet's life. Not only will they provide entertainment, but they double as a necessary way to help with your hamster's dental care, exercise, and sleeping location. So, how do you tell which toys to get? Keep reading to uncover the 7 best hamster toys. Silent Hamster Wheel : Your new hamster will need a lot of exercises. Since hamsters are nocturnal, they feel most energetic at night, which tends to clash with most people's sleep schedule. Make sure you include a hamster exercise wheel in their cage, so they can be free to exercise whenever they want. Your average exercise wheel tends to squeak a bit. If you keep your cage in a different room from your bedroom, this might not be a problem. But, remember, hamsters are very active at night, so if the cage is in your bedroom the squeaking might keep you up at night. To avoid this, invest in a silent hamster wheel. It'll allow your pet to get the exercise they need while you get the sleep you need. Obstacle Courses and Playgrounds : Not only do hamsters like running, but they also love climbing too! There are tons of toys that will allow your hamster to climb, including bridges and ladders. Our personal favorites are hamster obstacle courses and hamster playgrounds. These are a little more expansive and will offer your pet more options for entertainment. Obstacle courses focus more on vertical ladders and rock walls so your pet can really practice their climbing skills. The playgrounds usually have a less-steep incline, but they double as a fun hideaway, allowing your pet to climb up a ramp and jump into an opaque plastic play building. Colorful Hideaway : That brings us to our next toy - the hideaway. Since hamsters are nocturnal, they need a dark, quiet place to sleep during the day. Turning the lights off when you go to work won't be enough, as your hamster will require an enclosed area to help them feel safe and secure while they sleep. The colorful hideaway is perhaps the most quintessential part of any hamster habitat. The most common are made from a colorful, opaque plastic and look a little bit like a small, round sandcastle. However, hideaways come in all different shapes and materials, including wooden houses and grass huts. Your plastic playground may also be used as a hideaway, depending on which one you choose. Exercise Ball : Your silent exercise wheel is great for allowing your pet to exercise when they want to, but exercise balls are great for adventure and playtime. Your hamster doesn't need to stay in its cage all day. Instead, many hamsters would enjoy venturing out of the habitat and exploring their surroundings from the comfort of an exercise ball. This isn't just fun for your hamster, either. You'll love watching your new pet roll around and play. Just don't let your pet wander unsupervised. You don't want to lose your hamster under furniture or behind large objects. Seesaw : One of the best childhood toys has made the transition to one of the best hamster toys too! They're a great way to challenge your pet as they tip over before your hamster can climb to the top. Wooden seesaws are also available which can double as natural chews for your pet, but we suggest a more durable seesaw, so your pet doesn't eat away their favorite toy. Fun and Natural Chews : Chews are an extremely important toy for your new pet. Hamster's teeth grow very quickly, and they need things to chew on in order to keep their teeth at a manageable length. Wooden, twig and seagrass chews are an excellent way to give your hamster a natural treat to chew on. There are even chews made with real cheese! Brightly colored loofah chews are also available to add some fun color and shapes to your pet's habitat. If you've ever had a hamster before, you'll know that a chew only usually lasts a few days to a week. Those hamsters really like the chew away! Pumice stones work as a natural teeth grinder for hamsters and are also long-lasting, so you don't have to worry about replacing them as often. Branch Ball : Balls aren't just a toy for dogs and cats! Hamsters can get hours of enjoyment out of a branch ball. The ball is made up of twisting twigs, which are another great option for a natural chew. But they're more than just a big chew. There's a jingling bell hidden in the center of the ball, which helps enlighten your furry friend's curious side. They may nudge and push the ball around their cage for enjoyment before stopping to chew it for their health. The Best Hamster Toys : Many people opt for a pet hamster as they don't produce many allergens and they are easy to care for. But, just like any pet, your hamster will need toys to entertain themselves while you're away at work. Hamster toys are arguably even more important because they double as important exercise equipment, teeth grinders, and sleeping spots. So, not only do the best hamster toys provide entertainment, but they also help maintain their health and well-being. Did you like what you read? Check our lifestyle blog for more awesome content like this. Read Also : Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better?

Sofas For Dogs

What You Should Know About Mini Sofas For Dogs

A pet owner who loves their dog will do anything for it. If you own a dog, you understand that feeling. It will continuously look for new ways to please your pet. A dog can sense its owner's love and become quite loyal to them. That's why people love taking care of dogs so much. Moreover, pets usually have a preferred place to lounge. In most cases, this place is your furniture. This is because it is soft to sit on and relax. However, dogs can start to shed and leave hairs everywhere around the sofa. If you don’t groom your pet, you will have to constantly clean all the hairs from the furniture. This can waste a lot of time. Follow the link for more details about the topic: tips cleaning dog hair. Instead of doing that, you should consider investing in a mini sofa for your pet. Many owners have them in their homes. They are their best option for pets that want to lounge or sleep on. Also, a minute sofa is far more appropriate for a pet then your own couch. You won't have to worry about the hair anymore. Before you decide to purchase this particular product, here's what you should know about it: Soft and comfortable One of the main reasons you should consider purchasing a piece of furniture like this is because it is incredibly soft and comfortable to lay on. Dogs are usually quite active, but at some point, they will get tired and will want to sleep for a couple of hours. What better way to do that than on their very own mini sofa? This particular piece of furniture is specially designed for pets. All you have to do is select one for your canine and purchase it from a local store or order it online. It can really make your dog happy. All you have to do is teach it to lounge there. It might take some time, but it will definitely be worth it. Mostly, people look for a dog sofa or chair for their beloved furry friend. Your pup will have a place of its own to relax. How cute is that? The main reason why these products are so popular is that they are practical and comfortable. You will be able to notice that if your dog gets used to it. It is the perfect size for your beloved furry little friend. Just make sure to order it from a reliable store. There are many like those available online. Different designs As with any product, the mini sofa for pets also has various designs. Some are more expensive than others. What you should do is take your time and browse through several products. They all have different applications that you need to check out. To speed things up, it is advisable that you visit some reviewing websites because they usually have a lot of information on them, even for products such as these. They will be able to figure out what will work best for you and your pet. If your dog is quite heavy, you should definitely purchase a mini sofa that can endure heavier dogs. If not, you can select the smaller and dainty looking ones. They are quite adorable. There's a high chance you’ll have a hard time deciding which one to get. But a decision has to be made sooner or later. You can always ask for a recommendation from someone close to you that has the same mini sofa for their pet. The sooner you make a decision, the faster your pet will get used to it. You can take adorable pictures from your furry friend napping or lounging on the tiny sofa. Easy to clean The mini sofas are smaller and easier to clean. How fast can you do it depends on the material of what they're made oft. For example, if you purchase a mini leather sofa, all you have to do is wipe it if it gets very from your dog. But not all mini sofas are made from leather. Some are designed with a softer and more plush material that has to be removed and thrown in the washing machine to get properly cleaned. Either way, it won't take up much of your time. You can even use a steamer to clean all the germs and bacteria located inside the material. Let's face it, dogs can quickly get dirty. It is your responsibility to clean up after them. But you won't feel bad about it because your pet will love the new mini sofa you purchased for it. Some have a storage pocket Many mini sofa designs have an extra storage pocket where you can store all of your pet's toys and other essential things. A lot of owners buy different kinds of toys for their pets to play with. What better way to store them than to place them in their very own mini sofa? Some designs are practical and convenient like that. If you are looking for a similar one for your own furry friend, all you need to do is find the right mini sofa and purchase it. What better way to do that than to do some extensive research online? As mentioned above, you can go through several of the products until you find what you're looking for. Read Also: 4 Cool Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Service Dogs Can Dogs Make the Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? The Best Dog Breeds For Fitness Fanatics

Horse Racing

5 Myths About Horse Racing That You Must Know

Horse racing is one of the most popular sports around the world and has a huge following from England to Dubai and everywhere in between. But, there are a lot of assumptions made about the sport, so let's set them straight. Here are the biggest myths people believe about the sport of horse racing. 5 Myths About Horse Racing: 1. Any Old Horse Can Win or Run in a Race Thoroughbred horse racing is just that, exclusive to thoroughbred horses. These horses have a lineage traced back to one of three stallions and only then are eligible to compete. Not only are races limited to thoroughbreds, but the training required to turn a horse into a winner is second to none, being broken in at around 18-months-old, making these horses the only ones capable of running 1 ¼ mile in two minutes. So, next time you're placing free bets at the races, you can be assured that it's in their blood to race. 2. Whipping Hurts Horses Whips are no longer used in the sport. A soft paddle called a ‘persuader’ is used to lengthen a horse's stride and has been proven not to cause harm or pain to the animals. People have used a persuader on a person to prove they are inflicting pain, but the skin of a 1,000 pounds racehorse can withstand more than the average human. The role of the paddle is to remind the horse to stay focused during the long track and not to lose focus throughout the race. 3. Horses Have no Value Once Retired It is a common misconception that racehorses are sent to the abattoir (slaughterhouse) once they have seen their racing career through. But, again, this is not the case. Retired racehorses are very valuable and are often rehomed for breeding, for pleasure or equestrian use, as they are very athletic and can be trained to be riding horses and opposed to competitors. 4. Horses Do Not Enjoy Racing Thoroughbreds are raised to race, it is in their blood to compete. Horses that race weighs an average of 1,000 pounds, I'm sure you can imagine how impossible it would be for a jockey of around 55kg to force an animal of this size to run while on it back. It is not unheard of for a horse to decide they aren't in the mood during a race; one horse, in particular, decided he didn't want to jump while competing and planted his feet firmly on the track, refusing to continue; there wasn't much the jockey could do about it. Horses cannot be made to run in races due to their dominance of power against their jockeys and so when they do run it is through choice and enjoyment; they are doing what they know. 5. Horses are Mistreated On average, horse races are sold for around $65,000. Not only are they an investment but they are how some people make a living and choose to spend their time (training, owning, breeding). Simply on that alone, it is hard to believe that they would be poorly cared for. It is not uncommon for owners to fork out a fortune to transport and provide the best for their horses, often being referred to as living like kings due to their exercise and treatment is unparalleled to any other owned animal. Read Also: A Lightning-Fast Guide to Choosing High-Quality Sports Equipment 3 Things to Consider When Designing a Company Logo for Your Business