Get a New Leash on Life: 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Pet

Published on: 21 February 2019 Last Updated on: 29 February 2020
why everyone should have a pet

Did you know pet owners spent over $69 billion on their pets in 2017?

It’s no secret that so many people love having a furry companion in their lives. However, not even current pet-owners know all the reasons why an animal companion improves their quality of life. It is a proven fact that dogs know you love them because they can sense it. They reciprocate this love in many ways.

Keep reading to learn science-based reasons why everyone should have a pet.

10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Pet:

There are so many benefits of owning a pet and a ton of reasons why everyone should have a pet. Owning a pet can literally change your life.

1. Less Stress:

Less Stress

There have been studies done on people doing a stressful task. If they have their pets with them, they experience less stress. There are rehabilitation facilities that encourage their patients to get a pet and allow them to be at their facilities.

Read more:  Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress?

2. Fewer Allergies:

When kids grow up in a house with pets, they are less likely to develop allergies as they get older. The dander that pets have on their hair is natural immunotherapy for kids. Keep in mind that getting a pet as an adult doesn’t minimize allergies.

3. Less Lonely and Happier:

Pets give people a sense of purpose. They have someone to care for and feed, which gives humans a self-esteem boost. Pets have certain needs that only humans can help them with.

As a pet owner–whether you have a dog, a bird, or a rabbit–you have choices to make to give your pet the best life possible. If it’s a rabbit, you have rabbit food choices you have to make to ensure your furry friend has all the nutrients he/she needs. Same with a dog or a cat.

The choices you make for your pet will make you feel happier naturally because you’ll have a sense of need. Your fur baby will also help you feel less lonely, especially if you are living on your own.

Those who are clinically depressed are less likely to suffer from depressive episodes thanks to having a pet companion.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure:

Some studies have shown that having a pet might lower blood pressure. Marty Becker, DVM, the author of Your Dog: The Owner’s Manual, says that if you have a dog around, your blood pressure is lower.

Petting your pet helps your body release a relaxation hormone and reduces stress hormone levels.

5. Stay More Active:

People are more likely to walk up to 30 minutes in order to make sure their dog gets walked. Having a dog will help you get fit and make some new friends at the park or in your neighborhood. If you stay more active, it will help against rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, and osteoporosis.

Other pets also keep their owners active, but dogs tend to require consistent walking and playing to avoid accidents in the home.

6. Lowers Cholesterol:

People that own pets have lower cholesterol levels than those that don’t have pets. It’s not clear if the lower cholesterol is because of the pet’s presence or the more active lifestyle from owning a pet. All they know is that those that have fur babies have lower cholesterol levels than those without fur babies.

7. Overcome Limitations:

If you have a child at home with ADHD or one on the autism spectrum, they can benefit from having a pet in the house. If your child has ADHD, having a pet to care for helps them focus as they fulfill specific responsibilities to help care for their pets.

The child will develop a bond with their pet that helps their self-esteem and also introduces the feeling of security.

If your child has autism, a pet will help hold their attention. They can also help with sensory activities.

Children with autism have certain sensory issues, and a pet will help alleviate these by getting them used to the way something feels against their skin.

8. Prevent Strokes:

The same Dr. Becker mentioned above says that if you have a cat, you’re 30% less likely to have a heart attack and 40% less likely to have a stroke. He also shares in his book that if someone has a heart attack and owns a dog, they’re more likely to be alive a year later because of their dog alerts.

9. Help Children Develop:

Children Develop

Kids that grow up with pets benefit in their emotional development. Children learn how to express themselves better, and they also learn to relate better when they’re attached to a pet.

10. Change the Life of a Chronically Ill Person:

Dogs have been known to detect cancer, warn about low blood sugar, and predict a seizure. This is because of their strong sense of smell. If you have diabetes, it’s important to know that some dogs are able to alert a dangerous drop in blood glucose before it happens.

Dogs have also been trained to help people who suffer from epilepsy. There are some dogs that lie next to a person that’s having a seizure to help prevent them from getting injured. Others bark if someone is having a seizure or before a seizure occurs.

There are dogs that are trained to be service dogs for people with fibromyalgia. People suffering can place their hurt limbs against the dog’s body and get relief because the dog generates intense body heat.

There are dogs trained to help people that suffer from Parkinson’s disease. They can perform tasks such as open and close doors or turn lights on and off. They train them to touch a person’s foot to let them keep walking when they sense they are freezing.

So Much Good with Having a Fur Baby:

With so many benefits and reasons why everyone should have a pet, how can you resist that cute little fur baby? The benefits that come with owning a pet are much higher than the major responsibility you have for your furry friend.

Are you an animal lover? Check out our pets & animal section for a wealth of information and tips on different animal breeds.

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Dog Bite

A Quick Look At Dog Bite Statistics And Increasing Safety

Americans, as a whole, love their dogs. Many millions of American households are home to at least one pooch, and many families keep multiple dogs. Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years. They are generally friendly, and they become productive members of households. Dog bites remain common. Many of these bites are relatively harmless, resulting in no substantial injury. However, some people do end up needing to seek medical treatment. Sadly, some people pass away from injuries sustained by dog bites, although fatalities are rare. If you or a loved one have been injured, you should speak with a lawyer. You may receive compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other things. You can search for a dog bite lawyer in the Detroit area or for a lawyer based nearest you. Curious about dog bite data and increasing safety? Read on! Looking at the Data Regarding Dog Bites Data covering dog bites can come from many different sources. Immediately, one clear challenge emerges: data collection is often sporadic, and the methods used by different organizations and by researchers at different times.  As a result, they may make the data hard to compare. For example, the Centers for Disease Control has conducted various studies over the years. But they need to collect and publish standardized statistics on the issue regularly. Some of the most commonly cited statistics conclude that 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year. Roughly 800,000 require medical treatment. However, this data comes from a CDC study examining bites from 2001 to 2003. It’s hard to say if this data still accurately reflects the situation in recent years. On the one hand, dog ownership has increased, so perhaps dog bites are increasing. On the other hand, increased education and efforts to ensure healthier human-dog relationships may result in fewer bites. Dog Biting Statistics Moving further away from the dog statistics, the average cost per claim for dog attacks keeps on escalating from the year 2003 to that of 2017. They are driven by the increasing cost of medication and the higher settlements.   According to a study, around  28000 dog attacks resulted in hospitalization (the figures range between the years 1993 to that of the year 2008). The statistics kept on increasing therefrom. Presently, a dog bite treatment in a hospital (hospital stay) costs around $18200.  Looking at the number of dog attacks on US postal employees in 2019, one can understand cities notorious for dog bites. They include Chicago, Los Angles, Dallas, Columbus, Philadelphia, Toledo, and others. These figures point out the increasing number of dog bites and also the cost of treatments. The concerns keep mounting high with time.  The Most Crucial Statistics Let us know about some of the most crucial statistics on the dog bite. According to statistical figures, almost around 4.5 million people became victims of dog bites. Nearly half of them are children. Around  70% o dog bites are untreated.  Dog bite accounts for around  46 fatalities, as recorded in 2019. The Pitbull and the Rottweiler are responsible for 77% of dog bites. According to global figures, millions of dog bites occur Annually! These statistical figures call for introspection; therefore, the concerned authorities must be aware of the dog bites. It is important for the sake of awareness. Keeping Children and Safety in Mind With Canines Children rank among the most vulnerable to dog bites, and educating them to reduce the risk of bites is important. Since children are not as large or robust as the typical adult, they are more vulnerable to injury. Further, many children don’t understand how to interact with dogs properly. What may seem like innocent rough play may cause a lot of harm to canines. If a child injures a dog, it may be more likely to bite. It’s important for parents to properly educate children on dogs and how to interact with them. Supervision at home is crucial for households with both kids and dogs. It’s also wise to teach children not to approach strays or unknown dogs. While many dogs are friendly, some may be dangerous. Also, larger dogs can pose more of a threat. Even if a small dog bites a child or adult, it will likely do less damage. A larger dog, no matter the specific breed, will be able to inflict more damage if it should decide to bite someone. Remember, if you’re looking for a dog for your family. What If A Dog Bites Your Child You need to be mindful of health and safety measures when the dog bites your child (especially if it is not your own dog). At the same time, you also need to take your kids to the emergency department.   Though rate, infections like rabies and others are fatal. Therefore you must not delay at all and take your child to the nearby hospital for treatment. Your doctor will let you know if the child needs stickers or if antibiotics will suffice. Moreover, you can help your doctor by providing some important tips on the risk factors associated with dog bites. You can name the location of the dog’s owners. It will enable the doctor to procure updated data on the vaccinations. It can also help you understand whether or not the dog attacked was provoked or unprovoked. If the attack was unprovoked, let the doctor know if the dog is sick. It might completely affect the treatment decision. Have You Safely HENDled Them? Take note of some of the safest ways to handle dogs so that you do not have to be in trouble. Never try to squeeze the dog too tightly as they feel uncomfortable. Also, never tease them by pulling the ears and tail tightly. It is a sensitive organ.  Do not disturb the dog when they are eating. Dogs give their utmost concentration while they are eating. If you do it, be prepared to face the heat. Never put your fingers before them, especially when they are eating. These precautions can save you from dog bites.  Read Also: When Every (Dog) Year Counts: The Pros and Cons of Adopting a Puppy vs. An Older Dog 4 Cool Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Service Dogs What Can You Do When Bitten By a Dog?

bark collar

All You Need To Know About Bark Collar

To begin with, let's analyze the principle of the bark collar. The principle of the collar is based on "negative reinforcement": as soon as the dog starts barking, the device in one way or another causes the animal discomfort. In many models, the intensity of exposure can be adjusted. Usually, they start with the weakest influences, but if they become ineffective, the power is increased. Most pets understand the connection between barking and punishment over time and then break the habit. However, an immediate result cannot be expected: at first, the dog will, from time to time, forget about the collar, especially if frequent barking has become a norm for it. The Bark Collar Appearance A receiver with electronic components, including a bark indicator and a device for influencing the dog, is attached to the tape. The receiver may have a power adjustment wheel, as well as a battery indicator. Some models are equipped with GPS tracking devices. The receiver weighs from 25 to 120 g. The larger the dog, the larger the device should be. The receiver detects barking using a vibration sensor or microphone. Both types have their drawbacks: the former may react to scratching behind the ear, yawning, or throat movement while drinking, while the latter may react to other dogs barking. A bark collar with a microphone device makes mistakes more often. You may also like: 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Can Breathe Fast? Whom Does It Fit? There are collars for both large and small dogs. They are especially relevant for breeds that are naturally prone to frequent barking: Spitz, Yorkshire terriers, etc. Before proceeding with the choice of a bark collar, it is necessary to consult with a dog handler. Sometimes you can get rid of the problem without resorting to the device. In addition, in case of hysterical disorders in a dog, such a collar will only worsen the situation. The collar must not be used for more than 8-12 hours a day. Most dogs stop vocalizing for no reason after just a week. However, to fully consolidate the result, using the device for up to six months is recommended. If your dog has become nervous or depressed because of the collar, you should contact a dog handler. Varieties Of Bark Collar Like the harness and the other pets’ accessories, bark collars are available in different shapes and sizes. The bark collar’s size and features are different from the larger breeds for the smaller breed dogs. When you are going to purchase the bark coolers for your pets, you have first to understand the necessity of the bark collars and then what are the suitable types of bark collars. For example, for the smaller breeds, the minor tingling sensation is enough to stop the barking. But for the larger and aggressive breeds, the collars must be much more powerful than the smaller ones. Here are a few options and the types which are available for your pet dog. Ultrasonic Gas and spray Vibrating Electrical Combined You may also like: Smaller Sized Meal Portions for Dogs How To Use The Bark Collar? To begin with, the dog must get used to the bark collar, so it is kept off for the first 2-3 weeks. It should be positioned higher than the usual model and fit snugly to the skin. When you turn it on for the first time, you must personally monitor how the pet reacts to the triggered device. If the dog is very scared (to the point of hysterics), the collar must be turned off and removed immediately and then put on again the next day. Over time, the animal will begin to respond more adequately simply by stopping the barking. Conclusion: Many times barking is becoming a habit for pets. The bogs barking is like an alarm. When your dog is developing a barking practice, you can not find the real cause behind his barking, and every time he starts barking, you will think there is some issue with security, but you can not find the real cause behind the barking. This is the main reason the owners are taking the help of the bark collar to control the dog’s barking habits. Read Also: Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? The Best Dog Breeds For Fitness Fanatics What You Should Know About Mini Sofas For Dogs

Hemp Oil for Pets

The Nutritional Value of Hemp Oil for Pets

A lot of people tend to get confused when thinking about CBD and hemp oil. Often, they treat both as one and do not understand why they are referred to as two different products. This confusion stems from mixing up both products, due to the fact that both are sourced from the same plant. Marijuana, or cannabis as it is also known, is the plant from which both CBD and hemp oil are derived. While CBD is derived from the leaves, stem, and flower of the cannabis plant, hemp oil, on the other hand, is derived from the seed of the plant. You can get more information on this slide. CBD is not found in the seed of marijuana; the result being that whatever oil you get from the seed is not CBD. This is not where their similarity or differences begin and end. The uses of both equally differ, owing to the chemical composition of both. Hemp oil is simply not an alternative for CBD or vice versa. Both fulfill different functions for which your pet can simultaneously be a beneficiary. Rich In Omega Oils Hemp oil offers more nutritional value because it comes with higher nutritional content. As a result, it is often used as a nutritional supplement. It is a rich source of healthy fats and substantial mineral content. Some of the vital fatty acids found in hemp oil are omega 9, (gamma-linolenic), omega 6 (linoleic), and omega 3 (alpha-linolenic). Other nutritional enhancers present in it include minerals like calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. Hemp oil is equally a very good source of protein. On its list of vitamins, Vitamin E is the most prominent. These are some of the things your pet would benefit from taking hemp oil. The presence of omega 6 in your pet’s dietary intake would guarantee growth as it is involved in cell structure and function. It would aid the body’s immune system and bring about desired reproduction functions. It has shown value in dealing with coat health, skin problems, and inflammation. In addition to these, because it is actually fat, it also provides calories. The presence of omega 3 in the hemp oil you administer to your pet would ensure good cognitive function as well as good kidney function. It is great for allergies and also offers great value in dealing with lymphoma, arthritis, heart disease, and more. Omega 9 in your pet’s intake helps boost the presence of good cholesterol HDL. For dogs though, omega 9 could reduce the presence and functions of omega 6 and omega 3; and both of these fatty acids are considered of greater importance than omega 9 acids. For more on the omega acid content of hemp oil, you can read this article. Rich In Minerals Calcium is one of the essential nutrients found in your hemp oil. The absence of this mineral will cause a very serious condition known as hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia in your pet will produce an uncoordinated gait or stiffness in gait. It will cause excessive panting, weakness, loss of appetite, and vomiting. Other things that may result from it include trembling and involuntary muscle twitching. You will likely find your pet always rubbing its face on objects due to itching. The calcium in the oil you give your dog helps in the contraction of muscles, vision, bone formation, healthy teeth, milk production, blood clotting, hormone metabolism, heart health and pumping, and enzyme metabolism. The presence of calcium in the dietary intake of your pet makes the hemp product you give it a very necessary supplement for its wellbeing. Your pet’s unceasing battle with diarrhea might just be indicative of a deficiency of the mineral zinc. Thankfully, zinc is one element in your oil supplement. Diarrhea is not the only sign of a zinc deficiency. Such a deficiency could result in organ failures; the kidney, liver, or heart could fail as a result. It could also result in seizures, weight problems, and immune system overreaction. Your pet will be on its way to recovery from any of these disorders with your hemp oil. To keep your pet from anemia, weakness, and being vulnerable to sickness or stress, hemp oil can be helpful with its iron constituent. Iron is needful in the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin; their functions help ward off every symptom of anemia. Sodium, on the other hand ensures that your pet does not suffer from heart rhythm abnormalities, restlessness, excess fluid intake and retention, mucus membranes dryness, excess urination, and other related issues. An Excellent Nutritional Supplement Other nutrients that have vital functions include vitamin E, which is an antioxidant. In its function of destroying free radicals, it safeguards the organs of your pet as well as keeping them away from cancer-causing radicals. It also plays a very important function in skin formation and muscle building. With proteins that are equally present in your hemp oil, vitamin E helps with tissue repair and overall growth. You can see that there is tremendous value in giving your pet hemp oil. Your oil is surely not the only source of all these nutrients, but it is an excellent nutritional supplement that surely aids the wellbeing of your pet. Because it is coming naturally, there is little concern about overdosing on these. The pet hemp company has been a good source of excellent products. One other thing, like its CBD counterpart, it does not contain THC. the psychoactive component in marijuana. This means that your pet can fully benefit from this oil at no risk of getting ‘high’. So, if you are considering getting your dog, cat, etc. on hemp oil, feel free to do so; its health and nutritional value are worth your indulgence. Read Also: How To Make Your Own Cannabis Topicals Pet Supplements: Which Ones are the Best for Your Pet? Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe for Pets – Dogs & Cats