Football Fans Now Have Their Own Social Network

Published on: 15 May 2017 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Foot Ball Fan

Football is the most popular sport on earth, more than 3.4 Billion people watched world cup 2010 and it was estimated that about 1 billion people watched World Cup 2014 final match between Argentina and Germany. However football fans are marginalized, their voices are not heard and their opinions are ignored. In a world governed by social media, football fans deserve their own land they deserve their own social network.

Football is fully covered by TV, newspapers and news websites. In recent years social media started taking over an important portion of this coverage. With the shift from traditional news to social media news, and from computer devices to mobile devices, many people now prefer to follow football news at their favorite social network and from the comfort of their mobile devices.

Although football has strong presence in traditional social networks but for football enthusiasts that presence is lacking or simply not enough, for instance football news will not suddenly show up in your feeds, without you first manually searching and following all the pages you are interested in. Another problem is that posts related to football are usually buried inside a pile of posts from all other subjects. And most important is that you don’t get latest matches results and you need to search manually to find them.

Social media is shifting towards niche social networks, which are networks that are specialized in specific topics of interest. For example we have social networks for photography, jobs, cooking, art..etc. Football is not an exception to that, football fans need their own social channels where they can talk exclusively about football and express their opinions. They need a place where they can easily follow latest news and results for their favorite football teams and competitions. is a new arrival to the world of social media and a promising change in favor of football fans. FansRepublic is a social network dedicated for football fans where they can meet, interact and engage. The network provides an environment for football fans from all over the world where they can meet and share their football passion. Team fans can easily connect with each other through their team page, and they can interact with matches and cheer their team.

As mentioned before the most important thing for football enthusiasts is getting updated with the latest matches scores and results, and that is the main advantage of having a social network specialized in football. FansRepublic provides users with live scores and results for all matches, in addition to ease of access to information for all competitions including results, fixtures, standing tables, top scorers, transfers, teams stats and players stats.

In a world where social media provides people with ease of access to information, people are becoming more obsessed with ease of access to what they are interested in, and thus the future of social media is expected to be moving towards niche social networks that are specialized in specific categories and interests.

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Finding the Right Soccer Goal Post for My Little One

Soccer is becoming more and more popular among the kids by the day. My little one is a super fan. So we enrolled him in his school team and bought him basic practice kit. Buying a football wasn’t that hard, but the difficult part was getting the right goal post. What I didn’t know was that you have to consider a lot of things before you buy a soccer goal post. 1. Finding the Right Size : While buying a goal post, you need to pay attention to the size of the post. There are different rules regarding the dimensions of the goal post for different clubs and fields. You need to buy one that sticks to the regulations along with keeping in mind other factors like the number and age of the players and the size of the field. Since my kid is in an under 8 team, I had to buy an 18 ½ *6 ½ club sized goal. I would suggest checking with the coach before you buy a goal post. 2. How Portable Is It? : Portability is an important thing to look for while buying a goal post. Portable goal posts are very lightweight and easily dismantle-able. They usually come with bags to keep the post in while traveling. You star can pick up the bag and practice wherever he wants. Moreover, portability also helps in shifting the post from inside to on-site in the field. 3. Keep Safety In Mind : It is not unusual to get hurt in a game like a soccer. However, we should take precautions wherever we can. There are many cases where the player collides with the post and that can lead to serious injuries. Even experienced players get hurt in the field. So try looking for a safer soccer goal post. Goal posts with a post paddings are preferable for kids. You can also get post paddings separately. Pay attention to the corners and their shape. They should be more curved to be less dangerous in case of collision, especially if the post is shorter than the player. 4. What Kind Of Net? : It came as a shocker to me that the kind of net used in the goal post is also an important detail. The material, as well as the formation of the net, makes a lot of difference. Nets need to be durable since they will go through a lot of sun exposure. For younger kids, velcro mesh nets are a better option because they absorb the tension of the shots. It takes a little effort to find the right practice equipment for your rising star, but it’s all worth the trouble when they’re able to play better and you get to be proud of them. If you live in the UK mainland, you can check this site out for some good quality and durable equipment and free delivery. If you’re buying from a local shop, try to look for warranty products since the equipment are costly and you may want to avoid repurchasing too frequently. Read Also :  Football Brain Teasers And Quizzes Football Fans Now Have Their Own Social Network


5 Snowboarding Tips For Beginners

Snowboarding is the sport of adventurers! The icy cold, the rushing wind, and the epic views are what draw in this rough and tumble crowd. Beginners often become overwhelmed by all the equipment and safety talks, so to keep you from getting deterred, we are going to give you 5 simple tips! 1.  Picking The Right Board When you go board shopping for the first time, you might be taken back by how many boards are on display. A board is a board, right? Wrong! There are so many different ones for you to choose from, so picking the right one is super important. Beginners should be using boards with rocker cambers. A rocker camber places a rock between your feet and has camber under each foot. These are safety features, like training wheels on a bike. The rocker will stop your board from catching the edges as you turn, and the camber will help you create edge digs to help you turn. Only when you are feeling confident in your turning skills should you pick a board without these features. At that point, you can pick mountain boards. When you are feeling super confident, then you can move to freestyle boards. Similar Reads: Ways to Play the Puck at Home 2.  Be Sure To Have Appropriate Gear Which Fits The right gear is essential for making you safe, but all the gloves and bindings in the world won’t protect you if they don’t fit. If your boots are too small, you will find it hard to turn and maneuver, and at the end of the sloop, you may end up with a sprained ankle. In fact, our boot gear is one of the most essential pieces of equipment to get right. Your toes should be able to feel the end of your boot, but not so much that they curl or have pressure against them. Your bindings should have the same feeling. You want them to keep you attached to the board while allowing you to turn as appropriate. If you are not sure what size of blinding or shoes you should be buying, then click here for more information. Similar Reads: American Football Rules 3.  Start Snowboarding Lessons It might be tempting to rush straight to the snow, but without proper training, you won't make it far, and you will risk developing an injury. The lessons you learn in snowboarding classes will teach you how to fall correctly without damaging yourself, it will give you the confidence to make dramatic movements for cooler tricks, and it will teach you how to move the board for speed and control. You don’t need a lot of training to get started, and if you don’t mind staying at a beginner level, you can just go to one starter class. But if you want to learn to take on bigger mountains and cooler trickers, you should advance through the programs. Related Reads: Ad-in And Ad-out Meaning In Tennis 4.  Look Towards Your Path A common mistake that most newbies make is looking at their feet. They want to make sure their feet are going through the motions correctly, and it is a natural response, but focusing on your feet will stop you from preparing for the bumps ahead. This response is called object fixation. You know that your calves, feet, and core are controlling your movements, so you want to watch them make sure their form is correct. Instead, you need to be confident in your body's ability to react. Your feet need your eyes to tell them what to do. Try to relax and let the movement happen without your glaring surveillance. You should look forward to the path you are taking so you can avoid trees, get out of the way of other snowboarders, and keep yourself upright. 5.  Bend Your Knees Looking straight is the first rule, bending your knees is the second. You will encounter bumps, dips, and quick reactions while you’re snowboarding. To make sure your body doesn’t buckle under the impact, you need to bend your knees. This way, your legs act as a suspension, and you can absorb this rough terrain and react quickly to the area around you. This doesn’t mean you should be sitting on a fake chair to create a 90-degree angle. Instead, you should be making your knees a little loose and bouncy, creating a spring. Adjusting your knees like this is the best way to control your speed too. Having this bouncy connection to the ground will allow you to keep your low aerodynamic shape even if the ground beneath you isn’t smooth. Read Also: Top 3 Pieces of Women’s PWC Gear {for Summer} Guide to Over-the-Top Sports Streaming Services How to Become a Better Golfer this Year What Golf Equipment to Pick When You Start Out Guide to Understanding Training, Strenght Cycles and Alternatives

Foot Race

Inspirational Stories from the World’s Longest Sanctioned Foot Race & Embracing a Fearless Approach

"There are many ways to become happy, but I feel that the easiest and most effective way is to outwardly run." The Sri Chinmoy Self Transcendence 3100-Mile Race is the world's longest sanctioned foot race. The race combines physical fitness and sports with a good dose of spirituality, and it has gained a steady rise in media attention and popularity over the years. This race has been internationally acclaimed as being one of the most strenuous and toughest foot races in the world. Participants for this race have been lauded for their grueling training sessions and health transformations. This race is not only about outright physical transformations. The race aims to have a spiritual undertone to it as well. Millions of people from around the world are already drawing motivation to achieve great things from the inspirational stories of finishers of the Sri Chinmoy Self Transcendence 3100-Mile Race. Of course, and as expected for such a difficult event, only very few athletes have ever finished the challenge. Together, their life stories show just how a physical pursuit can lead to spiritual transcendence; as long as you are willing to adopt a fearless approach, develop a healthy mind and be ready to overcome every challenge that you'll face on your way to success. Here, we will feature a uniquely inspiring story and insights that will help anybody willing to go into this endurance race. This is a story of inspiration that might motivate many amongst you to become part of this glorious event. Individual Success Stories of Champions: Arpan D’Angelo, a former gymnast who eventually went on to run over 200 marathons (many of them under 3 hours), once shared the story of how he learned to widen the boundaries of the things he considered possible. According to him, his dream of becoming a runner was hampered by the thoughts that running was meant for track stars. That was, of course until he found out about Sri Chinmoy and began studying with him and running in his various races. Rest was history. It took a while, but as is in anything we put our minds to his spirit aligned with the physical. Arpan was achieving intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. His story is a clear case of drive and strong will, and Sri Chinmoy is the hero-inspirer in his case. One thing we have learned however from his story and the stories of many other champions of this race is that it helps you draw power from your inner self to be able to withstand physical challenges. Not only in athletics but also all aspects of life. This practice can be useful for anyone that’s discouraged, or looking for inspiration to venture into an element of life that will affect them for good. Sri Chinmoy had seen another purpose for sports, and we can see in the less than 100 athletes that have been able to finish the challenge that the physical and spiritual self must be aligned towards a goal to be able to conquer it. Or as Sri Chinmoy puts it, when the outer runner draws from the inner runner, great things can be experienced and achieved. The Final Word: The Sri ChinmoySelf Transcendence 3100-Mile Race tests both the mental and physical aspects of a human being. It tests spiritual endurance, mental tolerance, and physical stress. How much physical pain you can give to a body is dictated by the mind. If you are able to master and control the mind through spiritual control, you will be able to master your physical body as well. Read Also: The Importance Of Sport To Recommendations For Winter 5 Things You Should Do To Reduce Stress A Quick But Helpful Guide To Running With Flat Feet