Football Tricks You Should Know


05 October 2018


Football Tricks

Football is a great way to exercise and enhance your skills. Anyone can get into football. If you have no clue about how football works, read this article and discover interesting facts about this popular sport – from its definition to what football tricks you should know.

What is Football?

American Football is a team sport that comprises of eleven players on two opposing teams. The sport is played on a rectangular field with a Y-shaped goalpost on the opposite ends. The ball is usually made of cowhide leather and is oval-shaped.

One team is the offense while the other is the defense. The offense team is in control of the ball and must advance the field with the ball by passing it to their teammates or running with it. The defense team, the one with no control of the ball, must prevent the ball from advancing in favor of the offense team and steal the ball for them to score.

In order for the offense team to remain in possession of the ball, they have to advance to the minimum of ten yards in four plays or “downs”. The offense team is given four more downs if they advance ten yards or more.

The objective of the game is to score by bringing the ball to the other team’s territory. The other team can score by kicking the ball through the opponent’s goal post or scoring a touchdown which is bringing the ball to the opposite team’s end zone. The team with the most points is the winner of the game.

The International Federation of American Football (IFAF) is the highest governing body of the sport.

How to Throw A Football?

When you play football, gripping the ball is essential in throwing it. The proper way of gripping the ball is lining up your ring finger on the second lace and placing your pinky finger on the fifth lace. You may adjust accordingly to the size of your hand, putting enough space between your palm and the ball.

As you prepare to throw the ball, position your hands holding the ball at a 45-degree angle to the ground with the outer tip of the ball pointing down.

Position your weight on your back foot and level the ball by your ear to make your arm have a Lform. Squeeze your elbow to make a triangle. Slightly bend your knees and hunch your back. Then, take two steps backward without breaking your posture. When you are about to throw the ball, shift your weight from your back foot to your front foot for added force.

Simultaneously, rotate your body and swing your arm forward. Drop your front shoulder and position the ball above your head. Step forward and then throw the ball off your index finger with your thumb pointing downwards.

Football Tricks You Should Know:

Learning football for starters involves knowing how to throw the ball. The next basic step is what football tricks you should know. Here are some:

1. Double Pass:

This pass is used to confuse the opponent. The player throws the ball to a receiver and then the receiver passes the ball. This causes confusion because the opponent assumes that the receiver will run with the ball.

3. Hail Mary Pass:

This pass is meant for long distances. This is often used by the offense team to gain more distance. This is usually done when the time is limited and there is an opportunity to score or when it is the last play. It is often called a “high-risk and long-range” pass.

3. Bullet Pass:

This pass is meant for short distances and prevents your opponent from stealing the ball. This pass helps the ball travel as fast as it can because of its flat arc, making it a high-speed pass.


Football is a fun, interesting, and interactive sport. Just like any other sport or hobby, it might be tricky at first, but you will be able to get the hang of it after loads of practice. It will definitely take determination and commitment to master the basics such as proper grip, throwing, and football tricks you should know.

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Become a Better Golfer

How to Become a Better Golfer this Year

The pandemic has restricted a lot of us from moving and participating in our favorite games. However, this has now begun to change. The recent outbreak is slowly loosening its grip on society due to our collective efforts towards eradicating this disease. Now, we can go back to performing our business and leisurely activities. Interestingly, one of the biggest games played by many people in many cultures in the world is golf. Golf is an exciting sport that involves swinging a ball to a target. Although it may sound simple, pulling this off requires much skill and precision. As a golfer just beginning, you must have noticed how hard it is to hit a target. That is why you will find that golfers use devices like the Golf Buddy Voice 2 review. Hence, If you want to become a better golfer, here are three ways to go about it. Get a GPS Device By Checking Out A Golf Buddy Voice 2 Review: Due to its recent legalization, a GPS is one of the most used digital devices in the golfing game. It can't be overemphasized how important getting a GPS is. For one, it helps you determine accurate golfing measurements. Imagine having to eyeball the measurements all the time. Not only is this time-wasting, but it would also waste your energy, leaving you frustrated. Getting a GPS for golf also helps you accurately determine the golf course outline, which would massively improve your game. It would also help you determine the location of all your balls, including those that have gone out of range. Hence, getting a trusty GPS is bound to improve your game generally. Work on Your Swing:   Many people tend to think that swinging the putter is easy. Not only is it challenging to do, but it needs to be done correctly to improve your game massively. Thus, before you start, it is essential to practice your swing. It would be best if you swung by lowering your body slightly, with both hands on the handle. Keep your eyes on the ball, and then hide the butt of the putter towards the ball. If you can't do this swing in public, then it is just as effective to practice at home. By honing your swing prowess, you are increasing your flexibility, helping your body get used to the feel of swinging. You would also train your mind on where the ball is without having to look down as you swing. Get Your Eyes Checked: This fact is something many golfers overlook but need to do. Getting your eyes checked regularly is one of the most beneficial things you can do to be a better golfer this year. Checking your eyes helps you determine if you've developed any eye defects recently. If you have, they will prescribe the appropriate glasses for you, which would prevent you from being optically handicapped during a golfing game. Admittedly, trying to become a golf master can be challenging. Even if you're already a professional golfer, you should remember to pace yourself. The pandemic has affected us all, so don't make the mistake of thinking you would still be as good after a year of no practice. Read Also: 8 Golf Accessories That Should Find Their Way into Every Golfer’s Bag 4 Fundamentals to Better Golf What Golf Equipment to Pick When You Start Out How to Choose the Right Golf Club Set For Beginners

Foot Race

Inspirational Stories from the World’s Longest Sanctioned Foot Race & Embracing a Fearless Approach

"There are many ways to become happy, but I feel that the easiest and most effective way is to outwardly run." The Sri Chinmoy Self Transcendence 3100-Mile Race is the world's longest sanctioned foot race. The race combines physical fitness and sports with a good dose of spirituality, and it has gained a steady rise in media attention and popularity over the years. This race has been internationally acclaimed as being one of the most strenuous and toughest foot races in the world. Participants for this race have been lauded for their grueling training sessions and health transformations. This race is not only about outright physical transformations. The race aims to have a spiritual undertone to it as well. Millions of people from around the world are already drawing motivation to achieve great things from the inspirational stories of finishers of the Sri Chinmoy Self Transcendence 3100-Mile Race. Of course, and as expected for such a difficult event, only very few athletes have ever finished the challenge. Together, their life stories show just how a physical pursuit can lead to spiritual transcendence; as long as you are willing to adopt a fearless approach, develop a healthy mind and be ready to overcome every challenge that you'll face on your way to success. Here, we will feature a uniquely inspiring story and insights that will help anybody willing to go into this endurance race. This is a story of inspiration that might motivate many amongst you to become part of this glorious event. Individual Success Stories of Champions: Arpan D’Angelo, a former gymnast who eventually went on to run over 200 marathons (many of them under 3 hours), once shared the story of how he learned to widen the boundaries of the things he considered possible. According to him, his dream of becoming a runner was hampered by the thoughts that running was meant for track stars. That was, of course until he found out about Sri Chinmoy and began studying with him and running in his various races. Rest was history. It took a while, but as is in anything we put our minds to his spirit aligned with the physical. Arpan was achieving intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. His story is a clear case of drive and strong will, and Sri Chinmoy is the hero-inspirer in his case. One thing we have learned however from his story and the stories of many other champions of this race is that it helps you draw power from your inner self to be able to withstand physical challenges. Not only in athletics but also all aspects of life. This practice can be useful for anyone that’s discouraged, or looking for inspiration to venture into an element of life that will affect them for good. Sri Chinmoy had seen another purpose for sports, and we can see in the less than 100 athletes that have been able to finish the challenge that the physical and spiritual self must be aligned towards a goal to be able to conquer it. Or as Sri Chinmoy puts it, when the outer runner draws from the inner runner, great things can be experienced and achieved. The Final Word: The Sri ChinmoySelf Transcendence 3100-Mile Race tests both the mental and physical aspects of a human being. It tests spiritual endurance, mental tolerance, and physical stress. How much physical pain you can give to a body is dictated by the mind. If you are able to master and control the mind through spiritual control, you will be able to master your physical body as well. Read Also: The Importance Of Sport To Recommendations For Winter 5 Things You Should Do To Reduce Stress A Quick But Helpful Guide To Running With Flat Feet


What Golf Equipment to Pick When You Start Out

Getting into a new sport is not the simplest thing in the world. It’s important to start out properly and learn the basic moves on which you later can build your strength and skill. The other part is the equipment such as cheap golf carts, some depend on it, while others use it for assistance. Equipment is important, but it can never outshine talent and dedication. Golf in particular is not among the cheapest sports, and it can sometimes be hard for new players to pick the right things up. I wanted to learn more about golf so I decided to talk to Bombtech Golf who gave me some insight on how and where to begin. Here’s what you should consider when you decide to try this sport out. Clubs The club is the main tool. There is a multitude of types used for different situations. The fun part is building your first set. It’s important to note that within the spectrum of various golf clubs for different positions and terrain, there are also clubs that differ in quality, and of course, the price. The most expensive is not always the way to go, especially when you are new, and you are still in the process of learning. A set of golf clubs consists of woods, irons, wedges, hybrids, and putters. The clubs are also numbered 1 to 9 and these numbers represent how far you want the ball to fly, a lower number means further distance. Clubs also have different angles which are also determined by the number. If you want a bigger backspin then you need to use the club with a higher number, increased backspin means shorter travel distance, which all starts to make sense when you are on a terrain playing. Balls If you thought that the story ends with clubs used for particular situations, there are also different types of balls. It is worth noting that they do get damaged and you can also easily lose them. There are two-piece and three-piece balls, and if you are only starting out, two-piece balls are recommended because they can fly further but lack maneuverability which is fine if you still haven’t learned to control it. They can also endure more hits before breaking. You don’t have to go out and buy the best and most expensive ones, especially if you tend to lose them often. If that’s the case then it’s best to look for second-hand options until you are more confident in your skill. Bags Golf is the perfect sport for people who love to tweak their equipment constantly. Among the items, you can play around with there are also bags. You’d think bags are unimportant and they serve only 1 purpose, but in reality, it is important to find a comfortable bag that can fit all your clubs, balls, and whatnot. Also, there’s also the fashion element to consider when trying the perfect bag to match your outfit. Clothes The final aspect of the stuff you need is clothing. Although it doesn’t play a major role, it is still important to consider a few things before venturing onto the field. Some players would use gloves that improve your grip, but it still depends on your personal preference. Waterproof clothes are also welcome, especially shoes. Golf is famous for its dress code as well. It’s not always obligatory to dress a certain way, but some courses and golf clubs have strict dress codes and you should always bear that in mind when you consider shopping for clothes for your golfing endeavors. Read Also: The Role of Golf Swing Launch