5 Little-Known Founder Habits To Advance Your Career & Personal Life


26 February 2024


Little-Known Founder Habits To Advance Your Career & Personal Life

Inspirational quotes are, well, inspirational. But they usually don’t offer any great insights into the minds of the people they’re attributed to.

When they’re properly attributed at all. More often than not, quotes are apocryphal, which means they’re attributed to someone famous who didn’t actually say them (or, at least, wasn’t the first).

So let’s dispense with the inspirational quotes and go deeper. Let’s try our best to understand what actually makes successful people successful. Specifically, people who’ve founded and scaled successful businesses.

These Five Little-Known Founder Habits Are The Perfect Place To Begin

These Five Little-Known Founder Habits Are The Perfect Place To Begin

There are multiple five little-known founder habits that will be going to be perfect to begin a successful roadmap. Below I am going to discuss the five little-known habits that are a perfect place to begin. 

1. Staying Humble, No Matter How Far You Get

 Many entrepreneurs have humble origin stories. Throw an iPhone in Silicon Valley and you’ll probably hit someone who works for a company started in some guy’s garage.

What sets truly humble entrepreneurs apart from everyone else is what they do after hitting the big time. Founders like Steve Streit, who famously launched fintech pioneer Green Dot from his home, managed to stay down to earth after his company became a market leader. 

Truly humble founders also tend to know when to step back. Streit now lets others run Green Dot and devotes his time to philanthropy and early-stage investing. Many others, from Bill Gates to Craig Newmark, followed similar paths.

2. Never Being Afraid to Ask Questions

 There’s a fine line between projecting competence and being overconfident. The first is a good thing, on balance, for founders. The second is not.

What does this have to do with not being afraid to ask questions? Well, competent people are more than happy to ask questions they don’t know the answer to. That’s how they learn.

Overconfident people are scared of looking like they don’t know something, imagining it to be a sign of weakness. But the opposite is true — being so scared as to be unwilling to learn is a sign of weakness, and likely to hold you back from the success you might otherwise deserve.

3. Being Good at “Two Things” (Instead of One)

“Cross-disciplinary” capabilities are in high demand among founders (and their backers) these days. What this means is that investors and other stakeholders prefer leaders who are neither “a mile wide and an inch deep” nor “an inch wide and a mile deep.” People who can do at least two things very well — say, systems engineering and public communication, or marketing and supply chain management — tend to be better placed to lead growing teams.

4. Cutting Out the Business Jargon

 A word of advice: Don’t use terms like “cross-disciplinary.” Instead, say “being good at two things at once.” Sure, it’s more of a mouthful, but everyone understands what you’re talking about, and you don’t sound like a know-it-all. Even if your down-to-earth style turns off industry insiders, it’ll endear you to the broader market.

6. Building a Team That Reflects Your Audience

 Warren Buffett famously hires for “integrity first.” But integrity alone won’t get your team over the hump. Nor will competence alone, though it certainly helps.

The most resilient teams have a broad range of skills, perspectives, and influences, so much so that they can be said to accurately reflect the composition of their addressable markets. In a word, they’re as diverse — or nearly as diverse — as the broader public. Anyone who tells you “diversity” is a dirty word is selling something you don’t want to buy, or perhaps doesn’t understand the true meaning of “diversity.”

What’s Your Hidden Superpower?

What’s Your Hidden Superpower

 Self-promotional founders might exaggerate a bit and call these six little-discussed habits “superpowers.” If they make the difference between success and failure, well, that’s a reasonable position to take.

Let’s turn the conversation back to you. Thinking about your own strengths and weaknesses, your own routines and work habits, does anything you do (or feel you’re capable of) rise to the level of “superpower”? 

Probably so. The bigger challenge, once you’ve identified your own superpower, is to figure out how it translates to success in life and business. You’ve got the goods; now it’s time to use them.

What Are The 10 Habits Of Successful People?

What Are The 10 Habits Of Successful People

Did you know that some successful people want to be involved in cultivating certain habits? Below, I will discuss the ten habits of successful people that will help you become successful.

1. Organization

One of the most significant habits of successful people is organization. In this case, organization includes planning and setting priorities along with goals. After researching the fact, it has been seen that Addicted2Success.com’s founder, Joel Brown, says that he always used to follow his self-made to-do list. This helps him to become a successful person. 

2. Taking Action

Did you know that success comes from taking Action? Ultimately, taking Action is one of the most significant habits of almost every successful person. It means a person who dreams of achieving success and goals always has calculated plans. In this case, they also consistently implement their calculated plans. After that, they can see the future’s bright and prosperous light, which usually fills with joyful motivation and omnipotence. 

3. Relaxation

When this is about relaxation, then it means not just taking naps. But this points to meditating for long hours by closing your eyes. This helps you to become successful in an easier manner. After all, meditation is a big medicine to get your life back; even this can turn your messy thoughts into something streamlined. This will help you think properly, make plans, and move ahead to move right. 

4. Personal Care

If you have plans to be passionate about any significant domain, then it will not happen. In this case, always remember that taking care of yourself and keeping yourself clean is also part of achieving success. It is a fact that almost every successful person somehow takes care of their health. This can be done in any way, such as exercising regularly, practicing self-care, eating healthy foods, maintaining a good routine, etc. 

5. Positive Attitude

What do you mean by positive habits? Well, this could be anything, right!! In this case, by becoming humble, expressing properly, talking with others politely, and so on. You always have to showcase your positive habits in your workplace. In this way, you can become successful. Not only that, but this is the easiest way to get courage. 

6. Networking

Building a network would be an essential part of life. Some successful people always want to add value in exchanging their lives. Networking is mainly known as the value of teamwork and collaboration. 

7. Frugality

Frugality is one of the most essential habits for being thrifty. This can happen with anything, such as resources and money. This is another habit that will help you learn economics by avoiding multiple wastages. This would automatically give results in this type of efficiency. 

8. Rising Early

Did you know that you won’t be able to succeed without rising early? In this case, a late-morning person can’t get that success compared to an early-rising person. This habit will repeatedly help you to achieve success. This is one of the most remarkable and notable successes among other habits. 

9. Sharing 

Sharing is another way to become a successful person. Successful people will always have the habit of believing in their success and passions. This would help them to accumulate wealth, especially for themselves. 

10. Reading

Books will help you to enhance your knowledge. After all, knowledge transfer and garnering knowledge are also notable habits of a successful person. 

In Conclusion

I have discussed 5 Little-Known Founder Habits to Advance Your Career & Personal Life and ten Habits of a Successful Person. Building a good habit is a practice of becoming rich. This old proverb, “failure is the pillar of success,” means you must face failure to reach a thriving destination. Otherwise, it won’t be possible to become a successful person. 

I hope you liked this article!

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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drug rehab treatment 

Get Cured With The Help Of Drug Rehab Treatment In New Hampshire

Drug addiction can be scary. There are many ways to deal with it, but only a select few one’s work. Forget that the self-treatment through self-detox will ever work. There are very rare cases where it does, but even though those rare cases exist. You can be sure that those cases never really hit the mark at a later point in time with a drug rehab treatment facility. Can You Treat Yourself And Get Over The Addiction? The professional drug rehab treatment facilities don’t see this home-based treatment as a treatment. Many celebrities have tried to heal themselves through drug rehab treatment. If they can accept the fact that they needed treatment, so can people. Many times, people don’t opt for Drug Rehab New Hampshire facilities because they think that it is beneath them or it will hurt their ego. It is not about the ego; it is all about healing and learning to live the best life you can. Therefore, it is safe to say that the only way to treat yourself entirely and adequately is through a rehab facility. There is no other way, and if someone says there is, they are probably not knowledgeable about how things work.  How To Cure The Drug Addiction? If people say that they have cured their drug addiction, then you just have to ask them if they really did it through themselves or with the help of a rehab facility. If they did it without the help of a rehab facility, then there is a high chance that it never got healed. Instead, it will only get worse over time.  There are many ways to treat drug addiction, and there are so far two most common ways at a drug rehab treatment facility, they are following: 1. First treatment: Inpatient Treatment Drug rehab treatment done through the first way is called the inpatient treatment program, and this program is all about letting the patient be a little disciplined through learning and through the other services in the treatment.  The patient is told to be at the hospital and live there for a period of 30 days to 90 days depending upon the severity of the drug addiction they are going through. If the patient can spend that much money and have the time, they can opt for this treatment. This treatment has vast chances of success and can take the drug addict out of their addiction and help them learn to live a new life. This is available at all the Drug Rehab New Hampshire facilities, and only a doctor can tell you after a good checkup if you are eligible for this kind of treatment or not.  They run some tests for drug rehab treatment to make sure that the inpatient treatment program can be for you. If not, they will give you a new program that is more suited to you, which will help you in healing from your drug addiction. The other program, which is a lighter version, is called the outpatient rehab treatment program. 2. Second Treatment: Outpatient Treatment The treatment is done the other way; the second way is the outpatient treatment. This treatment is very flexible and can help you get the best of both worlds. You can quickly go and work and focus on other areas of your life while getting the treatment done at the rehab facility. It is no problem.  The drug rehab treatment of the New Hampshire facility where you will be getting the treatment will make sure you get the privacy and the other services that will get you on the right path again.  These drug rehab treatment services, such as group therapy and counseling, do good. And this treatment is for people with mild and moderate drug addiction. So these are the two treatments that can help you or someone you love to come back from drug addiction live their best lives. Conclusion: The drug rehab treatment for getting over the drug addiction is a pretty serious issue. Because during the treatment process, sometimes the patients are becoming seriously aggressive. As the body is becoming habituated with drug dosages so keeping that habit aside is not easy. So take the help of professional rehab facilities and get over the drug addiction. Read Also: Is Outpatient Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Effective? Cannabis can Help in the Fight Against Drug Addiction Why It’s So Hard to Quit Drugs Cold Turkey?

City Hall Weddings

6 Tips For Having A Perfect City Hall Wedding!

From saving money at the wedding venue to attending the wedding in jogging clothes to not having many guests, City Hall wedding have a lot of benefits.  And, while it's of the simplest endeavors than hosting a destination wedding with 500 people, a city hall wedding still needs some planning and foresight. So, how can you have the best city hall wedding? Like any other wedding, start from the basics like deciding the wedding fee, organizing the day, preparing a guest list, and more. Here are a few things you should consider before having a city hall wedding: Research Everything: While it might seem the obvious thing to do, it can stress, if neglected. So, start researching and gather every piece of information beforehand. This will help you avoid any unpleasant and bureaucratic hurdles that might occur on your wedding day. Don't forget the legalities of city hall wedding like having a wedding license and more. If you fail to do this, you might end up arriving without the most important document, and it can cost you a delay in the wedding. So, do check your city's official information page and go through all the details. Think About How You Want To Celebrate: Your choice of city hall depends completely on how you want to celebrate. Of course, you may not be having a luxurious wedding, if you still want some kind of celebration you need to plan things. But this completely depends on your choice. At some weddings, couples book a small city hall wedding, but still throw an after lunch or have a photographer to give you memories like the Sf City Hall pics and more. Who Are The Invites: Maybe it's just your parents, business partner, or your closest pals- think who you want to invite. While it completely depends on your personal preferences, you would need some witnesses. Even if you are live streaming the ceremony, you still need someone to be physically present in the hall. Just keep in mind that the person should be above 18. It's also worth noticing the number of people that are allowed to attend the wedding. And this varies from city to city, for instance, in San Francisco; you are only allowed six guests, including the official witnesses.  Make It Look Like A Wedding: One of the best things about a city hall wedding is you can legit go in the joggers and come out as a couple. But, just because you are not doing big things doesn't mean you can't get the wedding feels. Get your dress ready, your hair done, and get a beautiful bouquet handy. Don't stress to make things look perfect; at the end of the day, all it matters is your relationship. Let Other Couples Also Cherish The Moments: At city hall wedding, you are not the only couple waiting to get married; there are other couples as well who are waiting for their turn. Ideally, every couple in the city hall is allotted specific minutes and once that time ends, wrap your things and let others come in. Just be respectful and acknowledge that other people also want to relish their moments. Also, be a little early to avoid any delays, because if you miss the time allotted, you might get the same on that day. You Can Celebrate The Day After The Ceremony: All the wedding vows and rituals won't take more than 10 minutes, which means you will have an entire day to celebrate. So, if you want, you can throw a simple afterparty to the friends and family. Head to your favorite restaurant or arrange a potluck at your place, the choice is yours. If you have decided not to buck the full-blown wedding and choose to take the city hall ones, keep the above things in mind! Read Also: Planning For Enjoyable Travel And A Memorable Destination Wedding Six Crucial Tips For Selecting The Best Wedding Catering In Your Town 7 Qualities Of A Good Wedding Photographer That You Should Look Out For

importance of family health insurance

Health Insurance Policy For Family – Here’s A List Of 5 Plans You Can Consider

In our current time which is characterised by dynamic lifestyles and unforeseen health challenges, the significance of family health insurance plans cannot be overstated. These comprehensive policies not only provide financial security but also grant families access to high-quality healthcare, ensuring the well-being of their loved ones. In this article, we will explore the profound importance of family health insurance plans and delve into the five best family health insurance plans, empowering you to make informed decisions that safeguard the health and happiness of your family. The Power Of Comprehensive Protection Family health insurance plans hold immense significance as they serve as a robust shield of protection against the uncertainties of health-related challenges that can affect any member of your family. These plans offer comprehensive coverage that extends beyond mere financial security, encapsulating the emotional well-being and health of your loved ones. By pooling the collective health needs of your family under a single policy, family health insurance plans grant you the peace of mind that comes from knowing your family members are safeguarded against unexpected medical expenses. The significance of family health insurance plans lies in their ability to provide access to high-quality healthcare services. These plans often come with extensive networks of healthcare providers, ensuring that your family members can receive timely and appropriate medical attention. In a world where medical advancements are rapid and treatments are varied, these plans open doors to specialists, hospitals and clinics that offer specialised care, accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. Moreover, family health insurance plans underscore the importance of preventive care and early intervention. By covering a spectrum of preventive services, such as vaccinations, screenings and annual health check-ups, these plans promote a proactive approach to health management. This focus on prevention is not just a cost-saving measure but also a commitment to ensuring your family members' overall well-being by detecting potential health issues before they become major concerns. Access To Quality Healthcare One of the foremost advantages of family health insurance plans is the access they provide to high-quality healthcare services. These plans encompass a broad network of healthcare providers, including doctors, specialists, hospitals and clinics. This extensive network ensures that family members can receive timely medical attention from qualified professionals, which is essential for accurate diagnoses, effective treatments and proactive preventive care. Preventive Care And Early Intervention Family health insurance plans often emphasise the importance of preventive care and early intervention. Many policies cover a range of preventive services, such as diagnosis of diseases, routine check-ups, screenings and wellness programs. These services play a pivotal role in identifying potential health issues before they escalate into more severe conditions. By focusing on prevention, these plans not only promote better health outcomes but also contribute to reducing healthcare costs by addressing problems in their early stages, when they are more manageable and less expensive to treat. Financial Peace Of Mind The emotional well-being of your family members is intrinsically linked to their physical health. Family health insurance plans provide invaluable peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones are covered in times of medical emergencies or unexpected health concerns. This sense of security allows families to concentrate on the moments that matter most – fostering relationships, pursuing aspirations and embracing daily life – without the constant worry of potential financial strains due to unexpected healthcare costs. What Are The Crucial Needs Of A Family That Needs To Be Covered By Family Health Insurance? These plans are designed to offer a wide range of benefits, ensuring that your family's health and well-being are safeguarded against unexpected medical expenses. The benefits of this plan are as follows: Comprehensive Coverage One of the primary reasons these family health insurance plans are considered some of the best is the comprehensive coverage they offer. The plans cover a wide range of medical expenses, including hospitalisation, surgeries, doctor consultations, diagnostic tests and treatments. They also extend coverage to pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation expenses, ensuring that your family is protected against various health-related contingencies. Family Floater Basis The plans operate on a family floater basis, allowing you to cover your entire family under a single roof. This feature is especially advantageous for families with multiple members, as the sum insured can be utilised by any family member as per their individual medical needs. This not only simplifies the management of insurance but also ensures that every family member has access to necessary medical care. Restoration Benefits Many of the family health insurance plans offer a unique restoration benefit, setting it apart from other insurance plans. If the sum insured is exhausted during the policy year due to claims, the plans automatically restore the entire sum insured amount for future hospitalisations. This invaluable feature ensures that your family's health coverage remains intact even in the face of successive medical events. Delivery And Maternity Expenses The policies provide coverage for maternity-related expenses, making them an excellent choice for families planning to expand. They cover pre-natal and post-natal expenses, childbirth-related expenses and medical care for the newborn. This feature addresses the significant medical costs associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Annual Health Check-ups Recognizing the importance of preventive care, the family health insurance plans offer annual health check-up benefits for family members covered under the policy. This encourages regular health screenings, early detection of potential health issues and proactive health management. No Claim Bonus For each claim-free year, many family health insurance policies offer a No-Claim Bonus (NCB) that increases the sum insured by a certain percentage, up to a specified limit. This rewards your family for maintaining good health prioritizing preventive care and not making any claim during a policy year. Day Care Procedures A good family health insurance policy is one that provides a sense of flexibility in its coverage. In addition to hospitalisations, many family health insurance plans cover daycare procedures as well, allowing your family members to receive necessary medical treatments without requiring extended hospitalisation. This feature ensures that your family has access to swift and effective treatments for various medical conditions. Emergency Ambulance Cover In case of medical emergencies, the family health insurance policies provide coverage for emergency ambulance services. This ensures timely transportation to the hospital when needed, eliminating any concerns about transportation costs during emergencies. Five Family Health Insurance Plans You Can Consider Based on the aforementioned benefits, to simplify your quest in picking the best family health insurance plan to safeguard your family, the following is the list of five plans offered by Star Health Insurance that you can consider: 1. Family Health Optima Insurance Plan The Family Health Optima Insurance Plan offered by Star Health Insurance is a comprehensive health insurance solution designed to secure the well-being of your entire family. This plan operates on a family floater basis, covering all family members under a single policy. It provides extensive coverage for hospitalisation, surgeries, doctor consultations and treatments. 2. Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy The Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy from Star Health Insurance is a robust health coverage solution tailored for families. This policy stands out with features like restoration of the sum insured, maternity and newborn cover, annual health check-ups, etc. This is the best-suited policy for a family of self, spouse and dependent children. 3. Star Women Care Insurance Policy This is a uniquely designed policy to cater to the needs of women in the family. This policy has a plethora of benefits including newborn cover, delivery expenses cover, mid-term inclusion, assisted reproduction treatment cover, etc. 4. Star Health Assure Insurance Policy This is the perfectly suited policy for a wide family that includes self, spouse, dependent children, parents and parents-in-law. With its enormous benefits and tailor-made features, this policy stands out in the crowd. Some of the unique coverage includes homecare treatment coverage, mid-term inclusion, automatic restoration of sum insured, newborn and delivery expenses coverage, etc. 5. Young Star Insurance Policy This is a unique policy for young families who have just started their family life. This policy is perfect for young couples. They can also add their dependent children in this policy as it offers coverage also in a floater basis. Conclusion Family health insurance plans represent more than just financial protection – they ensure a commitment to your family's health, well-being and security. By offering access to quality healthcare, promoting preventive care, providing financial peace of mind, offering flexibility and nurturing a culture of wellness, these plans play an integral role in shaping the present and future of your family's health journey. As you explore family health insurance options, you're not just investing in coverage; you're investing in the health and happiness of those who matter most. Read Also: Everything You Need To Know About Calcium In Water: By Experts What Is A Good Alternative To Wearing Dentures? 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