Is It True That Good Oral Hygiene Can Reduce Cancer Risk?

Published on: 15 September 2021 Last Updated on: 13 January 2025
good oral hygiene

Cancer remains one of the biggest killers in the world. In fact, as the average age of the population increases, so does the number of people dying from cancer. It is the second leading cause of death across the globe, second only to cardiovascular diseases. Oral cancer is deadly, but the patient has to go through a severe, painful procedure during a cancer diagnosis. But a good oral hygiene habit minimizes the chance of cancerous cell growth in the mouth area.

Reduce Chances Of Cancerous Growth With Oral Hygiene

Reduce Chances Of Cancerous Growth With Oral Hygiene

The good news is that in many cases, cancer can be treated if it is detected early. But, of course, it is even better to identify what increases cancer risk and reduce these factors in our daily lives. 

You may be surprised to realize that regular visits to a good dentist, such as this dentist St Leonards, can reduce the risk of cancer.

Cancer can spread to any body part like the lungs, uterus, mouth area, neck, and intestine. Every cancer treatment process is painful. But among all areas, the mouth and the neck areas are some of the sensitive parts of the body. Therefore, you can quickly reduce the chances of cancer by maintaining good oral hygiene.

Is There Any Connection Between Overall & Oral Health?

Is There Any Connection Between Overall & Oral Health?

Your mouth is full of bacteria, the majority of which are beneficial to maintaining the balance in your mouth. Some of the bacteria even help to prevent tooth decay. However, some have less honorable intentions. These are the ones that react with the sugar in your food and create acid. This attacks the tooth enamel and damages it, increasing the risk of cavities.

But, it also does something else, it allows bacteria to get into your bloodstream. There is a vast number of blood vessels in and around your mouth. Bacteria in your blood can travel to other parts of your body and cause issues. But, you can build up good oral hygiene habits and control harmful bacteria production.

Research suggests that bacteria in your blood can travel to your brain and contribute to developing diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

However, research is ongoing.

Is Poor Oral Hygiene Linked With Oral Cancer?

Is Poor Oral Hygiene Linked With Oral Cancer?

The more considerable risk at present from poor oral hygiene is oral cancer. Recent studies have shown there is a link between people with poor oral hygiene and oral cancer. It is believed that the harmful bacteria in your mouth can cause healthy cells to ‘go bad.’ This is often the beginnings of cancer and, if left unspotted, will develop into oral cancer.

It is more likely to occur if you smoke or chew tobacco and have poor oral hygiene. Your genetic disposition or cancer in your family can also influence the likelihood of it happening. Good oral hygiene is the key to minimize the higher risk of cancer. If you have these types of bad habits like chewing tobacco or smoke, get rid of the habit fast to maintain oral health.

How Regular Dental Visits Help?

A regular visit to the dentist, at least once a year, will help any issues in your mouth to be spotted early. Your dentist gets a better view of your teeth, gums, and even your throat than you do. If they notice anything unusual or different from usual, they will investigate further. 

This will help to ensure any issue is caught early and can be treated. Of course, good oral hygiene reduces the risk. That means brushing your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time. 

In addition, you should floss daily, and mouthwash can be beneficial. If you have any concerns about your oral hygiene procedures, you should chat with your dentist. They will guide and even show you to help you get it right. It’s in their interests as well as good for your teeth and overall health.


Good oral hygiene is not only helping you to keep your mouth clean and hygiene. The overall health benefits of a clean mouth are undeniable. So better take care of your mouth and teeth to keep your body healthy and fit. So how are you planning to minimize the chances of cancerous cell growth? Start with maintaining your mouth health.

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CBD: The understanding of its benefits

Miracle Medicine or Shark Scam? The substance cannabidiol, CBD, is gaining more attention and allegedly curing and alleviating a number of diseases and symptoms - but what exactly is it? According to a page named as the upcoming, CBD is one of the hundreds of so-called cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, and unlike the intoxicating and known substance THC, the CBD is not psychoactive and in itself does not cause intoxication.  However, both THC and CBD are pharmacologically interesting and there is a great potential for medical use - both individually and in different combinations between them. In some states, like Arkansas, it is now legal for people to use both THC and CBD medicinally. Getting a medical marijuana card in Arkansas to help alleviate certain ailments is now made easier with telehealth options emerging. Historically, the medicinal properties of the cannabis plant have been used for a number of ailments in much of the world. For example, to reduce pain or to relieve symptoms from rheumatism and epilepsy. Today, this palette of disease states that cannabis is said to alleviate and the cure has increased even more, although the scientific support for its medicinal effect is often weak or non-existent. CBD is removed from the list of prohibited substances A major problem, however, has been that the research on cannabis medical potential has been made more difficult by the drug classified as a heavy drug without medical potential, which among other things has meant that few large and well-made studies have been done in humans. The fact that it is difficult to patent natural substances is also a reason why pharmaceutical companies have not invested in cannabis medical studies. But much has happened in recent years and today we can see a more relaxed view of the CBD. For example, the anti-doping organization Wada will remove cannabidiol from its list of banned substances in 2018 - while cannabis and THC are still on the list. We can also see that the sales of high quality CBD products, often in the form of oil drops, have grown sharply in recent years. The CBD industry in the US: The CBD industry in the US is both large and profitable. But from the point of view of authority, the criticism has long been hard against the industry. The US FDA recently released a number of letters to a number of major CBD dealers in the United States. Message: Stop marketing your products with medical claims that are not backed by science. The authority is also critical of the fact that CBD oil is marketed as a dietary supplement, although according to the FDA it is obvious that the products are pharmaceuticals. A new study on CBD content in products in the US market also showed that 70 percent of the tested products contained more or less CBD than the table of contents declared. It should be pointed out that there are tons of CBD brands, which claim to be the best at what they do. Huge claims are made about the purity of the extraction process and how well they work when it comes to relieving muscle and joint pains, promoting sleep, and so on. However, closer examinations reveal that the majority of brands operating in the CBD industry are just trying to hitch on the popularity bandwagon. Experts state that apart from brands like, there are hardly others who can really claim to be creating great CBD products. Meanwhile in some countries: In some countries, it is difficult to obtain figures on how large the industry around CBD products is today, but that the growth is strong in recent years is clear. Many salesmen have long worked in a legal gray area and marketed their products as food and dietary supplements. This has meant that you have been in a more or less lawless country since you do not have to follow the Medicines Act and it is up to the manufacturers themselves to be responsible for ensuring that the products are safe. Specifically, this means that buyers can’t possibly know whether the amount of CBD in the product is actually what is claimed or if it contains heavy metals, other drugs, or toxic substances. You also have no responsibility to collect any side effects. Can CBD cure unusual diseases? In the United States, CBD passed on a broad front after a notable CNN report in 2013, where one had to meet the five-year-old girl Charlotte Figi who suffers from a very difficult and unusual form of childhood epilepsy, Dravet's syndrome. Charlotte was plagued by up to 300 heavy epileptic seizures a week and after existing drugs did not work, the parents tested her medication with CBD-rich cannabis oil, which drastically reduced the epileptic seizures. The girl suffers from the difficult and unusual epilepsy disease Dravet's syndrome and became an early symbol of the medical cannabis movement. Photo: TT And it is precisely to relieve and reduce seizures in difficult-to-treat and unusual epilepsy that CBD has shown the most promising results. In a review article from 2016, a number of researchers went through a number of studies on cannabidiol's medical effects and pointed out a number of areas where CBD drugs can be extra interesting, especially if combined with other substances, such as turmeric for example. To note, CBD and turmeric benefits are considered important by a lot of researchers. Epilepsy: Here, both early clinical data and anecdotal evidence indicate that CBD can be effective against epilepsy and then specifically difficult-to-treat forms that affect children, such as Dravet's syndrome and Lennox-Gastauut's syndrome. A British pharmaceutical company, GW Pharmaceuticals, is also in the final phase with a CBD-based drug that many people hope to be able to print soon to children suffering from severe epilepsy. A study from 2017 on 120 children and young adults with Dravet's syndrome also adds additional weight to CBD treatment in epilepsy. One could then show a statistically significant reduction in severe epilepsy cases in the group receiving cannabidiol. However, the CBD group also had more side effects than the placebo group. Schizophrenia and Psychosis Diseases: Today we know that cannabis use is one of several risk factors for suffering from schizophrenia and other psychosis diseases. And that one should be able to relieve and treat this with substances from the cannabis plant may sound strange, but cannabidiol antipsychotic properties are now being studied carefully. In the review article, the researchers stated that various studies have shown that it is possible to alleviate symptoms from schizophrenia with CBD. And among the more than 100 studies on cannabidiol that are currently registered, there are several whose future results can clarify the CBD's potential in psychosis disease. The same British drug companies that develop the CBD-based epilepsy drug have also, in a recently published and well-done study, shown that CBD can provide symptomatic relief in schizophrenia. Depending Disease: Another interesting area where CBD is predicted to have a medical field of application is dependency disease. Studies are currently underway in the treatment of problematic use of alcohol, cocaine, and opioids. There are also studies suggesting that CBD and turmeric capsules can reduce withdrawal symptoms in people trying to stop cannabis. And much more… From the information above, it can be concluded that CBD really has health benefits. But of course, it would be wiser if the use is consulted in advance with the doctor or related medical officer. Read Also: 4 Advantages Of Using CBD Oils Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe For Pets – Dogs & Cats Cannabis Can Help In The Fight Against Drug Addiction

High Cholesterol

Health Tips For Managing High Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels can be caused by your hereditary makeup, a diet high in excess fat, and obesity. If you've lately been diagnosed with high cholesterol, discussed below are tips to combat the condition: Health Tips For Managing High Cholesterol: 1. Track the Cholesterol Level Frequently As stated by the American Heart Association, the risk of a heart attack with a total cholesterol level of 240 mg/dl is twice as high as for a person with a cholesterol level of 200 mg/dl. Most doctors want total cholesterol below 200 mg/dl, meaning that LDL (bad cholesterol) is less than 130, and HDL (good cholesterol) is above 40. Observing or monitoring your cholesterol level can help you achieve the right cholesterol balance. 2. Read Resources by Yourself Ensure you explore the topic of cholesterol and learn as much as you can. Remember that our body produces and makes use of cholesterol to help execute certain vital functions, such as building new cells and creating hormones. It appears that low HDL levels can intensify your risk of heart problems. Saturated fats in most foodstuffs are blamed for increasing cholesterol. It is important to identify treatment options that are accessible to both conventional medicine and substitute treatments so that you can make a good decision. The choice of traditional or alternative medicine is determined by your present cholesterol level, your overall health, and your way of life. Some people like to take statins to lower cholesterol, while others do all they can to evade them. Make sure you tell your doctor about all of the treatment methods you have chosen. 3. Lose Weight If you're carrying some excess weight, dropping part of it can lower cholesterol, as well as improve your overall health. Being overweight can interrupt normal fat metabolism. Do not start on an accelerated diet, but watch for a slow and stable loss of half to one pound per week. Combining this with regular exercise can lower your risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. 4. Exercise Regularly Spend 30 minutes a day walking briskly or doing moderate exercises such as cycling, aerobics, swimming, or running. Following the NHS exercise recommendations are useful for lowering dietary fat and the risk of heart disease. 5. Make a Distinction between Good and Bad Fats Research has revealed that a diet rich in monounsaturated fats lowers the risk of coronary heart disease by decreasing LDL cholesterol levels while increasing HDL. This kind of good fat is found in olive and peanut oils, avocados, and nuts (mainly walnuts and almonds). Also, the unsaturated cholesterol counteracts swelling in the arteries and prevent damage to the blood vessels. Limit your intake of saturated fats (mainly animal products such as cheese, butter, fatty meat, and whole milk) and trans-fats (salad dressing, margarine, cakes, pastries, and snacks) as these can increase cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fatty acids are an additional group of HDL. They are found in oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines. They can decrease LDL and triglycerides. However, to benefit from omega-3, you need to lower your total saturated fat intake. 6. Increase in Fiber Consumption Vegetarians are known to have lower fat levels and a lesser risk of heart disease than meat lovers. Plant products, such as fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and beans, are all high in fiber. There are two main types of fiber - soluble and insoluble, with the soluble form lowering cholesterol absorption in the arteries. 7. Eat Compound Starches Whole grain pasta, root vegetables, brown rice, barley, oats, and whole-grain dough are complex starches that are not just high in roughage, but also have many vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and Life essentials nutrition. They help lower cholesterol. Try to reduce your consumption of refined starches like cookies and white bread, as this can increase the risk of high cholesterol. 8. Drink Green Tea A good and healthy substitute for soft drinks and other sugary drinks is green tea. Studies have revealed that it aids in lowering LDL cholesterol. 9. Eliminate Stress Studies have found a link between job stress and disturbances in cholesterol levels. Stress and the associated emotions such as fear, tension, depression, and anger cause the discharge of hormones that tighten the arteries, reduce the flow of blood to the heart, and increase blood pressure and heart rate. These reactions, along with increased cholesterol, can significantly increase the likelihood of a heart attack. To get rid of stress, leave the situation by taking a short walk, taking a deep breath, meditating, stretching, or listening to soft music. This allows you to cool down and relax. 10. Stop Smoking Smoking not only lowers HDL, which is the good cholesterol, but it also comes with a whole host of adverse health effects, such as an increased risk of many cancers, stroke, and heart disease. Following these tips will go a long way to ensuring your cholesterol level returns to the normal range. Losing weight, exercising regularly, and improving your diet are also great for your health and general well-being, so there's no excuse for avoiding these positive changes. Read Also: 11 Effective Ways To Improve Testosterone Levels In Your Body 5 Natural Immune System Supplement Tips for Cold and Flu Season

how to know if you have an addiction

How To Know If You Have An Addiction: 7 Common Signs

Dabbling in addictive substances is something, unfortunately, that many of us do. For reasons specific to each person, the way that those drugs affect us is always different. There are several aspects to hinter you how to know if you have an addiction in your body. Sometimes environmental factors contribute to our abuse, and sometimes biological differences make individuals have a harder time getting off of a substance. In any case, it's important to know when an issue is forming.How to know if you have an addiction If you're wondering how to know if you have an addiction, we have some tips for you to look over. How to Know if You Have an Addiction: We'll go through some of the most common signs of addiction. Hopefully, our list will give you a better understanding of where you stand. 1. You Sacrifice for the Substance: One common sign of addiction is that the user will give up things they love to use. Things that you love could be a number of things, and a lot of those things will be mentioned later in the article. The point here, though, is that an addicted person will often put their drug of choice above things that they valued highly when they were sober. 2. You Haven't Been Able to Stop: Sure, it's really hard to stop something if you're addicted. Many people, however, don't take the time to stop because they aren't aware that they have a problem. If you've been using for a long period of time without stopping, why haven't you stopped? Have you been thinking about stopping but are yet to try? Give it a shot and see if you can stop using. 3. Dropping Responsibilities: If you have obligations to your job, family, and friends, beware if you start blowing them off to use. Addiction often leads a person to ignore essential responsibilities such as picking up a child from school. 4. You Have Withdrawals: If you have to stop using your drug of choice, you may notice that you have intense physical cravings. These may also lead to painful, agonizing withdrawals that only seem to stop if you use again. This is a good sign that you should seek help for your substance abuse because many people find that withdrawals are too painful to go through without help. It's essential to go through these to get clean, though. So, how long does a drug detox take? It depends on the drug, but you're going to feel a lot better when it's through. 5. You're in Financial Trouble: Another large red flag is that you have put aside your financial goals, bills, and normal spending habits to make way for your substance abuse. Depending on your circumstances, you may have enough money for this not to be an issue. Still, it is a slippery slope as you begin to use more and more. 6. Your Friends are Concerned: It often takes people a while to confront their friends about a substance problem. If your friends are reaching out to you and asking how you're doing, it's likely that they see a significant change in your behavior. 7. You Rationalize Your Use: Another common trait of someone who's addicted is that they make excuses for why they use or when they will quit. If your users weren't a problem, you would be able to put the substance aside immediately to take care of your responsibilities and reclaim your relationships. Think You Might Have an Addiction? If you're wondering how to know if you have an addiction, that may be a nominal sign that you should try to slow down and stop altogether. If our list has made you feel like you might have an addiction, we recommend that you contact help as soon as possible. Visit our site to learn more about how to get clean, live a healthy lifestyle, and more. Read Also: Cannabis Can Help In The Fight Against Drug Addiction Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism: Signs, Symptoms And Who Is At Risk? Is Someone You Know Suffering From A Benzodiazepine Addiction? Here’s How To Know