What are the Grounds for Divorce in Illinois?

Published on: 10 January 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

In Illinois, you can file for a fault or no-fault divorce. While the grounds for both types of divorces vary, one thing remains the same. Your situation needs to meet the state’s requirements in order for you to have a recognized divorce. Find out all about the grounds for divorce and what it means for you.

No-Fault Versus Fault Divorce:

Before you consider the grounds for divorce, you should understand the differences between fault and no-fault divorce. In a no-fault divorce, no one is to blame. Instead, the marriage is over because of irreconcilable differences. You don’t need to prove any type of misconduct.

A fault divorce is one in which one spouse is to blame. For example, one partner could cheat on the other. The act of cheating would place the blame on their shoulders. If you want this type of divorce, you need proof. Accusations alone are not enough.

Some states, like Florida, are strictly no-fault states. However, Illinois is one of the few states that offers the option for either type of divorce.

The Grounds for Divorce:

Because a fault divorce places the blame on an individual, the grounds for it are strict. To qualify for this type of divorce, your partner needs to be guilty of at least one of the following:

  • Impotence
  • Bigamy
  • Abandonment for a minimum of one year
  • Adultery
  • Infecting the spouse with an STD
  • Two years or more of drug addiction or alcohol abuse
  • Extreme physical or emotional abuse
  • Attempted murder of the spouse
  • A felony conviction

During the divorce process, the fact that one party was at-fault is not very significant for financial matters. According to divorce law in Illinois, the fault does not affect the division of property or alimony. But, it does matter for child custody and visitation. An at-fault parent could have limited custody as well as limited visitation rights. They may also have less of a right to joint pets.

Grounds for No-Fault Divorce:

Although you don’t need to prove any marital misconduct for no-fault divorce, you do need to wait. In Illinois, you need to live separate and apart from your spouse for two years before you can divorce.

If you reside in the same house as your spouse for those two years, you need to prove that you were not together. More specifically, you need to prove that you only lived as roommates. You also need to show that your marriage is beyond repair as a result of irreconcilable differences.

If you had efforts at reconciliation, you need to show that they failed. Finally, you need proof that any future attempt to save your marriage would be a failure.

Getting Around the Waiting Period:

The two year waiting period for a no-fault divorce can be inconvenient and challenging. If you want to speed up the process, you have one option. You and your partner can live separate and apart for six months. Then, you can agree in writing to waive the two-year waiting period.

When both partners can’t agree to waive the waiting period, there is no way around the two-year wait. Either way, you could benefit from working with a Schaumburg divorce attorney. The divorce process is not an easy one. When you work with a divorce lawyer in Schaumburg, IL, you can get the answers to all of your questions.

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ridesharing accident

Steps to Take After Being Involved in a Ridesharing Accident

Ridesharing is revolutionizing the way people get from point A to point B. Whether it's just to have a safe ride home after a night of drinking or a great alternative to purchasing your own vehicle, ridesharing is gaining in popularity. With more people getting rides than ever before, more car accidents are involving ridesharing vehicles. Understanding what to do if you're involved in a ridesharing accident can help to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve for the injuries that you sustained. Check For Injuries And Call The Police The first steps that you want to take after being involved in any sort of car accident are to check for injuries and call the police. You should start by checking yourself and other passengers. Then, check the other parties involved to see if they have any injuries. If anyone has severe injuries, you should be contacting emergency medical assistance immediately. If you have slight injuries, it's still a good idea to get them checked out by a medical professional at the accident scene. This way, your injuries are documented right from the start. Once everyone is checked for injuries, it's time to call the police. The officer will be responsible for creating an accident report. While you may not think that a report matters since it's not your vehicle that was involved, think again. Any ridesharing accident lawyer will tell you that having access to the accident report is a vital part of your claims case. Even if the drivers involved don't want to contact the police, you should do so yourself to ensure your future safety is looked after. Take Pictures And Collect Information West Coast Trial Lawyers will advise you to take pictures to document the scene. While you may have no stake in the property that was damaged, you should still have photo evidence of it. This can come back into play later when determining who was at fault for the injury. This way, your Uber accident attorney knows who to go after to seek compensation for the injuries that you sustained. Talk with witnesses and gather their contact information. Witnesses tend to leave the scene of the accident once an officer arrives. Therefore, speaking with them before the police arrive can ensure that you get the information you need before they leave. The more witnesses you have, the better chance your ridesharing accident lawyer will have at proving your case for injury compensation. You'll also want to get the information about the people involved in the accident. Start by collecting the contact and insurance information of your ridesharing driver. Then, get the same information from the other parties involved. If the other driver had passengers with them, then get their information to. Be sure to write down or take pictures of the license plates of the vehicles that were involved. Understand What Insurance Pays For Your Injuries One of the most confusing parts of being involved in a ridesharing accident is understanding what the insurance company pays for the damages and injuries that were a result of the accident. Does Uber's insurance cover the problems or does the Uber driver's personal insurance cover your injuries? Let's take a look at the different scenarios below. Hit By A Ridesharing Driver If you're in a vehicle accident that is determined to be the fault of the other driver who was in a ridesharing vehicle, the other driver's insurance is responsible for paying for your injuries. Keep in mind that each driver's insurance policy will have coverage limitations. If your compensation amount is above the coverage limit for the ridesharing driver's personal insurance, the ridesharing company's insurance will cover the excess if the driver was working at the time of the accident. Your Ridesharing Driver Is At Fault For Your Injuries When the ridesharing driver that you're riding with is determined to be at fault for your injuries, their personal insurance will cover your compensation. In the event that your compensation amount is over what the driver's personal insurance will cover, the ridesharing company will cover the excess if the driver was working at the time of the accident. What Is Considered Working By Rideshare Companies? West Coast Trial Lawyers will inform you that the ridesharing company will only pay if the driver was determined to be working. If the driver was not determined to be working at the time of the accident, the ridesharing company's insurance will not cover the excess of the compensation you get. Rather, you'll have to go after the driver of the vehicle personally for anything their insurance won't cover. Ridesharing companies like Uber and Lift have their own technology that allows them to communicate with their drivers. Drivers are required to update their status on their mobile device to tell the company what they're doing. As long as the ridesharing driver was logged into their application, the ridesharing company's insurance policy will kick in. However, there are some restrictions to their coverage limits. If the driver is logged into their application but has a status of waiting for a ride request, the ridesharing company's insurance has limited coverage. For Uber specifically, the limited liability coverage is 25,000 dollars for property damage and 50,000 dollars per injury up to a 100,000 dollar limit. In most events, a combination of the driver's personal insurance and the ridesharing company's insurance will take care of the compensation for your injuries. However, if they don't, your Uber accident attorney will take up suit against the ridesharing driver personally for the excess. In cases where the ridesharing driver has a status of being in route to pick up their passenger, then the ridesharing company's full insurance policy kicks in. Both Uber and Lift have a 1,000,000 dollar personal injury insurance policy. Remember that this policy kicks in after the driver's personal policy reach its coverage limits. Why Contacting A Lawyer Is So Important As you've found out above, there are many things to consider when you're involved in a ridesharing accident. Navigating the legal waters and determining what insurance policy or policies will be paying for your injury compensation can be difficult. Employing a ridesharing lawyer to help you along the way will ensure that you get the compensation that you need for your injuries. Your lawyer will be able to collect the necessary evidence from the ridesharing application to determine what insurance is covering the accident. They'll be able to take up suit against those companies and assist you in determining a proper amount of compensation for the injuries that you sustained from the accident. Most importantly, a lawyer will be able to do all the heavy lifting with your claims case so that you can physically and mentally worry about getting better. You don't want to be dealing with lawyers, insurance companies, and educating yourself on laws when you're injured. Being involved in a ridesharing accident may not be something that you've thought about before. However, since ridesharing is becoming more popular, you should be prepared with what you should do in the event that you find yourself involved in one. The above steps will help you to figure out how to proceed after an accident occurs. Read Also: Expert Advice: 5 Crucial Things To Do Immediately After An Automobile Accident 5 Types Of Damages You Can Claim After A Car Accident What To Do When You’re Involved In A Car Accident In Albany

Law Enforcement Career

10 Tips For A Successful Law Enforcement Career

Do you have what it takes to be a police officer? You might be ready to jump into the fray and do your best to keep the peace, but you must also be able to maintain the strenuous physical and mental demands required. If you are ready to pursue a career in law enforcement, then you’re in the right place! From things to keep an eye on to tips to hit the ground running once you are accepted into the department, we have everything you need to know about being a police officer. 10 Lucrative Ways Of Making Law Enforcement Career Successful 1. Be aware of mental health stressors Law enforcement is not a job that is easily left behind once you make it home for the night. The things that you might see and might be forced to do could weigh heavily on your mind. What happens if you have to defend yourself with lethal force in the face of serious potential harm? For many people, the consequences of living with the memory of seriously harming or killing someone, regardless of whether the action was justified, are significant – and that’s just one aspect of the job that can impact mental health. In fact, according to a 2018 study, police officers are more likely to die via suicide than they are to die while working. Not only that but also their rates of suicide are higher than in the general population. Despite this information, police officers remain stoic about their mental health stressors. While it is understandable to be cautious about discussing your mental health, it is important to pay attention to how you’re feeling. When you experience a stressor of some kind, seek professional help in processing the emotions you might face as a result. 2. Focus on your physical fitness Police officers must be ready for any situation, and this includes circumstances that test their physical endurance. It is imperative that you can hold your own against other people in a physical altercation. Taking some time to focus on your physical fitness before you become a police officer is a critical element of a long and successful career. There are a variety of exercises you should do to prepare to be a law enforcement officer and to maintain your fitness level once you are part of the force. One of the most important of these is running, which is often an explicit requirement of the physical ability test (PAT) that must be passed before you can enter the police academy. You should be able to run at least a mile and a half, though the specific distance varies from precinct to precinct. Other common exercises include push-ups, sit-ups, and agility. In addition to all of the above, officers must be prepared to climb over fences or other barriers when chasing a suspect. This portion of the PAT is known as the ‘barrier surmount’ and requires you to sprint 50 feet before climbing over a barrier at least six feet in height. The best way to prepare is to practice on an actual six-foot wall. The goal is to pull yourself up to the top of the wall and swing the rest of your body over as smoothly as possible. Plenty of push-ups to strengthen your arms and sit-ups to strengthen your core are recommended as you train your body to overcome barriers easily. 3. Get the right education You might not think that a college education is a requirement for police work, but it comes in surprisingly handy. If you acquire knowledge of the important moments in the history of law enforcement, then you will have a better understanding of the inner workings of the system. Once you understand how the system works, you can work within it to effect justice. This makes you a better police officer. With the above in mind, why not consider a Bachelor of Policing? Wilfrid Laurier University created its program in conjunction with actual police officers to ensure that the content is relevant to the job requirements. This kind of program can be an incredible boon for experienced and new police officers alike, especially those determined to make a positive difference in their communities. 4. Focus on ethics and integrity Some police officers consider their weapons to be their most effective tools of the trade, but your attitude is far more important. When you focus on ethics and integrity, you lead by example and maintain a ‘clean’ reputation in your personal and professional endeavors. Ethics will help you do the right thing even if you could get away with doing less, while integrity will ensure that your ethics are part of your everyday life. When you decide to pursue a career in law enforcement, you are putting yourself in a position of authority over others. Make sure that you are worthy of this responsibility. 5. Assume that you are being recorded In the past, law enforcement officers have been able to do their jobs without too much of a public spectacle. This is rapidly changing as technology becomes a more common part of life. A decade ago, it would have been very difficult to record a crystal-clear video with excellent audio and visual quality on your phone. Today, however, this is something that even cheaper phones on the market can do. Assume that you are always being recorded whether you see a camera or not. Choose your words and actions carefully, and make sure that you are sticking to the letter of the law and behaving in a manner that wouldn’t embarrass you in a court of law. This is another area where ethics and integrity are important, as both characteristics can help guide your behavior and ensure that it is beyond question. Whether you are in the heat of a particularly difficult moment or are clear-headed and calm, your every move might be recorded in HD and used against you in the court of public opinion. Do your best to be a shining example of a law enforcement officer. 6. Take a financial planning class Police work isn’t a job that everyone continues to do into old age. It is an incredibly demanding one, both physically and mentally, and the struggles and skirmishes can take their toll over time. This means that you can really only count on a steady income while you are actively working, which might not be nearly as long as you would in other careers. Many police officers have retired only to begin new careers because they didn’t save their money while they were earning it or understand how to retain it once their career ended. A financial planning class can help ensure that this reality is not one you face. Register for a college-level personal finance class to learn how to manage your wealth, including how to obtain and retain it. This will give you the best chance possible to enjoy your twilight years after a hard career as a law enforcement officer. 7. Value your relationships outside of work Trauma and stress can build relationships quickly, but they can also destroy them just as easily as they were formed. Many police officers form fast friendships with their fellow officers and serve as moral support during the ups and downs of their careers. This is not necessarily a bad thing, and it is a natural consequence of the stressful nature of the job. However, sometimes these friendships come at the price of personal relationships outside of work. The same experiences that build in-work friendships can easily destroy out-of-work friendships if you aren’t careful. Consider maintaining your friendships and relationships beyond your workplace for a few different reasons. First, you should be able to live your life without talking about work all the time. It is an important job, but you don’t want it to define your personality. You might also find that being able to disconnect from the realities of your day job can be significantly healing. In order to retain your hobbies and life outside of the police force, you should take time to maintain your relationships that didn’t form in the office. You can have friends on the force, of course. This tip isn’t meant to dissuade you of that. It is only to emphasize that life outside of the precinct deserves just as much attention. 8. Spend time with your family In a similar vein to tip number seven, maintain your familial relationships even when you are stressed about work. Law enforcement is a somewhat unique career in that you cannot easily put it behind you when your shift ends, especially if you spend a lot of time working on call. However, you must make an effort to value your family just as much as you do your profession and remember that once you have lost time with them, you won’t get it back. You will never be able to relive your child’s first birthday or graduation day – you only get one shot at those. Be honest with your partner about your responsibilities and listen when they tell you what you stand to miss out on. Time can fly by when you are busy, and you might not realize that so many milestones are passing you by. Try to be there for the important stuff – those are the moments that you’ll remember when you’re retired and easing into your golden years. 9. Act honorably both on and off duty It is incredibly important to live your ethics both at work and outside of it. As a police officer, your reputation must be stellar. If it isn’t, you could lose a lot of trust and respect from not only your colleagues but also members of the public. After all, if you aren’t taking care of your relationships and loved ones outside of work, why should they trust you to put other people first while you are on duty? Not every relationship is destined to last, and, of course, you shouldn’t be expected to be perfect. Everyone is human. However, when you can behave honorably to your loved ones, take it. Go out of your way to do the right thing even when you aren’t being paid to do so. Many law enforcement officers have had their dirty laundry dragged in public, and it’s not a pleasant experience for anyone involved. Certain issues could easily ruin your professional life and career if they become public. Remember that public trust is the most important tool that police officers have to keep the peace and maintain their authority. Once you break it, your job becomes a lot more difficult and a lot less effective. 10. Be humble Being a law enforcement officer is an important job with quite a bit of responsibility. It is easy to let that power go to your head and think of yourself as better than the people around you. Do not become one of those police officers. Even though you will be held to higher standards than many civilians, you are not inherently more important than any of them. Do your job just like everyone else. Be a benefit to the community by being approachable, non-judgmental, and even considerate of the people around you. It costs you nothing to be polite and treat everyone with dignity and respect, but you stand to lose quite a bit if you do the opposite. For your reputation and career, not to mention the well-being of the people around you, stay humble. Are you ready to pursue a career as a law enforcement officer? The job isn’t easy, but it is an incredibly important one to the fabric of society. Your choices in the line of duty have the potential to affect entire communities, so take your time to learn everything you can before you start working. Keep our tips in mind as you embark upon this journey and good luck in your travels! Additionals: What To Look For When Researching A Criminal Lawyer? Picking the Right Law Firm for You and Your Family The Basics of Criminal Appeals Law

Reasons to File a Hernia Mesh Lawsuit

How Do I Know If I Have A Valid Hernia Mesh Case?

Medical lawsuits are particularly hard to win since they need a lot of time to settle. Hernia mesh lawsuits are one of the most common lawsuits in court.  Yes, it is shocking, but it is quite common. An expert attorney can build a fairly air-tight case against the company or the doctor with the right evidence. If you are a patient looking for reasons for a reason for this hernia mesh lawsuit, the following points might convince you to do so: 1. Health Issues The reason you went for a hernia mesh procedure was to cure your medical issue. Therefore, if it deteriorates your health further, then it is enough reason for a lawsuit. Complications arising from hernia mesh are more common than you think. For example, if there is a lack of proper attention, they can compromise your health. Usually, when mesh malfunctions, it causes infection and damage to other organs which can be serious for the patient. If there is no medical attention on time, it can cause life-threatening internal injuries. This factor alone should be enough to file a lawsuit. 2. Monetary Losses The primary purpose of any lawsuit is to look for fair compensation for all the plaintiff’s losses. Hernia mesh lawsuits are no different; the main reason behind filing this lawsuit is to receive financial compensation for the aggrieved party. These losses can be related to diminishing income, medical and pharmaceutical expenses, transportation charges, and any other cost related to it. Since the cure will add to the expense of the surgery, filing a claim to recover these expenses becomes a very valid reason to file a hernia mesh lawsuit. 3. Manufacturing Fault Believe it or not; despite being approved by the FDA, many hernias mesh fails because of a manufacturing fault. These the patient either doesn't know about these faults or are many doctors and company completely ignore it. Such negligence in a medical procedure can result in serious future injuries or loss of life. If you have suffered physical and emotional pain due to this oversight, you can file a lawsuit. Contact your attorney, and he/she will do the rest. 4. Physicians Fault Meshes don’t fail exclusively due to a manufacturing fault; sometimes, it’s the doctor who is to be blamed. A negligent doctor might put it in the wrong position or not stitch the wound properly. As you can imagine, it is a recipe for future disasters. If you realize that all your suffering is because of your doctor, then filing a lawsuit is important. You can analyze this by analyzing the doctor’s history or studying more about the mesh manufacturer. If the manufacturer's hernia mesh has a high success rate, your doctor might be at fault. 5. Labeling Error Mesh manufacturers know of all the complications that can occur when using their products. However, if they fail to mention them on their labels and packing, it can be a very good reason to file a lawsuit against them. What Are The Risks Of Not Filing A Hernia Mesh Claim If you’ve suffered complications from a hernia mesh implant, wondering if it’s worth filing a lawsuit. It can seem daunting to take legal action, but the risks of not filing a hernia mesh lawsuit are significant both to your health and your financial security. Possible Long-Term Health Issues First and foremost, failing to file a hernia mesh claim could mean missing out on the chance to obtain compensation for ongoing medical problems caused by the implant. Infections, bowel obstructions, and damage to other organs are only a few potential problems with hernia mesh failure. These issues can become increasingly worse over time if not sufficiently treated, further jeopardizing your health. Filing a claim ensures that you can seek damages related to subsequent surgeries or other medical treatment you may require down the line. Financial Hardship Another risk of not filing a claim is the financial strain that could come from mounting medical bills. If your hernia mesh has malfunctioned, you could face costly procedures, hospital stays, and continuous doctor visits. Without compensation, you’re left to pay for these out-of-pocket expenses, which can quickly add up. Even if your insurance covers part of the cost, you’re still likely to face co-pays, deductibles, and other related expenses. Filing a hernia mesh claim could help you recover these financial losses. Loss of Legal Rights By not filing a claim you may be giving up your rights. Most hernia mesh lawsuits will have a statute of limitations that you need to file by or else it is too late. If time runs out on you, then there’s nothing more you can do but miss out on compensation for all the pain and suffering, medical bills, and lost wages. There can also be emotional effects of such injury as well. It’s frustrating and stressful to know that you’re suffering because of someone else’s negligence. Filing a claim can help you feel empowered as you make the responsible parties pay for what they’ve done to you. No Chance of Compensation Lastly, one of the biggest risks of not filing a hernia mesh claim is that you could potentially miss out on the compensation you are owed. When you file a lawsuit, you could recover compensation for medical bills and wage loss, as well as damages associated with your pain and suffering. Therefore, if you're experiencing problems related to a hernia mesh implant, don't take chances with your health or finances. Immediately file a claim today! Read Also: Hagen Rosskopf Explain What to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney Few Reasons Why You Deserve To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer Florida Car Accident Lawyer: The Ultimate Approach to Winning Car Accident Cases