Healthcare Jobs That Will Be Most in Demand 2020–2025

Published on: 19 July 2019 Last Updated on: 11 December 2021
Healthcare Jobs

The labor market does not stand still, and every year new professions appear. However, there is a glut of the market too. There are a lot of specialists, which cannot be said about jobs. Today we have prepared a selection of jobs in the field of health that will gain demand in 2020-2025. Healthcare Jobs can make things easier for you. However, if you prefer to live in today’s reality and not look into the future, then Jobsora offers everyone to find a job. You can monitor job offers and view salaries in areas of interest to you, and we will continue our research.

Healthcare Jobs That Will Be Most in Demand 2020–2025:

Molecular Nutritionist:

Such a specialist will be engaged in the development of the individual nutritional menu, which will be based on data on the molecular composition of the food. At the same time, specialists will take into account the results of human genetic analysis and the characteristics of all physiological processes.

The Developer of Medical Organizations:

This is such a professional who will be engaged in the development of the life cycle of a medical institution and its management -from design to closure. Today, activities related to R&D, education and training, and mastering new technologies are beginning to play an increasing role in the development of medical institutions. And in order to manage such complex complexes, there will be a need for relevant specialists.

R&D Health Care Manager:

Most likely it will be a pretty demanded profession from the management branch in medicine. A specialist in this profession should provide communication between research, medical diagnostic and preventive institutions. Also, he or she should be able to manage cooperation programs and joint projects. The role of such a manager is to assemble a suitable team of scientists, engineers, researchers, developers and focus them on the implementation of commercially promising ideas, as well as coordinate all teamwork in the process.

Health Advisor for the elderly:

A healthy lifestyle becomes a must. By 2020, there will be a need for a consultant who will develop solutions to health problems in older people. Such a medical consultant will adjust the lifestyle, select the necessary diet, and physical activity.

IT Geneticist:

This will be a professional who will be engaged in programming the genome for the given parameters. Gene therapy has become a booming medical field. This is a change in the genetic apparatus of a person to combat diseases. Since new research is constantly being revealed in this direction, specialists in this area will be very sought-after.

The Developer of Cyber Prostheses, Implants:

The key responsibilities of such a specialist are clear. Even today, professionals in this area are needed. This trend will be still relevant in a couple of years, with a rapidly developing technological process.

Medical Equipment Architect:

An architect of such a direction will have to possess spatial thinking, understand the anatomy and physiology of a person and understand the biocompatibility of materials and devices. Moreover, it will be necessary to have expert knowledge in the field of medical and technical safety. Healthcare jobs can make things more feasible when you use the best medical equipment.

Bioethics Specialist:

The duties of a professional of such a specialty will include the provision of a regulatory and ethical framework for the activities of medical centers that deal with diagnostics and bioenergy. It is expected that no laboratory of the future will be able to do without the help of such a professional.

Specialist in the Clinical Bioinformatics:

In the case of an unusual course of the disease, this specialist will build a computer model of the biochemical processes of the disease in order to understand its root causes. Despite the fact that translational medicine exists today, the emergence of a large number of jobs in this area is predicted. Healthcare jobs will provide you the opportunity to know more about Clinical Bioinformatics.

Medical Robot Operator:

Perhaps by 2025, there will be much more robotic medical students. Therefore, experts who will be engaged in programming diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical robots will be very necessary!

Despite the penetration of technology and artificial intelligence in each area, the need for health workers will not decrease. As you see, on the contrary, there will be new specialties and an increase in the number of jobs!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Treated Unfairly

Most Important Steps To Take When You Think You Have Been Treated Unfairly

Finding a great job can be difficult. The better the job the more competition there is, meaning that you have to stand out from the crowd. However, what do you do when you have started your dream job and find that you are being treated unfairly. You may think that you simply have to put up with it, after all, what other options are there? But, the simple truth is that every person has the right to be treated fairly. You need to identify if you are being treated unfairly and do something about it. Identifying Unfair Treatment The first step is to look at how you are being treated in comparison to others in your workplace. There is a difference between unfair treatment when you are treated differently from others, and bad treatment when everyone is treated badly. It can help to speak to a reputable unfair dismissal lawyer, even if you haven’t been dismissed. They will help you to identify whether and how you are being unfairly treated. They can also be of assistance in resolving the matter. Step 1 – Bring It Up The first step in dealing with unfair treatment is to bring it up with the company and the specific individual. In many cases, this is your direct boss. Talk to them about the issue you are facing and see how they respond. This can be enough to end the issue. You must remain calm when talking and it is advisable to take a witness into any meeting. You should make notes regarding the entire process. Step 2 – Contact Superiors If this has no effect and the business has an HR department you can bring the issue up with them. They will have set procedures that need to be followed to assess your claim and deal with it properly. If your business doesn’t have a separate HR person that you can talk to then you will need to go to the boss or owner of the company. Of course, if this is the person unfairly treating you that won’t help! Step 3 – Involve The Professionals Should both the above steps have been unsuccessful then it is time to speak to your unfair dismissal lawyer again, even if you haven’t been dismissed. They will be able to contact your employer for you and remind them of the law regarding the treatment of employees. The fact that they are already in the loop means it will be easier for them to assist you if the employer reacts badly and dismisses you. Of course, you need to be aware that dealing head-on with unfair behavior at work means you may not feel welcome in the workplace anymore. If this is the case you can leave and file an unfair dismissal claim as you have been forced out. Again, it’s a good idea to speak to the unfair dismissal lawyer first to ensure you get the best advice and follow the right protocol. Read Also: 5 Ways You Could Have Been Sexually Harassed in the Workplace The Benefits of Drug Testing in the Workplace using Drug Test Cups

Business Analytics

Master’s In Business Analytics: Is It Worth The Effort?

There are many different degree programs that professionals with established careers have looked to as a way of improving their prospects, but a master’s in Business Analytics is one of the newer educational programs on the market.  Despite being younger than other traditional business degrees, the master’s in Business Analytics has proven popular, with a range of students looking to give themselves an edge in an increasingly competitive job market.  What, exactly, is business analytics, and is it worth the effort it takes to earn one?  What Is A Master’s In Business Analytics?  Although a business analytics curriculum will vary between institutions and programs, all offerings tend to encompass a few main elements. This includes the advanced use of quantitative and analytical tools to enhance strategic business decisions.  Students in this program will become adept at manipulating large datasets and applying this information in real-world settings. As a result, students will be better equipped to make data-backed judgments in a wide range of business and organizational settings.  This could include coursework that covers everything from machine learning and algorithms to probability, advanced computation, and more. In addition to giving you the tools to mine and gather this data, it will also equip you with decision-making frameworks to put it to use.  Sample modules could include business analytics in practice, big data for decision making, data mining, web analytics, and effective management consultancy.  What Skill Set Does A Master’s In Business Analytics Give You?  The unique structure and content of master’s in Business Analytics programs give you the opportunity to develop and refine many of the technical skills that are demanded by employers across a wide range of industries and sectors. These include the course master in business analytics. Problem-solving skills: Develop competence by using analytical tools along with multiple SEO techniques. That produces effective team management and changes it within a data-driven team along with other organizations.Strategic decision-making: Uncover patterns, correlations, market trends, and customer preferences that can be used to make informed decisions in commercial environments Analytical enterprise: Refine your analytical skills and learn how to apply software packages, machine learning, textual analysis, and predictive modeling  With this in mind, here are some of the main benefits associated with a master’s in Business Analytics degree: Increase your earning potential by becoming a candidate for senior management positionsCreate career options in a diverse range of sectors and industriesIncrease your influence within your current business or organizationEquip yourself with an increasingly in-demand set of skillsBuild confidence in your own analytical and decision-making abilities  Are Masters In Business Analytics Graduates In Demand?  The skills that a master’s in Business Analytics provides you with are in high demand these days, which is another benefit of pursuing this program. You know what the analytics meaning is. In fact, the commercial demand for graduates who can analyze data and put it to use, solving complex business problems, has never been higher.  There are two broad trends creating this demand. Firstly, businesses are more sensitive than ever to the need to use data when making business decisions. In addition, businesses are now able to capture an increasingly diverse and voluminous array of data using a variety of different tools.  However, while businesses and organizations realize just how important big data is to their organizational or commercial outcomes, they are also faced with a deficit of qualified individuals who can make use of this data.  The national labor database Burning Glass has recently reported a 14.3% rise in business analyst jobs. Similarly, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has indicated that the job prospects for business analytics graduates have never been higher.  For those who are weighing the risks of undertaking a business analytics program, particularly given the costs associated with them, this can be viewed as a positive sign that you will likely see a return on your investment.  Although the demand is high for these skills, what specific career options will master in Business Analytics graduates have open to them?  Career Options For A Master’s In Business Analytics Graduate  Although the master’s in Business Analytics degree is open to individuals with essentially any academic or professional background, graduates of this program have found themselves in the following roles after graduation: Data scientistBusiness analystData analystDigital strategy managerDigital or business consultantBusiness data analyst  Ultimately, this is only a small selection of the career options that are available to graduates of this program.  For example, graduates of the master’s in Business Analytics program from Aston University have ended up working in a wide range of different fields and disciplines, the human resources and strategic management-related operations, along with marketing and accounting. This includes postings at some of the world’s most valuable companies, such as Unilever, Lloyds TSB, Deloitte, and Rolls-Royce.  Who Is A Master’s In Business Analytics Suited To?  A master’s in Business Analytics is worth investing in if you want to learn how to interpret data and put it to use, solving complex organizational or commercial problems. It is also useful if you want to increase your decision-making abilities, particularly if you are looking to increase your career prospects at the senior management level.  In both cases, a master’s in Business Analytics will give you the edge in an increasingly data-driven economy.  Is It Worth The Effort?  With all these benefits and potential career prospects in mind, you may still be wondering if a master’s in Business Analytics degree is worth the effort.  Ultimately, the answer to the question depends entirely on your own individual circumstances. If you are perfectly happy in your current job and don’t want to commit to an intellectually rigorous program of study to advance your career, there is certainly no requirement to undertake one.  However, if you have a sense that you are beginning to hit a wall in the progression of your career or you feel that you need to upskill in order to apply for more senior roles, a master’s in Business Analytics degree could be just what you need. Additionals: What Are The Features Of SAP Business One?Crucial Role of Content Marketing in Local BusinessHow Can Master Data Management Help Your Business?10 Must-Have Marketing Tools To Add In Small Business Growth Strategies!

highest paying blue collar jobs

51 Blue Collar Jobs/Career Options to Pursue If You Get Laid Off From Big Tech In 2024

Imagine this: you have been working in a big tech company for years. You are an experienced professional with great qualifications. Suddenly, one fine day you get to know after reaching your office or through a mail that the company has decided to lay you off! If this hypothetical scenario has given you a deja vu, then welcome to reality! You are not the only one who has gone through this. After the hiring spree that the tech industry went through during the pandemic, they are now resorting to mass layoffs. Now, naturally, these experienced individuals are now in search of other career options and job opportunities. Additionally, they both men and women are even considering entering the blue collar industry to earn their livelihood.   However, which field should you go to? What to do next? If these are some of the things that you have been searching for, then I have you covered! Therefore, keep on reading this blog till the end to learn more… The Saga of Big Tech Layoffs? Large number of significant companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google have been terminating workers for a variety of reasons in recent years. As I have already mentioned, due to people working from home and doing online shopping during the pandemic, there was an unexpected demand for digital services. To accommodate this need, tech companies soon hired a large number of workers. For instance, in order to accommodate additional people, Google extended its video conferencing offerings. Now that things are getting back to normal, there is a stable demand for these services, which means businesses don't require as many personnel. The world economy is changing. Money is moving less freely, and investors are being more frugal with their investments. Thus, there is pressure on tech companies to reduce their spending and increase their efficiency. And what does this mean? Lay offs! Investors are looking for tech companies to grow quickly. They pressure businesses to reduce expenses when growth slows, which frequently results in layoffs. They want businesses to eliminate anything that isn't absolutely necessary and concentrate on the most vital projects. Employers may fire workers because other employers are doing the same thing. Even though it's not the ideal choice, it's like a trend that gains traction. This phenomenon is known as "social contagion," and it may result in needless layoffs. “The job cuts surpassed 150,000 in 2022 and continue in 2023, with over 13,900 new ones as of March,” according to 365 Data Science. Tech companies are constantly striving to maintain their competitive edge. They may need to rearrange their teams in order to do this and concentrate on the most important tasks. As a result, employment may be eliminated when the business attempts to simplify its processes. What are Blue Collared Jobs? Blue-collar jobs are those that usually require specialized trades or manual labor. These are the types of jobs, such as factory worker, mechanic, or electrician, where employees may wear protective clothes or a uniform. There has been a discernible trend in favour of these positions recently. Let me tell you why, in case you were wondering: there are a number of reasons! First and foremost, physical strength is no longer sufficient for blue-collar jobs due to technological advancements. Today's workforce is more competent and specialized since they must learn to use sophisticated machinery and adjust to new technologies. Apart from this, the world economy is always evolving. There are more blue-collar occupations like manufacturing and construction in some areas due to the increased demand for commodities and construction. Additionally, particularly in hard economic times, a lot of individuals believe that jobs in the blue collar sector are safer. These positions offer a certain amount of job stability because they are less susceptible to automation or outsourcing than some office jobs. Vocational education and training, on the other hand, that prepares individuals for careers in the blue-collar industries is on the rise. People can more easily acquire the skills required for these employment as a result of this. Lastly, certain blue-collar jobs pay exceptionally well, particularly if they call for a particular skill set. The opportunity for earning a good salary rises with the demand for certain skills. All these are the reasons why the perception of manual labour is evolving. It is now viewed as a realistic career path with prospects for progress and fulfilment rather than a last resort. Why are People Shifting to Blue Collar Jobs After Tech Lay Offs?  The shift from white-collar tech jobs to blue-collar work is influenced by several factors. During economic downturns, tech companies often reduce their workforce to cut costs, leading to layoffs. These layoffs can prompt former tech employees to seek more stable employment opportunities, and blue-collar jobs can offer that stability. Blue-collar jobs are less susceptible to automation and outsourcing compared to some tech positions. Trades like electricians, plumbers, and mechanics provide essential services that require a physical presence and can't be easily replaced by technology. Additionally, there's a growing appreciation for the skilled labour involved in these trades, which can also offer competitive salaries. The rise of e-commerce and online services has also increased demand for blue-collar workers in logistics, warehousing, and transportation. Moreover, with the focus on sustainability and renewable energy, jobs like solar panel installers and wind turbine technicians are becoming more prevalent and lucrative. For those laid off from tech, retraining for blue-collar work can be a pathway to a new career. Vocational schools and community colleges offer programs to quickly learn the necessary skills, making the transition feasible. The combination of job security, competitive pay, and the satisfaction of hands-on work makes blue-collar jobs an attractive option for many, especially people after getting laid off from big tech companies. Are Blue Collared Jobs a Good Career Path?  According to most experts, professions in blue-collar employment can be quite fulfilling, especially in the current period. Demand and salaries for these jobs have been rising, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS reports that the average hourly salary for blue-collar employment has increased. In 2022, the average hourly wage for jobs in the construction and extraction industries, for example, was $21.38 for intermediate-level workers and $38.45 for experienced workers. This illustrates how experience can lead to a significant boost in a worker's income. The manufacturing, mining, construction, and logging industries are examples of blue-collar businesses that are vital to the economy. The BLS monitors employment growth in these industries, suggesting a consistent need for blue-collar workers. The number of new jobs anticipated over the next ten years is also disclosed by the BLS. These forecasts frequently include blue-collar jobs, indicating that they will remain a source of employment prospects. Because of technological improvements, blue-collar professions increasingly require a combination of technical abilities and physical labour. This combination may open up more profitable and specialized employment options. Blue-collar employment comes in a variety of forms, ranging from more conventional occupations like electricians and plumbers to more contemporary roles utilizing cutting-edge gear. Because of this diversity, there are numerous career options in the blue-collar industry. Additionally, the average wages of blue collar jobs have increased since 1990. “Not only does it reflect potential improvements in the quality of life and purchasing power among the blue-collar demographic, but it also indicates possible shifts in the societal value placed on skilled manual labour over the past few decades,” according to Gitnux. How Many Jobs are Available in Blue Collared Industry?  Now that you are aware of what blue collared jobs are and why has there been a rise in the number of these jobs, it is time for you to know how many jobs are available in this field. When it comes to the United States, we can see that the number of vacancies in this field has increased rapidly over the past few years. For instance, the manufacturing industry, which is a key blue collar sector, employed near about 12.1 million people in the year 2020. This sector is popular for producing goods. Since the beginning of this industry, the manufacturing sector has been providing employment to a sizable workforce. Between 2016 and 2019, the number of manufacturing jobs in the US increased by 454,000. Manufacturing jobs make up a large portion of the blue-collar employment sector. Therefore, this growth implies that manpower is required in this industry. Additionally, in 2019, almost 16% of all blue-collar workers in the US were employed in the construction industry. This is yet another widely popular blue collar sector. Now, according to several reports, there is a scarcity of the blue collar workers in the industry. This deficit is expected to persist until at least 2030. Because of this shortage, there are more job openings in these areas than there are workers, which is helpful for people looking for work in these sectors. A research suggests that there may be 2.4 million unfilled manufacturing jobs in the US between 2018 and 2028. This suggests that the blue-collar sector has a large number of available jobs. Best Blue Collar Jobs to Take After Getting Laid Off from Big Tech Companies If you are planning to get a complete career switch, and do something else that also comes with stability and its own share of benefits, it is time for you to think about getting into blue collared jobs! Wondering which ones to choose? I have you sorted! Here is a complete list of some of the best blue collar jobs that you can try if your big tech company had laid you off! 1. Electrician Electricians install, maintain, and repair electrical power systems in homes and businesses. Average Salary: $56,900 Skill Set: Electrical knowledge, problem-solving, safety awareness. 2. Plumber Plumbers work on piping systems for water, gas, and waste, ensuring they are functional and leak-free.  Average Salary: $55,160 Skill Set: Manual dexterity, understanding of plumbing systems, and customer service.  3. Welder Welders join metal parts using various welding techniques, often for construction or manufacturing. Average Salary: $44,190 Skill Set: Precision, steady hands, knowledge of welding methods. 4. Carpenter Carpenters build and repair building frameworks and structures, such as stairways and doorframes. Average Salary: $49,520 Skill Set: Math skills, physical strength, attention to detail. 5. HVAC Technician HVAC technicians install and repair heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems. Average Salary: $50,590 Skill Set: Mechanical skills, troubleshooting, customer service. 6. Construction Worker Construction workers perform various tasks at construction sites, from operating machinery to laying bricks. Average Salary: $37,890 Skill Set: Physical stamina, teamwork, basic construction knowledge. 7. Automotive Mechanic Mechanics inspect, maintain, and repair cars and trucks. Average Salary: $44,050 Skill Set: Problem-solving, automotive knowledge, customer service. 8. Machinist Machinists operate machine tools to produce precision metal parts. Average Salary: $45,840 Skill Set: Technical skills, attention to detail, stamina. 9. Painter Painters apply paint, stain, and coatings to walls, buildings, bridges, and other structures.  Average Salary: $41,540 Skill Set: Aesthetic sense, precision, physical endurance. 10. Truck Driver Truck drivers transport goods over short or long distances. Average Salary: $47,130 Skill Set: Driving skills, time management, stress tolerance. 11. Landscaper Landscapers create and maintain outdoor spaces, planting flowers, and trimming hedges. Average Salary: $32,220 Skill Set: Creativity, physical fitness, plant knowledge. 12. Boilermaker Boilermakers assemble, install, and repair boilers and other large containers holding liquids and gases. Average Salary: $63,100 Skill Set: Welding, blueprint reading, physical strength. 13. Sheet Metal Worker These workers fabricate or install products made from thin metal sheets. Average Salary: $51,370 Skill Set: Dexterity, spatial skills, reading blueprints. 14. Ironworker Ironworkers install iron elements for buildings and bridges. Average Salary: $53,650 Skill Set: Balance, strength, fearlessness at heights. 15. Bricklayer Bricklayers lay bricks, concrete blocks, and other types of building blocks in mortar. Average Salary: $53,100 Skill Set: Hand-eye coordination, physical strength, precision. 16. Pipefitter Pipefitters install and repair high-pressure piping systems. Average Salary: $58,150 Skill Set: Math skills, problem-solving, physical strength. 17. Crane Operator Crane operators use cranes to lift, move, or place equipment and materials. Average Salary: $60,530 Skill Set: Attention to detail, hand-eye coordination, patience. 18. Roofer Roofers repair and install roofs using various materials. Average Salary: $42,100 Skill Set: Balance, no fear of heights, physical strength. 19. Tile and Marble Setter These workers lay and finish tile and marble floors and walls. Average Salary: $43,050 Skill Set: Detail-oriented, artistic skills, physical stamina. 20. Elevator Installer and Repairer They install, fix, and maintain elevators, escalators, and other lifts. Average Salary: $84,990 Skill Set: Mechanical skills, troubleshooting, precision. 21. Wind Turbine Technician Technicians install, maintain, and repair wind turbines.  Average Salary: $56,230 Skill Set: Technical skills, no fear of heights, problem-solving.  22. Solar Photovoltaic Installer Installers set up and maintain solar panels. Average Salary: $44,890 Skill Set: Electrical skills, strength, balance. 23. Insulation Worker Insulation workers install and replace materials used to insulate buildings. Average Salary: $45,320 Skill Set: Dexterity, reading blueprints, measuring skills. 24. Heavy Equipment Operator Operators control heavy machinery used in construction. Average Salary: $49,100 Skill Set: Coordination, machine operation, attention to safety. 25. Railroad Worker Railroad workers maintain and operate train systems.  Average Salary: $64,210  Skill Set: Mechanical skills, strength, alertness.  26. Telecommunications Line Installer These workers install and repair telecommunications cables, including fibre optics. Average Salary: $58,280 Skill Set: Technical knowledge, climbing skills, problem-solving. Best Career Options to Take After Getting Laid Off from Big Tech Companies Coming back to what I had mentioned earlier in this blog. It has been seen that most of the people who have been laid off by the big tech companies are experienced, professionals. They have years of experience and that is the reason it is only natural that these lay offs feel like getting thrown under the bus out of nowhere. However, if you are planning to stay in the tech industry, it is possible for you to get a new job and make a career shift. Here are the top 25 carer options to try out after getting laid off from big tech companies:  1. Data Scientist Average Salary: $120,000/year.  As a data scientist, you will be responsible for analyzing complex data to help companies make better decisions. You would need to interpret huge amounts of data from several sources, using data mining, algorithmic, machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as statistical tools, and make it accessible to businesses.  Skill Set: Proficiency in programming languages like Python or R, statistical analysis, and machine learning. 2. Cybersecurity Analyst Average Salary: $99,000/year. The primary task of a Cybersecurity Analyst is to protect company networks and systems from cyber threats. They are responsible for monitoring security incidents and responding to them as and when required. If you are planning to take up this career, you need to analyze security alerts and scrutinize potential threats. Additionally, you will have to take action in order to mitigate the risks. Skill Set: Knowledge of security protocols, risk analysis, and familiarity with hacking techniques. 3. Software Developer Average Salary: $107,000/year. If you are planning to become a software developer, you have chosen a great career path. They are programmers who use their skills for creating new software. Additionally, they are responsible for improving software applications which already exist. You will need to design and code for building operating systems and/or mobile apps. In short, software developers create software to solve problems or fulfil user needs. Skill Set: Strong coding skills in languages like Java, C++, or Python, and an understanding of software development methodologies. 4. UI/UX Designer Average Salary: $85,000/year. Just in case you did not know, UI stands for User Interface and UX stands for User Experience. These designers are responsible for improving user experience and interface design for better usability. If you are planning to be one, you will need to gather the user requirements, evaluate and analyze them, and collaborate with the product managers and the engineers who are equally responsible for launching the product. Skill Set: Design tools like Sketch or Adobe XD, user research, and prototyping. 5. Web Developer Average Salary: $75,000/year. The task of a web developer is to build and maintain websites. They are responsible for ensuring that the website they are creating is visually appealing and that the interface is easy to navigate. Additionally, the web developers are also responsible for ensuring that the website’s performance goes smoothly and it works at full capacity. Skill Set: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and knowledge of web frameworks. 6. Software QA Tester Average Salary: $70,000/year. While the software developers create and design the software applications, the task of the software QA tester is to check the quality of the software through manual and automated testing. They are responsible forchecking the software before it is launched and report the defects that need to be rectified. Skill Set: Testing tools, attention to detail, and analytical skills. 7. IT Director Average Salary: $140,000/year. Just as the name suggests, IT directors oversee technology strategies and operations within a company. They are responsible and in charge of the technology in the organization. Additionally, if you are planning to be an IT director, you need to research as well as purchase all the hardware and software for any updates when required. Skill Set: Leadership, strategic planning, and a broad understanding of IT infrastructure. 8. Database Architect Average Salary: $115,000/year. Database architects design and manage complex databases for companies to store and organize data. As a database architect, you will be responsible for working with firms which provide design services for computers. Skill Set: SQL, database management systems, and data modelling. 9. Cloud Engineer Average Salary: $120,000/year. Cloud engineers are professionals in the IT industry who are are responsible for anything and everything that is related to cloud computing. They manage cloud-based systems and services. Additionally, you will be responsible for ensuring that you follow systematic approaches to solve the issues that your organization faces. Skill Set: Cloud platforms like AWS or Azure, networking, and security. 10. AI Specialist Average Salary: $130,000/year. An AI specialist is a professional who is responsible for developing intelligent systems and applications for their organization. Their primary role is to ensure that they design and create the automated software that mimic human intelligence which will help their organization. Skill Set: Machine learning, neural networks, and programming skills. 11. Product Manager  Average Salary: $109,000/year. The role of a product manager is to guide the development and strategy of a product. They are responsible for identifying the needs of a customer and the objectives of businesses about the product. In short, if you are planning to be a product manager, you will need to ensure that you are in total control of everything that a particular product needs to be, from scratch! Skill Set: Market analysis, project management, and communication. 12. Technical Writer Average Salary: $72,000/year. The task of a technical writer is to create documentation for technical products. Consider that a product is in the making. The task of you as a technical writer would be to ensure that you document each and every step that was taken to create the product. You are required to create a technical user manual using the right tools to be able to collaborate with the designers and other professionals. Skill Set: Writing skills, technical knowledge, and ability to explain complex concepts simply. 13. Business Analyst Average Salary: $82,000/year. If you are planning to become a business analyst, you will be responsible for analyzing the data related to the specific business. Your goal would be to ensure that you are able to help the organization achieve its goals with the help of the data that you have. Skill Set: Analytical thinking, problem-solving, and knowledge of business software. 14. Network Engineer Average Salary: $85,000/year. The next one on the list of career options that you can take if you get laid off from big tech companies is to be a network engineer. They are professionals who design and maintain computer networks. They are also responsible for implementing as well as troubleshooting the computer network of an organization. Skill Set: Networking protocols, hardware, and troubleshooting skills. 15. Systems Analyst Average Salary: $88,000/year. Last but not least, systems analysts play a role in assessing and improving computer systems for businesses. They are closely related to modifying and integrating new features to improve business efficiency. Skill Set: Systems design, problem-solving, and technical communication. Other Career Options After Getting Laid Off! Did you think that the list was over? Hell no! Here are some often other career options that you can tube about if you are planning to stay in the tech industry while getting laid off from the big tech companies: 16. DevOps Engineer DevOps engineers work on system deployment and network operations.  Average Salary: $115,000/year. Skill Set: Automation tools, coding, and system administration. 17. Digital Marketing Specialist They create and manage online marketing campaigns. Average Salary: $67,000/year. Skill Set: SEO, content marketing, and analytics tools. 18. Sales Engineer Sales engineers combine technical knowledge with sales skills to sell complex products. Average Salary: $103,000/year. Skill Set: Technical expertise, sales experience, and communication skills.  19. Data Analyst Data analysts interpret data to help businesses make informed decisions. Average Salary: $68,000/year.  Skill Set: Data visualization, statistical software, and database querying.  20. HR Specialist HR specialists manage employee relations and company policies. Average Salary: $61,000/year. Skill Set: Knowledge of HR practices, communication, and organizational skills. 21. Customer Success Manager They ensure customers are satisfied and engaged with the product. Average Salary: $90,000/year. Skill Set: Customer service, project management, and interpersonal skills. 22. Technical Support Specialist Technical support specialists help users with technical issues. Average Salary: $50,000/year. Skill Set: Troubleshooting, knowledge of hardware/software, and customer service.  23. Research Scientist Research scientists conduct experiments to develop new products or knowledge. Average Salary: $99,000/year. Skill Set: Scientific research, data analysis, and critical thinking. 24. Consultant Consultants provide expert advice to improve business performance.  Average Salary: $85,000/year. Skill Set: Industry knowledge, problem-solving, and communication. 25. Entrepreneur Entrepreneurs start their own businesses or ventures. Average Salary: Variable. Skill Set: Creativity, risk-taking, and business acumen. Wrapping It Up! Considering the fact that there has been a rise in layoffs by big tech companies like Microsoft and Google, employees who have years of experience have been losing their jobs. Hence, there is absolutely no doubt that people are in utter shock. However, if you are someone who is planning to switch your career or even start your career in blue collar industry, it is possible. As an experienced professional, you will be able to easily get hatred by other tech companies in the same niche. On the other hand, if you are planning to start your career in blue collar industry, you will be. In case you were searching about the career options that you can take after getting laid off by big tech companies, I hope that this blog has been of help to you, If there are any other questions that you might have related to the same, please feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page. Then leave your comments and suggestions in the box below. And I will be there to help you out with the same You May Like This: Best Practices For Visual Regression Testing On Cloud A Beginner’s Guide To Becoming A Facebook Developer In 2024 Is Computer Software Prepackaged Software A Good Career Path? 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