Why Should I Hire an Intuitive Life Coach?

Published on: 31 July 2019 Last Updated on: 19 January 2022
Intuitive Life Coach

“Balance” sure is the buzzword of our generation. Everyone is on a quest to find their true selves, take care of their emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental needs, find time for their careers and families, and be involved in their communities — all while maintaining a calm disposition for everyone they interact with. When going through difficult times you need a life coach who can give you the correct advice.

Who has time for that?

Balance is impossible if you’re looking to juggle. Tossing your balls up in the air, hoping to catch them in time before they fall to the ground, doesn’t work in the long run.

But knowing what to leave behind and what to cling to can be so challenging to identify, can’t it?

What if you learned how to be more in tune with yourself, more open to listening to your intuition and gut feeling?

What if you found a way to do life while leaving room for yourself?

This balanced life can be darn near impossible to create by yourself. Hiring an intuitive life coach to help get you tracking on your journey to inner peace and control can be a life-altering step towards living your best life, open to all the opportunities life has and will continue to present to you.

But what exactly does a life coach actually do?

You’re a step away from changing your life

Such a life coach doesn’t work to control your thoughts, show you shortcuts to doing life, or tell you how to feel. Rather, they work to help you discover your true potential.

Your coach will help you define your goals and set reasonable expectations for how to attain them and how long that process will take. These steps function to help you focus on what YOU need and want, rather than what OTHERS expect of you. Your coach will help you unpack why and how you’re holding yourself back from your dreams and set up an action plan to accomplish them.

In addition to setting up a plan of how to accomplish your goals, your coach will work with you on learning to accept your emotions and how to use them for good. Together you will work to help you unlock your capabilities to do so and encourage you to practice emotional health in your daily life.

Amid all these steps, your coach will also help you get more in touch with your heart and what it’s telling you to do; that is, what you intuitively want at your core. This is what sets an intuitive life coach apart from other life coaches. Instead of telling you how to feel, your coach will help you learn to identify how you want to feel. Rather than guiding you in one direction, intuitive coaches will give you space and tools to learn how to guide yourself.

If you’re looking for a real lifestyle change that is focused on your spiritual wellbeing and holistic care, look no further. You deserve to know what your heart wants and have the ability to make the changes necessary to make your wildest dreams come true.

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What to do if you encounter a black bear?

You can enjoy your adventure to the fullest only when you are confident about encountering dangerous animal comfortably while camping or hiking. Whenever you are camping or hiking in the wilderness, you are likely to encounter a bear. So, it’s very important to know how to deal with the situation keeping your head cool and calm because panicking might only make it worse. So, whenever it happens to face a bear, remain as composed as possible. Your action will depend on many things- the species of the bear, your surroundings, and your expertise. To deal a bear-encounter comfortably, follow these simple guidelines: Avoid bear altogether: Bears usually want to avoid human contact and hence, by avoiding them altogether, you can avert an unpleasant encounter. To be in the safe zone, avoid moving through bear-habituated area silently and alone. Try to travel in groups with lots of sounds- like talking or singing. And obviously, remain alert all the time. In encounter: If you bump into a bear surprisingly, remain calm and keep your bear spray ready. Try to figure out what type of bear it is. It will help you to deal with it accordingly. First, as a general rule of thumb, follow simple basics like if the bear is at a distance, give as much space as possible. If possible, turn around and leave the way you came. Or, simply walk away giving the bear a wide berth. But never try to approach it or take a photo. And if the bear is close to you, like in your campground or on the trail, compose yourself and evaluate the situation confidently. Back away slowly, but never try to run. Keep an eye on the bear, most probably, it will flee. Survive an attack: If your encounter turns into a stand-off, you need to determine, whether the bear is a black bear or brown one. One thing to keep in mind is that the only color is not the determining factor, as a black bear can be brown colored and vice versa. There are some physical characteristics that will tell you the species of the bear. Black bears are usually smaller and have smaller claws while brown ones are much bigger and have a distinctive lump behind their neck and their claws and paws are also bigger in size. Black bears are timid in nature, so if you can, try to escape. Or if you don’t see any option to escape, fight back. As the bear gets closer, strike on its nose and face with a rock, a stick or whatever you find. If you don’t get anything near you, use your fists. The bear will flee as it doesn’t tend to be aggressive. On the contrary, brown bears can be quite aggressive and large in size, it won’t be wise to fight back. Instead, you can lay down on the ground, acting as dead. Put your shoulder over the head and spread your legs so that it can’t turn you over. Leave your backpack on to protect your shoulder and back. Remain as still and motionless as possible. The bear will lose interest in you and walk away. Use bear spray: One of the best ways to deal with a bear is using a bear spray. This powerful pepper spray can stop a bear immediately and compel them to back off. But, using this spray needs some precaution and trial. Or else, you might end up exposing yourself to the chemicals. When you need to use the spray, don’t wait for it to come closer. Spray from a distance as it takes some time to show the effect. Don’t waste your time on aiming its eyes, nose, and face, just spray thoroughly or else, the bear may approach you while correcting the aim. However, to ensure exciting camping or hiking, get yourself educated on how to deal adverse situation. Bears are a generally calm natured animal but might get aggressive because of assuming you as a threat. Knowing how to deal with such adverse situation can go a long way towards handling it calmly and getting you home hale and hearty. Once you feel comfortable handling such a situation, your adventure-trips will be more exciting and enjoyable, see more on review night for more about outdoor adventure. Read Also : 7 Elk Hunting Tips To Follow

Best Season to Move

What is the Best Season to Move?

If you need to move from one place to another from work or for any other relatively urgent reason, chances are you don’t really have much say in what season you will be moving. However, if you can choose, you should think carefully about which is the Best Season to Move. In order to get some inside info, we asked Miracle Movers to share their insight from their years of experience in moving in all seasons, even notorious Canadian winters. The Best Season to move: Spring Early in spring, the price quotes you can expect from moving companies will be somewhat cheaper, since the peak season starts somewhere in mid-May. That means that if you can nab an April date with fair weather, you basically get the best of both worlds – your move will be relatively cheap, and you won’t have to contend with extreme weather (be it hot or cold). On the other hand, you will have to schedule your move in advance, and knowing the weather that far in the future might be impossible. Additionally, if you have children, spring is peak exam season. Putting your children through the stress of moving in this period is something you should think twice about. Summer The proverbial best season to do pretty much everything is the summer. Some research has found that homes sold in the summer fetch higher prices, so that might be an incentive to consider a summer move. Furthermore, the weather in most places promises to be fair most days, so picking any date will likely result in a nice day. With the summer break, your children will not only not have to worry about school, they will also be available to help you – get them to pack their own things. When it comes to the downsides of a summer move, one of the most obvious ones is that everyone will pick summer, making your favorite moving companies pretty tightly scheduled – meaning the prices will be higher and their availability will be limited. Finally, extreme weather such as heatwaves and hurricanes in certain regions may also give you pause. Fall/Autumn Despite the stereotypical idea of a foggy and rainy season, the fall is actually generally a nice season with plenty of nice days that are ideal for outdoor activities, moving among them. Depending on your region, you may find that the fall is the most suitable season for a strenuous activity outdoors. Additionally, lower prices of homes in the fall may be better for you if you’re buying a home. Finally, if you move in the early fall, you will be all set in your home by the holiday season with Thanksgiving and Christmas in your new home. A major drawback of a fall move is that the school starts then, so moving just as your children start the school year may be less than ideal. With changing schools, leaving friends behind, it’s a lot of stress. Winter Finally, winter is the season when the least moves occur, especially in the regions where heavy snow is common. That, however, means that your move is likely to be much cheaper compared to other seasons. Additionally, with less work, moving companies will probably have more time to adapt to your schedule. On the other hand, the biggest problem with moving in the winter is certainly cold. Furthermore, you may also need to insulate your boxes and protect them from the cold and water to prevent any kind of damage to your things while moving. Ultimately, whichever season you pick, there are clear advantages you will get, and some disadvantages that you will have to contend with. Make sure to pick the season which suits your needs. Read Also: Factors To Consider While Preparing For A Move Moving home checklist: What you need to know 7 Helpful Tips During an Emergency Moving Process 4 Questions To Ask From Your Home Relocation Company Top 10 Reasons You Should Visit Honduras

Integrating Body, Mind, And Spirit For Optimal Health

Integrating Body, Mind, And Spirit For Optimal Health

To achieve optimal health, a holistic approach that integrates body, mind, and spirit is key. This viewpoint recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of our being, emphasizing balance and synergy for overall wellness. Let's explore the principles of holistic health and how to weave these practices into our daily routines. The Body: Foundation Of Holistic Health Maintaining physical health is more than just avoiding illness. It's about nurturing our bodies through balanced nutrition and regular exercise. A diverse diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, ensures we get the nutrients needed for optimal body function. Regular exercise, on the other hand, strengthens the body, enhances cardiovascular health, and improves mood. The Mind: A Powerful Tool For Health Mental health plays an equally important role in holistic wellness. Mental practices like mindfulness and meditation can reduce stress and anxiety while promoting focus and clarity. A positive mindset can improve our overall outlook, resilience, and even physical health. By nurturing our minds, we enhance the overall quality of our health and life. The Spirit: An Integral Part Of Holistic Health Spiritual health, often overlooked, plays a pivotal role in our overall wellness. It gives us a sense of purpose, enhances our connections, and fosters resilience. Practices like yoga, meditation, spending time in nature, or participating in religious or spiritual communities can nurture our spiritual health. Incorporating Young Living Essential Oils A versatile addition to your holistic health routine can be Young Living Essential Oils. Known for their diverse benefits, these oils can complement various aspects of holistic health. Lavender oil, for instance, can support relaxation and better sleep, contributing to mental and physical health. Lemon oil can add a nutritional boost to your water, complementing your dietary regimen. Frankincense oil, often used in meditation, can foster spiritual health. By thoughtfully incorporating these oils, you can enhance your holistic health practice. Implementing Holistic Practices In Daily Life The key to implementing holistic practices is to start small and remain consistent. You might begin by improving your diet or incorporating a brief daily meditation. Over time, you can gradually add other practices. Remember, holistic health is not about perfection but balance. It's about listening to your body, mind, and spirit, recognizing their interconnectedness, and making adjustments as needed. The Power Of The Holistic Approach The holistic approach to health offers a comprehensive, balanced path to wellness. It acknowledges the interconnectedness of our body, mind, and spirit, emphasizing the importance of nurturing all three for optimal health. By integrating holistic practices into our daily routine, we not only enhance our health but also our overall quality of life. It's a journey of self-discovery, balance, and continuous growth towards achieving the best version of ourselves. Read Also: 6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Psychedelic Therapy for Mental Health Conditions The Future Of Healthcare: Adapting To An Aging Society