How Eco-Friendly Is Bamboo Toilet Paper?


27 December 2022


Bamboo Toilet Paper

Bamboo toilet paper is getting a lot of attention for being more environmentally friendly, but many people wonder if it is worth the switch. Is it really eco-friendly? How does it compare to traditional toilet paper? What about the cost difference?

These are common questions that consumers ask about bamboo toilet paper. Below, we offer helpful information that should answer most questions and help you decide if switching is for you.

How Eco-Friendly is Bamboo Toilet Paper?

Take a look at some of the ways that bamboo toilet paper is eco-friendly and may be a great option for your family.

1. Bamboo is a Sustainable Material

Bamboo is a Sustainable Material

Traditional toilet paper is made from 70% hardwood and up to 30% softwood trees. These trees take many decades to reach maturity, and harvesting them disrupts the local environment and wildlife.

Bamboo, on the other hand, reaches maturity in a matter of weeks. It is the fastest-growing plant on Earth. It grows up to 35 inches per day, and self-regenerates from its root system. That means there is no need to ever replant bamboo or disrupt additional land. Bamboo is naturally a sustainable material.  

2. Bamboo Produces Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Bamboo Produces Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Bamboo is a healthy grass variety that produces less greenhouse gas emissions than other types of trees. Compared to virgin forests, bamboo forests produce 30% less greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Bamboo Toilet Paper is BPA and Chlorine Free

Bamboo Toilet Paper

Traditional toilet paper is made from paper that is bleached and treated with chemicals to strengthen and soften it. Long ago, elemental chlorine was used to treat toilet paper, but it has since been replaced by less toxic methods. Still, some toilet papers are treated with chemicals, such as bleach or BPA to get that white, soft paper that we all recognize.

Bamboo toilet paper is not treated with chlorine, BPA, or other harmful chemicals. It is 100% all-natural and is free from pesticides, dyes, fragrances, and potential allergens. It is a good alternative for individuals with skin allergies or sensitivities.

4. Bamboo Toilet Paper is as Soft as Traditional Toilet Paper

 Traditional Toilet Paper

No one wants to use rough toilet paper, and that is a major concern among consumers considering bamboo toilet paper. But the good news is that bamboo toilet paper brands are increasingly finding safe and eco-friendly ways of making toilet paper softer and stronger than ever. Using longer fibers is one of the ‘tricks of the trade’ to keeping the paper soft and durable.

5. Bamboo is More Biodegradable than Traditional Paper


Not only is bamboo a sustainable material, but it is also highly biodegradable. All bamboo products are 100% biodegradable. That immediately makes bamboo toilet paper a more environmentally friendly option compared to traditional paper products.

This is important when you consider that the average consumer flushes 140 rolls of toilet paper per year! This is also helpful for the health of your septic tank since bamboo completely dissolves in water, which means there is no waste left to clog up your septic system or pipes.  

As you can see, bamboo toilet paper is eco-friendly, safe, and convenient for most consumers. For those curious about just how environmentally friendly it really is, just take a look at the above.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Gift Ideas

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Sex Life

8 Healthy Ways to Improve Your Sex Life Overnight

Modern life is a stressful affair. There are dozens of troubles ready to worry you to insanity, from work to debt to the In-Laws. Stressing about your sex life is one problem too far. It doesn't have to be stressful. Like many troubles with life, sometimes it takes a bit of a straightforward push to help guide you on the right path again. Here are 8 simple and easy tips to improve your sex life. 8 Tips to Improve Your Sex Life: Intimacy can be hard. There never seems to be enough time or the stress of everyday life is ruining the mood. Sexual dry spells are common, but that doesn't make them any less frustrating. Every couple is different. Run through this list and see what might clear up your intimate troubles. 1. Address Medical Issues: It is not an attractive or risque option, but it is important. There are many basic things that may inhibit your sex life. Reduced libido or high levels of stress, may be causes of underlying medical issues. Regular doctor visits are a good way to stay healthy. Tell your doctor about any troubles in the bedroom. They may be part of a much larger problem. 2. Yoga and Other Activities: One of the biggest benefits of an active sex life is the release of pent-up energy. If your sex life has hit a dry spell, you need to find an alternate way to release energy. Yoga, alongside other stretches and relaxation, can be an excellent alternate release. When you learn to calm your mind, it can help alter your perception of reality. This allows you to see both yourself, and your partner, in a more positive manner. These methods can give you body positivity and an ability to release stress by yourself. They also can help bring you to a better mindset for both you and your partner. 3. Communication is Key: Communication is a simple piece of advice. If your partner has an issue that needs resolving, the only way to know is if you communicate. Be open about your wants and needs. Is there something you always wanted to try? Or something minor that has been bothering you? Nothing is too small if it sticks around in your mind. This is also a great time to experiment. Ask about changing the time or location or whatever sparks your fancy. A good partner is one who will listen and consider. Establishing a solid foundation of communication will help all aspects of your relationship. Imagine all the stress that comes from having to ask something over and over. Open communication can help you understand why problems come up in a relationship. This applies both in and out of the bedroom. 4. New Place, New Perception: Many people may find that a lack of romance in their sex life can be a major problem. It can often feel like the spark that came from dating is gone. Much of those feelings can come from the wrong perception. Take your significant other on a vacation. Go someplace nice not just for the fun, but to bring back that feeling of dating again. The adventure itself can spark a lot of romance. If you'd prefer to go one step beyond, or can't afford a vacation, try some roleplay. The sense of playing different people will replicate the feeling of a new relationship. Win their heart all over again in new and exciting scenarios. 5. Education Can Be Fun: It is never late to learn something new. There are multitudes of new and exciting things you can try in the bedroom. Couples who spend the time to learn and experiment together can increase both their intimacy and their knowledge. Educating each other can be as simple as watching an erotic film, or reading up on new positions or toys. There are many classes you can take that are designed for couples. The idea is to relax and be open. Finding something new you enjoy is an exciting time. Share that experience with your partner. 6. Preparation: It has been time and time again that foreplay is an important aspect of any sexual relationship. While it is, there are plenty of other things you can do beforehand to spice up your love life. Try to schedule a time for a romantic evening. Scheduling may seem like a mood ruiner, but it can help build anticipation. Suggest some solo play beforehand. Masturbation is a healthy activity. It also shows off a very vulnerable and intimate part of yourself. Letting your partner witness this vulnerability can increase the bond between you. 7. Get Healthy: Being fit and healthy is never a bad idea. It can also improve your love life. By having more energy and more stamina, you can enjoy sex more and for longer. People experience reduced libido. It is often connected to chemical imbalances brought on by stress and poor health. Exercise can help to return a balance to your system and make sex more desirable. You can double up on relationship building by exercising together as a couple. Many gyms have programs designed for couples. 8. Supplement the Usual: There are hundreds of items that can enhance your bedroom experience. You can use toys, aphrodisiacs, or other prescription drugs.  For example, PT-141 injections have gained popularity as a potential solution to boost intimacy and sexual satisfaction. There are many ways to supplement your love life. Do your research. There are many different kinds of supplements that can enhance your experience. Many can be scams, placebos, or unsafe. Make sure you have a trusted retailer to avoid getting bad products. Do your research to find the best areas to buy viagra online, among other products. Bringing It (and You) Together: Having troubles with your love life is a common but temporary situation. As long as the desire to improve is there, no couple needs to be stuck in a rut for too long. For more tips and ideas on how to improve your sex life, health and happiness, look through our Lifestyle section. If you'd like to respond to our articles, or share your own thoughts and tips, feel free to contact us! We always love to hear from our readers. Read Also: How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life 7 All-Time Romantic Gestures That Never Go Wrong Breaking Up Isn’t So Hard To Do


Going to the Roller Rink? Here Are 4 Reasons to Bring Your Own Skates

Once you’ve caught the skating bug, there’s no way around it! You will be going to the roller rink at least weekly, and what could be wrong with that? Not only is it a great way to get that exercise you’ve been avoiding but it’s a great social activity as well. Why hang out in nightclubs and bars if you have a roller-skating rink nearby? It’s a whole lot safer and you surely won’t need to stay out till the wee hours of the morning to get in a bit of fun – unless you participate in an all-night skate party. Yes, they do still have those you know! In case you hadn’t thought about bringing your own skates, here are four things to consider. Different Ways You Can Make Use Of Skating Kits  There are multiple ways you can make use of the skating kits to make things happen for you in all aspects. 1. Fit Is Everything: In the very beginning when you were learning to skate, you were probably advised that fit is of extreme importance if you plan on spending any amount of time on your feet! There is nothing more dangerous than a pair of ill-fitting skates, which are often the ultimate cause of falling, injuries and sore feet. While you can rent skates at the rink, do they have a good fit for you? Remember, when others wear a shoe, that shoe starts to conform to the way they walk. The same happens with roller skates, so now imagine if hundreds of people wore them before you. Not a pleasant thought at all. 2. Trendy Custom Skates: If you are going to be skating around dozens of other people, why not look your best? You can easily order custom roller skates that are a perfect fit as well as fashionable enough to wear in public. Gone are the days when roller skates were sold in black and white. Today, you can choose your own color, and actually help ‘design’ the skates you order. 3. Performance: When you own your own skates, you learn the feel of them so that putting them on feels second nature. You will automatically know if something is awry and will know enough not to get out on the floor until you have had them repaired. Remember, even the best skates will wear over time and there few things worse than falling due to a damaged skate. 4. Athlete’s Foot IS Contagious: You don’t need to be a germaphobe to be concerned about athlete’s foot. While it isn’t as wildly contagious as influenza and you aren’t likely to see an athlete’s foot epidemic at your skating rink, it still is contagious enough to cause concern. According to Mayo Clinic, it typically starts between the toes and is caused by sweaty, ill-fitting shoes. (There’s another reason to buy skates that fit properly!) That being said, with humidity being the main catalyst, wouldn’t it be better to avoid rentals? While you might be able to list dozens of other reasons to bring your own skates to the roller-skating rink, these are four very big reasons to do so. Don’t have skates? The only thing you need to know is your shoe size and you can easily order them online. Want to look and skate your best? Bring your own skates. Read More:  How to Travel with a Suit like a Pro. 8 Tips to Help You Pick Universities Abroad. 3 Remedies for Winter Cabin Fever in Silverthorne.