How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy Lighters?

Published on: 08 August 2022 Last Updated on: 19 February 2025
how old do you have to be to buy lighters

How old do you have to be to buy lighters?

This question might seem a bit stupid, but I am glad that you are looking for the answer.

To be honest, carrying a lighter out of your kitchen or grill might signify that you are trying to light up one or two sticks. Also, people might feel that you are a smoker. Now, you know that you can not smoke until and unless you are 18 or 21.

So, here the question comes, “do you have to be 18 to buy a lighter?”

Here, in this article, we will help you find that.

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Do You Have To Be 18 To Buy A Lighter? – What Does That Mean

Do You Have To Be 18 To Buy A Lighter? - What Does That Mean

It is actually legal in most areas of the US to purchase a lighter for a minor. Here, I would also like to mention that often different stores are discrete when it comes to selling lighter, whether the buyer is going to use it for “lighting up a tobacco product” or not.

Here, another genuine concern plays a huge role. A lighter is a hazardous thing. So the concern is always there that without adult supervision, it can be dangerous for children or teenagers.

As per the law, in most places, you can legally without proving your age from a merchant who is willing to sell it. Here are some things that you might like to know.

  • In reality, there is no age restriction on the selling of a lighter or matches in the United States. But a lot of stores do not sell lighters to minors.
  • At the same time, it is also illegal to sell novelty lighters to any child. And it is effective in only some particular states.
  • Here, all those non-novelty lighters which fulfill child safety requirements can be a savior or can be sold to children.
  • So, you see, selling any substandard lighter or all those laughter which lack child-resistant mechanisms is completely illegal in most states.
  • Victims of any type of defective lighters might file a lawsuit for personal injury claim at any point.
  • As I have also mentioned earlier that it is also illegal to sell choking hazards to kids.
  • In case any retailer sells a choking hazard to any child, that individual might face a “choking hazard lawsuit.”

How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy Lighters?

When you are looking for the answer to “how old do you have to be to buy lighters?” you must understand the concerns related to that.

You might buy a lighter at any age, legally. But at the same time, as per the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, any lighter manufacturer needs to include child-safety mechanisms in their products.

So, when you are looking for an answer to the question, “how old do you have to be to buy a lighter?” you must have a complete understanding of different scenarios.

In addition to that, in case a child is using a lighter in order to commit any crime or in case a retailer sells a defective lighter, the seller might face civil action. We all are aware of the fact that a lot of states have laws that restrict the sale of ‘tobacco products to minors.

Here we like to mention that this specific grey area sometimes can be enforced at a store’s discretion. For example, they might think that they are not selling smaller cigarette lighter to minors, but at the same time, they might feel that it is completely fine to sell all those long-nose lighters.

Do You Have To Be 18 To Buy A Lighter?

Do You Have To Be 18 To Buy A Lighter?

In the above section, we have already discussed how old you have to be to buy lighters.

The thing is that you might purchase matches or lighter at any age. And it is because FDA does not consider matches and lighters as tobacco products. It means there are no particular regulations on the items.

Most states have explained the complete list of tobacco products long ago. And the list includes the following.

You might not know that as per Alabama code section 28- 11- 13, it is unlawful for all minors to buy, use, possess or even transport tobacco or any type of alternative nicotine product within Alabama.

On the other hand, it should not be unlawful for a minor employee who is working in a tobacco product, tobacco, or permit holder of alternative nicotine product in order to handle, sell, or transport tobacco products, tobacco, or alternative tobacco products.

But here, the employee has to act within the line and scope of the permit holder and employment. In case the employee is at least 21 years old, the process is free from all these complications.

At the same time, cigarette lighters are not considered a literal tobacco product.

In case it is a nicotine byproduct or product, it is always illegal to sell them to kids. In some particular states, this specific law is a little more of a grey area because cigarette lighter can fall under the category of ‘tobacco products.’

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A Child Commits Arson: Will, The Store Owner, Be Liable?

Suppose any product is defective and you are the manufacturer. In this case, you will be held liable.

To keep it simple, product liability laws are a set of rules which is responsible for governing the distribution, sale, and manufacture of products. So, in case you are a retailer of lighters or a lighter manufacturer in the United States, all those laws must always meet the below-mentioned standards. 

  • The child-safety mechanism that is built into the lighter has to reset whenever any individual uses the product.
  • A minimum of 85% of children who have tested the product must not be capable of doing the lighter work.
  •  The child resistance mechanism can not be easy to override.
  • The child resistance mechanism of the lighters must work properly for the expected life of the same product.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

When it comes to legalities, we always have a lot of questions in our minds. And that is why here I am answering some of the most common questions that you might have in your mind. Let’s go through the answers now.

1: How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy Lighters In Texas?

As per the latest New Minimum-Age Law that is effective from 1st September 2019, the legal age for buying lighters in Texas is 21 years before buying e-cigarettes, e-vapor products, and tobacco products, and there is no such age for lighters.
But a seller might face the consequences if they sell a lighter to a minor.

2: What Are The Penalties Of Selling Dangerous Products To A Child?

According to Section 2069, “civil penalties,” anyone who sells hazardous products to any child knowingly or violates prohibited acts that are mentioned in section 2068 is always subjected to civil penalties. However, the penalties will not exceed the range of $10000 for every violation.

3: What Is The Penalty Of Selling Novelty Lighters To Any Child?

As per section 720 ILCS 668/20, the penalty for selling any type of novelty lighters to any kid is a $500 fine for every offense.

4: How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy A Lighter?

We have already covered the answer to this question in the article above. Although the legal age is different for different states, there is no such legal age in most states. Here I would also like to mention that several laws and acts are there for this.

Be Careful!

Although there is no proper law regarding the age of buying a lighter. But there are different restrictions in different states. We have discussed that in the above article. It is always unlawful to sell lighters to minors also there is a risk of civil lawsuit in many cases.

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Back Injuries

Atlanta Law Experts: Know about Back Injuries Compensation

Injuries at work affect workers in Atlanta and other parts of the United States. Back injuries are the most common and many companies and insurance have spent billions when it comes to claims and workers’ compensation. Know more about a back injury in this link here. If you are one of the workers who is suffering from some kind of back pain because of your job, here are the things that you should know. Know about Back Injuries Compensation: The workers who are at risk of suffering from back injury are the following: Construction Workers People who do deliveries Workers who are working in logistics Janitors and Maintenance Workers Drivers Nursing Aides The list is not complete, and any employee can suffer a back injury regardless of the kind of work that they do. When you are involved in carrying, lifting, stocking, twisting, shoveling, sweeping, or driving, the more you are at risk of back injuries at work. For some people who cause repetitive stress on their backs, it is possible for them to claim back injury compensation from their insurers or company. What You Can Do: You might have developed a herniated disk on your back spine or a lumbar sprain because of the nature of your work. Know more about herniated disk in this site: There are several things that you can do if these are the case. You have to report it to your supervisor as soon as possible. You also need to schedule an appointment with an accredited doctor. The Value of the Claim: When it comes to claiming a settlement, the worth may vary depending on a number of factors. There are Atlanta and other state laws that determine the amount and the nature of the settlement. Here are some of them: Where the injury originated The graveness of the injury Characteristics Medical attention needed The wage of the worker in a week Why Claims Get Denied: The typical claim can take up to 6 months before it is settled. Some of the settlements may even take longer than this. The reason for this is that back injuries are complicated and medical treatment should be completed before the insurance company and the worker can reach an impasse. It might even take years before workers can receive something. In some cases, they do not get anything at all. Believe it or not, many insurance and corporations deny back injury compensation. The reason? It is expensive and it takes too much. In fact, almost 60% of all the workers’ claim is denied in the first petition. Most of the insurance companies look for reasons as to why a particular worker should not get any compensation at all. Note that this is not the reason to get discouraged. If the first petition gets denied, it might be because of the following reasons: A Pre-existing condition related to the back injury The employee did not report the back injury on time The worker did not get the injury at work The worker is not in grave danger and requires minimal medical treatment There’s no injury that occurred in the first place These are all valid reasons. The trouble is that when the injury actually happened at work and the back pain that the worker is feeling is due to the nature of his work. Many insurance companies will look for loopholes, give a lot of reasons as to why they can’t provide the compensation and will do anything to avoid paying for the claim. This is because it costs them a lot of time and money. Hiring a Compensation Attorney: The good news is that there are a lot of ways that many employees can do in order to claim their compensation. You can know more about these when you visit sites such as There are skilled attorneys that can review the information, file paperwork, prepare motion and briefs, and convince the judge at the trial that you deserve to get the compensation that you need. The Bottom Line: Back pain and injuries can happen to any employee. They can claim compensation from their employers or from their insurance company, but it takes time. Some of the claims get denied but it is not the end of the line. There are attorneys out there who can help them get the claim and take everything to trial. The compensation can still be used to pay medical bills and to feed the family, so it is very important for the workers to get what they deserve. Read Also: 5 Things To Look For In A Personal Injury Lawyer Flexoplex Reviews: Is It The Best Joint Supplement Of 2019? Learn How Personal Injury Claims Are Resolved In 5 Steps

Consider Hiring A Patent Attorney For Your Business 

Why Should You Consider Hiring A Patent Attorney For Your Business 

Are you wondering if your business needs a patent lawyer or not? In the present digital age, entrepreneurs rapidly develop software and technologies to meet changing needs. Thus, when you innovate and create something new, it is important to protect that creation. Hence, keeping the invention under wraps is not enough. Even when you ask your workforce to sign NDAs, you can still encounter data leaks that expose information about the product. This is why your business requires a patent attorney to look after the requirements and maintain the legal situations. In this article, we will emphasize why you need to hire a patent attorney to protect your business. Reasons To Hire Patent Legal Services For Your Business Many investors face the dilemma of registering patents themselves and hiring a patent agent or lawyer. Therefore, hiring a patent attorney is always recommended and beneficial. Here is a list of reasons you need to hire a patent attorney for your business. 1. Copyright Is Not Enough  Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of assuming that copyright is enough to protect new information. However, that is not the case because copyrights come into existence at the moment of document creation. Therefore, copyrights only apply to any written drafts about your business invention. This is one of the primary reasons you need to hire a patent attorney for your business. 2.  Extensive Understanding Of Property Law Law is a complex situation and is beyond the understanding of a layperson. People with little experience might find it difficult to go through the patent process. Similarly, if you lack any knowledge of patents, there is a chance you might end up making a mistake. To avoid this situation, a patent attorney in the business will help you resolve the complexities faced within the industry. Moreover, hiring a patent lawyer will benefit you as they are well versed in the legal and law aspects and are up to date with trends. Similarly, while going through the patent process, they will help you with sequence listings. 3. Skilled Research  You must understand how technological inventions and case laws might affect the potential success of your business. Since most inventions can research their invention, they might overlook some possible issues. On the other hand, the issue might escalate to missing out on the opportunities to protect an investigation. To help you out in this avoidable circumstance, a patent lawyer will guide you in preparing a detailed application to enhance the chance of obtaining a patent. 4. Understanding Of Patent Filing And Drafting Applying patent filing and drafting might seem easy, but it is not. Various guidelines need to be followed. In addition, diagrams and descriptions need to be precise yet offer a broader scope of protection. The patent lawyer will draft the patent application and will help you increase the chance of success. 5. Defending Every Patent  If the examiner rejects the application, you might need to prepare and make rectifications to the patent claims and offer arguments. Therefore, in the event of allegations of infringement by any third party, you might wish to obtain expertise on your behalf. Furthermore, this applies to the infringement proceedings you initiated. Thus, we suggest you work with a patent attorney while examining your application and in infringement cases. 6. Implementing Business Strategy In applying for a patent, you can explain in detail the qualities and purpose of your invention. Moreover, it is important to go back to your original business strategy and make alterations to ensure that you can properly defend the rights of a patent. Therefore, the patent attorney understands the ins and outs of technology and industries. Furthermore, they are equipped to strengthen and review your business strategy while determining how the patent can fulfill the plan. 7. International Patent Protection  To protect your patent abroad, you must file for an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Thus, a patent application that does not comply with international laws and has errors might face rejection. This is where you need the assistance of a patent attorney. The attorney will not only help you understand the intellectual property laws but also help you work with them, which is important. 8. Eliminates Issue  The process of patent applications can be challenging for us to understand. So, if you do not want to delay your patent process and avoid mistakes on the application, you should get help from a patent attorney. Therefore, a professional patent attorney with extensive knowledge of intellectual property can assist you in filing your patent to eliminate issues. In addition, if you quickly get your patent filed and face other aspects of opening your company, you must work with a reputed lawyer. 9. Provides Legal Advice  When filing for your patent, you might not have all the information you require, specifically with legal issues. Thus, the role of a patent lawyer is to understand your invention, commercialization plans, and business goals. However, with this knowledge, they will assist you with other parts of the patent process, such as: The types of patents you need to obtain. Find out if you are required to file a provisional patent application. Time is taken for the entire process. On the other hand, the attorney will also advise you with the non-disclosure agreement and publicize the invention. Hence, the patent process will be fast if you navigate the issues. Hire Patent Legal Services Today  Thus, the process of filing for a patent can be complicated. This makes it a challenging job if you do not hire an attorney for your business. In addition to that, there are several patent laws that you need to know. In this situation, the attorney will help you understand the regulations and rules appropriate for the business. So, filing a patent with an attorney makes sure you do not encounter any legal implications for your workforce or your business. Hire a patent attorney today, increase your chances of success, and save money. Read Also: How to Get More Traffic to Your Amazon Listings Is Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores A Good Career Path [2021 Updated] Five Ways to Help Your Trade Show Booth Stand Out From the Crowd

Common Car Accident Types Where A Lawyer Is Essential

From Collision To Compensation: Common Car Accident Types Where A Lawyer Is Essential

Car accidents are an unfortunate reality of modern transportation, with data revealing startling statistics that highlight the prevalence of these incidents on our roads. In the United States, for instance, there are millions of car accidents each year, leading to a high number of injuries and fatalities. These numbers emphasize the importance of safety measures and preparedness should one find themselves involved in an auto accident. Amid the chaos following an accident, victims often face not only physical and emotional trauma but also complex legal and financial challenges. This is where the expertise of a car accident lawyer becomes indispensable. Securing fair compensation after an accident is not merely about filing insurance claims; it's about grasping the complexities of liability, negotiating with insurance companies, and, if necessary, pursuing legal action to ensure justice is served. A seasoned lawyer can steer through the maze of legal procedures to protect your rights effectively. As we proceed, we'll explore the five common types of car accidents where the counsel and advocacy of a knowledgeable lawyer are not just an advantage but a necessity for those seeking rightful recompense. Through their intervention, victims can hope to recover losses and focus on healing without the added burden of legal battles. #1 Rear-End Collisions: The Complexity Behind A Common Incident Despite their frequency on the road, rear-end collisions are anything but straightforward. They typically occur when the front end of one vehicle crashes into the back of another. This can happen for a variety of reasons ranging from sudden stops, and distracted driving to tailgating, or even slippery road conditions. The resulting injuries can range from minor whiplash to long-term spinal damage, depending on the severity of the impact. Establishing fault in these accidents often involves understanding the subtleties of traffic laws and driver duty of care, with most presumptions placing the blame on the trailing driver for not maintaining a proper distance or not paying attention. However, every case has unique factors that can complicate this assumption, such as if the lead driver performed an unpredictable maneuver or if there were malfunctions with one of the vehicles' brake lights. When seeking compensation, legal acumen becomes vital to managing the process of determining fault, especially when insurance companies are involved and injuries are serious enough to warrant a substantial claim. #2 T-Bone Accidents at Intersections: Sorting Through Liability T-bone accidents, often occurring at intersections, are severe collisions where the front of one vehicle crashes directly into the side of another, resembling the shape of a “T”. These crashes can lead to significant injuries and vehicle damage, making them among the most dangerous types of road incidents. Determining who is at fault in a T-bone accident can be complex, as it typically involves a scenario where one driver has failed to yield the right of way, possibly due to running a red light or stop sign or being distracted. Proving liability requires a close investigation and a clear understanding of traffic laws. In such cases, a lawyer becomes a key ally, possessing the expertise to sort out these challenges. They play a vital role in collecting evidence such as traffic camera footage, witness statements, and vehicle damage reports. What’s more, they bring experience in negotiating with insurance companies to ensure victims receive fair compensation for their losses. #3 Multi-Vehicle Pile-Ups: Untangling The Web Of Responsibility When several vehicles are involved in an accident, the result is not just physical wreckage but also a puzzle of accountability. Multi-vehicle pile-ups embody chaos on the roads, with each collision triggering another until a snarl of metal and motion brings travelers to a devastating halt. These massive accidents can make it incredibly challenging to discern the actions leading up to the commotion and to pinpoint the responsibilities of each driver involved. With numerous parties, each with their own perspective and different auto insurance policies, the situation often becomes remarkably complex. Given the multitude of potentially liable parties and the interrelated sequence of events that led to the accident, it is nearly impossible for an individual to manage the aftermath alone. This is why securing a legal expert is not just advisable but necessary. A skilled attorney can dissect the detailed aspects of the multi-car pile-up, coordinating effectively with several insurance companies to ensure that the burden of responsibility is assigned accurately and that justice is served in the knotted aftermath of such harrowing events. Read Also: Car Accidents in California- What Does the Law Say? #4 Hit-And-Run Incidents: Tracking Down The Culprit Hit-and-run accidents add a profound layer of complexity and distress to already traumatic situations. When a driver flees the scene of an accident, they leave behind not only physical damage and potential injuries but also a web of unanswered questions. To disentangle this web, a detailed investigative process springs into action. Authorities begin by gathering all available clues from the scene - think skid marks, vehicle parts, and eyewitness accounts. Law enforcement may also call upon surveillance footage or traffic camera data to piece together the fleeting moments before and after the incident. Amidst the investigation, those affected by hit-and-runs can find solace in legal support. An experienced lawyer becomes invaluable in such cases, providing guidance and advocacy. These professionals are adept at understanding the subtleties of the law and can be key in securing due compensation. They work tirelessly to uncover the identity of the hit-and-run driver and utilize uninsured motorist policies to ensure that victims receive coverage for their losses. The path to justice can be winding and uncertain, but with a combination of thorough investigation and skilled legal representation, the chances of holding the culprit accountable increase greatly. #5 Drunk Driving Crashes: Advocating For Justice And Compensation The traumatic impact of collisions caused by inebriated drivers cannot be understated. These accidents come with severe repercussions, not just physically and emotionally, but also in terms of the legal consequences that accompany them. Drunk driving, universally condemned and vigorously prosecuted, often results in punitive damages—a kind of legal retribution that goes beyond compensatory measures, aiming to punish the offender and deter future misconduct. Nevertheless, deconstructing the legal challenges surrounding such sensitive cases calls for a strategic approach that an experienced attorney can provide. Skilled lawyers play an important role in ensuring that justice is served by effectively advocating on behalf of victims and their families. They tirelessly work to secure fair compensation, addressing the profound losses incurred while maneuvering through the legal framework. In these trying times, an attorney doesn't just serve as legal representation, but also as a steadfast pillar of support in the pursuit of justice and rightful compensation for those affected by the negligent acts of others. In the aftermath of a car accident, the importance of having legal expertise cannot be overemphasized. Dealing with the complications that arise can be overwhelming, particularly when it comes to managing insurance claims, potential litigation, and securing fair compensation for injuries and damages. Individuals need to consider the extensive benefits that consulting a car accident lawyer can bring to their case. These professionals offer more than just legal advice; they provide a shield against the tactics of insurance companies and the legal mazes that can baffle anyone without a law degree. A car accident lawyer works to ensure that your best interests are represented, aiming for optimal outcomes that might not be achievable without their specialized knowledge and experience. Additional: Steps To Follow After A Car Accident Steps to Filing a Car Accident Claim in Waukegan Philadelphia Residents: How A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You?