Steps to Take After Being Involved in a Ridesharing Accident

Published on: 18 September 2019 Last Updated on: 30 October 2024
ridesharing accident

Ridesharing is revolutionizing the way people get from point A to point B. Whether it’s just to have a safe ride home after a night of drinking or a great alternative to purchasing your own vehicle, ridesharing is gaining in popularity. With more people getting rides than ever before, more car accidents are involving ridesharing vehicles. Understanding what to do if you’re involved in a ridesharing accident can help to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve for the injuries that you sustained.

Check For Injuries And Call The Police

The first steps that you want to take after being involved in any sort of car accident are to check for injuries and call the police. You should start by checking yourself and other passengers. Then, check the other parties involved to see if they have any injuries. If anyone has severe injuries, you should be contacting emergency medical assistance immediately. If you have slight injuries, it’s still a good idea to get them checked out by a medical professional at the accident scene. This way, your injuries are documented right from the start.
Once everyone is checked for injuries, it’s time to call the police. The officer will be responsible for creating an accident report. While you may not think that a report matters since it’s not your vehicle that was involved, think again. Any ridesharing accident lawyer will tell you that having access to the accident report is a vital part of your claims case. Even if the drivers involved don’t want to contact the police, you should do so yourself to ensure your future safety is looked after.

Take Pictures And Collect Information

West Coast Trial Lawyers will advise you to take pictures to document the scene. While you may have no stake in the property that was damaged, you should still have photo evidence of it. This can come back into play later when determining who was at fault for the injury. This way, your Uber accident attorney knows who to go after to seek compensation for the injuries that you sustained.

Talk with witnesses and gather their contact information. Witnesses tend to leave the scene of the accident once an officer arrives. Therefore, speaking with them before the police arrive can ensure that you get the information you need before they leave. The more witnesses you have, the better chance your ridesharing accident lawyer will have at proving your case for injury compensation.

You’ll also want to get the information about the people involved in the accident. Start by collecting the contact and insurance information of your ridesharing driver. Then, get the same information from the other parties involved. If the other driver had passengers with them, then get their information to. Be sure to write down or take pictures of the license plates of the vehicles that were involved.

Understand What Insurance Pays For Your Injuries

One of the most confusing parts of being involved in a ridesharing accident is understanding what the insurance company pays for the damages and injuries that were a result of the accident. Does Uber’s insurance cover the problems or does the Uber driver’s personal insurance cover your injuries? Let’s take a look at the different scenarios below.

Hit By A Ridesharing Driver

If you’re in a vehicle accident that is determined to be the fault of the other driver who was in a ridesharing vehicle, the other driver’s insurance is responsible for paying for your injuries. Keep in mind that each driver’s insurance policy will have coverage limitations. If your compensation amount is above the coverage limit for the ridesharing driver’s personal insurance, the ridesharing company’s insurance will cover the excess if the driver was working at the time of the accident.

Your Ridesharing Driver Is At Fault For Your Injuries

When the ridesharing driver that you’re riding with is determined to be at fault for your injuries, their personal insurance will cover your compensation. In the event that your compensation amount is over what the driver’s personal insurance will cover, the ridesharing company will cover the excess if the driver was working at the time of the accident.

What Is Considered Working By Rideshare Companies?

West Coast Trial Lawyers will inform you that the ridesharing company will only pay if the driver was determined to be working. If the driver was not determined to be working at the time of the accident, the ridesharing company’s insurance will not cover the excess of the compensation you get. Rather, you’ll have to go after the driver of the vehicle personally for anything their insurance won’t cover.

Ridesharing companies like Uber and Lift have their own technology that allows them to communicate with their drivers. Drivers are required to update their status on their mobile device to tell the company what they’re doing. As long as the ridesharing driver was logged into their application, the ridesharing company’s insurance policy will kick in. However, there are some restrictions to their coverage limits.

If the driver is logged into their application but has a status of waiting for a ride request, the ridesharing company’s insurance has limited coverage. For Uber specifically, the limited liability coverage is 25,000 dollars for property damage and 50,000 dollars per injury up to a 100,000 dollar limit. In most events, a combination of the driver’s personal insurance and the ridesharing company’s insurance will take care of the compensation for your injuries. However, if they don’t, your Uber accident attorney will take up suit against the ridesharing driver personally for the excess.

In cases where the ridesharing driver has a status of being in route to pick up their passenger, then the ridesharing company’s full insurance policy kicks in. Both Uber and Lift have a 1,000,000 dollar personal injury insurance policy. Remember that this policy kicks in after the driver’s personal policy reach its coverage limits.

Why Contacting A Lawyer Is So Important

As you’ve found out above, there are many things to consider when you’re involved in a ridesharing accident. Navigating the legal waters and determining what insurance policy or policies will be paying for your injury compensation can be difficult. Employing a ridesharing lawyer to help you along the way will ensure that you get the compensation that you need for your injuries.

Your lawyer will be able to collect the necessary evidence from the ridesharing application to determine what insurance is covering the accident. They’ll be able to take up suit against those companies and assist you in determining a proper amount of compensation for the injuries that you sustained from the accident. Most importantly, a lawyer will be able to do all the heavy lifting with your claims case so that you can physically and mentally worry about getting better. You don’t want to be dealing with lawyers, insurance companies, and educating yourself on laws when you’re injured.

Being involved in a ridesharing accident may not be something that you’ve thought about before. However, since ridesharing is becoming more popular, you should be prepared with what you should do in the event that you find yourself involved in one. The above steps will help you to figure out how to proceed after an accident occurs.

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Living Alone

Discusses the Growing Problems of Living Alone

Researchers have concluded that living alone, being socially isolated, and feeling lonely can pose significant health risks, particularly in older adults. Although the terms living alone, social isolation and loneliness are often used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. Specifically, living alone and being socially isolated are objective determinations either that a person lives solo, or has few relationships or infrequent social contact. According to the Administration on Aging (a division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), nearly one-third (28%) of non-institutionalized adults 65 and older – 13.8 million people – live alone. Despite living alone, however, these adults may or may not be included within the category of social isolation depending on the nature of their relationships and the frequency of their social contacts. In contrast, loneliness is determined on a subjective basis. Loneliness is based on a person’s individual feelings of disconnectedness, isolation, or not belonging. Said differently, loneliness arises because of the divergence between a person’s desired level of social connection and the actual level of connection. To be clear, a person living alone may not necessarily feel lonely, whereas someone living with a number of other people may still experience loneliness. Risk Factors A recent survey of older adults determined that 43% feel lonely on a regular basis. More concerning is that among those who report feeling lonely, there is a 45% increased mortality risk. Steve Cole, the director of the Social Genomics Core Laboratory at UCLA, explains: “Loneliness acts as a fertilizer for other diseases. The biology of loneliness can accelerate the buildup of plaque in the arteries, help cancer cells grow and spread, and promote inflammation in the brain leading to Alzheimer’s disease. Loneliness promotes several different types of wear and tear on the body.” Research has established links between living alone, social isolation, and loneliness to a variety of physical and mental conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and even death. Indeed, a recent meta-analysis – representing cumulative evidence from 148 studies involving over 300,000 participants – determined that greater social connection is associated with a 50% reduced risk of early death. A second meta-analysis by the same researchers – representing cumulative evidence from 70 studies involving more than 3.4 million participants followed for an average of 7 years – similarly concluded that living alone (objective determination), social isolation (objective) and loneliness (subjective) each had a significant effect on the risk of mortality. Specifically, the analysis concluded that the likelihood of death increased a statistically significant 26% for loneliness, 29% for social isolation, and 32% for living alone. To put those risks in context, the researchers determined that the magnitude of risk is comparable to – and in some cases even exceeds – other well-accepted risk factors such as smoking (up to 15 cigarettes a day), obesity, lack of physical exercise and high blood pressure. Loneliness has also been associated with increased emergency admissions to a hospital, longer length of stays, and delayed discharges. In fact, a November 2017 study concluded that the lack of social contacts among older adults is associated with an estimated annual increase in Medicare spending of $6.7 billion. One Can Be the Loneliest Number, But it Doesn’t Have to Be Greg Bishop, an attorney in Park City, suggests that retirement is a great opportunity to develop the types of connections that can prevent or alleviate the health consequences of living alone, being socially isolated, or feeling lonely. He notes that although there is a general consensus about the potential problem areas, the solutions are more elusive. He explains that although living alone and being socially isolated are determined objectively, the underlying causes are overtly personal. For example, living alone may be the result of the death of a partner or because of a recent divorce, whereas being socially isolated may arise from relocating after retirement or from the children moving away. Given that the underlying causes vary drastically, the solutions for living alone, being socially isolated, and feeling lonely will also differ. In short, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to these issues. That said, older adults will likely benefit from the following suggestions: Proactively stay involved in the lives of your family and friends. Find meaningful ways to connect with them via video chats, phone calls, text messages and letters Establish new social connections – go to the gym, take a dance class, learn to play chess, or join a book club Establish a more meaningful relationship with a church or social groups Look for opportunities to help and serve others. Fred Rogers – the television icon from Mister Roger’s Neighborhood – shared that when he was a boy and saw scary things on the television news, his mother told him to “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” While that advice comforted him as a child, perhaps better advice for older adults dealing with social isolation and loneliness would be to “Look to be a helper. There are always people who are in need of help.” Read Also: Why Do You Need a Queens Personal Injury Attorney 6 Signs That You Need To Hire a Personal Injury Attorney Don’t Battle It All Alone: 5 Reasons Why You Need an Adoption Attorney These Four Qualities Are What You Should Be Looking For In Attorneys!  

Fatal Car Accident

Why It’s So Important To Hire A Lawyer After A Fatal Car Accident

Car accidents occur a lot more often than they should, so much so that the Bureau of Transportation Statistics estimates about 13 auto accidents are recorded every minute in the US. That translates to approximately 1,440 accidents every day. That said, accidents vary in severity; there are instances where those involved walk out unscathed or with minor injuries. In other cases, injuries are much more severe or even result in death. Unfortunately, 115 people die in fatal crashes daily, with one death every 13 minutes. Most fatal car accidents can be avoided and usually result from drivers’ mistakes, including distracted driving, DUI, speeding, etc. Now, if your loved one was killed in an auto accident and you have reason to believe the other party was at fault, you can sue for damages. However, you want to do so through a fatal car accident lawyer because they’ll: Determine Whether You Have a Case Before you can actually file a fatal accident claim, you first want to figure out whether you have a case. Basically, there should be grounds to prove that the accident resulted from the negligent or reckless driving of the liable party. Thus, this is what a lawyer will ideally do first. They’ll look at the current facts of your case and advise you on whether you have or can build a strong case. You’ll have an idea of your chances at a positive outcome from the get-go. Investigate Your Case to Gather Evidence Once your lawyer has determined liability and identified the liable party, they’ll gather all the evidence available to strengthen your claim. In most cases, the plaintiffs don’t know or have access to the kind of evidence an attorney can get and, consequently, fail to prove liability beyond reasonable doubt. And that denies them the compensation they’re owed. Estimate the Damages You Deserve While you can calculate how much you spent on hospital bills, medication, and funeral costs, it’s hard to put a number on the suffering, anguish, and pain you have gone through due to losing a child, spouse, or parent in a fatal crash. But a car accident lawyer has experience dealing with similar cases and assesses your case to come up with a figure to claim. File a Claim on Your Family’s Behalf Fatal accident claims have a lot of paperwork that you need to put together to file a claim. A lawyer can help you ensure you have everything necessary before filing your claim with the proper courts or serving the liable party’s insurance in case of an out-of-court settlement. On top of that, a lawyer already has a good grasp of the law and will know what to do to comply with the process. Represent You During Negotiations or Trial Once your claim is filed, negotiations with the insurance company begin. In many cases, claims that make it to court also end up settling out of court. You want a lawyer to handle this stage for you as they’ll negotiate the best deal. Remember, the insurance company is a business whose goal is to pay as little as possible in claims to make a profit. So, they won’t give you a fair settlement without persuasion. And an attorney is the best person to persuade them. Give You the Best Shot at Winning a Settlement It’s not always guaranteed you will get a settlement for the death of your loved one, even if you’re sure that another party is liable. But with an attorney, you give your lawsuit the best chance of success. That’s because they have adequate experience to prove your case and will do everything possible to get the outcome you want. Don’t Risk Your Case: Get a Fatal Car Accident Lawyer to Handle It While you may have a strong case, some errors can ruin your chances of winning a settlement. Or you may unknowingly settle for much less than you’re owed. That is why getting a lawyer from the get-go is crucial to begin your lawsuit on the right footing. Working with an attorney increases your chances of winning maximum compensation and allows you to mourn your loved one as someone handles the claims process for you. Read Also: Navigating Adoption In Athens, Georgia: Finding The Right Adoption Lawyer Philadelphia Residents: How A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You? 4 Of The Most Common Vision Loss Injuries That Lawyers Handle

Truck Accident Claims

Calculating Damages In Truck Accident Claims: Evaluating Medical Expenses, Lost Wages, And Pain And Suffering

The aftermath of a serious truck accident can leave victims facing many challenges. Including physical injuries, emotional distress, and financial burdens. As individuals navigate the process of filing a truck accident claim, a vital aspect to consider is the calculation of damages. These damages encompass the compensation sought by the injured party to address the various losses incurred due to the accident. From medical expenses to emotional anguish, determining the appropriate amount of compensation requires a comprehensive evaluation of the impact the accident has had on the victim's life. Understanding how these damages are calculated makes things easier for the injured party and their legal representation. Now, we will explain the process of calculating damages in truck accident claims, focusing on medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering in more detail. Evaluating Medical Expenses One of the primary components of damages in a truck accident claim is the reimbursement of medical expenses incurred due to the injuries sustained. Medical expenses include emergency room visits, hospital stays, surgical procedures, diagnostic tests, medication, rehabilitation, and future medical treatments. Preservation Of Documents  Documenting and preserving all medical records, bills, and receipts related to the accident and subsequent treatment is essential. These records will serve as evidence of the medical expenses incurred and will be important in determining the compensation amount. When evaluating medical expenses, it is important to consider current and future medical costs. Some injuries may require long-term or lifelong medical care, such as ongoing physical therapy or specialized treatments. The estimated costs of these future medical expenses must be calculated and factored into the overall damages sought in the claim. Working with medical experts and professionals can help assess the extent of the injuries, the necessary treatments, and the associated costs to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of medical expenses. Additionally, speaking with a truck accident lawyer at Shulman & Hill Law Firm can be of great benefit in determining damages following a truck accident. Assessing Lost Wages In addition to medical expenses, truck accident victims may be entitled to compensation for lost wages. When injuries occur in a truck accident prevent the victim from returning to work, it can result in a significant financial burden. Lost wages can include both the income lost during the recovery period and potential future earnings if the injuries impact the victim's ability to work. Factors To Assess Lost Wages Factors such as the victim's occupation, salary, and work history are considered to assess lost wages. Additionally, expert opinions and vocational assessments may be necessary to determine the impact of the injuries on the victim's earning capacity. Calculating lost wages requires thoroughly analyzing the victim's employment records, including tax returns, pay stubs, and employment contracts. Gathering all relevant documentation to support the claim for lost wages is crucial. Additionally, suppose the injuries result in a diminished ability to earn income or require a career change. In that case, the potential future earnings or vocational retraining expenses may also be considered in calculating damages. Quantifying Pain and Suffering Pain and suffering refer to the physical and emotional distress experienced by the victim due to the truck accident. While assigning a monetary value to pain and suffering is challenging, it is an important component of damages in a truck accident claim. Unlike medical expenses and lost wages, pain and suffering are non-economic damages and do not have a precise financial measure. Instead, various factors determine a fair and reasonable compensation amount. Physical Pain And Emotional Distress Factors that may be considered when quantifying pain and suffering include the nature and level of the injuries, the duration of the physical pain and emotional distress, the impact on the victim's daily life and relationships, and the prognosis for recovery. Courts may also consider precedent cases and jury verdicts in similar truck accident claims to assess the appropriate compensation range for pain and suffering. Additionally, the guidance of experienced personal injury attorneys familiar with the specific jurisdiction can be invaluable in determining an appropriate compensation amount for pain and suffering. It is important to note that calculating damages in truck accident claims is a detailed process that requires a comprehensive evaluation of various factors. Each case is unique, and the specific circumstances and details of the accident and injuries will influence the calculation of damages. As stated before, working with a skilled truck accident attorney with experience in handling similar cases can ensure that all relevant factors are considered and that the victim receives fair compensation for their losses. How Can  You Get The Best Facilities From An Accident Lawyer? The accident lawyers are highly experienced and more than capable of fighting your cases so that you can get your claims and compensation. Let us look at how you can benefit from them. Extracting The Compensation  The ultimate goal of the accident lawyer is to ensure that you get the best help and support from the law firm. They ensure that you get the compensation that includes: Bills on Medical Treatment. Repair of your vehicles. Permanent disability. Lost Wages. Loss of Jobs Understanding Your Rights One of the main functions of the accident lawyer is to explain to you the nitty-gritty of the case. Along with it, they are also accountable for understanding your rights as the sufferer. Commonly, the general public will not have much of an understanding of the laws and their intricacies. Lawyers can help you out with the damages and seek compensation for the loss and the damages.  Negotiations The accident lawyers are great negotiators who use their good office and legal channels to help you in your claim. They will serve you by investigating the entire case to find enough evidence. Also, they negotiate with the defendant for a fair settlement regarding your loss. They also engage in talks with their legal teams to handle every step of the trial. Ensure You Are Collecting the Correct Amount Of Damages The bottom line is that calculating damages in truck accident claims, evaluating medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering is essential. Consulting with a knowledgeable truck accident attorney is of utmost importance. Especially when navigating the complexities of calculating damages and pursuing fair and just compensation for the losses suffered in a truck accident. Read Also: How To Minimize The Risk Of Car Accidents Documents You Need Before You Meet Your Accident Lawyer Revolutionizing The Trucking Industry: The Role Of Software In Streamlining Operations