How To Cope Up With Debt For New Residents In Canada

Published on: 17 April 2021 Last Updated on: 30 December 2024
How To Cope Up With Debt For New Residents In Canada

For new residents in Canada, it is not unusual to incur debt. Moving and settling in a new country often involves a lot of money, after all. If you are not careful, you will find yourself coping with unmanageable dues, dealing with bouncing checks, and avoiding calls from collection agencies. There is no absolute way to get rid of debts altogether, but with proper planning and execution, you will be able to get your finances back on track.

Freeing Up Money To Reduce Debt

Freeing Up Money To Reduce Debt

The first thing to do to take control of your debts is to free up some money. This will involve creating a spending plan, paying your debts consistently, and tracking your progress. With a spending plan, you will be able to determine how much money you can work with. Start by summing your monthly expenses and removing them from your income. The money left over is the money you will use to pay down your debt.

If you are spending more than you earn and have no spare money, you need to review your spending habits and determine which ones you have to cut down. Sitting down with a budgeting expert may be advantageous. One way to reduce spending is by not using credit, at least until you have paid off your debt. This includes your overdraft. If you have to use it, you must treat it like a bill that you need to settle.

Another way to free up money is by spending less than you plan to spend. Many people get into debt because they buy things they cannot afford. Follow a simple rule – if you do not have money, do not purchase it. If you can be gratified with less than what you usually want, you can use the cash you saved and pay down your debt. Eventually, you will have adjusted to your new setup and learn to put away money for other financial priorities.

Tracking your spending and identifying which areas to cut back from also helps. You need to exercise honesty in doing this, otherwise, it will not work. Many people end up being surprised by how much they actually spend daily. Once you have mapped out your spending habits, it will be easy to pinpoint areas where you can cut back. The next step will be to allocate the money you found and settle your debts.

Using Funds Strategically To Eliminate Debt

Once you have freed up money, you can use it to pay down your debts. There are different ways to do it strategically. New residents in Canada typically apply for a mortgage to be able to afford a home. Banks and lending institutions require a minimum of 35% down payment, paid in cash, with a maximum of 65% of the value of the home provided as a mortgage. Monthly payments will be based on the mortgage option they will choose.

In paying a mortgage, a bi-weekly payment may be better than a monthly option to accelerate the process. It may seem like you are paying the same amount of mortgage, but you are actually settling your debt faster by including an equivalent of one extra payment annually. This way, you will be able to pay everything off several years earlier. For more information about the mortgage, visit this page:

Another smart way to settle your debt is by paying as much extra as you can afford. With a minimum credit card payment per month, it will take a long time to pay off the balance. Meanwhile, some borrowers choose to settle their most expensive debts first, then work their way to the least. In this snowball method, you will be focusing all your extra payments on the debt with the biggest rate, while making minimum payments on all the others.

First, arrange your debts in the order of their interest rates. Then, pick the one that is charging you the most and prioritize it. Once your most expensive debt is settled, use all the money you were reserving and allocate it to the next highest loan. Continue this scheme until you are left with the least expensive debt to pay down. Many attest to this strategy as very effective in getting out of debt quickly.

If your debts are becoming too unmanageable and you are really struggling with your financial obligations, it may be time to start speaking with a credit counselor. Credit counselors are experts in helping people assess their situation and eventually put together a working plan to set their finances back on track. They will also negotiate with your creditors to explore your options. Credit counseling is a legal process that is usually for free or at a very low cost.

Other Ways To Cope-Up With Debt

Having your own vehicle when living in Canada is useful as there are places where public transport is limited. When buying, it is better to choose a quality used car rather than a new one. You can go to a local library or read reviews online to see your options. Meanwhile, if you do choose to buy a new car, pick one with good fuel economy. By keeping it for 15 years, you can stretch your dollars and have plenty of time to save for another vehicle.

Reducing your grocery bills also helps. Watch out for sales then stockpile your cupboard with non-perishable items like canned goods, rice, and cereals. Freeze bread and meat properly. Live off your stocks and skip doing groceries every month. This way, you can save up to 25% of your annual bill. If this is not manageable, try skipping once every other month. You can still save a good amount of money.

Finally, if you want, you can get a second job or pick up additional shifts to earn extra money. For this to work, you have to consistently allot all your extra income to pay your debts. This does not always suite everyone, but if you can do it, you will find yourself free of debt faster. You also do not need to work extra shifts forever, just until all your debts are paid off. After that, you can consider scaling back again.

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parent dies

Surviving Loss: What to Do With an Estate After You Lose a Loved One

2.4 million funerals take place in the U.S. every year. If you're not in the funeral business, this is a sobering thought. When a parent dies, the grief and pain you are dealing with can often be compounded by financial pressures if you are named as their executor. In a way, it is flattering to be named a parent's executor. It means they trusted your intelligence, patience, and fairness enough to appoint you the overseer of their property after they are gone. In other ways, it is overwhelming to consider the number of debts, unknown assets, and contentious relatives you will need to keep a record of. If you are unsure what to do when a parent dies and you are the executor, take a deep breath, pick up a pen, and begin to approach your responsibilities in an organized, measured way. What to Do When A Parent Dies and You Are the Executor: Right after someone dies, there is usually a period of chaos. During this time, the estate needs to be opened, and the executor is appointed to avoid surprises by debt collectors or the IRS. You may have already been appointed the executor in a will. No one should begin to take or distribute assets yet. As the executor, it is your job to decide whether or not the will should go into probate, which is the official "proving" of the will in court. If the estate is larger, or if there is some disagreement about the will, probate may be necessary before you can begin carrying out your duties as the executor. When you go through probate, you will have to file papers with the local probate court, prove that the will is valid, and present the court with a list of debts and assets. You should also explain how they should be distributed. The probate process could take anywhere from a few months to a year. If your parent set up a living trust, you won't have to go through probate. The person named as the trust's successor will be able to distribute assets according to the will without having to go through the courts. Your overall responsibility as the executor is to make sure that all debts and creditors of the deceased are paid off. Then the rest of their assets can be distributed according to their expressed wishes. An executor is different from a power of attorney, who makes decisions about life-sustaining medical treatments while a loved one is still alive. Once they have passed, the power of attorney is no longer valid. If there are any dependent children or pets, you will need to be certain that guardians are appointed in accordance with the decedent's wishes. These are often complicated things to handle, you might want to enlist the services if an expert right away. Thomas Church, Florida Will Contest Attorney is one of the best Estate Litigation experts in USA. Get the Right Paperwork: Your first duty as the executor is to find your parent's will. It could be filed away with important paperwork or in the hands of their attorney. It is usually necessary to file with a probate court, even if it is determined that probate is not necessary. If there is a will in place, you will receive letters testamentary, which is a legal document authorizing you as the executor to take control over the decedent's estate. If there is no will, you will receive letters of administration. You can then begin your work as an executor. You should also be certain that a pronouncement of death has been filed. This is a letter filled out by a medical professional stating where and when the decedent died. A death certificate should become available after the funeral. You can obtain it from your funeral home, county registrar, or health department. About 10-15 copies should be sufficient to cover your administration needs. You will need the certificate to prove the situation to insurance, credit card, and mortgage companies. If you find you need more copies, they can be obtained from the Department of Vital Records. It is important to begin keeping a list of assets and liabilities before liquidating assets, paying off debts, and distributing funds among beneficiaries. Acquiring credit card statements, mortgage statements, vehicle registrations, a social security card, and copies of insurance policies will also make the process smoother. You should be sure to punch a hole in the decedent's driver's license and passport to help prevent fraud. Giles & Robinson, P.A. explains that an ancillary administration can take six to nine months to finalize. Hire Some Help: An estate attorney, like Verhaeghe Law, can help you avoid mistakes that could cost you money in the long run. A financial consultant can help with asset transfers. An insurance agent can assist with claims forms to help make sure beneficiaries are paid. The costs of the funeral, as well as getting the decedent's affairs in order, are taken from the estate. Don't be afraid to ask for help to make sure the process goes smoothly and does not end up making you liable for problems that may arise. Stop Payments: The decedent's estate is responsible for any debts that arise after death. Heirs and beneficiaries are not responsible, although some feel a sense of moral responsibility to pay them off. You should notify all credit card companies, government agencies, utility companies, and mortgage banks of the death. This will help you to avoid late charges, and accounts will be transferred to decedent status. Doctors and other health professionals who may be owed fees should also be notified. Check the decedent's credit card statements and be certain to cancel any payments with "auto-renewal," such as those for magazine subscriptions, AARP, AAA, and clubs. You may want to wait a month or two before closing the decedent's primary credit card so that you can view the companies that need to be notified. Be certain to contact the three main credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and Transunion, immediately. They can flag the decedent's account so no one will try to steal their identity. It is also a good idea to check back two months later to be certain no fraud has occurred. You should be sure to notify Social Security so they will stop payments and you will not be responsible to pay back posthumous checks. If your parent was employed at the time of their death, you will need to call their employer. You can find out about any payments due to them, death benefits, life insurance policies, and beneficiary benefits. Pay Off Debts: Keep a list of how much your parent owed to mortgage companies, credit card companies, car payments, etc. You may need to liquidate assets, such as selling houses or cars, to pay off these debts. Check with a CPA to see if your decedent's taxes have been paid. Money from the estate can be used to pay any money owed to the IRS. You will also need to file taxes for your parent from the day of the year they passed until the date of death. If the estate is large, there may also be state or federal estate taxes to pay. Consolidate Assets: The executor should open a separate bank account for ongoing bills, as well as incoming checks. Keep valuables safe in a safety deposit box. You should hire an assessor to see how much their property is worth. It is your duty as the executor to maintain the decedent's property until it is sold or bequeathed to the proper beneficiary. Distribute Assets and Maintain Healthy Communication: After all known debts are paid, you can begin distributing remaining funds to the family as specified in the will. It is important to get and keep a signed receipt from each beneficiary after they are paid. Many arguments and breakdowns during the asset distribution process happen because folks feel that they are being overlooked or marginalized. It is important to let them know what the timeline is so that they will know exactly what is being done with the funds and when they can expect to receive funds that are due them. It is a good idea to take some time before making investments with estate funds, as grieving can be an emotionally overwhelming time for most. Close the Estate: You may be required to file a petition in court before distributing assets and closing the estate. As the executor, your duty is complete. Take Care of Yourself: Losing a parent can be one of the most confusing, disheartening times in an individual's life. If you are overwhelmed by the complications of what to do when a parent dies and you are the executor, be sure to enlist the help of qualified professionals. By keeping detailed records, liquidating assets, paying off debts, and distributing assets, you can be assured that your parent's affairs have been handled properly and you can begin taking steps toward the next chapter in your life. For more lifestyle advice, read our blog today. Read Also: Eight Essential Tips For Getting Out Of Debt 9 Vital Options For When You’re Desperate For Money

Accounting Needs

7 Advantages in Hiring a Third Party Company to Manage your Accounting

Running a small business in the market today can be quite demanding and involving, especially when it comes to the need for different skills, experiences, and competencies necessary to handle different tasks. As a business owner, you may need to hire the services of a professional consultant company to provide technical help where necessary. One of the commonly demanding tasks in a business that you may need to outsource services from a third-party consultancy company is in the area of accounting. The skills required to accomplish professional accounting in a small business are too involving in ways that small businesses often prefer working with external consultancy service providers. Working with a hired third-party company to manage your business’s accounting needs is advantageous in several ways. It saves you money: One of the key advantages of working with a consultancy company is that you get to save much on the cost required to get the financial services you need. When hiring an outside financial consultancy and accounting company to handle your business’s accounting needs, you are not mandated to provide the necessary resources such as office space, software, furniture, and other crucial elements that are necessary to facilitate the third-party businesses’ operations. Generally, this is an advantage to your business. The one-time contractual agreement between your company and the third party consultancy reduces the financial burden upon your business. This is as opposed to a situation where you would be required to hire competent accountants and financial experts to handle your business’s financial and accountancy needs. In such a case, your business will be required to provide the necessary resources in addition to providing a competitive salary, benefits, and remuneration to the workers. Saves on time: Hiring the services of a professional consulting company to provide accounting consultancy services to your business gives you an opportunity to save on the time that may be dedicated to other tasks. Accounting is one of the most demanding business activities as it involves compiling accurate reports from thousands of transactions in a business. To be accurate in the accounting reports generated, one must put in much time and resources into accounting operations and calculations. As a business owner, the time that would have gone into performing the accountancy operations in your business may be allotted for other crucial business tasks. Exposure to professional and competent services: Professional businesses such as Gold Coast TW Accounting that offer consultancy services in the area of accounting and finance are normally competent enough to provide reliable and accurate services. Such consultants, as compared to hired accounting workers in your business, prove more resourceful in terms of providing accounting services with competence, confidence, and certainty. The results of the accounting process for your business may also come in handy with crucial interpretations that may help your business to improve on its financial performance in the market. Contractual services: For your business, working with a hired accounting consultancy company is much advantageous, especially since the contractual agreement between your business and the consultant can be altered to your advantage. The contractual agreement between your business and the consultant, in such a case, can be varied such that your business gets the upper hand in terms of the quality of service you receive. In case the contract does not satisfy your business’s needs, you have the upper hand and capacity to terminate the contract at a moment’s notice and seek to hire the services of a more qualified accounting consultant who will meet your specific needs. This is as opposed to instances where you work with employees whose terms of engagement may be too complicated to terminate at once without causing legal repercussions. Increased market exposure: Whenever you hire external financial accountants to handle your business’s accounting operations, you get a significant level of market exposure. The professional accountants come equipped with knowledge on how other businesses in the market have been performing financially. Such knowledge may come in handy in cases where the consultant may provide technical insight on how your business is doing financially as compared to your competitors. Besides, the technical expertise and advice provided by such consultants may also help in other areas of your business management. For example, the accountants may provide insights on how to simplify and increase your networking and market relationships with your customers and other businesses as a strategy of bettering your financial performance. Unbiased results: Hiring the services of a third-party company to manage your accounting needs in your business reduces or eliminates the risk of being exposed to biased accounting services. Professional accountants who provide consultancy services in businesses have zero tolerance for bias. Such bias may otherwise set-in in cases where internal accounting department workers willfully manipulate the accounting records to give you a false impression of good performance in your business. Having reliable results comes in handy as far as the long-term sustainability and survival of your business in the market are concerned. Get the peace of mind: Accounting operations in business are mind-bogglingly challenging to effectively carry out. The challenges associated with successfully carrying out accounting operations internally may deny you, as a business owner or manager, the peace of mind necessary to successfully undertake other tasks. Hiring the services of an external accountant to do such complicated and voluminous accounting tasks reassures you and gives you much time to focus on steering your business forward. Besides, the professional consultants know the precise records that they should go after in your business to do comprehensive and reliable accounting work. In general, hiring an external company to manage accounting tasks in your business gives you a comparative advantage as compared to instances where you work with internally based workers hired in your business’s accounting department. The high-quality accounting services that you receive from such qualified personnel providing accounting consultancy services are crucial to the financial survival of your business. You may also receive an added advantage on the technical advisory you receive from the consultants on how to steer your business to financial success. Read Also: Balancing The Books With Outsourcing – Virtual Receptionists Major Financial Problems That Can Affect A New Business Why You Should Choose To Have An Asset Protection For Your Business Don’t Do The Math: 5 Reasons Outsourced Bookkeeping Services Are The Right Choice For Your Business

Invest In Cryptocurrency

How To Invest In Cryptocurrency Without Buying Any?

I hope I don’t need to explain what is cryptocurrency now, you are already well aware of that. Cryptocurrency is not that straight forward you know. You need to have some exposure to it and then you could go on to invest in it. Well, if you are going to follow Warren Buffet’s remark that one must not invest in something which is hard to understand- it might not work here I tell you. Just have a look at the performance of Cryptocurrency. The prices of Bitcoin in the year 2020 March covered a massive long jump from $5000 to $60000 by April 2022. Therefore it's not wise to avoid Crypto! But how to invest in Cryptocurrency without buying it directly? You could buy bitcoin with credit card. So let's begin… How Do You Invest In Cryptocurrency Without Buying? Cryptocurrencies had been a dream run from 2020 to 2021. In November 2021, while cryptocurrencies were at the top of the price charts, the Crypto Winter reversed a majority of the registered gains that year. The simplest way to expose to crypto investment instead of buying crypto itself is by purchasing stocks within the company.  This is not that easy and might take some of your time. So what's the problem? There are some ways through which you could go on to procure exposure to Cryptocurrency without investing in it.  1: Investing In Companies With Crypto Interests You could go on to maintain a balanced portfolio by identifying the companies that have interests in Crypto rather than buying the shares in a Crypto company.  This will be beneficial to you. This is because it will not only allow you to invest in the companies where you see there is potential, but also it will allow you to keep your investment permeated within the broader fund.   For example, if you invest in Vanguard, you could go on to use the holding search of the sites to trace all the Vanguard funds that constitute a specific organization.  Here are some of the examples of business organizations that add Bitcoin to their business.  Microstrategy(MSTR).  Bitfarms (BITF). Marathon Digital Holdings.  Galaxy Digital (BRPFF).  2: Invest In Cryptocurrency-Related Business  You could also consider investing in Crypto-related businesses. For example, there is Marathon Digital Holding which creates the largest Bitcoin mining company in North America.  There is another suitable option and that is Riot Blockchain (RIOT). This will help provide you with the required exposure as well as cryptocurrency news that will give you the required knowledge base.  3: Investing In Crypto Infrastructure  Do invest in the companies that have stakes in the Cryptocurrency industry. This is just like Gold…you could either go on to invest in Gold itself as well as in the infrastructure that surrounds Gold.  Thinking of Miners?..the material required for mining activity?... That's the Blockchain Technology instead of energy and oil I tell you. So it's safer. There are a handful of public companies that are presently handling Blockchain, so you may think of investing there.  4: Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) ETFs are like some container of stocks but their function is like that of Equities and Mutual Funds.  If you go on to purchase a unit of an ETF it will provide you with the required exposure to investing in Cryptocurrencies. Within the ETFs, there are diverse industries. And all you have to do is to pick one industry. Well, you could take ETFs with Blockchain firms. Some of the good etf Blockchain Options you have: 1. BLCN- This holds Accenture and Coinbase. 2. LEGR (Process ETF and the First Trust Indxx Innovative Transactions)- The holdings include Fujitsu and NVIDIA. 3. BLOK (Transformational Data Sharing ETF)- Well, this is by far the biggest Blockchain ETF with Holdings and they include Microstrategy, Square, and Paypal).  5: Be Cautious If You Are Investing Directly  Mind that you are not experienced enough and you are going to invest in Cryptocurrency directly! Well, you ought to be cautious. There are a few ways through which the risk could be lessened. There are some credits that go on to offer rewards on Cryptocurrency. You don't have to have to invest your hard-earned dollars in it!  Another way you could mitigate the risk is to invest in Stablecoin. They are a bit similar to the traditional Cryptocurrency but they are backed by real-world assets. This acts to significantly drop the value. Bottom Line Investing in individual stocks could carry similar risks as an investment in cryptocurrency. Do you think that you are going to get away with this kind of shadow practice? Let me tell you that not these stocks or specialized ETFs are a form of guarantee. There is the ambiance of volatility and it is akin to what can be seen in the Crypto markets.  For more updates on topics related to cryptocurrency prices, stay tuned to our website. Have any queries? Let’s talk in the comment area below.    Read Also: 7 Reasons Why Crypto Is The Best New Side Hustle For You Exciting Facts About Cryptocurrency And Crypto Wallets What is the Best Instant Cryptocurrency Exchange? 5 Best New Cryptocurrencies To Buy in 2022