Guard Your Space: A Step-by-Step Guide to Locking Your Facebook Profile 


02 January 2024


how to lock facebook profile

Are you looking for ways on how to lock Facebook profile to increase the privacy of your account? Those who are not on your Facebook friends list will only be able to view a restricted portion of your profile if it is locked.

Only friends on the friend list will be able to see the images and posts on the timeline, cover photos, stories, and new posts on a locked profile. Additionally, only your friends will be able to see the “Public” posts you previously made.

It should be noted that there is a workaround available for the desktop version of Facebook if you would like to lock your profile. You can lock a Facebook profile using the mobile app or your browser. Moreover, this functionality is exclusive to the Android app. Continue reading to learn how to lock your Facebook profile.

 What Is Profile Lock 

Users will notice a Lock sign on your profile after you add a profile lock. This will limit the amount of photos and posts on their profile, cover image, and other areas to just their friends.

Upon locking their profile, users prevent others who aren’t on their friends list from viewing the profile. They won’t be able to download cover photos and profile photos either. They are also unable to view the Stories that a user has added to his profile.

Previously shared posts are now marked as friends instead of public when using the Lock Profile feature. The timeline review and tag review are activated. This implies that you must grant others permission to tag you in their posts.

Additionally, the About section of their profile will only be partially visible to the public. Now that you are aware of how Facebook’s lock your profile feature operates, let’s examine how to do it on various platforms.

 How To Lock Facebook Profile

Locking your profile has quite a few advantages. It has some drawbacks, too. If you have a security concern, you must lock your profile immediately from treats such as identity theft, data manipulation, and so on.

Here are the different methods you can use to lock your profile on desktop, android, and iOS devices.

 How To Lock My Facebook Profile On Desktop

Although there isn’t a direct method to lock your app from the browser, if you can’t access the mobile app, you can use the following workaround:

  • Open the Facebook website and click the icon for your profile. To make the URL read “,” change “www” to “m” in the URL.
  • This will open Facebook in a mobile format on your desktop computer. The Edit Profile option should have a three-dot menu next to it.
  • Click the Lock Profile option that appears in the three-dot menu.
  • The following screen, which has the option to Lock Your Profile at the bottom, will walk you through the locking process, just like the Android version does.

This will lock your profile for enhanced safety.

iOS users can either borrow an Android device and follow the previously mentioned instructions, or they can use the desktop method to lock their facebook profiles.

The procedures to unlock your Facebook profile are the same for desktop and mobile apps. There will be an Unlock Profile option in place of the Lock Profile option. Tap on it and select Unlock on the resulting screen. A description of how to unlock your profile will appear, and when you click the Unlock Your Profile option at the bottom, your profile will be unlocked.

 How To Lock Fb Profile on Android

If you want to lock your profile using an Android device, here is what you have to do:

  • On your Android device, open the Facebook app.
  • Tap your profile picture on the main page.
  • Click the Menu with three dots.
  • From the options on the page, choose Lock Profile.
  • On the Lock Profile Page, select the “Lock Your Profile” option located at the bottom of the page.
  • After that, a pop-up notification stating, “You locked your profile,” will show up on the screen. The posts and images on your timeline are only visible to your friends.
  • To finish the procedure, tap OK.

 How To Lock Facebook Profile In iPhone 

Here are the steps to lock your profile for iPhone users:

  • Navigate to Facebook and select your name from the three-line menu located in the lower right corner.
  • Put three fingers on a dot for your name.
  • Use the Lock Profile button to secure your profile.
  • Press Lock Your Profile again just to be sure.

You can simply exit that page to confirm that your profile has been locked. Next, sign in to your profile once more. The notification that your profile has been locked will appear there.

You can manually change the Facebook privacy settings to enable lock profile mode if your page does not have profile locking. However, it is important to note that not all locations have access to this feature yet. Only a few countries allow you to lock your profile at this time.

 Why Is It Important To Lock Your Profile 

Facebook claims that hackers from Vietnam and Bangladesh compromised the company’s entire privacy system in December 2020. Furthermore, they have taken Facebook users’ personal information. These groups won’t be able to misuse Facebook and harvest data from users’ accounts all over the world thanks to this lock profile feature.

To support Facebook’s privacy system, users should refrain from accepting friend requests from unreliable sources and clicking on dubious links. Vanish mode was also introduced by Facebook to address privacy concerns.

This model’s unique feature is that once activated, it erases all chats and media files after a predetermined amount of time. It also has one more important safety feature.

Facebook will instantly notify you if someone takes a screenshot of your profile. The steps to activate vanish mode are as follows.

  • Visit the Play Store or App Store to download the most recent version of Facebook.
  • Launch the particular chat.
  • From the chat’s bottom, swipe up.
  • Vanish mode will be activated as a result. This causes the chat’s background color to change to black, denoting that the mode is now active.

 Wrapping Up 

Facebook is a great social media platform for communication on a global scale. But now that data privacy is a global concern, it’s imperative to secure your Facebook accounts permanently. Your data is protected from hackers and stalkers when you lock your profile.

You will need to reenter your password on each device after locking. Facebook will add an indication to your profile once you have locked it.

But keep in mind that you won’t be able to publish to the public after you activate this feature. Rather, friends are limited to viewing and sharing the posts.

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Sarmind is a Writer and an aspiring Editor who has experience in various short and long-form niches. Her academic pursuits intensely mold her industry background in content creation. She holds a Master's degree in Literature, and when not writing for professional purposes, she can be found re-reading old classics of Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters. She is super fond of cats and enjoys hours of doom-scrolling through memes on social media while cuddled up with a cup of desi chai. She likes to think she is an intellectual badass (colloquial: nerdy bore), and now all she needs is a sewing kit to complete the look!

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how to poke on facebook

A Playful Guide To Mastering Facebook Pokes For Beginners

If you've been on Facebook for a while, you may recall a chaotic period a few years back when the Poke Wars posed a threat to the social media platform. A pointing finger appeared next to a user's name on Facebook once, and you could use it to 'poke' people. That's all, though. It was just a virtual, meaningless jab without any words, images, or other content. The next moment, you receive a notification stating that you have been poked. And you had the option to poke back straight from the notifications. There was pointless "poking" back and forth in a cycle. Do you want to know how to poke on Facebook? Here is a detailed guide. Are Facebook Pokes Still A Thing? Naturally, poking became perceived as a sloppy kind of flirting. Enter "Facebook Poke" into Google and look up related queries such as "what do pokes mean in Facebook" and "is a Facebook poke flirting?" However, the majority of people asked us, "Is this still a thing?" and "can you still poke on Facebook" when we brought up the subject of Facebook Pokes. The answer is yes. Facebook Pokes are still there, but they're not at the top of the page anymore. On desktop and mobile devices alike, you must click or tap several times before you can Poke because the Poke has been hidden behind a menu. Majority of Facebook users appear to have completely forgotten about the Poke. How To Poke On Facebook? If the contempt of technology does not persuade you to refrain from poking, it is quite easy to do so. Simply go to the profile page of the person you want to poke on a desktop or mobile device. Click or tap the three dots menu button. You'll find Poke there. Once you click or tap on it, you're done. You'll just see a popup stating that you poked the person. It is not possible to spam people in this way because you can only poke them once before they poke you back. You will only see a cancel button and a popup stating that your previous poke has not been answered if you have already poked someone and they have not responded. We were interested in learning more about Facebook's use of the poke feature because the majority of the people we spoke with were unaware that it was still available. Facebook is reportedly attempting to restore the Poke button's prominence, though none of the users we spoke with had noticed this, so it may only be available in the US for the time being. The Poke button will appear next to the message button beneath a person's name on their profile page if it becomes more widely available. Furthermore, Facebook is converting poke into greetings, in the same way that it transformed the 'like' into a sequence of responses. How To Reject A Poke? We've already talked about how to poke someone on Facebook, but how do you reject one? Rejecting something on Facebook is as simple as poking at it. You always have the choice to ignore someone's pokes if you don't want to respond to them. Furthermore, you can remove these unwanted pokes from Facebook by clicking the "X" icon next to the notification. If the poke notifications are still bothering you, you can immediately block the sender. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that Facebook does not permit users to poke someone more than once. This implies that you won't be bothered by someone on Facebook or have several pokes from the same user flood your notification panel. Wrapping Up Facebook's Poke feature was all the rage in 2007. People were swiping back and forth on Facebook! For fun, they used to poke their teacher, crush, family, as well as friends. It was a huge thing and sparked discussions. Sadly, the feature's use waned in 2011, and Facebook decided to discontinue it in favor of new and exciting features. Most users nowadays are unaware of the secret existence of this feature. It does, surprisingly, but it's not too convenient. Facebook has the potential to transform the "Poke" gesture into something more interesting and viral. It will remain a legacy feature and the source of many friendships until then. For some, it's even a stroll down memory lane. Whether using the Facebook Main App, Facebook Lite App, or Facebook desktop mode, the option is still available. Now that you know how to poke on Facebook, you will now be able to use the feature on Facebook. Check it out on Facebook and give it a whirl! If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Learn More Also: Here Is How To Delete A Facebook Page Easily How To Stop Scammers On Facebook Marketplace? Guard Your Space: A Step-by-Step Guide to Locking Your Facebook Profile

facebook message sent but not delivered

How To Fix “Facebook Message Sent But Not Delivered” Error?: A Complete Guide

Billions of people use social media on a daily basis. Among all the social media platforms that are used by people on the internet, Facebook is the most popular one. However, despite being highly popular and efficient, Facebook still has many issues. One of the most common messages that people face in Facebook Messenger is the error of Facebook message sent but not delivered. In this article, we will discuss what it means when a Facebook message is sent but not delivered, as well as the best ways to fix this error through the Facebook website and the Facebook Messenger app. Furthermore, we will also discuss why the error is happening as well as different ways of fixing the error so that you can deal with the problem quickly. Facebook Messenger Message Sent But Not Delivered – A Few Reasons Since millions of people use the Facebook social media platform, as well as the Messenger app of Facebook, it is bound to get some glitches. Hence, it happens that many messages do not get delivered. This can get annoying sometimes when you are in a hurry and want to send an urgent message to a friend or a family member through Messenger. Facebook Messenger Message Status When you hit the send button on Messenger, the app shows different symbols at the end of your message to indicate its status at the moment. Make sure that you are aware of the message status on Messenger: As you are now aware of the different statuses of your message, it is time now for you to get an idea of the reasons why you are facing the problem of a Facebook message sent but not delivered: 1. The Recipient Might Be Ignoring You It might be that the person to whom you are sending the message is not in the mood to chat with you. The recipient might have seen the message in the phone notification and decided not to open Messenger. However, your message status will show delivered. 2. The Recipient Deleted Your Message The recipient also has the option to delete the message without opening it through Messenger. After looking at the message through notification, the recipient might have opted to delete it so as to ignore chatting with you. 3. Your Message Got Marked As Spam Image Source Your friend might have accidentally marked your message as spam. Hence, the message got stored in the Spam folder of Messenger. Your message got deleted from the inbox of the recipient as a result. 4. The Recipient Is Logged Out Of Facebook Messenger If the recipient is not logged in to the Messenger app or might have uninstalled the app from his/her phone, your message will not get delivered as a result. Once the person logs in to the Facebook account, your message will indeed get delivered. 5. The Message Is Stored In The Message Request Folder If the person to whom you are trying to send your message is not on your Facebook friends list, your message will not get delivered. This will, in turn, get stored in the person’s Message Request folder. Facebook Message Sent But Not Delivered – The Best Solutions Image Source One of the most common reasons for the case of a Facebook message being sent but not delivered is that a glitch is happening due to many people using the app at the same time. There might also be some delay in the network, as the message is not getting sent at the right time. Apart from that, there might be a problem with the Messenger server at the moment. 1. Try Messaging Using The Facebook Website Image Source If your message is not getting sent through the Messenger app, you will need to log in to your Facebook account using your web browser, either through your phone or a computer. Check whether you can send a message through Facebook chat or not. 2. Your Phone Needs A Restart Image Source Smartphones also experience glitches sometimes. If you restart or reboot your device, all the network issues get solved. See whether the problem is still there or not. 3. Try Messaging Others Image Source You can check your Messenger app by messaging other friends on your friend list. If you can send messages to other friends, and your message shows delivered, then you are probably blocked by that friend. If other friends do not receive your message, there might be other problems. 4. Facebook Message Sent But Not Delivered – Restart Your Messenger You can switch off the Messenger app by going to app management on your phone settings and restarting the app. This way, the data flow through the app becomes better, and it will probably fix the problem. 5. Try Reinstalling The App If restarting the app is not working for you, try uninstalling the Messenger app. Go to the App Store or Play Store and install Messenger again to see whether the problem is solved or not. 6. Reach Out To Facebook Support If none of the solutions mentioned above worked for you, try going to the "Help & Support" section on your Facebook app and clicking the "Report a problem" option. There, you must select the option named "Something went wrong.” In this way, you can share your problem with Facebook’s support. Troubleshooting Tips From Facebook   Facebook has three possible reasons to account for why your messages are not getting delivered: "You sent a lot of messages recently. Your messages went against our Community Standards. This may cause your account to be temporarily restricted and prevent you from replying. There may be problems with your app, device or internet." Facebook's own website has apt solutions in cases where your message does not get delivered. Here is what it says: "Update your Messenger app to the latest version. Connect to a reliable Wi-Fi network. Make sure your device has enough storage. Close your Messenger app and restart your device. Make sure the person you’re replying to hasn’t deactivated or deleted their account. Make sure you haven’t blocked the person you’re replying to and they haven’t blocked you. If you’re replying to a group chat, make sure the other members haven’t left the conversation." In cases where you may be blocked by Facebook from sending messages, here is what Facebook says: "This block is temporary. You can still connect with your confirmed friends through the Facebook app or while you're in this block by leaving comments on posts, posting on your profile, or using other Facebook features. If you can't send messages, you may also be temporarily blocked from sending friend requests. If one of your messages was removed and you think it follows our Community Standards, tap on the notification about the message removal. You may be able to let us know that you disagree with the decision. Learn more about requesting a review." To be able to send messages in the future, Facebook has the following tips: Use the name you go by in everyday life to help the people you're messaging recognize you. "Once your block is over, please send messages and friend requests only to people you know. Learn more about our policies from our Community Standards." Summing Up These aforementioned solutions are enough to get your problem solved in a few minutes. However, if you still face the problem, just wait for a few days, and try these solutions again. The reasons for these problems can be anything. All you need here is to find out what problems you have and use these solutions to solve the problems you have in your Messenger app. In addition, you can also resend the message to the recipient again to see if this time the message is received by the person or not. Thereby, you can find out whether the problem is still there or not. Read Also: Why A Business Should Use Facebook Remarketing? Bored So Much: Learn How To Play Games On Messenger How To Recover Deleted Facebook Messages Using Com.Facebook.orca?

Facebook jail

What Is Facebook Jail – Overview And Explained In 2021

Before we move on to Facebook Jail, first, we must know about the basics. Facebook is one of the most widely used social media sites for connecting with people all around the world and advertising your company. It's one of the most effective ways to spread your message, get your product and brand in front of your target audience, and more. However, the platform's massive marketing prospects come with some equally massive drawbacks.  Facebook's algorithm has cracked down on political problems, and the famed "Facebook prison" appears to have become even larger, hurting many more individuals than before. For anybody who uses Facebook to sell or advertise their company on a daily basis, Facebook Jail is a well-known issue. It's critical to understand what it is as a social seller so that you can prevent any issues or disruptions in your usage of the platform.  What Is Facebook Jail? When Facebook suspends accounts (profiles or business pages) for violating the Facebook Community Standards, whether intentionally or mistakenly, the phrase "Facebook Jail" is used.  Users have created the phrase "Facebook jail" to describe when someone is barred from accessing their account or publishing on Facebook due to spam or a failure to obey the platform's standards.  For a period of time, Facebook will suspend an account's ability to publish or access particular features due to infractions, suspect logins, or spammy conduct. Why Were You Thrown Into Facebook Jail? There are a variety of reasons why you may be placed in Facebook jail and granted a brief suspension. Unfortunately, you may find yourself accidentally infringing Facebook regulations. Here are a few of the most typical reasons why people find themselves in Facebook jail: 1. Posting To Quickly One of the most prevalent causes for people being placed in Facebook jail is posting too rapidly on their profile. You may also be reported if you repeatedly publish the same information. The easiest answer to avoiding being blocked for this reason is to keep a constant posting schedule and to always leave some time between postings. 2. Sending Too Many Friend Requests In One Day Facebook considers it a negative thing if you send too many friend requests from a personal profile, especially if you don't know the individuals. If this type of conduct is found, your account will most likely be blocked. It's the same with joining Facebook groups too quickly. 3. Posting Inappropriate Content Posting sexually provocative content or nudity on Facebook is against their community standards and is forbidden. Even while it may prevent you from posting some really entertaining memes, doing so may result in your account being temporarily or permanently deleted. You should also avoid publishing information that promotes self-harm, hate speech, or credible threats to people or organizations. 4. Too Much Tagging Another reason your account can be disabled is if you regularly react with tags. 5. Using Spam Images Or Videos If particular photos or videos have been flagged as spam by Facebook (or Google), and you include them in your postings and are accused of spamming others, you might end up in Facebook prison. Fortunately, you can avoid this by writing unique content for your blogs. What To Expect When You’re Facebook Jail? Users are unaware that they have imposed limits on their accounts since Facebook does not notify them. Most individuals first find out they're in Facebook jail when they get an email or when they try to post or send private messages on their account and get the dreadful message: You can’t post right now! Even if you do receive information from Facebook that your account has been restricted, it will be too late to take anything. This is how you can tell whether you've been sentenced to Facebook prison: Your account's ability to post on your timeline, as well as any pages or groups, has been disabled. You can't like or comment on other people's posts or photographs. You are unable to make any comments on the social media network. You are unable to access your account or page. The consequences on Facebook vary from being unable to post to being entirely barred from getting into your account. These punishments can range in length from a few hours to up to 21 days.  How To Avoid Facebook Jail In The Future? Reading and adhering to the community rules, as well as the platform's Terms and Conditions, is the simplest method to avoid Facebook imprisonment. You'll find yourself in the sights of the Facebook cops if you're found using your account in violation of the platform's rules. However, the recommendations are lengthy and difficult to read, so I've compiled a list of things to do (or not do) to keep your account safe. The following are some of them: Separate your postings by a certain amount of time. Don't publish anything that might get you in trouble, such as photos or memes. Per day, send no more than 50 friend requests. Each day, join no more than ten Facebook groups. When adding or tagging someone, be cautious. Use photos and movies that don't spam. On each device, log into a single account. Posting material with scripts or automatic tools is not a good idea. Posting comparable stuff in many groups at the same time is not a good idea. Use your genuine identity and act like a real person instead of an impostor or false accounts. The bottom line is that you must adhere to the platform's requirements to the letter at all times. How To Escape Facebook Jail? 1. Serve Your Sentence The first and foremost obvious option is to just wait until your "Facebook jail sentence" is completed. Facebook alerts you on when you can access the prohibited features or account again. 2. File An Appeal If you don't want to wait, you can simply request a review. Facebook will notify you through email of the outcome of your appeal. Just keep in mind that your appeal could be denied, and your account could be permanently blocked. 3. Create A New Account  If all else fails and your account is blocked, the only other thing you can do is to forget about your current account and create a new one. Although this may not be perfect for online marketers and business owners, sometimes it is considered the only way to keep going ahead.  Final Thoughts This article lists all the different things that can land you in Facebook jail. Use this knowledge to avoid consequences from the social media stage for continued guideline infringements. In other words, you must follow these rules to stay out of Facebook jail. More Resources: Key Components for Your Marketing Stack Best Ways to Get More From Your Outreach Campaign Get an idea about infections during the tenure of pregnancy