Ideas to Help Find Your Dream House On a Budget

Published on: 26 April 2018 Last Updated on: 13 October 2020
Dream House

Entering through a vast doorway; confronting a spacious lawn with flower bed and fountains on another side. Passing through the hallway; you see; stairs are rolling from one point to another end. Stepping on the mirror-like marble floor and seeing the kitchen having polished wooden cabinets. You’re tuckered out of work and want a strong cuppa with your beloved one standing beside in the beautifully viewed balcony. Then suddenly you jump out of bed and realizing “Oh! That was just a fancy dream. I wish that would last forever.”

You’re not the only Home Lovers; here are a bunch of people daydreaming their houses; yet can’t afford their Dream House. Living in your desired house; with all the necessities right on hand; feels like in heaven. Dreams have no boundaries but they can be restricted by available resources. So it’s time to save up your resources and cut down your over and above luxuries; to maintain good credit.

Here come some useful tips; which in fact is a key to unlock your dream house on an available budget.

One of the cruces is; if you’re planning to shift into another house whether next week, next month or the current year; you need to check your current credit score. The better the credit score; the easier it is for you to buy a home. If you do have a higher credit score; there are better options like mortgage rates, lease or rental options. Just looking at your credit score; you can surely rate your position on a scale of 10 to check the pace you have to cover to reach your desired level.

Dream House

You need to decide house type – single, condominium, rental, detached or semi-detached – prior to looking in the market. If you are the bread and butter; with children, a lovely partner, and gran N gramps; you should look for a house in proximity to workplace, school and community facility. Houses should be in short commuting distance to the neighborhood amenities.

Being very cognitive for saving up for down payments is another option. The twofold path is: spending less and saving more. List down all details of monthly budget; all of incoming and outgoing or all of your regular and monthly expenses. Write down every single item and see where to cut the cost.

If you are a tenant and want to have your own house; shift to a lower rental house where you can save some part of your money. Condos may be the best option for poverty-stricken tenants. The newly built houses may have price point miles away. Subsequently; you need to check for other – built-up – houses corresponding to your needs.

You wanna look at extraneous or expenses you have and see where you can cut back. Set a smaller budget for monthly fun to have much leftover at the end of the month as possible. Setup an Auto Transfer to Auto Saving mode. 20% of your budget needs to be saved from a healthy down payment.

Save up money to be budgeted. You need to check either you have a sufficient amount to buy the desired house or have to save more.

The major notion is to save more than you need. Penny pinching should be the chore of maintaining a strong budget. Whenever you are having any crave for buying good stuff, eating outside, having fun in Disney Land; unnecessarily; just pin a picture of your Dream House and reminded yourself about your saving goals.

Use bicycles or public transport instead of mobile; bring lunch to your workplace; no more tutors or extra tuitions; prepare a chart for monthly follow-ups and without any further question; maintain a temperament to follow this roster. I know this may be operose; nevertheless; hard time will be a trade-off for a future boon.

Open house buzz, hunt for your dream home. Visit every property sale like Expo Property having numerous renowned lenders. Check for each lender’s success history, work plan, license, ratings and future stroll. In order to refrain from yikes; check a matching property dealer; categorically define him the housing type you have a hunger for and available budget. Be vigilant from any fraudulent; as people run after deep pocket.

If in time, when you need to go down and experience less quality; then have faith; this downward path will lead you towards the mountains; you’re seeing from a million miles away. Behold; you know that you’re a Home Lover and is reaping the benefits by cutting down your payments.

For all the Home Lovers; having the quest for their Dream House, you need to mow all your surpluses and spend a low lifestyle. Just have a crystal clear image of having your desired house; a healthy and peaceful lifestyle in the aftermath and no worries about any taper area. Woah! This is quite thrilling, yay? Snap-on it and yeah it’s done. So be on it and you will; surely; be in your Dream House and perceiving that fancy dream turning into reality: Soon.

Read More :

  1. First home renovation Ideas and tips
  2. 6 Things You Must Know Before Selling Your Home

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Residential House

10 Points to Remember if you are Building a Residential House

Building a home is a dream that many individuals and families harbor deeply. Sometimes it will be the biggest investment that you are ever going to make. If you are investing your life’s savings into building your dream home, you need a reliable, dependable, and honest team of contractors. ‘Perth Concreter – Concept Concrete WA’ is one of the most established companies in Australia that offer to contract and concreting solutions for residential and commercial establishments. One of the last remaining family-owned businesses, they understand the emotional value attached to homes. Before you lay out house plans, contact an experienced contracting company. A good concreting and contracting company should have trustworthy experience building residential properties of different scales and sizes. Whether it is a big project or a moderate one, concreting companies should offer customers flexible options and work with them to understand their needs and budgets. How to choose the best Concreting or Contracting Company? 1. Cutting-Edge Technological Experience: You should ensure that the machines and technological tools that are used by your contractors are the most modern and technologically updated. Your concreting company should be aware of the latest technological innovations in the field of construction and utilize their expertise in building residential properties using the most modernized methods. 2. Quality Craftsmanship: One of the ways in which you can judge whether a concreting or contracting company is good enough to be trusted is to understand the skill and expertise of their staff. If you have a very good design in your mind, but the contracting company cannot execute the same, what is the use of them being your contractors? 3. Affordability and Trust: Some contracting companies in the market are out there to make money. In other words, they do not have your best interests in mind. Some genuine and established concreting and contracting companies like Concept Concrete will offer you a free onsite quotation free of cost, which will help you understand the requirements and allocate the finances accordingly. 4. A Full 360-degree Concreting Service Company: Building a house requires designing, planning, executing, finishing touches, and a hundred different operations. Most concreting or contracting companies will offer just a few of the services and outsource the rest to other companies. This will land you in a lot of trouble, as you would be coordinating and negotiating prices with 4 or 5 different companies. A good idea is to get a full 360-degree concreting or contracting company on board that will help you from the start of the project, right until the very end. 5. Fully Licensed and Insured Contractor: If you are building a home, you need to ensure that your contractor or concreting company is a legally sound establishment that is registered with the state laws and local governments of the region. This will help you get your paperwork processed fast, and take care of other legal requirements, clearances, and permissions. Your concreting company will work with you to help you overcome the legal hassles. 6. Customer Satisfaction is the only Priority: Building a house is a continuous process and it involves you and your family entering into a positive relationship with your contractor or concreting company. This relationship should be based on trust, transparency, and commitment. Perth concreter – Concept Concrete WA is one of those companies that adds the human and emotional element to a professional relationship. 7. The flexibility of Services: Many of the concreting or contracting companies would not offer you services like driveway concreting or garage/shed building. They want to build residential house, or in other words, just big solutions. A good concreting company should be able to offer you all the services related to contracting and construction. No job should be considered as big or small for them or their workers. 8. Knowledge of the Industry: If your concreting or contracting company is not aware that there different concrete designs like- Exposed Aggregate, Coloured Concrete, Polished Concrete, Liquid Limestone, and others, chances are that they are not going to make you aware of the same, or even present different choices or make suggestions. An expert concreting company will help guide you through these details patiently, offering you only the best at all times. 9. Integrated with the Local Community: At the end of the day, you would want to build trust and give your business to someone who is like yourself, a part of the local community. Big companies from abroad are competing with local businesses, and often dying them out. If you want to help your local community, you should always try to help local businesses who employ locals, who contribute to the local economy and who are part of the local community. 10. Delivering on Deadlines: If the contracting or concreting companies is not comprised of dedicated designers, committed engineers, and professional workers, chances are that they will frequently overstep on the timelines, which will result in added costs, and many other headaches. You should always ask for customer testimonials of a concreting company to know how they have previously executed any work. The Best Concreting or Contracting Company for you: If your concreting and contracting company is able to deliver on the above stated 10 points, chances are that your home building process will be quite smooth. You need to ensure that you do your research when taking a company on board for your dream house-building project. Many companies, who promise a lot before the commencement of the project, but fail to deliver, when the project ends.  You need to stay clear of entering into any professional relationships with these companies. If the concreting or contracting company is part of the local community and hires locals, works for the community, chances are that they would never want their reputation to be sullied in any way. At the end of the day, you would want a reputed established, and credible concreting or contracting company to build your dream home. This is no mean task, but chances are that if you follow our ten steps, you might just have a winner on your hands. 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Body Corporate issues

5 Common Body Corporate Issues Faced by Strata Management

Most body corporates tend to be well managed. However, there are still numerous issues that come with such management. It is actually possible for different issues to arise in two buildings that have been built the same way. Here are the top five problems that are faced by many body corporate managers: 1. Financial Stability: A body corporate is only as stable as its financial foundation. Like many legal entities, a body corporate requires strong financial stability if it is to run smoothly. There are credit contracts to be made, tax returns to be filed and bank accounts to be managed. If the finances of the body corporate are not managed effectively, many problems start cropping up. Bankruptcy actually becomes a possibility when the entity’s finances are poorly managed. Most times, however, members often contribute funds to prevent the entity from sinking into debt. To avoid falling into this pitfall, take a good look at the body corporate’s finances before you invest in it. Look at the cash levels and debt ratios. This should give you a sound estimation of the entity’s financial stability. 2. Compliance with The Law: Another common issue that many body corporate managers face includes compliance with regulatory requirements. Compliance with legislation means much more than simply complying with the BCCM Act.   There are fire safety rules to comply with and pool safety regulations to be adhered to. Sure, complying with the law will increase your management costs, but it’s much cheaper than having to pay fines or to face the consequences that the law is trying to prevent. 3. Management Problems: Poor management can be just as costly as non- compliance with legislation. Usually, the problem with management comes where the committee members are volunteers. This means that they have to squeeze in hours to do the management work in addition to their regular jobs and their family responsibilities. Poor management can be costly to any body corporate manager. Before you decide to venture into this investment, make sure that the properties are properly managed. Look at compliance with the law, fiscal strength and how well the management promotes harmonious living. 4. Dispute Resolution: When people live together, disputes are inevitable. In strata management, disputes can also be very expensive. Whether the cause of the dispute is noise or failure to abide by the set rules, it can be a very stressful time. Sometimes, disputes end up in court or arbitration, and this is both time consuming and costly. In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, it is best to have clear rules that are enforced strongly. 5. Building Condition: The state of the buildings can also be a cause of a headache for property management. New buildings are often riddled with many defects; and old ones require renovation and refurbishment. You might think, but there are insurance companies to take care of the defects, right? However, sometimes the insurance companies just won’t pay, and you are suddenly faced with the problem of having to improve the state of the buildings. This can be rather stressful and costly. Conclusion: Most of the above problems are related. Poor management will certainly lead to poor dispute resolution as well as financial instability. If there is no money available, renovating buildings and fixing problems will be impossible. Although most body corporates are properly managed, a fair share are riddled with issues. And sometimes, those issues can go unresolved for a long time. Read Also: Tips For Finding A Joint Venture Partner Is Property Investment Still A Good Way To Make Money?

Dream House

Finding the Best Mortgage Lenders to Buy Your Dream House

You can't afford to pay for a house unless you have saved enough money over the years to directly fund the cost of the property. You need a mortgage to help you pay the amount you need for the property. You have different options for lending firms. Not all of them might be good for you though. Some of them have high-interest rates while others have repayment schemes that are not entirely suitable for you. There are ways to find the best lending firm. Check your credit rating Several loan applications end up in rejection because of their low credit score. You need to check your rating first before you decide which lending firm to apply to. Even if you try your best to apply to some firms, you could still fail if your credit rating is terrible. You can either wait until your score increases or settle for firms that accept your current credit rating. Research the options You need to check the lending firms available in your area, or online. Find out what other people are saying about these choices. You also need to calculate the cost if you take a loan from them. You can make a sound decision if you have enough data about the pros and cons of each choice. List the pre-approval requirements You can send your documents initially for checking. At this point, you will know if you can proceed with the transaction, or you need to submit more documents. It helps to easily get a mortgage preapproval if you already have complete documents at this stage to ensure that your next transaction will run smoothly. There are different requirements for every lending firm, so you need to know them all. Compare the terms and conditions Don't choose a lending firm just because you feel like the interest rate is low. You also need to dig deeper and look at the terms and conditions. You might find it difficult to repay the loan if their terms are not fair enough. Visit the firms on your shortlist You can start comparing the choices online; after listing the options that you think are interesting, visit those firms. You can set up an appointment to confirm the information found online. You can also ask for further details that you did not see on their website or clarify any other information you find vague. Find a mortgage broker Instead of going directly to mortgage lenders, you can ask for help from mortgage brokers instead. They knew a lot about mortgages and have helped a lot of people over the years. They will make sure that you get the right lending firm or bank that will make it easy for you to get the loan. They have years of experience in doing this job, so they know every mortgage detail. They will present you with the information and allow you to decide in the end. You would rather have them by your side than dealing directly with the banks. Read  Also: Ideas To Help Find Your Dream House On A Budget 7 Reasons To Buy A Condo Over A House Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Flea In Your Lawn