Top Tips for Flipping Homes

Published on: 01 May 2018 Last Updated on: 26 July 2024
Top Tips for Flipping Homes

House flipping is buying and selling houses to make a fast profit. If you are just starting to think about going into the home-flipping business, you need to start small with an entry-level house that doesn’t need a great deal of work to make it saleable and then move on from there. If you have taken half an hour to watch any house flipping show on television, it seems like it would be pretty simple to buy a house for a small price, fix it up a little with some fresh paint and a few repairs and sell it to make a fortune or even buy a home that is in great condition, wait a few months and resell it for more than you paid. In real life, however, it just doesn’t go as smoothly as you see on tv.

It’s a good idea to gather a little information before you start buying homes by flipping in mind. While the following tips for flipping homes won’t necessarily make you feel like you won the lottery jackpot overnight, but they can help you buy and sell homes quick while avoiding some of the critical mistakes others have made in the past.

Too Good to Be True :

As the saying goes, “If it looks like it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” When you are new to house flipping, you’re going to run across many deals that seem great only to find out they were a money pit. It’s not a wise decision to go after every deal you see, and lenders catch on quickly to those who will buy anything. If you want to make money on a flip, then you need to take time to research the home, the area it is in and make sure you have it thoroughly checked out to make sure you aren’t going to be sucked into a beautiful home with faulty wiring or poor plumbing that needs replacing. The less you spend on a flip, the more you will profit when you make the sale.

Bring Cash to the Table :

If you want to be able to buy a home quickly and have a short turn-a-round before you sell it, you need to come to the table fully prepared to go against those cash buyers who want the house. If you don’t have the cash upfront, then you need to make sure your credit score is high enough to go to a hard money lender and get the cash you need fast.

Curb Appeal :

Most people take time to think about what the tile in the kitchen looks like or whether the bathroom has the right lighting. Many people tend to forget about the outside of the home when they are trying to sell a house. The first thing a potential buyer sees is the outdoor space of the home, therefore, it needs to look nice! Be sure to have the lawn maintained, trees and shrubs trimmed and make sure the exterior of the house itself looks good. Peeling paint, broken soffit or damaged gutters can deter someone from buying a home even when the interior looks good. Curb appeal is what will get buyers into the home, so make sure your home has what is needs outside to entice people.

Know Your Market :

To flip a house successfully, you must know your market. To get a truly good feel for the market in your area, talk to a real estate agent who has many years of experience and can guide you to the right homes that will need little to no repair and will be priced right for the market. You need to know how to price a home accurately to sell fast and make a profit and if you pay too much for the home when you buy it, you’re not going to make anything when you sell it.

Renovate Wisely :

You must watch your budget when it comes to renovating a home. Considering installing beautiful hardwood throughout the house or remodeling the kitchen? These can be costly renovations and you’re going to have to be careful with the amount of work you put into things. If the house needs a new roof, then, by all means, hire a professional roofer to have a new one put on, but don’t sink $50,000 into renovations when you can get by with spending half that and still have a beautiful home to sell.

Once you have the home and the renovations have been completed, list it. Price the home lower than market value but not too low or you will lose money. The biggest thing is to market the home and do what you need to do to sell it fast. The shorter the time it sits, the more profit you are going to make.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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construction company

Surprise Costs to Consider When Starting a Construction Company

Starting a Construction Company, whether it’s your first or your fiftieth, is always a time of excitement and promise. Visions of success and growth can often cloud your judgment or lead to rushed decisions but it’s important to take things slowly and consider everything before moving forward. New businesses are the most vulnerable so taking everything you can into account is key to long-term success. For construction companies, in particular, there are a few key cost considerations to keep in mind, highlighted below. Considerations to keep in mind when starting a construction company: Insurance: Firstly, it’s essential to acquire the correct insurance cover for the construction service that you are supplying. More so than your average office worker, there are additional insurance costs associated with construction businesses due to the nature of the job. In particular, personal injury and property damage cover is a crucial aspect of running your construction business. Hopefully, the correct use of safety equipment and staff training will avoid the need to make a claim but regardless, all insurance will need to be in place before you deliver your service.b Training: Speaking of training, this can be a big extra cost if your team isn’t fully qualified to deliver the services that you intend to offer. Construction training varies in specification depending on your goals or needs, but avoid pinching pennies on this front because poor or lack of training will only cost your business more in the future. Look for providers of courses from universally recognized bodies, for example, IPAF and PASMA training courses are some of the most popular around the globe. Ensure that your team is fully prepared to deliver your service before starting your business, that way you can be confident that whatever the demands of the job, they can handle it safely and maintain a good quality service. Contractual Legal Advice: From contracts to a privacy policy, many new businesses and organizations tend to take other templates and then adapt them for their own company. Whilst this is the cheapest option, there are dangers of loopholes being present that could cause issues in the future. It’s always recommended to ask a legal professional to check your key business documents and contracts for legal compliance and accuracy. This can be quite costly but is an investment for the future, so it’s worth it. Licenses and Permits: The construction industry has many different facets and areas of expertise. Along with all of these different types of service comes a range of different legislation, rules, and regulations that must be followed. Ensuring that you keep to these regulations is essential, which means acquiring the licenses and permits required to deliver your service. Depending on what your construction company is offering, different licenses will be necessary to operate legally. If in doubt, consult legal experts to be sure as a fault in this area could seriously jeopardize your business’ future. Tax: Finally, whilst not a major immediate cost, thinking about how tax is going to impact your finances is a key consideration to keep in mind. Wherever you are in the world, businesses usually have some kind of tax to consider and ensuring that you can pay this tax whilst still making a profit is crucial. A best practice, particularly if your tax is percentage-based, is to set up your bank account to automatically transfer your payable tax amounts out of your account and into a new one. This helps ensure that money you need to pay is left untouched and also prevents the unhappiness caused when you see your bank account decrease drastically. Whilst these considerations are far from the only ones to keep in mind, they are some of the most important. It’s always best to be overprepared rather than underprepared, so take your time when starting your construction company. Read Also: Investing In Property Is Investing In Your Future 4 Questions To Ask From Your Home Relocation Company

Residential Buildings

Pre-Opening Inspections on Residential Buildings

Building a residential complex can be quite a challenge for any company. The sheer amount of planning and the complexity and scale of the task can overwhelm anyone. In those situations, mistakes are possible and they happen. Which is why it is important that the building is inspected for flaws during the construction and especially once the construction is done and before it is put into use. Experts at Xpera Group give us the rundown of the most important checks and inspections a building needs before it can be safely used. Electrical Inspection : Electricity is one of those things which can be extremely dangerous if treated carelessly and at the same time, indispensable for our daily lives. Before any building can get its use permit, the appropriate authority will need to ensure that all of the electrical installations are safe and installed properly. Waterproofing : Also known as building envelope inspection, this particular part of the inspection makes sure that no water can get into the building. The building envelope includes doors, windows, the roof, and the walls, everything that separates the outside from the inside. Typically, these inspections are conducted before the building is released to general use, but it is also important to periodically conduct it even when the building is in use since the envelope will be exposed to the elements the most. Fire Safety Inspection : Another hugely important matter is the fire safety of the whole building. Each municipality and county might have their own specific rules about fire safety, but it will always be a requirement in order to get a permit. The most important thing is to have a functional fire alarm system, as well as fire extinguishers or similar firefighting tool readily available throughout the building. Structural Stability Inspection : The name of this inspection is self-explanatory – the inspectors will need to ensure that the building can support its own weight, as well as that the materials used are durable enough to last for as long as the building is expected to be used. Earthquake Inspection : Some regions are just more prone to earthquakes, which has forced those areas to be extra careful when constructing their buildings, and the earthquake inspection is there to ensure that the building can withstand an earthquake and be safe enough for the people inside. Balcony Inspection : Balconies are a known weak point in the structure. The part which binds the balcony to the building itself is a critical point which needs to be protected and properly maintained. Water is probably the worst enemy of balconies, but the damp air and especially salty air near the seas can act as an abrasive force as well. The other key point in balcony protection is the railing. Depending on the material, the railing has different maintenance needs and expected durability which needs to be followed strictly. Pest Inspection : Even though the building is new, a variety of pests might choose to make it their home, especially if something was made improperly, giving them plenty of places to hide. This inspection is not obligatory and will not be a condition to get a use permit, but some people want to go the extra mile and perform this check as well. These types of inspection might not be the only ones you will have to apply for, but they are the most important and you need to make sure that your building is going to be up to the code before you do. Read Also : Ways To Take The Employee Appreciation To Next Level In Your Company What Can I Do To Make My Company Website More Profitable And Powerful? Finding The Right Moving Company

Real Estate Farming Postcards

Here Are a Few Reasons Why You Should Use Real Estate Farming Postcards to Increase Visibility of Your Business

In this age of digital marketing, you might be wondering whether postcards still work? Well, the truth is that they are still a highly effective marketing strategy for realtors. In fact, the right postcard can give you a better ROI than more conventional advertising methods. Real estate postcards can be a valuable asset to your real estate farming strategy since they are easy and cheap to make. Real estate farming is where you plant, nurture, and cultivate leads in a specific geographical area or demographic. But affordability and simplicity are not the only reasons you should consider adding real estate farming postcards to your strategy. Here are a few compelling reasons why you should incorporate real estate farming postcards within your marketing strategy. If you’re looking for some unique real estate farming postcards for your business, visit Wise Pelican for more information. 1. Postcards are More Likely to Be Opened and Read Picture this scenario: you’ve crafted the perfect marketing email and sent it to everyone on your emailing list. How many of those emails will land in the recipients’ inbox? Of those that do, how many are actually opened? With email marketing, you’re not really sure if all, or at least most of your intended recipients, will receive the message. But with postcards, you can be certain that everyone you send a postcard to will receive it in their mail. Postcards exponentially increase the probability of your leads learning about your real estate business tips. 2. They Can Give You Better Response Rates  Direct mail isn’t obsolete. In fact, it’s still a common form of communication among people of all age groups, including young people. Since you’re directly sending the postcards to each individual on your list, the postcards will have a personal touch and, therefore, yield better response rates. A recipient is likely to pay attention to the message on your postcard, and if it’s convincing enough, get in touch with your real estate business. While designing the postcard, try and think of ways you can make your postcard stand out from the pile to further improve your response rates. It could be adding persuasive keywords, using the recipient’s name, and using a professional color scheme. 3. They Will Act as a Tangible Reminder of Your Business How many times have you seen a TV commercial that you found interesting but ended up forgetting about it within the next hour- or even minutes. Not quite effective, right? A postcard, however, is a tangible and lightweight piece of marketing collateral that your clients will find easy to keep. And, if you design it in the right way, your target leads will likely hold on to it for longer. What does that mean for your real estate business? Postcards won’t just put your business out there. It will also act as a reminder of your business. Your leads won’t forget about you quickly, and even if they do, the postcard is there to remind them. They are also likely to pass on your card to others who may need real estate services. Use Real Estate Farming Postcards to Get Your Business Out There Cheaply Postcards, if used appropriately, can give you better results than most hyped digital marketing solutions today. Not only do they help you reach your potential clients directly, but they also increase the probability of the target recipients taking the next step of action depending on your CTA. Additionally,  they are very cost-effective, meaning you can create brand awareness without spending thousands of dollars that you could otherwise focus on other more pressing business concerns. Read Also: You Need to Know the Pros and Cons of a New Career in Real Estate Stocks Versus Real Estate: Which Is The Better Investing Option?