5 Tactics to Improve Your Credit Score This Year

Published on: 03 February 2022 Last Updated on: 12 September 2024
Improve Your Credit Score

Inflation is up, money is tight, and your credit score is in the gutter. What a way to start the year!

Instead of wallowing in self-pity, it’s time to finally do something about your unfortunate credit score. This January, kick-off an improvement plan to improve your credit score by the time the clock strikes midnight on Dec. 31.

5 Lucrative Ways Improve Your Credit Score: 

5 Lucrative Ways Improve Your Credit Score: 

1. Know What You’re Working With

You can’t fix a problem you can’t see. If you’ve been avoiding checking your credit score for fear of what you’ll find, get over yourself. Now is the time to set aside your pride and review the damage. Your credit score impacts nearly every financial move you make. Working to improve it now, before you consider shopping for a major purchase, can make your life easier.

Pull up your free annual credit report to review the data that’s been reported to the credit bureaus. If you’ve got missed payments, high credit utilization, or too many accounts, take note. Then consider your overall score. Anything under 700 should be seen as an opportunity to improve. Now you’re ready to create your action plan.

2. Take Action Daily

You can make measured improvements on your credit score just by being mindful of your daily actions. If you struggle with overspending, pause before you swipe your card. Consider whether the purchase you’re about to make meets your goals and if you’ve got the money to repay the balance.

If the answer to either is no, resist the urge to buy. Instead, save up for want-based purchases so you can treat yourself without sacrificing financial security.

In an e-commerce age, you probably can’t eliminate plastic from your purchasing repertoire entirely, but you can be smarter about it. Familiarize yourself with different payment options like a credit builder card. These cards are secured by a funds transfer or initial deposit. Every time you pay your bill, your good payment history is reported to the credit bureaus. Over time, this great track record can improve your score.

3. Get Your Budget on Point

The way you spend often dictates how well you can keep up with the demands of your bills. While everyone has core expenses across housing, food, and transportation, it’s essential to manage one’s variable expenses. Sit down with the last two months of your spending history to identify budget busters and trends you’d like to address.

If dining out is a sore spot for your budget, create a system to help you indulge with purpose. Set a dollar amount that you can spend without dipping into cash reserves dedicated for other expenses. Think about why you like to spend in this category and whether there’s another way to fill your cup.

If your real desire is to spend time with friends, pivot to hosting a small potluck dinner once a month. Adjust your spending toward this event, and you just may find you like the results better than gathering at restaurants.

4. Dispute Inaccuracies

Your comprehensive credit report may be telling lies about you. If your careful review identifies inaccuracies in your report, it’s in your best interest to dispute them. Late payments are one of the biggest dings on your credit report. If you’re a reliable payer, it’s only fair to fix any errors in your report.

First, reach out to the company reporting the information to the bureaus to dispute your account status. Then report the error to the credit reporting bureaus. You’ll need to include a dispute form and documentation supporting your case.

This process can take months to resolve, so stay the course on other credit-boosting activities while you wait. Inaccurate reports happen, so it’s important to review your credit report regularly so you can quickly address them.

5. Attack the Two Most Impactful Credit Factors

Put your energy into the most impactful parts of your credit score: on-time payments and credit utilization. Your payment history drives 35% of your credit score. If you have a history of late payments, you’re killing your score. Catch up on missed payments and create a system to help you manage your bills. Set up autopay for your core bills (rent/mortgage, utilities, insurance, etc.) so you can ensure that your obligations are covered.

The second most impactful area of your financial behavior is credit utilization, which makes up 30% of your score. Credit utilization — the percentage of your available credit that you’re using at any given time — signifies how well you manage money. Work to keep your utilization below 30% to earn a good mark from the credit bureaus.

If you can, request a credit limit increase to improve that percentage, but resist the urge to tap into it. Consider making payments toward your balance as you make changes to keep your utilization low.

Creating the Accountability to Stay on Track

Creating the Accountability to Stay on Track

Any goal is more achievable when you breathe life into it. So create a vision board of your credit score goals and post it where you can see it daily. Talk about your plan with your friends and family to create an accountability team for your new credit-building habits. Monitor your progress regularly and course-correct if you need to.

The more you interact with your plan and assess your behavior, the more likely you are to be successful. Who knows? After a year of hard work, sacrifice, and intentional effort, your score could even climb from poor to exceptional.

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insurance broker

The Top Benefits of Using an Insurance Broker

Investing in insurance, whether for your home, vehicle, family, or business is the best decision you can make. However, the process requires in-depth skills and expertise to help you navigate through the many choices and select the ideal coverage. You also have to choose a good insurance provider to meet your needs. The insurance broker deals with a range of services and products, and you can trust that they will recommend to you the policy that suits your needs best. Navigating through the requirements can prove to be super daunting, and this is where insurance brokers come in to take the stress off your shoulders. Some individuals prefer obtaining the coverage direct from the insurance provider, as they feel that using an insurance broker is an extra expense that they would instead do away with. However, that is only because they fail to look at the bigger picture to realize the numerous benefits that come with using an insurance agent. If you are still skeptical about the idea, Here are the top benefits to expect from using an insurance broker: The broker is experienced As mentioned, navigating through insurance requirements requires skills and expertise to help you land the best provider and coverage that will meet your needs. The little you know about insurance is not enough to guide you through the process. Luckily, the brokers have been doing this for the longest time and understand precisely what needs to be done to get you the best insurance deals. The insurance brokers deal with a range of services and products, and you can trust that they will recommend to you the policy that suits your needs best. They have dealt with clients with similar needs as yours, and they can successfully guide you through the stressful claim process. With the right broker, you can have peace of mind knowing that you will get personalized support and that you are protected at all times. Save your time The insurance broker is more like your representative. You can leave everything to the expert all from documents and attending any meetings until you get the best coverage to meet your needs. With this, you will have more time to do what you are good at around your home or office. Quality coverage is a guarantee The other reason for using a broker rather than going direct to the insurance company is that the brokers have more exposure than you do. They understand the market better and are aware of which insurance companies to trust and which ones to stay away from. They are also great bargainers and will ensure that you get the best coverage at a reasonable price. The brokers are well-trained to handle all insurance aspects. They can quickly evaluate your needs to determine the kind of coverage that you need. Also, the fact that they have more exposure than you do helps them in making comparison shopping to ensure that you get nothing but the best. Saves your money You are probably wondering how using a broker will help you save money while you will be paying for the services. For starters, the brokers will help you save time, and you can focus on working instead. Also, there will be minimal to no mistakes made, thus no losses. The benefits of using brokers for your insurance needs are endless, and these are just a few of what to expect. You should, however, take your time and look for a reputable and reliable broker to enjoy the benefits. Read Also: How Private Hire Insurance Takes You Out from Problems? Learning How to Choose the Best Merchant Account for Your Burgeoning Insurance Company


Need Some Help Saving Money As A Young Professional? Use Mycare To Learn How To Budget!

Are you a young professional who has just graduated college? If so, you might be struggling with how you should budget money. After all, in college anything goes - you are spending money every day to go to the local bars, you are ordering take-out food, and there is no budget for your finances. However, now that you are in the real world, you need to learn how to pay your bills, pay for your car, and make ends meet. How can you do this if you have had no experience? By using mycare, you can learn how to budget your money so you can stay above the red zone. After all, earning money and saving now is one of the best ways that you can begin saving money for your future - even though retirement is a long way off, the more money you put aside now the better! Let’s see a few ways that you can use mycare to budget your money! You can find out more here. Use mycare to budget your money and be responsible with your finances There are some basics on how you should budget your money. By learning the foolproof tips from experts on the simplest way that you can save a few dozen - or a few hundred - dollars every month, you will end up saving thousands per year! Let's go over the basics of budgeting and show you can use mycare to reach your goals. Figure out your monthly income - one of the best ways you can set a limit for your spending is to determine your monthly income. Are you currently working as a freelancer with multiple gigs? If so, you can calculate how much you are making from each employer and each job so you can have an estimate of your total monthly income. If you are an hourly worker, you need to make sure that you stay constant with your schedule each month so you have a fairly set income per month. For those who are on salary, calculating your income should be easy to do. Use a budgeting framework and rule for your savings - in this case, we recommend trying to use mycare to do the 50/30/20 rule. In this case, the 50% would go towards your daily bills and your needs, such as your rent, car payment, food, and other expenses. The other 30% of your monthly income should go to things that you want to spend money on, but you do not need - such as entertainment shopping, and activities. The last 20% of your income should go to savings! If you are currently in credit card debt or you need to repay someone or repay a loan, this 20% will go to repaying any debt that can end up hurting your credit. Conclusion Setting up a budgeting framework for your finances and using mycare to help you set aside money for savings is key to being able to stay afloat in your young 20’s. If you find that you're having a hard time-saving money, paying your bills on time, and repaying your student loans, then you need to learn the basics of how to save money, how much money to set aside, and how much money you should spend per month. Read Also: Tips for Breaking Into Finance and Banking A Comprehensive Guide to Law Firm Finance in 2021 Is Finance Consumer Services A Good Career Path [Updated 2021]

Equity Release

Should You Consider Equity Release To Pay For Live-in Care?

Although it seems like equity release plans have been around forever, this sector of finance has only been regulated since 2004. However, this has not dented their popularity among over 55s wishing to free up a sum of money rather than leaving it tied up in their property. Many have used the money to fund home DIY projects, help a child onto the housing ladder, or simply for a blowout holiday or new car. Increasingly though many are seeing equity release as a good way to pay for care in their own home in old age. Equity is the value of your home minus any loans or mortgages secured against it which haven’t been fully paid off. If you’re wondering whether this would be right for you read our advice on the advantages and pitfalls of equity release and how the equity in your home could pay for a comfortable old age. What is Equity Release and How Does it Work? This is a method for releasing some of the untapped wealth tied up in your home. Being able to unlock the value of your home and turn this into cash is a way to remain in a much-loved family home. There are two main types of equity release – a lifetime mortgage or a home reversion plan, which is the sale of part or all of the property. A lifetime mortgage is a loan against the value of your home which is not repaid until either the homeowner dies or goes into long-term care, or the property is sold. If you decide to go down this route you must choose carefully between the two types of lifetime mortgage which are: The interest roll-up mortgage, which is the most popular option. With this, you receive either a lump sum or regular amounts, and interest is added to the loan at a fixed or capped rate. An interest-paying mortgage is similar to a standard mortgage in that you pay monthly or ad-hoc payments, and some plans allow you to pay off the capital, to reduce the sum owed at the end. The home reversion plan is only available to those aged at least 65. With this, you can sell all or a percentage of your home to a provider at below the market value and you become a rent-free tenant in your home. You can even sell percentages of the home at off-set intervals. Another, less well known and potentially more risky option is the sale and rent back scheme where you sell your home, at a discount and become a rent-paying tenant in your home. Points to Consider Home care services are increasingly seen as preferable to standard nursing home care for many reasons, not least among them being able to carry on living in your own home being looked after by a trusted live-in carer who becomes your friend. Lifetime mortgages are considered the most popular option for equity release because it allows you to retain full ownership of your property and some come with an option of paying back some of the loans over time in order to reduce the build-up of interest and retain as much of the value of your property to benefit your estate when you die. You can only apply for equity release once you are over 55 and the amount you receive is dependent upon the value of your home (minimum value £70,000) as well as your age. Your property must be in the UK. Benefits of Equity Release For today’s older homeowners who have seen the value of their homes rise significantly over recent years and with the added benefit of current low-interest rates, equity release gives you an amount of cash to spend now or to put towards a live-in care plan. Risks and Pitfalls of Equity Release The biggest problem with equity release is that you do not receive the full market value for your home, indeed the amount you can access would be much less than you would get by selling your home on the open market in the traditional way. Another disadvantage is that any inheritance your beneficiaries expect to receive would be reduced. The upfront costs and fees involved in setting up an equity release plan could be as much as £3000. If you opt for a lifetime mortgage there is a real risk that when the time comes for your home to be sold the amount owed may be more than you borrowed because of the compound interest charged on the mortgage, unless you can pay off some of the debt as you go along. So, if you want to leave a decent inheritance for your family you need to act with caution. Be aware that if you have a substantial amount of cash in the bank this could affect any means-tested benefits you may be entitled to. The upper threshold is currently £16,000 so above this you are ineligible for means-tested benefits. Your tax situation could be impacted. If you choose to pay off the whole of the lifetime mortgage early you could incur penalties. Risks of Home Reversion Scheme You may only receive between 30-60% of the market value of your home and there may be a clause in your contract which forbids you from moving home. Distressingly, once you die the property usually has to be vacated within one month which causes unnecessary upset to the family at a distressing time. Protections from the Equity Release Council You should look for an equity release provider who is a member of the Equity Release Council to ensure that any lifetime mortgage you take out will never exceed the total value of your property. You are also assured that: You can remain in your home until the end of the mortgage term You are provided with an independent solicitor who explains everything clearly to you Interest rates must be fixed or capped and the product must have a ‘no negative equity guarantee'. Always get the best independent adviser who is regulated by the FCA and discuss things with your family before signing on the dotted line. Read Also: What To Leave Behind Once You Have Sold Your Home The Guide to Understanding Your Home Value