5 Tactics to Improve Your Credit Score This Year

Published on: 03 February 2022 Last Updated on: 12 September 2024
Improve Your Credit Score

Inflation is up, money is tight, and your credit score is in the gutter. What a way to start the year!

Instead of wallowing in self-pity, it’s time to finally do something about your unfortunate credit score. This January, kick-off an improvement plan to improve your credit score by the time the clock strikes midnight on Dec. 31.

5 Lucrative Ways Improve Your Credit Score: 

5 Lucrative Ways Improve Your Credit Score: 

1. Know What You’re Working With

You can’t fix a problem you can’t see. If you’ve been avoiding checking your credit score for fear of what you’ll find, get over yourself. Now is the time to set aside your pride and review the damage. Your credit score impacts nearly every financial move you make. Working to improve it now, before you consider shopping for a major purchase, can make your life easier.

Pull up your free annual credit report to review the data that’s been reported to the credit bureaus. If you’ve got missed payments, high credit utilization, or too many accounts, take note. Then consider your overall score. Anything under 700 should be seen as an opportunity to improve. Now you’re ready to create your action plan.

2. Take Action Daily

You can make measured improvements on your credit score just by being mindful of your daily actions. If you struggle with overspending, pause before you swipe your card. Consider whether the purchase you’re about to make meets your goals and if you’ve got the money to repay the balance.

If the answer to either is no, resist the urge to buy. Instead, save up for want-based purchases so you can treat yourself without sacrificing financial security.

In an e-commerce age, you probably can’t eliminate plastic from your purchasing repertoire entirely, but you can be smarter about it. Familiarize yourself with different payment options like a credit builder card. These cards are secured by a funds transfer or initial deposit. Every time you pay your bill, your good payment history is reported to the credit bureaus. Over time, this great track record can improve your score.

3. Get Your Budget on Point

The way you spend often dictates how well you can keep up with the demands of your bills. While everyone has core expenses across housing, food, and transportation, it’s essential to manage one’s variable expenses. Sit down with the last two months of your spending history to identify budget busters and trends you’d like to address.

If dining out is a sore spot for your budget, create a system to help you indulge with purpose. Set a dollar amount that you can spend without dipping into cash reserves dedicated for other expenses. Think about why you like to spend in this category and whether there’s another way to fill your cup.

If your real desire is to spend time with friends, pivot to hosting a small potluck dinner once a month. Adjust your spending toward this event, and you just may find you like the results better than gathering at restaurants.

4. Dispute Inaccuracies

Your comprehensive credit report may be telling lies about you. If your careful review identifies inaccuracies in your report, it’s in your best interest to dispute them. Late payments are one of the biggest dings on your credit report. If you’re a reliable payer, it’s only fair to fix any errors in your report.

First, reach out to the company reporting the information to the bureaus to dispute your account status. Then report the error to the credit reporting bureaus. You’ll need to include a dispute form and documentation supporting your case.

This process can take months to resolve, so stay the course on other credit-boosting activities while you wait. Inaccurate reports happen, so it’s important to review your credit report regularly so you can quickly address them.

5. Attack the Two Most Impactful Credit Factors

Put your energy into the most impactful parts of your credit score: on-time payments and credit utilization. Your payment history drives 35% of your credit score. If you have a history of late payments, you’re killing your score. Catch up on missed payments and create a system to help you manage your bills. Set up autopay for your core bills (rent/mortgage, utilities, insurance, etc.) so you can ensure that your obligations are covered.

The second most impactful area of your financial behavior is credit utilization, which makes up 30% of your score. Credit utilization — the percentage of your available credit that you’re using at any given time — signifies how well you manage money. Work to keep your utilization below 30% to earn a good mark from the credit bureaus.

If you can, request a credit limit increase to improve that percentage, but resist the urge to tap into it. Consider making payments toward your balance as you make changes to keep your utilization low.

Creating the Accountability to Stay on Track

Creating the Accountability to Stay on Track

Any goal is more achievable when you breathe life into it. So create a vision board of your credit score goals and post it where you can see it daily. Talk about your plan with your friends and family to create an accountability team for your new credit-building habits. Monitor your progress regularly and course-correct if you need to.

The more you interact with your plan and assess your behavior, the more likely you are to be successful. Who knows? After a year of hard work, sacrifice, and intentional effort, your score could even climb from poor to exceptional.

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Why Bitcoin Still Suffers From An Identity Crisis In 2020?

Depending on who you are or what you do, different ideas come to mind when you hear Bitcoin. If you are from a technology background, you will know what Bitcoin is but have still yet to use it as an asset. However, if you are not from a technological background and have heard the name, the possibility is that you have heard about Bitcoin in rumors. Rumor-based news is always related to the black market, and people who emphasize the rumor have always considered Bitcoin an underworld currency. The rise of the early stage Bitcoin startups is evident that the Bitcoin industry is flourishing. Bitcoin-focused companies such as Coinbase have already raised more than $100 million in multiple funding rounds. Despite those who still question the long-term existence of Bitcoin, it has survived its first decade with flying colors. So, if you want to become a part of this revolutionized financial era, try making your first investment with the help of the bitcoin circuit. Bitcoin: Asset Or Currency Bitcoin was introduced in the market as a digital currency. It is supported by Blockchain technology. The sole purpose of launching a digital currency was to bypass the prying eyes of third parties. With the traditional financial transaction, there is always a bank in between that validates the transaction. But with the Bitcoin transaction, the intermediaries can simply omit out. Bitcoin As A Currency Bitcoin can be used to buy a whole lot of things. You can use Bitcoin to pay your utility bills, restaurant bills, buy cars, property and book holidays. Looking at the regulation policy of the nation, you might be able to exchange Bitcoin for a lot of things. Bitcoin was launched as a currency, but it needs to have low volatility for anything to be considered a currency. In that light, Bitcoin might not be able to earn a status of a currency. Bitcoin As An Asset What happens if we use Bitcoin as an asset? According to Bitcoin enthusiasts, it can be used as a hedge against inflation. Bitcoin is considered Digital Gold because of its limited number in the market. Furthermore, experts believe that Bitcoin can be used for nations that lack adequate banking services. At present more than 2.5 billion adults do not use banking services or any other micro-financial services. Part of which is the profitability of the interest factor versus the cost to reach a bank. Why Does Bitcoin’s, Identity Matter? Today, Bitcoin has become one of the most used digital currencies to make international transactions. As Bitcoin usage has increased globally, lawmakers have started formulating policies to regulate Bitcoin. However, lawmakers are facing problems in coming up with exact regulation policies for Bitcoin. This is because Bitcoin is still confused between currency and asset. According to some experts, Bitcoin is more like an asset and even compared to GOLD. While other experts believe that Bitcoin is the breakthrough the financial system has been looking for. This means that it is upto the Cryptocurrency industry to define the actual nature of Bitcoin. Can Bitcoin Recover From The Identity Crisis? Yes, Bitcoin still has a chance to come out of the identity crisis. This is because, as of today, there are still billions of people who are not aware of Cryptocurrency's existence. Those who are familiar with it are divided into several small fragments. Hence, if the right effort is made to define Bitcoin clearly, Bitcoin still has a chance to regain its identity. The majority of the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the technologically educated generation who will carry the concept of Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin into the future. Bitcoin? It Depends On Who You Ask! As we have already talked about Bitcoin as an Asset/Currency, Bitcoin is bent more towards the asset class. The reason: not only because of its investment potential, but also its limited numbers in the market. The characteristics of Bitcoin are more closely related to that GOLD than currencies. Read Also: Defending Your Modern Company Through the Use of Threat Intelligence 5 Common Body Corporate Issues Faced by Strata Management 5 Simple Steps to a Winning Brand Strategy

Bitcoin Trading

Most Common Bitcoin Trading Blunders – You Must Avoid

The bitcoin market is easily accessible to anyone who has a computer with an internet connection or a smartphone or tab and some starting capital. Many beginners are fascinated by the process and want to be a part of this trade but often fail to do well in this trade. It is very sad that many of the beginners do start with the trade but end up being broke due to tack of the knowledge of bitcoin trading. Here we have mentioned some of the most common bitcoin trading blunders that one must avoid while dealing with bitcoins. Bitcoin Trading Blunders If you are new to the business of bitcoin trading, then you must surely avoid making some mistakes. Here we will discuss the pointers of which one must avoid while doing bitcoin trading. Money: The beginners will not have to use real money when there is already innumerable availability of paper money on different platforms. A beginner who is actually passionate about being a professional trader must first step in with a system that sets guidelines for their entries, exits and risk management. Trading: Freshers usually tend to trade with emotions which makes them fail to accept the loss that is created to them. The most important capability of the trader must be the fact that he/she must be able to take the loss or accept the loss to run healthily in the future. You must set a stop loss guideline and do not move if all the guidelines are violated already. Balance: Experienced traders tend to balance their trade which the freshers might fail at. Balancing and rebalancing of your bitcoin are important to keep a balanced portfolio for yourself. Balancing will also help you to make less loss in your bitcoin trading. Trading Journal: Investment and trade are very different from each other, one must first be aware of this. If you have a plan for your trade then you would consider yourself responsible for your action and the result of your action. Keep a journal to follow and make a note of all the changes that you make in your trade and you can also follow it back for future references. Risk: Many young ones believe that they can earn life-changing money through bitcoin trading and by the bar of which it takes a lot of risks targetting to earn that amount. Undercapitalized: You must know that money is the mantra. You need money to make more money. Many think that through bitcoin trading one can make money sitting in the comfort of the couch but that is a sheer lie. If making money would have been so easy then no one would have worked day and night to earn money. A trader who wants to run his entire life earning money through bitcoin must also have enough money for investment. Being undercapitalized can ruin their dream and career of earing through bitcoin trading. Conclusion It is a hard job to earn money and especially if it bitcoin money. Even if you know all the hacks, you must be aware of the risk management in bitcoin trading because that would be majorly the factor in this trade. Read Also: A Beginner’s Guide In Using MT4 On A Mac How To Make Money From Bitcoins In 2019

Small Business Loans

Best Small Business Loans To Look Into In 2024– Are You Eligible For The Loan?

Planning to investigate some small business loans? What are the best options out there? Most importantly, how can these loan options help you? Contrary to popular belief, it is more complex than filling out a form and getting your loan approved. That too from the very first source! There is eligibility, which you must fulfill from your end, and criteria that the small business loan providers must ensure. These are subjective to individuals and the business they are trying to build. For example, which provider should you go for when you need a quick loan of a larger or smaller amount? So, without any further ado, let’s get into the blog post What Are Small Business Loans? What are exactly small business loans? The criteria? Is it different than other forms of business loans? Small business loans are classified under money lending for commercial purposes Like any other business loan. There are several reasons why you would consider lending. Do not worry if it is for operational expenses and you fall short! Not everyone accesses such loans just for their initial business investment or to extend their business to new grounds. In fact, it is common for people to underestimate their expenditure margin when they are starting their business. In fact, in 2020, 56% of all small business loans were to manage operational costs. While only 31% of loans were for expansion opportunities.1  The Best Small Business Loans Here are the best small business loans to investigate: 1. SBA 7(a) Loan LoanCredit ScoreMinimum YearsMinimum Revenue (Yearly)Maximum Loan AmountTime of Acceptance SBA 7(a) Loan680+Two years$100,000+$5 million5-10 business days  This government-backed loan program offers competitive rates and long terms for various needs. Pros: Low interest rates Long repayment terms Cons: Lengthy application process Strict qualification criteria 2. Kabbage Business Line Of Credit LoanCredit ScoreMinimum YearsMinimum Revenue (Yearly)Maximum Loan AmountTime of AcceptanceKabbage Business Line of Credit640+1 year$50,000+$250,000 Same day  This is a revolving line of credit with a quick application process for managing cash flow. Pros: Fast funding Flexible access to funds Cons: High APR      Limited revolving credit line (although that is how they advertise). 3. OnDeck Term Loan LoanCredit ScoreMinimum YearsMinimum Revenue (Yearly)Maximum Loan AmountTime of AcceptanceOnDeck Term Loan600+1 year$100,000+$250,000 24 hours  This loan offers short-term loans with quick approval, which is ideal for fast access to capital. Pros Fast Funding Discounts for repeat customers Cons High interest rates Frequent repayments 4. BlueVine Business Line Of Credit LoanCredit ScoreMinimum YearsMinimum Revenue (Yearly)Maximum Loan AmountTime of AcceptanceBlueVine Business Line of Credit600+Six months$100,000+$250,000 24-72 hours  Flexible line of credit with fast approval, useful for managing cash flow. Pros Quick funding No early repayment fees. Cons Higher rates for lower credit scores. Limited to revolving credit. 5. Fundbox Line Of Credit LoanCredit ScoreMinimum YearsMinimum Revenue (Yearly)Maximum Loan AmountTime of AcceptanceFundbox Line of Credit600+Six months$50,000+$150,000 As fast as the next business day It provides a simple, quick line of credit ideal for immediate cash flow needs. Pros Easy qualification Quick access to funds Cons Lower Loan Amounts Shorter Repayment terms 6. Lendio Loan Marketplace LoanCredit ScoreMinimum YearsMinimum Revenue (Yearly)Maximum Loan AmountTime of AcceptanceLendio Loan Marketplace550+Six months$50,000+$5 million On the loan amount  This type of loan is a great help to small business owners. Rather than just one loan, this is a marketplace that connects businesses with multiple lenders for various loan types. Pros Wide range of loan options. Easy comparison of the offer. Cons Can receive multiple calls from lenders, which can be irritating. Not all lenders have favorable terms. 7. American Express Business Loan LoanCredit ScoreMinimum YearsMinimum Revenue (Yearly)Maximum Loan AmountTime of AcceptanceAmerican Express Business Loan660+1 yearNot specified$50,000 3-5 days  This fixed-rate loan is available only to pre-approved American Express Business Card members. Pros Fixed rates No origination fee Cons Only available to pre-approved members. Relatively small maximum loan amount. Therefore, if you plan to get a small business loan in the foreseeable future, getting an American Express Business Card is better. 8. Accion Opportunity Fund LoanCredit ScoreMinimum YearsMinimum Revenue (Yearly)Maximum Loan AmountTime of AcceptanceAccion Opportunity Fund550+1 yearNot specified$250,000 1-3 weeks  Offers loans to underserved small business owners, including minorities and women. Pros Focus on underserved businesses. Personalized support Cons Longer approval process. It may have a higher interest rate. 9. Credibly Small Business Loan LoanCredit ScoreMinimum YearsMinimum Revenue (Yearly)Maximum Loan AmountTime of AcceptanceCredibly Small Business Loan500+Six months$15,000/month$400,000 24-48 hours (about two days)  Provides working capital loans and merchant cash advances with flexible terms. Pros Fast funding Flexible repayment options Cons Higher cost of financing. Frequent repayments Small Business Loans With Separate Criterions Now, we will be delving into the different criteria and which small business loan provider would be best! 1. Startup Needing Initial Capital "I just started my business and need funds to get it. What are my options?" Best Loan: Fundera by NerdWallet Offers access to multiple loan options, including startup loans, even with lower credit scores and minimal business history. 2. Expanding An Established Business "I’ve been in business for two years and want to expand. What loan should I consider?" Best Loan: SBA 7(a) Loan Ideal for established businesses needing significant funding for expansion, with favorable terms and interest rates. 3. Need For Quick Cash Flow Solutions "I need quick access to cash to manage cash flow. What’s the fastest option?" Best Loan: Kabbage Business Line of Credit Offers quick application and approval processes, with funds available on the same day for urgent cash flow needs. 4. Managing Seasonal Inventory And Expenses "My business is seasonal, and I need funds to purchase inventory before the busy season. What loan fits this need?" Best Loan: OnDeck Term Loan It provides short-term loans with quick funding, ideal for managing seasonal inventory purchases and expenses. 5. New Business Owner With Limited Credit "I have a low credit score and a new business. Are there any loan options available for me?" Best Loan: Credibly Small Business Loan Accepts lower credit scores and offers working capital loans, making it accessible to newer businesses with limited credit. 6. Needing A Flexible Line Of Credit "I want a flexible financing option. This is to cover unexpected expenses as they arise. What should I look for?" Best Loan: BlueVine Business Line of Credit It offers a flexible line of credit with fast approval. Plus, it is suitable for covering unexpected expenses. 7. Seeking Low Interest Rates And Long Terms "I’m looking for a loan with low interest rates and long repayment terms. What’s the best choice?" Best Loan: SBA 7(a) Loan It is known for its low interest rates and long repayment terms. Therefore, it is ideal for businesses seeking cost-effective funding. 8. Socially Responsible Business Owner "I want to support a loan provider that helps underserved communities. What are my options?" Best Loan: Accion Opportunity Fund Focuses on providing loans to underserved small business owners. In fact, it also includes minorities and women, with personalized support. 9. Looking For A Fast And Easy Application Process "I need a loan. However, I don't want to go through a long application process. Which loan is easy to apply for?" Best Loan: Fundbox Line of Credit Offers a simple, quick application process with funds available before the next business day. 10. Needing A Small, Short-Term Loan "I need a small amount of money quickly for a short-term need. What’s the best option?" Best Loan: American Express Business Loan It provides small, fixed-rate loans with a quick approval process, which is ideal for short-term financial needs. Related: How To Use An SBA Loan For Business Purchase Eligibility For Small Business Loans You might find the best loan provider. However, when it comes to eligibility, rejection can be common.  Regarding personal loans, good mortgage lending (a property that you place as collateral when taking the loan) makes loan acceptance easier. However, when it comes to business loans, the rules are a little different. The loan lender (bank or private) must closely investigate your business expenditure, cash flow, and profit margin. If you do not have a steady personal and business credit score (unless you are building your business from scratch, in which case the rules will be different), getting your small business loan approved can be challenging. Do not worry; this is not to scare you. However, ensure you take the time to investigate your and improve financial health. Here are some of the absolute eligibilities when it comes to small business loans. 1. Your Business Needs To Be Nonprofit Unfortunately, you cannot have a nonprofit organization and demand a small business loan. Your business must be making some profit through a steady income. 2. A Lucrative Business Idea, Aka The Cash-Flow Since business loans do not depend on collateral submission, lenders are mostly concerned about the business idea. Most importantly, is there a demand for such business in the market? Will there be enough opportunities to build a steady cash flow? Is there any stock market share for businesses with the same ideation? The loan they offer you will depend on the potential profit you can make from that base. Plus, it must be backed by solid data. 3. Your Credit Score Although we have already mentioned the credit score for each loan provider, you need to be serious about your creditworthiness. Any loan provider will scrutinize your personal and business credit score. Any suspicious activity (including something as simple as an unpaid credit card bill) can put you under the radar. Eventually, it does not make you a good candidate for a loan. In other cases, your business credit score also plays a crucial role. What is your total business income? Is it holistic with your business expenditure? What is your business credit card transaction history? Are you able to balance your bills alongside your monthly operational costs? ...and many more. You must submit all your financial documents, especially if you are planning to expand through different business locations and real estate. How your business funds are handled becomes crucial in such a case. Secured & Unsecured Loan Starting a business? Want a small business loan? Then, you should understand the importance of collateral in such a business. Most importantly, do you even need to submit collateral to get your loan sanctioned? Secure business loans will charge you some collateral (cash money, real estate property, gold bonds, etc.). Meanwhile, unsecured loans do not charge any collateral. Which is better as Small Business Loans As someone just starting a business, I know the advantages/disadvantages of both kinds of loans will depend on your criteria and loan amount. So, let’s discuss the overall pros and cons of both! Secured Loans Let’s begin with the kind of loans that require collateral. Pros ConsLower Interest RatesLonger Approval RatesHigher Loan Amounts (because of the collateral)Risk of Losing AssetLonger Repayment Period (you can elongate your loan repayment term for two decades)Not everything can be collateral. It, after, depends on the bank. Unsecured Loans Now, let’s talk about loans without collateral. ProsConsYou Need No CollateralAutomatically, the maximum loan amount is less.Quick Loan ApprovalHigher Interest RatesFlexible for all types of loansThe repayment period is a short When Should You Get What? For the ease of your own understanding, here is when you should get what! Secured Loans Might Be Better If You need a larger loan amount. Can provide valuable collateral. You want lower interest rates and longer repayment terms. If your business has significant assets that can be used as collateral. Unsecured Loans Might Be Better If You do not have assets to offer as collateral. Need funds quickly. You prefer not to risk losing business or personal assets. The business needs a smaller loan amount. You can check the listicle above for a good idea of which secure/unsecured small business loans would be better for you. Types Of Small Business Loans These are the types of small business loans which you should investigate: Term Loans: You borrow a set amount and pay it back over time with fixed payments. SBA Loans: The government backs these loans, giving you good terms for your business. Business Lines of Credit: You get access to a credit line like a credit card. Invoice Financing: You can get cash based on your unpaid invoices. Equipment Loans: This loan helps you buy business equipment. Merchant Cash Advances: You get an advance on your future credit card sales. Microloans: These small loans are often given by nonprofits to help you start. Commercial Real Estate Loans: Use these loans to buy or fix up your business property. Personal Loans for Business: You can use your personal credit for business needs. Franchise Loans: These loans help you start or grow a franchise business. The Final Note! The choice between a secured and an unsecured small business loan ultimately depends on your specific needs and circumstances. a secured loan might be more suitable If you have valuable assets and prefer lower interest rates. On the other hand, if you need quick access to funds and prefer not to put up collateral, an unsecured loan could be the better option. Always consider the terms and conditions carefully and consult a financial advisor to make the best decision for your business. Things to remember before you get a small business loan: Have a solid, chalked-out plan for how you will repay it. You wouldn’t want to lose your collateral. Do not take hasty loans because you have fulfilled a business milestone. Remember, a loan is not a temporary fix; it is a debt for years to come. Therefore, be careful before sanctioning a loan. Finally, be candid about your financial decision. Keeping it discreet to get a quicker loan approval will only cause you trouble later. What do you think? Should getting a small business loan come after so many considerations, or should it be a little easier? Do let us know in the comment section below! Read Also: Core Banking Solutions: A Game Changer? Alternative Business Financing – What Is It And How Do You Do It? Ways To Apply For A Personal Loan & The Reasons To Opt For This Loan.