Integrating Therapy And Activities In Residential Treatment

Published on: 01 February 2024 Last Updated on: 07 February 2024
Integrative Therapy

The integration of therapy and activities in residential treatment facilities is a pivotal aspect of modern mental health care. This approach combines traditional therapeutic methods with various activities, enhancing the effectiveness of treatment and providing a more holistic recovery experience for residents.

In residential treatment settings, therapy remains the cornerstone of the recovery process. This typically involves a combination of individual and group therapy sessions, utilizing various psychotherapeutic techniques and other evidence-based practices. These therapies are designed to address the underlying causes of mental health issues, helping residents develop coping mechanisms and better understand their conditions.

Integrating activities alongside therapy adds a crucial dimension to the treatment process. Activities in residential treatment facilities can range from physical exercise, such as yoga or swimming, to creative endeavors like art or music therapy.

These activities are not merely recreational; they are carefully chosen for their therapeutic benefits. For instance, physical activities can help reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, while creative therapies offer a non-verbal outlet for expression and emotional exploration.

One significant benefit of integrating activities into treatment is the enhancement of therapy effectiveness. Engaging in activities can help residents apply and reinforce the skills learned in therapy sessions. For example, participating in a group sport can improve social skills and teamwork, reflecting the interpersonal skills taught in group therapy.

Another advantage is the promotion of a holistic approach to wellness. Mental health is intrinsically linked to physical and emotional well-being. Activities like mindfulness meditation or nutritional workshops contribute to overall health, which is crucial for mental health recovery. These activities encourage residents to adopt healthier lifestyles, which can have long-lasting benefits beyond their time in the facility.

The diverse array of available activities further enhances the personalization of the treatment experience. Recognizing that residents have unique interests and respond differently to various activities, offering a wide range of options ensures that each resident can discover activities that deeply resonate with them. 

This approach not only tailors the treatment experience to individual preferences but also boosts resident engagement and enjoyment, fostering a more meaningful and effective recovery journey. The variety of activities becomes a dynamic tool in creating a therapeutic environment that accommodates diverse needs and promotes holistic well-being.

Incorporating activities into residential treatment also fosters a sense of community and belonging among residents. Participating in group activities builds camaraderie and support, essential elements in the recovery journey. It creates opportunities for residents to form meaningful connections with others who share similar experiences.

Moreover, these activities provide practical skills and hobbies that residents can continue after leaving the facility. Skills learned through activities such as gardening, cooking, or painting can be valuable tools for stress management and self-care in daily life.

Integrating therapy and activities in residential treatment offers a comprehensive approach to mental health recovery. This integration enhances the effectiveness of traditional therapies, promotes holistic wellness, allows for personalization of the treatment experience, builds community, and equips residents with practical skills for life post-treatment.

What Is Integrative Therapy?

Academics have argued that psychotherapy and psychology are essentially different. According to them, treatment takes a backseat because of the insistent modalities. We define ourselves in a certain way and set up “false dichotomies when, in practice, we routinely straddle multiple approaches.” 

Integration is a term that suggests the bringing together of things. When dealing with clients, it suggests that we adapt to both the needs of clients and their context by blending fragmented theoretical frameworks as well as their methods. 

Human beings are complex, and they bring unique hopes, needs, and challenges to therapy. A therapist’s chief challenge lies in attempting to make an honest integrative therapy that amalgamates different philosophical commitments, assumptions, and values. They must also admit that not all of these practices and theories can be compatible. 

So, when integrative therapists treat their clients, they must consider the what, how, and when of integration. This would typically involve one of the four potential approaches. 

Theoretical integration: Transcends the individual models by making a single model

Technical eclecticism: Combines the effective bits of different approaches

Assimilative integration: Works mainly in a single model whole, also integrating several aspects of other approaches

Common factors: Focuses on the right practices as well as elements from all approaches 

History of Integrated Therapy

Human interest in therapeutic integration dates back as far as Freud and the contemporaries of the father of psychology in the early 1900s. Sandor Ferenczi, a relational psychoanalyst from Hungary, wrote a paper in 1933. He argued that instead of staying too true to the stereotypical techniques, we must take our cues from the patient and adopt the most suitable approach at a time in the best interest of the patient. 

Aaron Beck claimed in 1991 that cognitive behavioral therapy could actually be integrative therapy. He said that because of the broad sweep of psychology and the resulting integration of different technical procedures, cognitive therapy is integrative therapy. 

It is possible that we can challenge his claims today, but CBT is a prime example of the combination of two or more approaches. In that case, the awareness of the client’s belief system going through a change can improve the therapist’s efforts on their behavioral change. 

Holistic Therapy and Integrative Therapy Partnerships

The combination of integrative therapy and holistic therapy has repeatedly proved to be effective and valuable in palliative care. It helps clients deal with their discomfort, pain, anguish, and fear related to their past, present, and future.

When traditional Western medicine cannot help the chronically and terminally ill, treatments like imagery, therapies, and meditation, along with psychotherapy, tend to offer hope for them. Their needs for peace and calm at nearly the end of their lives are met with a lot of help. 

Other approaches, when combined with integrated psychotherapies, get into the details of theology, spirituality, religion, and existential motives. 

Wrapping Up

Integrated therapy offers a strong and flexible approach to psychotherapy that addresses each client’s complex as well as unique needs. It aims to help create a comprehensive framework that will prioritize effective dialogue between different approaches by bringing together techniques and theories from various psychological models. 

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Nabamita Sinha loves to write about lifestyle and pop-culture. In her free time she loves to watch movies and TV series and experiment with food. Her favourite niche topics are fashion, lifestyle, travel and gossip content. Her style of writing is creative and quirky.

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Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana Addiction Treatment: 5 Steps to Avoid Relapse

As told by science and modern research, marijuana addiction is a chronic illness, and like any other chronic disease – hypertension, diabetes, asthma – long-term treatment is needed. However, marijuana addiction always has a possibility of relapse. The relapse rates of substance use disorders are between 40% and 60%, which are highly comparable to other chronic medical conditions. However, don’t be under the impression that relapse can’t be prevented just because it's common. An alcohol or drug relapse can quickly waste a lot of rehab work and can also be fatal. But don’t worry. If you’re struggling or if you know someone who’s struggling to avoid a relapse, then continue reading this article to learn about the steps you can do to prevent it from happening. Marijuana Addiction Treatment: 5 Steps to Avoid Relapse: Stages of Relapse: You should know that relapse does not happen overnight; it’s a process. For you to understand how to avoid relapse, you’ll have to know its three stages. Relapse begins a few weeks or months earlier before it reaches its final stage. Here are the three stages of relapse: Emotional relapse – In this stage, your mind does not consider using marijuana again. However, your behavior and emotions are setting you up for a possible marijuana relapse. Here are some signs of an emotional relapse: Poor sleep and eating habits Isolation Anxiety Defensiveness Intolerance Mood swings Anger Mental relapse – It this stage, your mind will be torn about the dos and don'ts. There will be a part of you that wants to use marijuana, but there’s also a part of you that doesn’t. In the early stage of mental relapse, you’d idly think about using it again, and this gets worse as the mental relapse continues. The signs of mental relapse are: Lying Fantasizing Thinking about relapse Glorifying past use Hanging out with friends that use Physical relapse – In this final stage, you’d be physically using marijuana again. Some people only use once after realizing that they’ve made a mistake and try to focus again on recovery and moving forward. Unfortunately, there are others that will continue to use. In such a case, getting help is the best option. Avoiding Relapse: Here are 5 steps to avoid marijuana relapse: 1. Know and identify how to manage relapse triggers: Relapse triggers can be anything. They can come from a similarly scented substance or simply just being with people that use. The triggers can also be a specific place, person, or emotion. These things can make you crave, think about, and use alcohol or drugs. You can easily identify these triggers with the help of therapy sessions. A relapse therapist can teach you effective ways to cope up with triggers, keeping you away from drugs or alcohol when your cravings are fortuitously triggered. There are treatment centers in Los Angeles that provide recovery services, such as Nexus Recovery; these services can help you identify and manage relapse triggers and monitor your progress. Here are some tips to manage or avoid triggers: Change your daily route and avoid passing through places that cause a trigger. Keep a list of people you can call when you’re feeling triggered. Practice relaxation techniques. Avoid triggering situations such as becoming stressed, lonely, tired, or hungry. 2. Follow a healthy lifestyle: Avoiding relapse needs long-term commitment, and this commitment includes building a new and healthier lifestyle. This can be a long and difficult process, but making significant lifestyle changes has been seen to decrease the risk of relapse. These lifestyle changes include learning and utilizing healthy coping methods for mental pressure and negative emotions, recognizing and managing mental illnesses if any, and promoting positive activities such as meditation, exercise, and art. Here are some healthy lifestyle ideas: Avoid having too much caffeine or sugar. Plan and prepare healthy snacks and meals in advance to avoid becoming hungry. Write a journal and keep track of your mood and daily thoughts. Be active. Engage in sports or work out. Drink plenty of water. Practice gratitude. Find a new hobby. 3. Use appropriate medications: With the ever-evolving addiction research, the development of medications that help patients to avoid relapse and manage their cravings was made possible. These medications, such as buprenorphine and methadone, when adequately used under supervision, can significantly decrease cravings and relapse urges. For some, taking these medications is the key to their relapse prevention and recovery. Talk to your doctor about taking such medications. 4. Undergo long-term treatment: Just like any other chronic disease, your recovery will not be quick and easy, especially when recovering from substance abuse. Doing two months of therapy or medication will not guarantee that you’ll not start using it again. For better long-term results, getting involved in an intensive treatment within a suitable period of time will surely help you. Participation and engagement in long-term addiction treatments have been known to help decrease the risk of relapse. A study involving more than a thousand patients found out that relapse rates decreased for patients who had continuous treatments, aftercare, and support group engagement. 5. Get a support group: It’s essential to know that going through the process alone may not provide desirable outcomes in recovery. Keep your supportive friends, loved ones, and family close. Do your best to surround yourself with people who really care for you and people who don’t use drugs or alcohol. A crucial factor in your road to recovery is social support; it can significantly help you to recover fast and resist relapsing. Here are some tips on how to create a good support network: Engage in recovery groups – You can search the Internet for marijuana recovery groups near your area, such as Marijuana Anonymous. Find a sponsor – A sponsorship is one recovering person sharing and talking to another recovering person. You will attend recovery group meetings regularly, discuss issues on the recovery, and work on recovering together. See a mental health or addiction counselor. Closing Thoughts: If you're under treatment or recovering from substance abuse, you should be realistic and understand that a relapse can occur anytime. However, you should also do your best to avoid it by following these steps. In addition to these, always make sure to work with your counselor or therapist in developing an effective relapse plan. By following this plan in case of a relapse, you will be able to minimize its negative consequences. Read Also: How Does Smoking Weed Affect The Society How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life

Marijuana Urine

Passing A Marijuana Urine Drug Test- How To Pass Pee Narcotics Tests

Most people who have a job, have taken a drug test. Prior to the mid-80s, it was just about unheard of, employers believed more in lie detector tests for pre-employment. Since drugs have taken over society, it is imperative for companies to give drug tests. They aren’t only for pre-employment, but usually, companies test their employees randomly after being hired. Of course, there are employees that aren’t on any drugs unless they are prescribed to them. Then, some employees choose to quit the use of illegal drugs because they don’t want to take the chance of losing their jobs. Then, you have those employees that just don’t really care if they lose their job. If an employee is hurt on the job, they are immediately tested at the hospital. However, any other time that they are drug tested, they use one of the many ways that exist to pass the test. If they didn’t use one of these alternatives, they would literally burn a hole in the cup. Usually, the random tests are announced, that way everyone can be ready just in case their name is chosen to actually be tested. There are several different ways to do a drug test. The urine drug test is the most common. How long a drug can be detected in urine varies with each drug. Saliva tests are basically more recent drug use, it usually only detects the last few days. Blood tests determine drug use at that very moment. Then, the test that truly tells the tale is hair follicle tests. They tell which drugs have been used for up to 90 days. Honestly, with marijuana or cannabis, the question of how long it stays in your system depends on your usage. The THC in the drug stays in your system longer because of the way it stores itself in your body. One single use can show for three days, while a regular smoker can take up to 90 days to get out of your system. Cannabinoids that break down from the THC are lipids, which means they store in a person's fat cells, not blood. Hence, why they don’t show so easily in a blood test. They can excrete through urine, but since they are fatty molecules, they are usually cleared by stool. So, how do you pass a urine drug test after smoking marijuana? Well, common sense says that the best way is to not use marijuana in any way. However, if you insist on continuing use and needing to pass a test, there are several ways to do it. The next way to pass a urine drug test is to get someone who doesn’t use drugs to P for you and then try to sneak it in today testing facility. Remember, the urine has to be 98.6°F, which is a person's normal body temperature. This is the most effective way, but only if no one is watching you. Also, you can buy synthetic or fake pee. Make sure that it has Uric Acid in the ingredient when you buy it, some labs test for it, to make sure it is real. It usually comes with a heating pad so you can make sure it’s the right temperature. Since the THC is stored in fat cells, doing exercises that help burn fat can help get rid of the cannabinoids. Don’t do any of the exercises the day of the test. Green vegetables are full of iron and other vitamins and minerals. These can help to get that metabolism going, which will make it easier to burn fat. Be careful listening to your friends about how to pass a urine test. There are more stories than there are remedies and it would be horrible if you went through a bad experience and still failed the test. First of all, do not drink bleach, it can kill you easily. Don’t chew denture cleaner, pretty sure all you are going to do is puke! Other things that just aren’t going to help you pass a urine test for THC are cranberry juice, vinegar (you are NOT an Easter egg), creatine, zinc, Goldenseal, and Niacin (although this is nature’s best antibiotic). Drink lots of water for a few days before the test. This could possibly dilute the urine enough to get went to have a light level below the level that makes for a positive test. Be careful to not drink too much water, it will show diluted urine and send out red flags that you were trying to hide something. No matter which process you choose, be sure to stay hydrated, eat properly, exercise and don’t smoke anymore in there I want to chill after the test. Casual smokers are easier to detox or mask then heavy smokers. Another way to pass a urine drug test is Sure-Jell. It’s the easiest and cheapest when compared to other things that are ingesting to pass the test. Just makes a pack from the grocery store we had a 32-ounce bottle of Gatorade. Drink out of it three or four hours before test time. Be sure to P3 or four times before the test also. There’s a one day detox that comes with pills, liquid, and fiber. It has vitamins, and minerals and herbs, making it all natural. It dissolves in your system, get rid of the THC and can’t be traced in any way. The one specific for the person with a higher THC level comes with six capsules that are taking 12 to 24 hours before the test. They drink 20 ounces every two hours, it will take effect went to five hours later. Be careful because it wears off, so you have to time it just right. Learn More I will tell you what beats all of these concoctions, try delaying the test. Most drugs can’t be traced after a few hours in blood or saliva. So, if you could Delay it for just a day, your results could be different. When you think you've read, all you should get a home test and take it to check the results. This way, if your chores didn’t work, you’ve got time to try another way. Every person‘s chemistry is different, so it might work for your friend, but not work for you. Also, it couldn’t hurt to educate yourself. Eight minutes won’t get you anywhere, but knowledge might get you off the hook. Each state has different drug testing laws that dictate how both applicants and employees can be tested. Read Also: Marijuana Addiction Treatment: 5 Steps To Avoid Relapse How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe For Pets – Dogs & Cats

baby sleeps

Things to do before bed for a perfect night’s sleep

Good sleep is usually described as how a baby sleeps. A baby is likely to enjoy quality sleep because they have no worries or anything that could hinder that perfect sleep. However, as you grow up, sleep quality tends to deteriorate because of different factors associated with adulthood. It is very important to have enough and good sleep as it has a significant effect on your body in terms of health and general activeness. You need to adopt the habit of sleeping early and having uninterrupted sleep time for about 7-9 hours every night. What should you do before bed to have a good night's sleep? Tidy your room. Study shows that people with clean and decluttered rooms tend to sleep better than those whose rooms are untidy and unkempt. Make your bed, fold your clothes and keep your room in order. Finish up your daily chores. Once the day is over, you should have finished everything you had planned for that day. Wash that blue cantilever umbrella you had planned to by the end of the day. By doing so, your mind will be able to relax when you get into bed. Eat dinner early. Most people will have their meals so late in the night that they end up sleeping late. It is better to eat early so that you can give the food time to digest. Doing that will actually help you sleep better. Make your bed comfortable. This includes changing your bedsheets into clean ones and getting the right sized pillow and mattress. You should also get s blanket that will shield you from the cold at night and is soft to your body as well. Take a warm bath. This helps to cool off your body and prepare it for sleep. Bathing with warm water will get your body temperature going down when you step into the cool bedroom from the shower. That helps induce sleep. Set the room temperature. You do not want a room that is too hot to sleep in or too cold that you cannot sleep. Regulate the temperature to what you feel is comfortable for you. Organize your thoughts. Going to bed with a lot of unorganized thoughts will keep you up for hours. Make sure you write down anything disturbing you and try to find a solution before you can sleep for better sleep quality. Switch off electronics. Things like phones, laptops, and TV should be switched off 2 hours to sleeping time. The blue light produced by these gadgets is not so good for your eyes when you want to sleep. Eat cherries. As I said, you should not eat right before bed. However, you can snack on some cherries as they are natural sources of melatonin which is a sleep-inducing hormone. Block any light from outside. You could switch off your electronics but there is still light coming from the outside. Total darkness is the recipe for sleep. Use dark and heavy curtains to block any light coming from the outside. Read a book. This is a good way to spend the last minutes before bed. Make sure the book does not require a lot of intellectual engagement and neither is it too exciting to take away your sleep. Listen to soothing music. There are people who cannot sleep in total silence. If you're one of these people, get some soothing music and play it in low tones right before you sleep. Spray some lavender scent into your room. Lavender is associated with having a calming and sedentary effect on you. It will help you sleep much faster and better. Conclusion : Don't deny yourself the opportunity to sleep better by ignoring some of these things that are necessary for a good night's sleep. In fact, these things are very easy to do and they can have a tremendously positive effect on your sleep life. Observe each one of them and make it a routine before you go to bed. Within a month or so, your body will have adapted to the change and you won't have to keep a reminder anymore. You'll be doing these things naturally. Invest in good sleep and your body will thank you for it. Make sure that everything is done to your preference for an easy time. Read Also : 5 Ways To Make A Big Statement In Small Bedroom 3 Tips On How To Plan The Best Cheap And Fabulous DIY Bedroom Makeover 5 Innovative Ideas To Lend Your Bedroom With More Space