Interiors to Reduce the Heat Build-up in Your Homes

Published on: 16 March 2016 Last Updated on: 04 October 2021
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In countries like where though we experience all climate types, summers and humidity are still the dominant types. The soaring temperature the rising sun plays its role most of the year to give us a good splash of nature. Hence, beating the heat is one of the major concerns in most parts of India throughout the year.


Most of the time, the hot weather falling on the roof exacerbates the problem. To fight this, experts suggest passive cooling techniques which provide interiors with comfortable conditions using natural means. This refers to reflective and radiative techniques and processes which are used to reduce heat gain or absorption by facilitating the elimination of excess heat in your interiors.

Heat gain in internal spaces can be controlled by modulating the temperature by using shading techniques, the color of the external surfaces of roof paint, and the color of the paints on external walls. Dark color tends to absorb more heat while light colors have a tendency of absorbing less heat. Therefore in countries like India, lighter colors like whites, light green, pale yellow, etc. for external walls are preferred.

The key lies in utilizing external heat sinks like the night sky, air, soil, water, etc. properly and sufficiently. The internal design and color scheme play a vital in optimizing to their best capability to maintain the thermal atmosphere of your space properly.

Evaporative cooling practices introduced in the interior design also helps in keeping the temperature of the house comfortable. In summers, the dry outside air supports this technique. Being a little innovative here helps to a great extent. Some of these are part of our enriched culture which can be used to amplify the design as well as serve the purpose of keeping the space cool. Indoor water features will create the perfect cooling and relaxing atmosphere for your home. For instance, the water rangoli, a small water fountain in internal space, indoor plants which will have wet soil are all good for this.

Reflective surfaces like glossy mirrors, glasses, vases, framed paintings, etc. react positively to the air floating around in the room which bounces to and fro and improves ventilation from the window in the direction of the air. Moreover, if the window has a green cover with branches of trees or stalks climbing over it, the view will also have a cooling effect.

After all, said and done, we come back to wall paint which definitively gives you the best bang for your buck. Having all your walls in the mildest shades and creating one wall as the focal point is the trendiest way ever. If the interiors remain very hot, and you still want to follow this art of accenting the central wall, you must use a cool color in a light hue. From a baby pink to lavender or even a delicate mauve will accent your wall and still create a soothing focal point. You can then hang a mirror décor or a mesmerizing painting here to complete the look.

This kind of design will help to overcome the build-up of heat in your homes and building and you create a calming environment to create beautiful memoirs you can cherish all your life.

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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house painting

5 Interior House Painting Tips

Owning a house which you can modify according to your personal desire, is always something permanent and something incredibly profound. A home with well-painted walls and beams should tell the story of who you are and what you love. New paint with vibrant colors can change your mood, and make your home your favorite place to live in. Interior house painting can be a very intimidating and challenging task if you decide to take it upon yourself. You have two options, to either do it by yourself or hire a professional painting company to look over the project. If you opt with the first choice, these tips and techniques will help you to paint your own home, according to your likings, within a very friendly budget. When you want to paint your Boynton Beach home, be sure to give Gustafson Painting a call. The following steps are a guide on how to paint a house to meet your expectations: 1. Self Choosing Colors: The critical step, to begin with, is to choose a color which you like. Or at least you should have a good idea of what color combination suits your home, i.e. which colors you would like to paint to your rooms and which colors to paint washrooms, kitchen, etc. Select the color palettes and plan out which color combination gives your rooms the vibrant energy. Every color has its functions, e.g. Blue, green and purple are all relaxing colors. Moreover, other deep and shocking colors such as red, pink and yellow can be used in rooms which are mostly in use during the day, giving your rooms a lively, gaudy look. 2. Gathering Tools and Equipment: After this, you have to pick all the tools and equipment which are needed for painting the house; which includes sanding and scraping tools, wire brush, respirator, paint rollers, plastic sheets to cover the carpets and your valuable stuff, work gloves, drop cloth, ladder and scotch tape. This will ensure you are ready and won't have to leave your task in between, to search for something. 3. Repairing Damaged Parts: Once you have organized everything, the next step is to remove any dirt and dust buildups from the walls by using a pressure washer. After this, you can apply epoxy filler to cracks and fractures by using a putty knife. Allow it to let it dry. Once this is done, fill the gap around windows, doors, and ceilings to ensure a better coat of paint. When this is dried up, then feel the wall with your hand to ensure if there are any uneven spots left behind. Then, apply the primer to prepare the walls for paint when all damaged parts are repaired. 4. Brush the Walls: Before painting the walls with a roller, you should brush the walls. To brush the walls, mean to paint the corner of walls, ceilings, and trims. You can choose from paintbrushes which come in many shapes and sizes. The traditional method to paint the walls through brush is by the use of metal cans, which can be very difficult for you to carry along with the brush and can result in poor results. But nowadays, there are proper paint pails which will make the whole task a lot easier for you. 5. Ready to Paint Ahead! Finally, you are ready to paint with the rollers. But wait, before this you should mix a primer with paint to give a fresh and everlasting look. If you paint without using a primer, then the paint would peel off. For this, you have to scrap all the paint away, clean the surface before applying the first coat and after that, apply the second coat of your own choice. This is one way when you do not use a primer. But if you are using a primer with paint, then it will not cause any problem even if the first coat is not applied. And the most important order of painting as suggested by the experts of house painters in San Diego is that you should paint the trim first, then ceilings, and then walls. It will provide better adhesion throughout and will enhance the ability of the topcoat. Another pro tip is that don’t forget to open the windows and doors of your house during painting, as it provides better ventilation and the paint dries off quickly and efficiently. At the end of the painting, do the cleanup. Wash all the brushes and other stuff which you have used in the process. At last, give your house a final touch by placing all of the favorite furniture in place, to give your dream house a new look! With these interior house painting tips from the most experienced of the San Diego painting company, you will get pro results for your residence! Read Also: Find The Right Painters For Your Ann Arbor Home This Painting Season 5 Factors To Consider In Choosing The Right Floor Colors Roofing Painting Contractor Leads: Four Questions To Ask Before Hiring One

What to Know About Your Furnace Filters

What to Know About Your Furnace Filters

When you breathe in the fresh air coming from your ventilation system, you have air filters to thank for the clean smell. The air goes through the air filters in the systems that continuously keep the flow clean in a tight mesh weaving. The airflow is kept clean while any allergens or pollutants are trapped or absorbed over time. This process continues throughout the air system in your home, including the furnace system. The furnace system needs air filters in order to prevent irritants from dirtying it up and affecting your home. The Use of Furnace Filters : The way that it works is that air is brought in by your systems first, pumped into the furnace system to be heated. After the air is properly warmed to the appropriate temperature, it then travels through the filters where it is cleaned up. The fresh, warm air then travels through the system and into your home where it raises the temperatures inside. This process involves the use of the air filters tight mesh weaving. Furnace air filters consist of a tight mesh weaving that is ergonomically designed to allow heated airflow to pass through without difficulty. Without the air filters, then any number of particles will be able to make their way into your home. Your air systems may become dirtier over time too, which is a prime way to attract pests and diseases. You need air filters to keep the air inside clean and prevent any problems with the air outside from coming in. However, the filter is only able to capture and absorb so many. Eventually, the air filters will need to be replaced or the problems they cause will affect your home as a whole. Dirty Furnace Filters : The filters in your home affect the indoor air quality of your home over time when they become dirtier and less able to process fresh airflow. The trouble has to do with the fact that dirty air filters are unable to properly process airflow due to all the captured particles. Over time, the furnace filters become worse for the system and you need to swap them out for new ones. If you don’t, then the lack of fresh air and strain on the system become a serious problem. The airflow coming through your filters needs to come through without issue or there will be a series of problems throughout your home. First of all, the air will not be able to come in, which leads to temperature problems when your home is not being heated. This heated air is also trapped in the furnace, which causes temperatures to rise over time and eventually damaging the system itself with the heat. Your systems will also use more energy in an effort to push past the blockage. The efforts will cause an increase in energy billing over time and you will see costs go up the longer the dirty air filter is left in place. Avoid this issue by installing new furnace filters regularly. Read Also : Choosing The Right Roof For Your Home – Types To Select From Additional Ways To Keep Your Home Warm 5 Ways A Home Maintenance Plan Can Prevent Disaster

Best Indoor Plants For The Dining Room

3 Best Indoor Plants For The Dining Room

Everyone has had that moment after moving into a new home. The work is done, the rooms are looking great, and the house has your touch on it, but there’s something wrong. The dining room. Why is it always the dining room?! When it comes to home décor, the dining room is one of the hardest spaces to get right. You can have beautiful dining room sets, gorgeous silverware, and a lovely table spread. But even if you have all of that, it can still feel like it’s missing something. This is mostly due to the fact that it has to be simple – as is its nature – but it has to simultaneously draw people in and ensure that it is a room that is actually used. If your dining room is not working, therefore, it can be very hard to know what to do about it. You don’t want to do a full-scale renovation, but similarly, you don’t want to leave it as the one room that doesn’t really work in the house. But don’t worry, because all is not lost. The answer is actually very simple, and it comes in one of the most popular home decor themes of 2022: nature. Instilling a sense of the outdoors into a room can do a lot to change the tone and atmosphere without the need for a massive redesign. It can also make the room – especially the dining room – feel more light, airy, and warm, getting rid of the coldness that a traditional dining room can sometimes have. With this in mind, what are the best indoor plants to get in your dining room, and what can they do to fundamentally change the feel of the room itself? Below, we’ve compiled three of our absolute favorites: Golden Pothos We might as well start big. The pothos is one of the most popular plants in 2023, mostly due to its ability to flow out from its bed and almost overtake the world around it. A perfect addition, then, to fundamentally change the look and feel of a dining room. We would recommend placing this one on any cabinets or shelves in the room, as it does have the tendency to completely dominate a table – you don’t want to be rifling through plant life when trying to find the salt shaker! Succulents You’ll find these cute little plants on a number of “top ten indoor plants” lists online, but they are most in their element when placed in the dining room – especially if your dining room has a lot of natural light. As plants, they’re almost quite neutral in color and shape, but in a brightly lit room, they really stand out and complement the atmosphere of the room itself. This then leads them to radiate a feeling of sophistication, tranquillity, and luxury on top of the atmosphere you have already created. Monstera Not all dining rooms have bright light, however. In fact, the problem with your dining room might be that it has low light, which means succulents won’t exactly work to elevate the space in the way that they are meant to. The best way to subvert a dark space, however, is with the monstera plant. These fit in well with darker colors, helping to instill a bold, tropical feel to the room, which will subsequently brighten up the space without the need for additional lighting. It also works well on its own, which means you can simply invest in attaining and sustaining this plant by itself. No hassle. No abundance of nature. Just a single plant and a completely changed room! Read Also: 10 Best Aesthetic Big Leaf Plants To Buy In 2022 5 Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Have Houseplants In Your Life 9 Awesome Plants – The Door To Welcome Prosperity & Healthy Life