Interiors to Reduce the Heat Build-up in Your Homes

Published on: 16 March 2016 Last Updated on: 04 October 2021
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In countries like where though we experience all climate types, summers and humidity are still the dominant types. The soaring temperature the rising sun plays its role most of the year to give us a good splash of nature. Hence, beating the heat is one of the major concerns in most parts of India throughout the year.


Most of the time, the hot weather falling on the roof exacerbates the problem. To fight this, experts suggest passive cooling techniques which provide interiors with comfortable conditions using natural means. This refers to reflective and radiative techniques and processes which are used to reduce heat gain or absorption by facilitating the elimination of excess heat in your interiors.

Heat gain in internal spaces can be controlled by modulating the temperature by using shading techniques, the color of the external surfaces of roof paint, and the color of the paints on external walls. Dark color tends to absorb more heat while light colors have a tendency of absorbing less heat. Therefore in countries like India, lighter colors like whites, light green, pale yellow, etc. for external walls are preferred.

The key lies in utilizing external heat sinks like the night sky, air, soil, water, etc. properly and sufficiently. The internal design and color scheme play a vital in optimizing to their best capability to maintain the thermal atmosphere of your space properly.

Evaporative cooling practices introduced in the interior design also helps in keeping the temperature of the house comfortable. In summers, the dry outside air supports this technique. Being a little innovative here helps to a great extent. Some of these are part of our enriched culture which can be used to amplify the design as well as serve the purpose of keeping the space cool. Indoor water features will create the perfect cooling and relaxing atmosphere for your home. For instance, the water rangoli, a small water fountain in internal space, indoor plants which will have wet soil are all good for this.

Reflective surfaces like glossy mirrors, glasses, vases, framed paintings, etc. react positively to the air floating around in the room which bounces to and fro and improves ventilation from the window in the direction of the air. Moreover, if the window has a green cover with branches of trees or stalks climbing over it, the view will also have a cooling effect.

After all, said and done, we come back to wall paint which definitively gives you the best bang for your buck. Having all your walls in the mildest shades and creating one wall as the focal point is the trendiest way ever. If the interiors remain very hot, and you still want to follow this art of accenting the central wall, you must use a cool color in a light hue. From a baby pink to lavender or even a delicate mauve will accent your wall and still create a soothing focal point. You can then hang a mirror décor or a mesmerizing painting here to complete the look.

This kind of design will help to overcome the build-up of heat in your homes and building and you create a calming environment to create beautiful memoirs you can cherish all your life.

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Kitchen Hacks

10 Unique Kitchen Hacks to Save your Time in Kitchen and Cooking

Not all mothers have the time to spend countless hours cooking meals for their families. This is why a lot of moms resort to ordering take-out or prepared food as doing it themselves can occupy a big slot on their schedule. There are, however, ways to still be hands-on with cooking for your family. 10 Unique Kitchen Hacks to Save your Time in Kitchen and Cooking These ten are proven kitchen hacks that can cut back the time you spend on cooking and preparing meals: 1. Keep A List for Grocery Shopping Let us admit it: shopping can be incredibly time-consuming. Remembering all the things that you need at home can be difficult especially with your busy schedule. This is why keeping a shopping list is a smart thing to do. To save more time with shopping lists, come up with the most important items that you buy every week. This will form the core of your reusable shopping list. Just customize the list on a weekly basis by adding some special items that you may want for a particular period. This will also help you ensure that you are able to buy all the things you need. You will no longer have to go back to the grocery store just because you forgot something. 2. Make A Meal Plan It may seem like meal planning is a boring thing to do but it actually helps you save time. To make sure that you do not spend too much time on it, it would be best if you do it along with your shopping list. Not only is meal planning helpful in cutting back on the money and time spent on food, but it also assists you in ensuring that the food your family is eating is healthy. Through meal planning, you can balance the nutrients that your children are receiving. 3. Organize Your Cabinets Well Sometimes, one of the reasons why moms take too much time in the kitchen is because of how disorderly the area is. This is especially true when you do not know where you put your ingredients and kitchen utensils. By becoming more organized in the kitchen, not only will you be able to allocate more hours on other matters, but you can also easily detect if it is already time to stock up on some items. 4. Keep Your Pantry Well-Stocked Unexpected trips to the grocery store can be such a hassle for mothers. This is why as much as possible; moms should make sure that the kitchen is well-stocked with the items that they always use. You no longer have to go out just to buy a single item missing from your recipe. Another advantage of a well-stocked kitchen is it gives you the flexibility to change your mind about what meal to cook. Since you already have everything you may need, you can just do a different meal on a whim. 5. Prepare Your Ingredients In Advance To make cooking much faster, it would be best if you juice, chop or peel your ingredients before you start cooking. You can even wash and cut vegetables days ahead so you can just get the portion you need when you are already cooking. Having the best spice grinder can help you prepare your ingredients nicely and quickly without much effort. 6. Cook Simple Meals It may be tempting to cook complex meals to impress your family. But that will take up much of your time for sure. As much as possible, cook meals that have six ingredients or less. Even better: choose dishes with ingredients that are already in your cabinets or fridge. This will make your life so much easier. 7. Do Not Hesitate To Use Leftovers Leftover food is a blessing for moms. There are a lot of things you can do with leftovers. In fact, if you can, make enough food so that there will still be leftovers for the next day. Put the leftovers in the refrigerator. You can just reheat the leftover food if someone is hungry. For example, leftover fried chicken can be re-used in so many ways. You can use it to make the sandwich filling. Or you can add it to some greens and vegetables to make a salad. 8. Use A Slow Cooker Slow cookers are a gift from mom heaven. You can just put the ingredients for your meal early in the morning and attend to your other tasks. You can even start slow cooking in the evening! 9. Get Some Easy Snacks Ready On The Fridge Feel like you are going to have a busy week? Prepare easy snacks and put them in the fridge so your family will just get some if they are hungry. 10. Cook Breakfast The Night Before Do not want to wake up too early in the morning to cook? Cook what you can in the evening so that you will have less to do for breakfast. Bring some fruits and milk into the blender. Once done, store it in the fridge so that you will just take it out in the morning. Of course, this does not work for all types of food. But if there are meals that can be prepared beforehand, which you can just reheat for breakfast, this is definitely a good tip. Conclusion These are some very useful kitchen hacks that can help you prepare food without much effort. But you always need the best kitchen tools and appliances to ensure everything goes as planned. Read More :  Home Hacks: Stuff You Can Clean in One Hour or Less.  Kitchen Renovations Must be Done at Regular Intervals.

Home Is Safe For Living

5 Ways That Ensure That Your Home Is Safe For Living

The environment of your home directly impacts on your health or well being.  A home should be your heaven; the place where your family and kids are safe. After all, it’s the place where you retreat to unhealthy and long busy day. If you live in an unhealthy and unkempt place, the environment will impact everyone’s health. Here are 5 different ways that ensure healthy living of your home: Keep Your House Free From Moisture: Check your home regularly for any kind of leakage inside and outside of your home walls and sink to ensure is your home a healthy living environment. If you find any leakage then repair it on time. As leakage leads to moisture in the home which creates a favorable atmosphere for mites, roaches, and molds. These leads to many health problems. Keep Your Home Ventilated:  When you buy or build your home make sure it has space for ventilation. Keep your house well ventilated by open the windows and doors also use a fan in washroom and kitchen. Ventilation brings more fresh air, oxygen and natural light in your home. Fresh air reduces moisture and improves quality of air inside your house. It will increase the level of oxygen which results in a decrease in respiratory disease also improves the overall health of a person. Clean Your House Properly: Clean the home regularly and properly. Clean all the corners, clutters of the house where pests and molds may live if not clean properly. Use a damp cloth to clean house and vacuum your house carefully. Leave your shoes at the doorstep to protect the home from dirt. Careful cleaning of home keeps insects and pests out of your home and you will be less prone to various diseases. Design Your Home Kitchen For Healthy Living: You should design your kitchen which promotes a healthy environment. The kitchen should be spacious; it should have an exhaust fan or chimney to take out the smoke from cooking. Dining area should be well maintained so that the whole family can share a meal together which will help in improving nutritional value in kids. Keep Your Home Well Maintained: If you don’t look after the need of your home with time then, it may be at higher risk of moisture, pests and accidental injury. To maintain your home on time, repair it if it is not in good condition if its paint gets worse then give it a new paint. If doors and windows are not in well condition then make them repair or change them. Benefits Of Healthy Home: Living in a clean and healthy house is important for physical as well as mental health of you and your family members. When you living in a clean healthy environment your stress level decreases which will lower the risk of heart disease and many other diseases. Living in a dust free and pest free environment reduce the risk of allergy or asthma problem to persons in the home. Fires and fall of material are two reasons which may cause injury inside the house but well-maintained home is free from such risks. Bugs and rodents are getting multiplied only in a messy house. However, in the clean home they are not able to multiply also they will no longer remain at home. Maintenance of home increases its life and durability with time. Well maintained Home will always look like a new one and will become energy efficient too. Have an inspection of your home and check is it good for the healthy living environment, if not then make it healthy by using the above mention tips and use space saving ideas to make your home safe. Adopt a healthy environment for your home to live a long life which will be free from any disease. Read Also: Top 4 Must-Have Appliances In Every Kitchen Top 10 Effective Tips To Keep Your Home Safe 5 Tips To Safeguard Your Home From Intruders


Toilet Flush Button: Understanding The Nuts And Bolts

Though our bathrooms play a critical role in daily life, they're often forgotten until a problem arises. Of all its components, one that stands out is the toilet flush button's use - and understanding. This article looks closely at its workings, maintenance needs and replacement considerations. The Fundamentals Of The Toilet Flush Button What Exactly Is A Toilet Flush Button? A toilet flush button is the mechanism responsible for initiating the flushing process in your toilet system. Situated on the tank's exterior, we press or push this component when using our toilet to flush out its contents into the sewage system. By activating this flush button, we begin an action chain within our bathroom that sends water from its tank into our bowl to flush away its contents into sewer lines. How Does The Flush Button Work? The magic of the toilet flush button lies in its ability to control a more complicated mechanism. Pressing it lifts a lever connected to a chain inside the tank; that chain connects to a flapper (or flush valve seal), covering up drain holes at the bottom. When the flapper is raised, water stored in the tank begins rushing from its source into the bowl through its drain hole and siphon tube into the sewage system. As soon as this process completes, however, the flapper falls back down, sealing off its drain hole once more - and replenishing its supply in readiness for another flush cycle. Maintenance Of The Toilet Flush Button Regular Cleaning Regular cleaning of your toilet flush button is vital to its optimal operation, as dirt can clog the switch and make it less responsive, leading to inconvenient situations for users. A non-abrasive cleaner and soft cloth should be used for exterior cleaning; internal components should be checked regularly to avoid build-up and potential mechanical problems. Checking For Wear And Tear Given how often flush buttons are used, wear and tear are inevitable. Look for signs of damage, such as cracks or looseness. If the control becomes less responsive when pressed or sticks down without returning up when released, this may indicate internal components need to be reviewed for potential problems. Troubleshooting Common Problems Is The Button Hard To Press, Or Is It Sticking A toilet flush button that is difficult to press or sticks down often points to a problem with the connected lever or chain inside the tank. It could be that the chain is too tight or too slack, or the lever needs to be aligned or fixed. A careful inspection and adjustment of these components usually solve the issue. The Button Doesn't Activate The Flush If the button doesn't activate the flush, the issue could be that the switch is no longer effectively connected to the lever, or the flapper isn't lifting. A look inside the tank should reveal the issue. The button, lever, or flapper may need to be replaced. Replacing The Toilet Flush Button When Should You Replace The Button? As with any mechanical component, toilet flush buttons have a finite lifespan. Over time and through regular use, their controller may wear out or become damaged, requiring replacement. Signs to replace it include physical damage to its housing and sticky buttons or ones that no longer activate flushing actions. Looking for a portable toilet rental might also be necessary if you need to fix your toilet for a couple of days. Toilet Flush Buttons: More Than Meets The Eye Though seemingly simple, toilet flush buttons are critical in maintaining sanitation in homes and public spaces. Understanding their inner workings helps us better appreciate their importance, maintain them properly, and effectively troubleshoot any potential issues with them. So next time you press one, remember its critical function while giving it some love and consideration. Conclusion: Understanding how a toilet flush button works may initially seem complicated, but understanding its mechanics is crucial to efficient bathroom operations and sanitation practices. Knowing their inner workings could save us from future inconvenience or repair costs. Maintaining the toilet flush button regularly is vital to prolonging its lifespan and guaranteeing reliable performance within a plumbing system, thus streamlining home maintenance. By periodically inspecting it for signs of wear and tear, individuals can identify and address potential issues early on and prevent more significant ones from developing into larger problems later. By taking proactive measures like this one, individuals save both time and money on costly repairs and ensure an effortless toilet operation experience. Maintaining a flush button is an accessible DIY project for anyone, provided they possess basic knowledge and the appropriate tools. Even if it eventually succumbs to wear or damage despite regular maintenance efforts, replacing the button remains straightforward, making this an achievable DIY project for homeowners. Read Also : Mirror Decorating Ideas To Style Your Bathroom Using Feng Shui In Your Bathroom Design The Different Kinds Of Toilets