Locum Story: Long-Term Strategic Partners in Healthcare

Long-Term Strategic Partners in Healthcare

This job of Locum Tenens was initiated as a makeshift policy to meet temporary doctor and staffing shortages.

Slowly, career opportunities emerged as one of the medical professional’s top career choices. In this article, we bring into the discussion table the demand for locums and the expectations of new job seekers in the next few years.

Locum Tenens: How Common Is It?

Locum tenens is, without doubt, a fast-growing segment in the healthcare industry. However, many of the largest facilities and practices in the USA have leveraged the efficacy of locum job placement. They incorporate these positions into their staffing models.

Although the concept of the modern locum tenens dates back to the early 1970s, since there is no turning back, the sector is managing a dream run of growth.

About 7% of physicians in the US have associated themselves with the locum tenens position within the last year.

Moreover, almost 85% of facilities are integrating temporary service providers. In the last decade, the number of locum tenens doctors has sharply increased. The rate of increase is massive( 90%). Hence, you can understand how common it is the concept of employment in the US medical sector.

The Future of Locum Tenens

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the move towards gig work and contracting has grossly affected the entire healthcare industry. Moreover, spending on locum tenens increased drastically by 28% in the year 2021.

Almost 60% of healthcare funds go towards inducting self-employed practitioners. The Association of American Medical Colleges conjectures that the shortfall of healthcare professionals will approach 140,000 by 2033. 

The situation brings with it waves of concerns for the vulnerable aging population and also the medical workforce. The locum tenens positions address the shortfall, as well as providing patients with healthcare requirements.

Why Are Locum Tenens Jobs in Demand?

Recent data exposes some of the most concerning and surprising trends among physicians. They include those who are looking for contract-based positions. 

Furthermore, the reports also bring to the forefront the reasons behind healthcare professionals’ preference towards short-term placements.

According to a survey,  60% of the respondents opine that they are looking for new positions. Moreover, nearly 25% of physicians under the age group of 40 opine that they are avoiding long-term or permanent positions due to burnout

Moreover, after the pandemic, the healthcare sector faced an enduring staffing shortage. Consequently, stakeholders feel pressure from within. 

Under such serious circumstances, the locum tenens has emerged as a viable alternative for physicians and other healthcare professionals who want to be engaged in the workforce but on their terms.

Work-life balance

Locum tenens offers a degree of flexibility not found in full-time healthcare positions. Temporary placements allow physicians to experience a range of environments and demographics while setting schedules that work for them.

Everyone knows that the present world of professionalism is grappling with issues like work-life balance and increasing stress. Organizational management, especially in the medical field, is looking to work on coping with immense pressure. Locus tenens provides an advantage. Professionals who aim to attain work-life balance are looking for locums job placement.

Better pay

Competitive pay is another driver of locum tenens growth. Moreover, the temporary healthcare positions may culminate in the form of 50% more payment compared to the comparable full-time placements.

As a result, it allows the healthcare profession to earn more money while working with flexibility. Temporary employees are responsible for health insurance and retirement planning, which can erode some of those profits.

These are a few reasons attributed to the increasing popularity of locum tenens positions in the healthcare industry. With a more equitable work-life balance, better pay, and, most importantly, less stress, it brings multiple benefits. Hence, it becomes easy to say why so many doctors are entering the locum tenens position.

A Hassle-Free Career 

One key benefit of the locum tenens job is a hassle-free career. When professionals have this job, there are zero teaching and administrative responsibilities. Furthermore, there are zero coding and billing hassles or, say, staff management issues. 

Experts say that the care providers who embrace this approach reap the benefits. Here, the professionals get much better flexibility from the hospitals. As a result, the job becomes much more stressful and hassle-free. 

Freedom To Travel 

The locum tenens are best known for their freedom of travel. This recruitment approach allows doctors to engage in multiple healthcare bodies, and that too in different places. 

If you can visit multiple places and seek new career opportunities, you have flexibility and freedom. This is, without question, one of the prime benefits that healthcare professionals get. 

Pre Retirement planning 

One of the benefits linked to locum tenens is pre-retirement planning. Some doctors have retired from their full-time jobs but still want to engage in practice. 

This approach to service best suits these professionals. These professionals are looking to finish their medical careers with locum work.

Many seasoned medical professionals have retired from full-time engagements. They suggest that they have made the right decision by engaging in part-time jobs at different care units. They say that the flexibility of the work structure provides them with the edge.

Read More: Healthcare Jobs That Will Be Most in Demand 2020–2025

Managing the Debts 

Another core benefit of locum tenens is working with new doctors. The respectable earnings from the job help one manage debt while studying in medical school. 

Even the National Association of Tenens Organization(NALTO) says that an individual can get two ways to manage their student loans

They think that the students are using different ways to pay back their along with the flexibility that they are getting from the hospitals. Working in the locum tenens allows them to provide coverage for weekends or months. The opportunities are quite enticing.

Change Will Keep Coming—Are You Ready For It?

Locum Tenens has grown into a nationwide, multibillion-dollar industry used by nearly 90% of America’s healthcare facilities. In every state, thousands of providers accept temporary placements every year, ensuring that people in underserved communities get the medical care they need.

Though locum tenens has a short history compared to that of other industries, it offers a reliable, sustainable staffing solution in areas lacking access to healthcare.

 With locum tenens, we can build a healthier, safer society. If you’re considering a career change, accepting a temporary position may be just the push you need.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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between memory and sleep

Why is sleeping well so important for job performance?

You probably do not need anyone to tell you how important sleep is. If you have ever been kept awake by a crying baby, night after night; or you have crammed for exams until the early hours, for days on end, you know about the effects lack of sleep can have. If you do not get enough good quality sleep, you can end up looking pale and wrinkled. You can also be irritable and lacking in patience. Obviously, this is not an ideal situation to be in. But, it gets worse when you consider the detrimental effect that sleep deprivation can have on your performance in work. The basic effects of being over tired The basic effects of not sleeping as much as you should, or of having your sleep interrupted, are obvious. You lose the ability to focus properly and surroundings and events become fuzzy. You may fall asleep behind your desk or at a meeting. You are also more likely to struggle to concentrate, making mistakes more likely. The link between memory and sleep Although there is some dispute in the matter, many experts believe that your memory is set when you sleep. You learn information one day, it sets in your memory overnight, and you are able to recall it the following day. There is some evidence that if this process is interrupted by lack of sleep, your memory can be adversely affected. This is not something you want to happen if you are learning a new job, or you need to make an important speech at a business conference. How to improve your sleep pattern The good news is that there are ways in which you can start to increase the amount of good quality sleep that you get. Do not work or watch TV in bed; stick to sleeping. Make sure you sleep on the right mattress, such as a Lull mattress; read an in-depth review here. Try to go to sleep, and wake-up, at the same time each day. Switch off electrical devices when you are in bed so that you are not adversely affected by blue light. Sleep in a room which is as dark as possible. Relax for a couple of hours before you go to bed. Adopting any, or all, of these ideas, can help you get the sleep you need in order to perform well at your job. The benefits you get from sleeping well We have shown you how to improve the quantity and quality of sleep. But, how does doing so help improve the way you perform at work? Here are some improvements which are likely to happen. Full awareness and participation at meetings. Less chance of errors occurring. Improved productivity because you are able to concentrate. Better working relationships as you are less likely to be irritable. All of these improvements are likely to lead to an overall improvement in your job performance. If you are continuously tired, you are not going to perform as well as you can, at work. This is why it's so important to consider the tips we have given you, and make changes to your daily routine that enable you to get the right amount of good quality sleep each night. Read More: Hotel Jobs In NYC – Top Reasons To Explore This Opportunity 5 Reasons Why You Should Get Your MCSA Certification Today Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course How To Write An Effective Resume That Get Noticed? 7 Tips For Writing A Perfect Cover Letter Ten Interview Tips That Might Surprise You: The Medical Edition Expert Advice On How To Learn All The Notes On The Guitar 10 Tips To Memorize All Necessary Information Before Exams 5 Tips For Getting A Cheap Essay Writing Service Online Improve Your Life With A Coach

peace officer vs police officer

Peace Officer VS Police Officer: Understanding Their Roles and Differences!

If you plan to start a law enforcement career, you might likely get torn between a peace officer and a police officer! However, the decision might get easier once you start understanding what they do and their roles. While both patrol at times, they are not the same. And yes, even if both carry guns (licensed, obviously!), their duties are quite different. And yes, these are some of the most dangerous jobs in the world. If you are interested in learning the differences between these two officers' roles and responsibilities, you have reached the right place! Therefore, keep reading this blog until the end to learn more… Peace Officer vs Police Officer: Understanding Their Jobs in Society! Before discussing the differences in terms of their roles, it is important to learn about who they are and what they do. So, without further ado, let us get started! What is a Peace Officer? You might be confused by this term, right? There's no need to! A peace officer is someone with the legal power to uphold the law and maintain peace. This covers a wide range of occupations, including law enforcement positions like sheriffs and state troopers. Besides this, the peace officers are sworn in when they take an oath to perform their duties effectively and adhere to the law. Additionally, they frequently have guns on them and have the authority to make arrests. Their primary objective is to ensure everyone abides by the law and contributes to everyone's safety. They have a heavy-duty to keep people and property safe. What is a Police Officer? A member of the police force is referred to as an officer. Enforcing the law, ensuring everyone abides by the regulations, and keeping people safe are their duties. They operate in certain regions, such as cities or neighborhoods. Officers on patrol for crimes assist in times of need and monitor the streets. They can make an arrest when someone violates the law, drives police cars, and wears a uniform. And yes, they make lots of money! Police officers converse with members of the public to deter crime and find solutions to issues. They are vital because they work hard to guarantee everyone can live in a secure and tranquil environment. Peace Officer vs Police Officer: Key Differences You Need to Know The main difference between a peace officer and a police officer lies in the scope of their authority and the areas they serve.  While all police officers are considered peace officers, not all are police officers. Scope of Authority The authority of peace officers is more expansive and can go beyond what is typically assigned to police personnel. Depending on their role, they may work for different law enforcement agencies and have varying tasks.  First, there is a significant distinction between the authority and responsibility held by peace officers and police officers. Due to their broad reach, peace officers can perform a variety of law enforcement duties.  They may have distinct responsibilities and work for different organizations. A county sheriff, for instance, has powers different from those of a state trooper assigned to highway patrol. Police officers, on the other hand, are authorized to do more particular tasks. They typically work for the police department of a municipality or city.  Their primary responsibility is to maintain the safety of their community by patrolling, looking into crimes, and handling emergencies. At work, they concentrate on upholding the law. Therefore, the primary distinction is that police officers often have a specific duty in a certain area, but peace officers can have multiple roles in various locations. Both are crucial in upholding the law, although they do so in various contexts and methods. Jurisdiction As you know, "jurisdiction" refers to the domain in which an individual possesses the authority to decide and act. It all comes down to where peace officers and police personnel can carry out law enforcement.  A police officer's jurisdiction is usually restricted to the town or city where they work. They focus on certain areas and ensure that the law is followed there. If you notice a police cruiser or officer wandering around, it's likely that they are patrolling their area. Peace officers' jurisdiction is more expansive. They may operate in several regions or throughout the entire state.  For instance, one sort of peace officer who can enforce the law in state parks and wildlife areas, which can be rather large areas, is the game warden. To put it briefly, jurisdiction refers to the "where"— the areas where these authorities are free to exercise their power.  Law officers have a specific "where," such as municipal limits. The "where" for peace officers is broader and can encompass various locations and law enforcement roles.  It is significant since it designates the individuals responsible for maintaining order in various locations. Peace Officer vs Police Officer: Roles and Responsibility You Need to Know Now that you know their scope of authority or jurisdiction, it is time to learn about their roles and responsibilities. One thing you must know is that these are not the low stress jobs. Let us take a step, one at a time: Peace Officers Peace officers are vital members of the legal community who perform a variety of duties. They may be state troopers, sheriffs, game wardens, court officials, or other officers. Although the duties of each type of peace officer vary, they are all concerned with maintaining law and order.  In a county, the sheriff is in charge of law enforcement. They are in charge of the county police department and the local jail. The county's residents choose the sheriff, and deputies assist the sheriff in carrying out his duties.  State troopers, often known as highway patrol officers, enforce the law on state-owned roadways. They contribute to road safety by apprehending speeders and reckless drivers. They can work anywhere in the state and help out in big emergencies. Game wardens are peace officers who protect wildlife. They ensure that people don't harm nature and follow hunting and fishing rules. They also monitor parks and natural areas to protect plants and animals. Court officials work in courtrooms. They help with court papers, keep judges safe, ensure the court is secure, and ensure everyone follows court rules. Any of these peace officers can arrest someone if needed. Their uniform shows they are responsible for enforcing the law. They often have guns, handcuffs, and radios to help them do their job. Peace officers are ready to deal with many situations, like helping lost people or catching criminals. They need to know the law well and be good at talking to people fairly and kindly. Peace officers can include:Sheriffs: Oversee county law enforcement.State Troopers: Patrol state highways and provide statewide law enforcement.Game Wardens: Enforce hunting, fishing, and wildlife conservation laws.Court Officers: Maintain security within courtrooms. Police Officers Police officers are the ones you frequently see driving patrol cars, responding to various problems in your community, and wearing uniforms. They are a particular class of peace officers from the police force. Their primary responsibility is to ensure everyone's safety and the community's rules are obeyed. There is patrolling, for instance. Officers of the law spend a great deal of time walking or driving through the area under their jurisdiction. This enables them to monitor the situation and be ready to assist anyone who requests it. Investigating crimes is also a major task for which the police are responsible. They investigate crimes as they happen, attempting to ascertain what occurred and who was responsible by gathering evidence and speaking with witnesses. Additionally, when police officers establish a rapport with the community's citizens, this is known as community policing. They converse with the inhabitants, pay attention to their worries, and collaborate to find solutions. This improves the neighborhood's quality of life by reducing crime. And yes, how can we forget emergency response? Police officers are among the first to arrive and assist in an emergency, such as a vehicle accident or a natural disaster. In addition to these responsibilities, they frequently manage traffic, help missing children find their homes, and conduct safety awareness training. It is safe to say that every day is different, so they must be ready for everything. Law enforcement officials receive training on handling challenging circumstances and treating everyone fairly and with dignity. They need to be knowledgeable about the law and how to enforce it, but they also need to be highly skilled in interpersonal interactions and sensitive to others' concerns. Police officers are tasked with:Patrolling: Monitor areas to prevent and detect crime.Investigating: Solve crimes and gather evidence.Community Policing: Engage with the community to build trust and prevent crime.Emergency Response: Provide immediate assistance during emergencies. Peace Officer vs Police Officer: Training and Qualifications Both peace officers and police officers need to finish a rigorous training program. Through this teaching, they learn specialized procedures, applicable laws, and how to maintain physical health. However, the specific expertise that law enforcement agencies need to obtain may vary depending on the state. To be a peace or police officer, one must meet certain qualifications and finish specialized training.  This will enable them to do their jobs well and guarantee everyone's safety. For Peace Officers An individual must ensure no history of significant offenses before being eligible to work as a peace officer. They accomplish this by proving their excellent conduct and passing a background investigation. They ought to be at least eighteen and have completed high school or something similar. Individuals must also pass a physical examination to prove they are qualified for the position. In states such as California, they must demonstrate their ability to make wise decisions and dependability. They learn how to manage crises, make arrests, and maintain thorough records of everything that occurs while they're on the job during their training. For Police Officers: The typical requirement to become a police officer is to graduate from high school or a comparable program. In addition, you must be of legal age and free of criminal history. Once you've demonstrated the necessary knowledge and abilities, you take tests. If you pass, you enroll in a police academy to gain comprehensive knowledge of being a police officer.  This covers how to look into crimes, handle various circumstances, and defend the rights of individuals. Even once they begin their careers, police officers must continue their education and training. This keeps people informed about new legislation and safety measures for the neighborhood.  Being a police officer comes with a lot of duty. The training ensures their readiness to assist the people they serve. Police officers must possess the abilities, know-how, and moral fiber necessary to carry out their duties effectively and win the public's trust. (Psst.. if you want to drop out of it, you can still become a detective!) Wrapping It Up! Although they have different functions and responsibilities, people often used the terms "peace officer" and "police officer" interchangeably in law enforcement. If you were looking for information on peace officers vs. police officers, I hope this blog was useful.  Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any more questions. Scroll down until you reach the bottom of the page. Next, post your thoughts and recommendations in the space provided below. Additional Reading: 5 Little-Known Founder Habits To Advance Your Career & Personal Life How To Become A Blockchain Developer In 2024? Is It A Good Career Path 51 Blue Collar Jobs/Career Options to Pursue If You Get Laid Off From Big Tech In 2024

Is Technology A Good Career Path

Is Technology A Good Career Path In 2021?

Is Technology A Good Career Path in 2021? How many jobs are available in the technology industry? What are the best paying jobs in the technology industry? In the next few years, jobs in the tech industry are expected to grow exponentially. The companies also need to transform to keep up with the future of work.  If you are looking into possibilities for a new career change or a new professional, a tech career can be a good kickstart for you. It is because this is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world that provides full of job opportunities.  There are also other sectors that you can choose as your career path and these are basic industries, electric utilities, consumer services, business services, industrial machinery/components, capital goods, precious metals, hotels/resorts, and much more. Is Technology A Good Career Path In 2021? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. You get quick employment opportunities in every sector as the demand is very high. Certified professionals can even find jobs without a college degree and this is one of the great benefits for them. IT jobs will always be a good career path no matter what. These jobs will include long sitting at a computer and you must be prepared for the same beforehand.  This fastest-changing industry can change your life too if you utilize your knowledge and skills in the right way. This industry operates at a speed much faster than any other industry. Thus, technology is a good career path and can be the most rewarding in terms of salaries and opportunities. Why Is Information Technology Successful In A Business Career? There are many individuals who choose information technology as their career path due to the following reasons: Better Income You cannot deny the fact that IT professionals are well paid as compared to other sectors. A professional in the IT sector with the right mix of knowledge and certification can find a permanent position in both private and public industries. At the same time, this job can offer great career advancement opportunities for a hardworking and dedicated IT professional.  Fastest Changing Industry Another reason why technology is a good career path is due to its fastest changing industry and it is already discussed above. In this industry, there is always a demand for highly skilled workers. At the same time, you can never stop learning about new trends in this field because technology gets updated every now and then. Low Cost Of Education The low cost of Education is one of the prime reasons why information technology is successful in a business career. As compared to many career choices, the cost of education is comparatively low here.  The more certification and knowledge you acquire here, the more advance you would be in your career.  How Many Jobs Are Available In The Technology Industry? In the year 2017, there were over 7.3 million jobs available in the technology industry. Out of this, 6 million individuals worked in the private and the rest in the public and government sectors. However, in the year 2019, a new report from CompTIA says the United States tech sector grew by 2.3 million jobs in the last year. So, the US tech industry alone had around 12.1 million employees.  The above statistics show the actual worth of the tech industry as compared to other sectors. If you are looking for something rewarding and notable, you can switch your career in tech.  What Are The Best Paying Jobs In The Technology Industry? You get high rewards while working in the tech industry and some of the best paying jobs in the tech industry are: i) Artificial Intelligence (AI) The demand for Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning is high. This is one of the best tech jobs that you choose in 2021 as your career path. They have a hand in the discovery of the Internet of Things (IoT) and it is gaining a lot of popularity in recent years.  ii) Data Scientist Businesses and Organizations are collecting more and more data each day. This is the reason why it is required to have expert skills in Data Scientist. Moreover, the number of jobs available in this sector is also high and this can be a great advantage for you in the long run.  iii) Computer Research Scientist Computer Research Scientist is also one of the rewarding careers in technology. These Scientists are at the forefront of technology innovation. For this post, you need a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a similar field. Besides, you need to discover excellent things with computer technology and help drive progress. iv) Software Engineer You might be aware of the profession of a Software Engineer. The skills required to become a software engineer can be useful in your day-to-day life. The average salary of these engineers varies from $134k per year. This is truly a huge income! v) Information Security Analyst The need for Information Security Analysts is very vital and they work on the front lines to secure information systems from cyber threats. Every company needs Security Analyst to protect their data from hackers on the internet or being misused by other individuals. The Final Thoughts Now, you have got an answer to your question “Is Technology A Good Career Path in 2021?” and I have tried my best to explain the query with complete statistics and information. The future of the tech industry is truly bright and also replacing the works of people working in other sectors. 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