Searching for a new job can be stressful. Once individuals know they wish to leave their current position and find a new job, they can reduce this stress by taking basic steps. Landing this new job may take four to six months, so the earlier a person begins, the better off they will be.
Tips For Navigating The Surgeon Job Search Journey

Are you thinking of leaving your current job? Then these tips might come in handy in your new job search journey.
Preparing for the Search
Before launching a surgeon job search, consider what is needed in the new job. Create a list of priorities. Some doctors want to work in a teaching hospital to train future generations. Other medical professionals might be more interested in research.
Factors to consider when creating a priorities list include salary, location, and work-life balance. While no job will check every box unless the job seeker is extremely lucky, knowing what is essential will help narrow the choices.
Be Persistent
Many medical practices don’t have HR teams making the hiring decisions. They rely on doctors to handle this task, and these doctors also treat patients.
Surgeons must recognize this and understand the hiring process often takes longer as those responsible for choosing who to employ have other duties. Follow up regularly so the organization knows the interest is still there. Please don’t give up until the organization states it has no plans to hire you.
Every person needs to network regardless of how long they have been in an industry. Begin building this network in medical school and expand on it over the years.
Ask this network for help when looking for a new job as a surgeon. People love to help one another and will share job openings. They may even offer to provide references and help with this search, but they can only do so if the job seeker asks.
Cold Calling
Most people dread cold calling. However, it never hurts to do so when there is a particular facility a person wishes to work at. It also never hurts to cold call when moving to a new city or state.
Let the hiring manager know of this move and see if there are any open positions. While they may not need a surgeon, they could know of another facility that does and share the information.
Practice Considerations
Know which type of hospital or setting is best for your long-term career goals. Where are these practices commonly located? Will a job change require the move to a new state? If so, apply early for medical licensure if this step must be taken. The licensing process can take several weeks, so this step should never be put off.
Update Paperwork
Always have an updated resume available. The perfect job may open up when a person isn’t searching. When this happens, they scramble to update the resume and gather other paperwork. Review references and contact information regularly to ensure they are accurate and willing to serve as a referral.
Optimize Your CV
You are aware that recruiters review several applications for surgeon jobs in a day. This job is tasking because choosing appropriate resumes for the job is crucial. After all, they have to fill important surgeon positions in their organization. They have to select the efficient surgeons for the job position.
Therefore, recruiters follow some criteria when choosing the right CVs from the bunch of CVs. In this case, recruiters will include surgeon jobs’ experience, skill level, and accomplishment in their criteria.
These criteria may vary according to jobs, but there is one thing that is common for all recruiters: skill level. They mostly look for your skill level to match the job position. So, be clear about what you have accomplished in your previous job position.
Optimize your CV to fit all your previous accomplishments and skills to highlight your right fit for the job. This way, your CV gets picked, and you get a chance to interview face-to-face. Try adding to keep your CV error-free and easy to read. This will help recruiters scan your CV easily. The format of your CV should also be correct.
Prepare For The Interview
Don’t just stop after optimizing your CV because the goal is to get the right surgeon job from several surgeon jobs. If you do get a callback from the recruiter for an interview, then you have to crack it. You already know that preparing for an interview can be challenging since you don’t know what the employer will ask you.
So start preparing for your interview based on your previous surgeon job interview experiences. Focus on failed interviews where you were unaware of any question related to your field. As a surgeon, you can read up on medical books related to your field of study. This will help you answer questions in your interview.
If it’s a virtual interview, try to look presentable even if you are interviewing from your home. This gives a good impression on your future employer. Along with speaking clearly in your off-screen interview, try practising also for on-screen interviews as well.
Another thing you must keep in mind is to keep your room clean when doing a virtual interview. Since the space is visible to your interviewer, a cluttered room doesn’t give a good impression.
Don’t Forget To Follow Up
Interviewers take several interviews and then decide on the best candidate for their vacant position. When the recruiters are debating on who to pick for the surgeon jobs, your follow-up shows your interest in the job. Then, they can go back to your application to give it a think-over. This can be a turning point in getting you the surgeon job.
So, after your interviews, always follow up with your recruiter about the job. This helps increase your chances of getting the job. You can send an email thanking the recruiter or interviewer for the interview opportunity.
In this email, try incorporating the passion or hobbies that your interviewers shared with you during the interview. This shows your attention towards the conversation and your ingenuity.
A pleasant attitude goes a long way toward landing a dream job. Surgeons may receive several job offers and must determine which to accept. The priorities list is of great help. Review the list and see how each job offer aligns with the priorities.
Talk with the hiring team if one job seems perfect in most ways but has a single sticking point. They may be willing to make accommodations. If not, there are other opportunities to explore.
With time and effort, a surgeon can find their dream position and return to doing what they love: helping patients. Patient care should always be the focus, even when looking for a new job, and surgeons ensure it is.
Additional Reading: