Lubricating Gas Turbines is Key to Performance

Published on: 13 September 2018 Last Updated on: 25 March 2020
Gas Turbines

Modern gas turbines are made to put out more power and operate with better efficiency than previous generations. Many major manufacturers of turbines, like GE and Siemens, have reached an efficiency of around 65%. Making sure gas turbines are running at that high level of efficiency is not an easy task, and it takes a lot of maintenance. Taking a top tier approach is necessary for this process, especially since equipment operates at a much higher temperature than before and but far more stress on the turbine, which will ultimately lead to performance issues.

One of the biggest factors in the long-term performance of gas turbines is the lubrication it receives. Without proper lubrication, the bearing life will be greatly reduced, there will be a lot of downtimes for repairs, and the life of the unit can be greatly reduced. All recommended lubrication schedules should be followed, as well as regular inspection and maintenance. As companies like SPI Borescopes, makers of articulating borescopes, have pointed out in the past — there are many avoidable issues when proper inspection and lubrication takes place on a gas turbines.

Promoting Lubrication:

Here are the steps you need to follow to make sure a gas turbine gets the proper lubrication:

Keeping the oil clean:

the oil clean

Clean turbine oil is essential for maintaining the equipment and the life of the lubricant. Contamination from particulates is extremely destructive and will seriously shorten the lifespan of bearings, gears, and cause system foaming that will impact the servo-valve operation. Sources of contamination come from several places and can build up even if the oil is clean. This is another key reason operators should regularly inspect the filtration system to identify any issues.

Make sure the oil stays dry:

the oil stays dry

Water is extremely destructive to the oil’s ability to properly lubricate the components. Damaging contamination from the water will reduce the life of the turbine bearings and can cause sub-surface micro-cracking. This is something that happens over time where free radicals break off from water molecules as they pass through rollers and raceways — this leads to pitting and breaking. Centrifugal purification is the most common method of water removal, but operators sometimes use vacuum dehydration or coalescing filters, if the water concentration is low.

Maintain proper ventilation:

Maintain proper ventilation

Obviously, oil and water don’t mix, so proper ventilation of the lubricating system will prevent condensation and help to dry water to minimize the harmful effects.

Prevent leakage when possible:

Leaking oil is wasteful and will slow productivity while the gas turbines are down for maintenance to constantly fill it back up with oil. In addition, leakage is a huge source of contamination at the seals, supply lines, cooler tube joints, and the valve connections. Too much oil pressure can lead to leaks, as well as worn seals.

Keep an eye on performance:

The quickest way to identify a problem is by ‘listening’ to what the machine is trying to tell you. Most of the time, poor lubrication that causes damages is not a problem that happens overnight. Even the slightest drop in performance should be identified as being problematic, and should not be ignored. If you not even the slightest drop in performance, you can have the company a lot of downtime and costly repairs.

Put together proper logs:

You need to log the temperatures of things like oil and water coolers and oil at different parts of the systems. A rise in temperature of oil and oil system components could indicate excessive frictions, signaling to low oil pressure, contaminates, or low oil levels. Alternatively, keeping operating records is also a vital part of identifying changes that signal to issues. Operators should note turbine and purification running times, the condition of the oil when the oil was serviced when the filter was changed, and anytime there was a replacement, repair, or rebuilding of any and all parts.

Lubrication Maintenance is a Small but Mighty Task:

Maintaining a proper lubrication system and taking action at the first sign of trouble might not seem as impactful as it is, but it’s a key business driver to companies that rely on gas turbines. This is a first-line opportunity to take preventative action and make sure your equipment is operating at world-class standards.

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Home Career

6 Techniques to Improve Your Work-from-Home Career

Working from home is a dream come true that can quickly turn into a nightmare if you don’t have a few rules in place. Some people are naturally better suited for working from home than others. However, anyone can learn to be successful when working from home as long as they maximize their strengths and know their weaknesses. It’s often said that the most successful folks for this type of work are those that are highly organized, perfectionists, and morning people. The organization is definitely key, but the other two factors are up for debate. Perfectionists may have a tendency to work around the clock, committed to replying to that work email even in the middle of the night. Morning people aren’t necessarily more successful at working from home than night owls, as some people who like to work at night simply have the most clarity and energy during the wee hours. If you really want to make the most of what can be a great experience, try out these six techniques: Have a separate workspace: Even if you’re in a one-bedroom condo, it’s possible to design a space solely for work. Don’t let this be the bed or couch. Ideally, space is in a separate room or at least features a dedicated desk just for working. It’s how you’ll cue your brain that it’s time for work and helps you focus on the tasks at hand. Create work hours: This doesn’t mean that you rigidly have to be at your workspace and on the clock between the hours of eight and five (unless of course, that’s part of your agreement with your work). Part of the joys of working from home is flexibility, so give yourself some wiggle room if that’s allowed. It might be working from sometimes between six and seven in the morning with a three-hour lunch break then finishing up sometime between six and seven in the evening if that works for you. The important thing is that you understand your energy levels and take advantage of having flexibility. Don’t try to do it all: It might seem like you can be a stay at home parent and manage the house solo while also working a full-time job from home. It never works. Distractions that you wouldn’t have at the office, like kids or doing laundry, are going to get in the way. Make sure you put your work first during work hours (whatever that may be). In some cases, it might be easier to work from a local coffee shop to resist the temptation to sneak in dinner prep or another task that will eat up work time. Get quality sleep: This goes for anyone, but working from home allows you to skip the commute and log some more Z’s. You’ll know you got enough sleep when your body wakes up naturally without an alarm. Shower before you start work: Just like your workspace, this will tell your brain it’s time to wake up and get to work. You don’t have to dress up in a suit, but you do need to at least put on clean lounging clothes. Try to avoid pajamas or any other type of clothes that you associate with an activity besides work. Remove vices from the home. Whether it’s a video game console or you’re trying to control your drinking and need to have the full bar somewhere else, removing temptation is a good way to keep your work from home gig on the up and up. It’s also a wakeup call to let you know if maybe one of your vices could use some professional help. Working from home is going to take some adjustments no matter who you are or what a great fit for working from home is for you. With these six techniques, you’ll adjust faster and make the most of this unique setup. Read Also: Choosing The Right Roof For Your Home – Types To Select From 5 Home Decor Ideas For The Times When Kids’ Grow Up


Furnace Sales: Know When To Replace Your Furnace

Winter is coming, and you might need to check whether your furnace is working or not. Here in this furnace sales post, you will get all the insights of how you can check whether you need to replace your furnace or not. It is very crucial to know when your furnace needs fixing or entire replacement before the winter because you need to be sure that your furnace works fine when winter arrives. On a serious note, it is very crucial that you create a safe and warm environment at your humble aboard during the winters and that is where this furnace sales post will help you. This post is not about any furnace for sale. It is about checking your kiln and replace it if it needs the issues are too much. If you ignore it, you might freeze all winter. So, stay with me and learn how you can check your furnace condition. It is all about observing tiniest detail before you make any rash decision which you might regret in the coming future. So, without any further ado, let’s get you started, Do You Know The Age Of Your Furnace System? Start your observation with the age of your furnace system. I am here assuming most of my readers are homeowners. Your furnace must be already there when you move in with your family. That is a red flag in every sense of the world. It might be possible that the age of the furnace is too old which demands to get changed. Check for the manual if available, if not then note down the model number and check it online when it was manufactured. Remember, the lifespan of an average furnace is from 15 to 20 years. Years extending this means you probably look for a new furnace system at your house. Is Your Electricity Bill Is Increasing With the Usage? If you have an electric furnace system, you can expect a pretty expensive endeavour. However, if you find that too costly, then you might need to replace it for good. Sometimes there are cases where electric furnaces have faulty coils which may surge the cost exponentially. Is Your Furnace all Old and Rusty? With growing age, we humans get all wrinkly and weak. Same follows with furnaces. With the increasing age, they get inefficient and rusty. Instead of wrinkly, furnaces get rusty and weary. You might also find it noisy as well while using it. That is the time when you must consider replacing it before any significant malfunction. Are You Facing Humidity Problem? Do you have wooden floors at your home? If yes, then the humidity in your home must be the foremost concern. If you are observing dry air in your house, then your furnace system must be faulty. You need to change it before any significant problem. Are your Living Room and Bedroom heating Unevenly? When a furnace gets all old and rusty, the efficiency is the first thing to notice. If your room is heating up unevenly, then your furnace needs fixing. With the advancing age, your furnace will not efficiently push heat evenly to all the rooms. That requires either repairing or replacing. The choice here is yours. Is your Furnace is All Noisy? Noise describes perplexity. Whether it is a scientific term or mere noise of your furnace, when it is there, that means that you are in dire need of furnace sales whether you like it or not. The noise in the furnace represents structural issues or cracks which is a potential hazard. So, it is better to replace it than being a victim of an unfortunate hazard. Is It Demanding Frequent Repairs? Now, wait and think for a minute. How often do you have your furnace fixed? If it is like regular repair every month, then you need to avoid that and get your furnace replaced. It is not wiser to constantly get it repaired every time more than normal. Are You facing any health issue due to your furnace? Well well well!!! If you are facing any issue due to the uneven heating of the house, you probably should already replace the furnace. Changing the thermostat every time is not a thing you want to do. Get it replaced and be comfortable. Do you need to Lower your Heating Needs? What is the point of a furnace which is just making you adjust at your own home? If your furnace is making the same sort of problem then you need to replace it ASAP. There is no need of such a furnace system that is inadequate to fulfill your ideal heating needs. Winding It Up: So, do you like my points here? Didn’t you agree that if you go for furnace sales in spite of a hectic furnace, your winters will be cozy and warm enough? There is a comment section where you must leave your thoughts and share your feelings. Acclaimed! Heating, Cooling, & Furnace cleaning to have better control of your house environment. Adios for now!!! Read Also: Additional Ways To Keep Your Home Warm Prepare Your Solar Panels For The Fall

Water Flow Meters

Four Basic Types of Water Flow Meters

A water flow meter is a measuring device specifically used to measure the amount or volume of water passing through pipes. If you are looking for a water flow meter for an industrial application, you can choose from different technologies which suit varying budget allocations, measurement requirements, and maintenance complexity. According to the working principle of each type of water flow meter, you can better determine which type best suits the intended application. Here are the four types of water flow meters used today. Different Types Of Water Flow Meters That Can Work Well In Your Favor   There are several types of water flow meters that can work well in your favor. Do not make your choices without examining the things in the right order. Try to achieve your objectives in the best possible ways that can work things well in your way. 1. Mechanical water flow meters A mechanical flow meter is the simplest, cheapest, and easiest to operate. These devices consist of a paddlewheel, propeller, and turbine. The turbine which rotates around the flow meter measures the speed of water flowing through the pipe. By measuring the speed of rotation, you can also get the corresponding volume of flow rate because it is directly proportional to the speed. While mechanical flow meters are simple to use, they are prone to clogging and will not work efficiently when water has large particles and other contaminants. These are also not suitable for measuring water flow rate when the pressure is too low. 2. Ultrasonic water flow meter An ultrasonic flow meter uses ultrasound in measuring fluid flow speed which then corresponds to the volume of flow. The working principle of a basic ultrasonic flow meter is that the device transmits a signal in the same direction as the fluid flowing downstream, and another ultrasonic signal is emitted against the upstream fluid flow. The amount of time it takes for the signal to travel downstream is compared with the amount of time it takes for the signal to travel upstream. The difference produced will be used in calculating the fluid velocity. 3. Magnetic water flow meter In contrast with ultrasonic flow meters using ultrasound signals, a magnetic water flow meter uses a magnetic field for measurement. When any liquid passes through a magnetic field, it will generate a voltage. The faster the fluid moves, the more voltage is produced. As such, the amount of voltage is directly proportional to the water's movement and speed. There are corresponding electrical parts which translate the voltage into a volumetric measurement. One limitation of a magnetic flow meter is that it only has intermediate accuracy. Aside from this, it cannot measure pure water due to lack of ions which will not produce the necessary magnetic field reaction. 4. Vortex water flow meter The working principle of this type of flow meter uses vortices coming from a sensor submerged in the fluid. As water passes through this sensor or obstruction, it creates swirls, and the sensor will move from side to side with each passing vortex. This continuous movement creates a frequency which is also directly proportional to the flow rate volume. There are vortex flow meters which can measure multiple variables such as density, pressure, mass flow, temperature, and flow rate. While all these flow meters are suitable for measuring water flow, choosing a flow meter still depends on the desired application because each type will still have limitations, and some work best in certain conditions. Final Words   Hence, these are some of the essential factors that you have to take care of while you want to select the best water flow meters that can work well in your favor. Ideate your plan in such a way that can work well in your favor. Try to achieve your goals in the best possible ways. Do not plan things in grey as it can help you to achieve your objectives in the best possible ways. Selection of the right water flow meters can help you to channelize the flow of water in the right pod. Develop the correct business strategy that can work well in all aspects. Read Also: Some Facts You Need To Know About Rainwater Harvesting 8 Plumbing Myths Busted