Media Buying Solutions Help You Generate Organic Traffic

Published on: 15 February 2020 Last Updated on: 12 January 2024
Media Buying

In terms of marketing, all the industries see traffic generation as a direct measure of progress. Putting it simply, the number of people visiting your website daily decides the total turnout and progress of your establishment. It is an important measure because it aids in estimating the conversion rates for any organization or business. Many people tend to illegal ways or con acts to improve their ranking in the search engines. They generate fake traffic to their websites and are ranked better. However, with advancements and accurate methods, this deception is recognized. Therefore, to generate organic traffic to websites and online platforms Eventige media buying solutions offer different strategies.

Media Buying Solutions:

Content marketing

Content marketing

The most common and crucial requirement of marketing these days is unique content. Content is everything for a brand. It gives direction to your product. It determines your target market. And it helps attract the public to the brand. You may have found yourself visiting the brands that have a catchy name or phrase associated with the brand. This is in our instincts. Our basic emotions are manipulated by words. And the first of media buying solutions are optimizing these words to get the best in our interest.

Unparalleled advertisements

Apart from content, your promotion ad needs to be impeccable. Whether it’s the visual content or the color scheme, it has to be so good that people get attracted to it. One thing that sets the market square is a brilliant advertisement.

If your ad sends off a great message and is meaningful, it won’t fail. But that is not the only ingredient it needs. It also needs to be in a certain tone and that tone must not be violent. For an online advertisement, you need to keep in mind that it spreads peace and optimism. People like to see and enjoy bright-sided things online.

Idiosyncratic numbers

For media buying, the numbers game is very important. An accurately estimated investment must be decided to buy a certain platform. One crucial factor in this regard is competitive analysis. You need to know what and how much your counter-part is willing to pay.

Also, you must calculate is this is the right platform for you? And if you invest more than your adversary, will it be fruitful enough? In simpler terms, as a businessman, you need to know how desperate you and your competitors are plus how it will turn out. Then you can certainly make a decision.

The ideal solution

Conclusively, to get to a determined point, Eventide offers optimization in ideation, development, content, and visuals of an advertisement. Plus the professionals help you analyze which platform will be the most useful for you. Apart from all this, SEO optimization and email marketing are the accessory factors that help you ace it.

Optimizing your website by inoculating different portals like online chat and easier interfaces play a great role in media transformations. Buying an ad on a media platform becomes a whole lot easier if you step in the field fully prepared.

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Mobile Marketing Tips

5 Actionable Mobile Marketing Tips That Drive Sales

Driving sales is the most important task for any marketing department, no matter how large or small your business. Here are five ways to leverage mobile marketing to increase sales immediately: Build Websites With Mobile in Mind Traditionally, websites are built to perform well on desktop and laptop computers, and then later they are optimized for mobile. In today’s business environment, however, it should be the other way around. Take a look at these statistics about mobile search traffic: 70% of searches made on smartphones or tablets result in immediate action. 73% of consumers believe mobile websites load too slowly. 68% of traffic is lost if a website isn’t configured well enough for a mobile device. Clearly, mobile searches are valuable, and your competition is losing out on these opportunities. Take the time to capture them, or you’ll lose out on sales, too. Create a Mobile Loyalty Program One of the best uses for a mobile application is to provide a loyalty program for your audience. Here are the benefits you can expect your brand to immediately enjoy: They’re less expensive than most inbound tactics that focus on finding new business rather than improving loyalty. Companies that run loyalty programs usually enjoy more growth than other companies. Your company’s reputation is improved by simply launching a loyalty program. You’ll have access to a larger portion of your customer’s overall spend. Not only that, but your customers benefit too. On average, 90 percent of all users with mobile devices believe that enrolling in a brand’s loyalty program benefits them. It’s a win-win situation. Start Distributing Coupons via Mobile Instead of Print One of the best tools you have in your arsenal to drive sales is coupons. Sending them out gives customers an instant incentive to make a purchase immediately, but if you want your customers to use them, you need to make it convenient for them to do so. That’s why mobile devices are the perfect way to distribute your coupons — convenience. Instead of having to print or clip the coupons and bring them when they shop, they’ll have instant access. This is the biggest reason that mobile coupons have a redemption rate that’s 10 times higher than print or clip coupons. Use Text Messages to Nurture Your Leads Text messages are extremely effective at getting read, with an incredible 98 percent open rate. Compare that to email, which hovers slightly above 20 percent. With that kind of power, not taking advantage of text message marketing is a huge mistake. [gallery size="full" columns="1" ids="1444"] One of the best ways to use text messages is to nurture existing leads. Text messaging is an extremely personal communication method, so sending out generalized blasts isn’t a good idea; instead, you want to send relevant, timely information to a targeted audience. Because you know that your message is going to be read, delivering the right message at the right time drives incredible results. Make Everything as Easy as Possible Mobile marketing is a great way to reach an enormous, engaged audience, but you need to understand how that audience is interacting with you. Mobile devices are easier to use than ever before, but they still can’t rival the functionality of traditional computers. If you want to drive mobile subscriptions and more business, you need to simplify everything. Don’t require too much information when somebody is creating an account for your mobile app. Let them do it with just a username and password. Once they've created an account, offer incentives, such as coupons or bonus loyalty points, for additional information. Use shortcodes to make text message subscriptions as simple as sending a single word. The fewer barriers to entry mobile users have, the more people you’ll attract and keep. Have you used mobile marketing to drive sales? Share your own tips and tricks below!  Read also: 1. App Development Benefits: Here’s why you should go Mobile 2. Role of messaging apps in enhancing a company’s market prospects

DOOH Advertising

Why DOOH Advertising Should Be A Part Of Your Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy

In today's hyper-connected world, consumers are constantly bombarded with advertisements across multiple channels. To effectively engage your target audience, it's essential to adopt a multi-channel marketing strategy that integrates various touchpoints. One channel that should not be overlooked in this approach is digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising. With its unique ability to captivate consumers in public spaces, DOOH offers several compelling reasons why it should be an integral part of your multi-channel marketing strategy. Extended Reach and Increased Visibility: DOOH advertising provides an opportunity to expand your brand's reach beyond the confines of online and traditional media. By leveraging strategically placed digital displays in high-traffic areas such as shopping malls, airports, and transit stations, you can expose your brand to a larger audience. Unlike other advertising channels that are limited to specific devices or platforms, DOOH has the advantage of reaching consumers when they are outside their homes, making it an effective way to generate brand awareness and increase visibility. According to a study conducted by Nielsen, DOOH advertising has the potential to reach 90% of the population in some markets (1). By including DOOH in your multi-channel marketing strategy, you can tap into this vast audience and ensure that your brand message reaches a diverse range of consumers. Targeted and Contextual Messaging: DOOH advertising allows for highly targeted and contextual messaging, enabling you to deliver relevant content to specific audiences. DOOH networks often provide advanced targeting capabilities based on factors such as location, time of day, and audience demographics. This level of granularity allows you to tailor your messaging to resonate with the specific audience present at a given location, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of your campaigns. For example, a sports apparel brand can display ads promoting its latest collection near gyms or sports facilities, targeting fitness enthusiasts. Similarly, a cosmetics brand can showcase its products in high-end shopping districts to attract its desired demographic. By leveraging the targeting capabilities of DOOH, you can ensure that your message reaches the right people at the right time and place. Seamless Integration with Digital Channels: DOOH advertising seamlessly complements your digital marketing efforts by bridging the gap between offline and online channels. With the rise of technologies like near-field communication (NFC), QR codes, and mobile integrations, DOOH campaigns can drive engagement by encouraging consumers to interact with your brand through their smartphones. For instance, a DOOH ad can display a QR code that leads consumers to a landing page or a mobile app where they can learn more about the product, make a purchase, or participate in a contest. By integrating DOOH with digital channels, you create a cohesive brand experience and increase the chances of converting offline interactions into online actions, ultimately driving customer engagement and conversions. Enhanced Creativity and Engagement: DOOH advertising offers unparalleled opportunities for creativity and audience engagement. With dynamic digital displays, you can deliver captivating and visually appealing content that captures attention and leaves a lasting impression. The ability to incorporate motion, animation, and high-resolution visuals enables you to tell compelling stories and convey your brand's message effectively. Moreover, DOOH campaigns can incorporate interactive elements such as touchscreens, motion sensors, and augmented reality (AR), enabling consumers to actively engage with your brand. These interactive experiences foster deeper connections, increase brand recall, and encourage social sharing, amplifying the impact of your marketing efforts. For example, an automotive brand can create an interactive DOOH display where passersby can virtually customize the features of a car and visualize it in real time. This hands-on experience not only generates excitement but also allows potential customers to interact with the brand in a memorable and engaging way. Measurable and Data-Driven Insights: Like other digital channels, DOOH advertising provides valuable data and insights that can inform your marketing strategies. Metrics such as impressions, dwell time, and interactions can be tracked and analyzed to gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns. By leveraging these insights, you can optimize your DOOH messaging, make data-driven decisions, and allocate resources more effectively. In addition to these basic metrics, DOOH can leverage advanced technologies for even more granular data. For instance, facial recognition technology can provide demographic information about the audience, allowing you to gauge the composition and characteristics of the viewers. This data-driven approach helps you understand your audience better, refine your targeting, and tailor your messaging to maximize engagement and conversions. Unique Brand Experiences: DOOH allows you to create unique and memorable brand experiences that are difficult to replicate through other channels. Whether it's a large-scale projection, a digital billboard takeover, or a stunning interactive display, DOOH enables you to captivate audiences and differentiate your brand from competitors. By providing immersive and innovative experiences, you can create a strong emotional connection with consumers, ultimately driving brand loyalty and advocacy. For example, a fashion brand can collaborate with an artist to create a mesmerizing digital art installation that showcases their latest collection. This visually striking display not only attracts attention but also associates the brand with creativity and innovation, leaving a lasting impression on viewers. In conclusion, digital out-of-home advertising should be an integral component of your multi-channel marketing strategy. By incorporating DOOH into your overall marketing mix, you can expand your brand's reach, deliver targeted messaging, seamlessly integrate with digital channels, foster engagement, gather valuable data, and create unique brand experiences. By leveraging the power of DOOH alongside other marketing channels, you can maximize the impact of your campaigns and effectively engage with your target audience in both offline and online environments. Read Also: What is a Digital Marketing Agency and What Can It Do For You? This Is Why Social Media Is Essential in the B2B Sales Process 5 Benefits of Digitalization in Marketing


Best Way To Earn Passive Income In 2020: Email Marketing

If you’ve done it well enough and offered something of value for free, then a bunch of people will opt-in. Now you have their email address and contact info and you can follow up with them for the end of time or until they unsubscribe. So, its important to give out some sort of free gift that you give to people in order to get their email. Okay. Emails- All You Need to Know:  So what is your free gift, what are some things that work, really? Free ebooks. I'm sure you've seen those: “download our free report on __” For example, the eBook that I was circulating as a free gift was – “The 11 questions to change your life”. And then if people liked it (in a lot of cases they did), they want more and I give them an offer from my best Journal course, so there you know after they got it all they can get my best Journal course. So this is a very simple, opt-in I put 11 questions down and I give it away for emails (Shopify product research). Now, this right here has brought in probably ten thousand email addresses and, people have moved or they've unsubscribed or I’ve deleted them. Like I talked about earlier, but just from this little book right here I was able to generate a lot of income. Now I have their contact. So whenever I have a new video out, I know that they're interested in self-growth. So maybe if it's a self-growth video, I'll shoot it out to them. Or maybe if it's like a new offer I have, I'll shoot it out to them. Checklist: So anything like this, which is sort of like a free book and I say its more of a checklist, which is the second thing that works really well - you can do a checklist. I know some big entrepreneurs who were like to get the free YouTube checklist. Okay, like the five things to grow your YouTube channel get for free. Checklist and you take their email through email marketing and then you send it to them and it's all automated. Another thing that I'm a big fan of its free membership sites and. For instance, I’ve had one in my Facebook Community for YouTube entrepreneurs. It's pinned in the description there. And so it's like a gear list, a list of stuff you use or a quick start guide and the goal with your free report or your free opt-in or your baits is to get people immediate results. A good question to ask yourself is, what's like something that your audience could take action on open and get immediate results on in like 10 minutes. So you don't want your free report to be like an entire book, right? Authors will say get my first chapter for free, you don't want your free report to be like just mega long, although it is a strategy, I'm not a fan of it. If I get a free gift, I want it to be immediate action. So here is like gear favorites for it and conveniently these are all affiliate links, which is also cool, because even if they don't buy anything from me, down the road and they still get some good info if they want to buy something for themselves. Well, I make a commission on this. So that's a cool way you can cross-pollinate your income streams. I’ve built a multitude of free gifts and distributed them to my subscribers through click funnels something that they can do in 10 minutes or look at in 10 minutes, something that you can put together super quick even in like a Pages document or a Word document or a Google Document and just export it to a PDF. But don't spend too much time on this, the goal is to just get something up that you can start giving away to people to collect their emails through the email marketing. Best Way To Earn Passive Income: Email Marketing Lastly, when it comes to email marketing is for you to have multiple lists. This is because people have different interests. The people who are interested in YouTube, they're not guaranteed to be interested in personal development, for example. They're not, into maybe saving and investing and so if you talk about multiple things on your Channel, blog or your brand you want to segment your list as much as possible. Okay, so just try to narrow it down to people who like tennis or people who like golf or people who like swimming if you have a sports club or something like that, because of the tennis people are getting swimming tips. They're going to unsubscribe. They're going to get pissed off and that makes sense because you signed up for tennis not swimming. So as much as possible whatever that is in your business, try and segment your list as much as possible. And so that's why I have 20 lists of them have 300 people and some of them have 6000 people. Read Also: Pittsburgh Sportsbook Is Now Available At Parx Casino In Bensalem, PA 3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy