Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Avoid When Using SMS Marketing

Published on: 31 January 2023 Last Updated on: 30 July 2024
SMS Marketing

SMS marketing has become increasingly popular for entrepreneurs to reach out to their target audience and boost sales. However, like with any form of marketing, there are mistakes that entrepreneurs should avoid when using SMS marketing if they want it to be successful.

This blog post goes over the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when using SMS marketing software and how they can fix them. So read on to learn more about SMS marketing!

Not Having a Clear Objective

One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when using SMS marketing is needing a clear objective. Before sending out any message, you should have a goal that you would like your message to achieve. Are you trying to increase brand awareness? Are you looking for increased sales? By setting clear objectives before sending messages, you can craft messages tailored toward achieving those objectives.

Not Having Clear Messaging Guidelines

Not Having Clear Messaging Guidelines

Another mistake entrepreneurs often make does not have clear messaging guidelines before launching an SMS campaign. Without these guidelines, it’s difficult for entrepreneurs to measure the success of their campaigns and ensure that all messages sent out are consistent with each other and the company’s overall branding and messaging strategy.

It’s essential to establish a set of guidelines that outlines how often messages should be sent out, what type of content should be included in each letter, who should receive each piece of news, etc. so that all messages remain consistent and on-brand throughout the campaign.

Not Getting Permission from Recipients

Not Getting Permission from Recipients

The law requires companies to get permission from recipients before sending them promotional or transactional text messages. Please do so to avoid legal issues and a poor reputation among your customers. To ensure compliance with this law, companies need to provide customers with options on how they can opt in or opt out of receiving text messages from the company at any time during their relationship with the company.

This ensures that customers always have control over whether or not they want to receive text messages from your company and helps protect both parties from potential legal issues or reputational damage in the future.

Not Testing Messages Before Sending Them Out

Testing Messages

It’s also essential for companies to test their text messages before sending them out en masse so as not to send out incorrect or incomplete information, which could lead customers astray. Before sending out any message, companies should test it thoroughly by testing different versions of the same message until they find one that works best for their audience and goals.

This will help ensure accuracy and consistency throughout all aspects of your SMS campaign while also helping you avoid potential pitfalls such as typos or incorrect information being sent out in your messages which can lead customers astray or give them a negative impression of your brand.


SMS marketing effectively enables entrepreneurs to reach their target audience and boost sales. Still, there are several mistakes entrepreneurs need to avoid when implementing an SMS campaign if they want it to succeed. Companies must have a clear objective before launching a campaign and setting up clear messaging guidelines. Hence, as not keep track of its effectiveness over time while ensuring consistency across all aspects of its communication strategy with customers.

Additionally, companies need to get permission from recipients before sending them promotional or transactional text messages to stay compliant with laws regarding texting campaigns and protect their reputation among customers.

Finally, companies must test their text messages before sending them out en masse to avoid sending wrong information, which could lead customers astray. By avoiding these common pitfalls, businesses can maximize the success potential of their SMS campaigns.


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Social Media Marketing

Importance of Storytelling in Social Media Marketing

Stories are everywhere, look around you, wherever you are, there is a story. They are no longer confined in the movies and books, stories have gone beyond such confines. Think about a tale that captivated you last, maybe it was in a blog post and that grabbed your attention, captured your mind and emotions. Despite anything else going around you, it had your full attention. That tells you how powerful a tool it is and why it’s indispensable in your marketing strategies. The best platform to tell stories and win visitors through social media marketing. Importance of Storytelling in Social Media Marketing: Continue reading and see how you can revolutionize your marketing approach Showcase your uniqueness: Beyond the headshot and some catchy slogans, people want something that is interesting. They are tired of photos and videos that every other company uses to woo visitors; they want something that is captivating. For instance, on an ordinary day, you could take a few snapshots of your work area and probably share a few tips on what motivates you. Such mini-stories will tell people how serious and how dedicated you are to productivity. Whatever industry you are in, you need to showcase what you have and how skilled and creative you are. Take advantage of visuals: Videos and generally visuals are powerful tools that you can rely on for social media success and storytelling. Having such content makes your posts stand out while adding another layer to your narrative. According to research, visuals could increase visitors’ willingness to read by more than 80%. In fact, big brands believe that visuals are crucial to how the company’s brand story is relayed. Put yourself in the shoes of the reader: You have your post ready for posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media. Why don’t you spice it up with some story surrounding it? This will resonate with your followers and many will find a reason for investing in your product.  Look at the issues that your customers have and let your tailored PR team do for you mini-stories that focus on their needs and ensure that the stories are solution-based. Again, you need to look into how you can add some emotion and intrigue to the pedestrian posts. Most importantly, you must ensure that all your stories have the consumer at the center of it all. Get creative with the story and this will improve the engagement. If for instance, you are doing a pitch, the creativity in it will tell a prospect whether you are the best fit or not. Make it personal: Research shows that personal marketing is on the rise. This is because people are likely to trust another person more than they trust a faceless brand. People want to hear the story from family, friends than from a mere advertisement. A story ensures that you create a personal brand that resonates with your audience.  A story is incredibly important in that it shows people the face behind the posts. In every one of your posts, ensure that you’ve some captivating story that will keep your social media audience glued and yearning for more. Get a good PR company or hire a leading social media agency to help you generate stories that will make a difference in your marketing. Read Also: 5 Types Of Digital Marketing How To Start Social Media Agency In India What Is The Future Of Digital Marketing In Regards To Shaping Up Small And Large Businesses?

Content Marketing Mistakes

Content Marketing Mistakes You Shouldn’t Be Making

By now, most people are aware of the value that a content marketing campaign brings to your business. Given the reach and convenience of the internet, most brands are bound to hop onto the content marketing bandwagon. The only problem here is that not everyone who hops onto trends completely understands them. Before you fully commit to a content marketing campaign, it’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into so you can avoid making catastrophic errors.  Why Should I Consider Investing in Content Marketing? The first reason that content marketing is beneficial is that it significantly contributes to your return of investment (ROI). ROI can come in different forms, such as a customer subscription, better brand visibility, improved brand reputation, increased inbound traffic, and customer loyalty. Content marketing also helps establish your brand as an authority, so long as your content is of good quality. You can even become your niche’s primary source of information. When this happens, customers are more likely to remember your brand whenever they need a product or service that you offer. Finally, content marketing is a potent means to interact with your target audience (and your target demographic). Sharing content helps you build trust with your audience and it also acts as a means to extend your reach even further whenever your audience shares your content. Furthermore, frequent followers and readers eventually become actual customers. Content marketing is a useful method to bolster your business’ performance, but only if you utilize it properly. It’s not a silver bullet that’s going to solve all your marketing problems. Generally, your best course of action is to hire a content marketing agency to launch and implement your campaign properly, but for those who want to try their hand at doing their own content marketing, there are some mistakes that you need to avoid. Publishing Content Without a Goal in Mind: Whenever we publish content, it’s important to always have a goal in mind. You have to determine whether the goal of your content is to sell, generate leads, inform, or engage with your audience. Your goal will determine things about your content such as your call to action and tone (whether conversational, informative, or imperative). For example, if your content is meant to sell a product, it needs to sound friendly yet informative. A post that’s meant to engage with your audience is best written in a sincere, genuine tone. Failing to Utilize Paid Content Amplification: The internet is currently oversaturated and highly-competitive. Content brands are constantly vying to get their message on the feeds of prospective customers. The brand that gets relegated to the background is sure to lose out on customers, even if their product is superior to that of their competitor. Paid amplification helps your content reach your intended audience and they almost always produce quality leads. Consider the fact that even industry giants make use of paid content amplification. This means that you should do so as well if you want to stay relevant in your chosen industry. Forgoing the Use of Social Media Stories: Social media stories are mobile-viewed vertical videos and images that appear outside a user’s regular feed and last only 24 hours. Storytelling will be the key to distributing your content successfully. Stories are perfect for building emotional connections with your audience because they are more casual and are mostly used as a medium for real-time engagement. Stories also have a natural progression. This means that users can arrange their content to be more cohesive to viewers. Stories also allow users to enable their viewers to react to the story, while also helps users determine the type of content that viewers want. Limiting Your Content Form: In today’s market, text and image content alone will not differentiate you from your competitors especially when you consider that users are gradually shifting away from written content because of the increasing popularity of video content, podcasts, and infographics. This is especially true considering how these types of content are also searchable on major search engines. It’s important to invest in other content channels in order to maximize your reach. This also allows your users to choose how they consume your content. The best part about this is that you don’t necessarily have to generate new content in order to fill these channels. In fact, you can repurpose written content and simply change the channel they’re published on. An old blog post can serve as your framework for your video and audio content. Your users will appreciate the variety of your content and this variation will also help improve your website’s SEO ranking. Ignoring Data Analysis: Successful content marketing is not just based on artistic taste and content popularity. It is also heavily influenced by data. Running an analysis of your campaign’s performance grants brands the insight needed to make informed decisions regarding content. The numbers will help you determine which approach is better for a particular demographic. This also allows users to correct a wrong approach. For example, if you’ve discovered that most of your users are active at a certain time, then use that data to determine the best time to publish your content. Simply ignoring the data will not only rob you of the traffic you would have gotten otherwise, but it will also convey that you’re indifferent to your audience, which will eventually spell the failure of your campaign.  Content marketing is a boon to business owners because it grants them the ability to grow their businesses quickly. It requires a lot of work and experience to get it right the first time, but since you’re posting your content on the internet, it essentially means that as long as your website is up, your content will continue to do its job. Whether your content becomes effective or not depends on whether you do things correctly. Read Also: 4 points to consider when creating a Great Content Marketing Strategy Crucial Role of Content Marketing in Local Business Required Content Marketing for Your E-Commerce Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO 


Cold Calling Script for Successful Sales Persons

Cold calls are still of great importance even in the modern virtual world. If you are looking for business, one of the most effective sales tactics is cold calling. It is part of the outbound marketing strategy for your business and can deliver great results. A recent survey by DiscoverOrg on 1000 sampled senior executives in the IT industry reveals that 60% of them attended an event or took an appointment after receiving an unsolicited email or cold call. If you fear cold calls, then these tips will not help you to eradicate your fear. However, they will give you a more successful experience in making cold calls. Focus on the Goal Most beginners think that cold calling only deals with making the sale. However, this is not the case. It deals with getting an opportunity to make a sell. The primary reason behind making a cold call is setting an appointment for making the pitch. You can use a cold calling script to help you focus on the goal. Research Your Prospects and Market Before Making the Cold Call Your cold call has to target the right audience. Market research can help you to focus on the right audience. Gather a lot of information about the company or individual you will be calling in advance. This step will give you a significant advantage of being in a position to talk about their business and needs when you make the call. Gartner Group states that an enterprise that has an average of 100 to 500 employees will have approximately seven people making the purchase decisions. Therefore. It is critical to connecting with the right individuals if you need success in your cold calls. Leverage Contacts on Social Media to Enhance Your Chances of Connecting Statistics from Vorsight reveal that if you share a LinkedIn group with the person you are calling, you have a probability of 70% of making a successful cold call. What applies to LinkedIn can also stand to the other social media platforms. You can increase your prospects of receptiveness when you are connected with your audience in social media. Therefore, make sure that you work towards establishing of extending your presence on social media. Prepare Opening Statements for Your Call It is good to organize your thoughts before making a call as this will assist you to avoid the common mistakes while opening the conversation. Making such errors can make the individual you are calling to terminate your call. At this point, the cold calling script comes in handy. This document should act as a guide, and you don’t have to read it out. What Should Be in The Opening Statement of the Cold Call It is essential to organize your conversation on the cold call in a logical manner. You need a greeting, an introduction, reference point that talks about the prospects, advantages of your products and services, and lastly a transition to the dialogue or question. Prepare a Script for the Remaining Section of the Call Put down the benefits of your products or services and reasons that will make your prospects to buy them. Put down some of the possible objections and how you will answer them. It is easy to meander or leave something out if you don’t have a cold calling script. Once more, you will not be reading out the script when you call. The most important thing is to prepare a framework for your cold call in advance. Be ready to answer tough questions about the products and services you are selling.  Forbes Insights report that 58% of potential buyers assert that sales representatives cannot adequately respond to their questions. You can get yourself out of this script by preparing an excellent cold calling script. Request for an Appointment During the Cold Call Set the appointment that you request during the conversation at a specific time. For instance, you could ask the prospect whether 11:00 a.m. would be good for him/her. You could also ask your audience whether you can meet them the following week. It is good to get your prospects committing to a meeting in your initial conversation. Don’t leave it vague because this will necessitate a second call for setting up the meeting. The phone call may never take place if you are unable to get to the prospect. Note That Gatekeepers Are Allies and Not Foes Remain polite to anyone who picks up the call or whoever guards the inner sanctum when making the cold call. Have strategies that will make the gatekeeper to come on your side. You could even ask something like ‘I am not sure whether you will be able to assist me?’ and he/she will give you the info that you require like the name of the person you need to talk to or the best time of contacting the prospects. You also need to learn the names of the gatekeeper and remain friendly during the call. Send Your Prospects Unique and Small Promotional Items to Smooth Your Way for the Cold Call This step will break the ice and make the brand to stand out from the crow. Sending out such promotional items will prepare the way for a successful cold call. A question like ‘are you the one who sends me this’ from the prospect may seem to be unnecessary or cheesy but it works well. If Possible, Do the Cold Call Late in the Afternoon or Early Morning The best time to reach the decision-maker directly is late evening or early morning. Research also reveals that Thursday is the best day for cold calls and Wednesday comes in as the second. The same research reveals that Tuesday is the worst but this can vary from one person to another. Remain Persistent 80% of new sales will come after you make the fifth contact yet most salespersons give up after making the second call. Don’t be the kind of person who gives up so easily. It is good to learn to try again if you really want to make a sale. Above all, practice, practice, and keep on practicing and you will become an expert in cold calling. You will always get better even if you find no fun in making cold calls. With constant practice, you will develop effective selling techniques. Therefore, get your script ready and the call list and begin to reach out to your phone. There are several people out there who would like to do business with you but you need to let them know about your brand first. Read Also: FinTech Is Making It Easier To Shop The World’s Biggest Sales This Is Why Social Media Is Essential In The B2B Sales Process 5 Actionable Mobile Marketing Tips That Drive Sales