Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Avoid When Using SMS Marketing

Published on: 31 January 2023 Last Updated on: 07 June 2024
SMS Marketing

SMS marketing has become increasingly popular for entrepreneurs to reach out to their target audience and boost sales. However, like with any form of marketing, there are mistakes that entrepreneurs should avoid when using SMS marketing if they want it to be successful.

This blog post goes over the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when using SMS marketing software and how they can fix them. So read on to learn more about SMS marketing!

Not Having a Clear Objective

One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when using SMS marketing is needing a clear objective. Before sending out any message, you should have a goal that you would like your message to achieve. Are you trying to increase brand awareness? Are you looking for increased sales? By setting clear objectives before sending messages, you can craft messages tailored toward achieving those objectives.

Not Having Clear Messaging Guidelines

Another mistake entrepreneurs often make does not have clear messaging guidelines before launching an SMS campaign. Without these guidelines, it’s difficult for entrepreneurs to measure the success of their campaigns and ensure that all messages sent out are consistent with each other and the company’s overall branding and messaging strategy.

It’s essential to establish a set of guidelines that outlines how often messages should be sent out, what type of content should be included in each letter, who should receive each piece of news, etc. so that all messages remain consistent and on-brand throughout the campaign.

Not Getting Permission from Recipients

Not Getting Permission from Recipients

The law requires companies to get permission from recipients before sending them promotional or transactional text messages. Please do so to avoid legal issues and a poor reputation among your customers. To ensure compliance with this law, companies need to provide customers with options on how they can opt in or opt out of receiving text messages from the company at any time during their relationship with the company.

This ensures that customers always have control over whether or not they want to receive text messages from your company and helps protect both parties from potential legal issues or reputational damage in the future.

Not Testing Messages Before Sending Them Out

Testing Messages

It’s also essential for companies to test their text messages before sending them out en masse so as not to send out incorrect or incomplete information, which could lead customers astray. Before sending out any message, companies should test it thoroughly by testing different versions of the same message until they find one that works best for their audience and goals.

This will help ensure accuracy and consistency throughout all aspects of your SMS campaign while also helping you avoid potential pitfalls such as typos or incorrect information being sent out in your messages which can lead customers astray or give them a negative impression of your brand.


SMS marketing effectively enables entrepreneurs to reach their target audience and boost sales. Still, there are several mistakes entrepreneurs need to avoid when implementing an SMS campaign if they want it to succeed. Companies must have a clear objective before launching a campaign and setting up clear messaging guidelines. Hence, as not keep track of its effectiveness over time while ensuring consistency across all aspects of its communication strategy with customers.

Additionally, companies need to get permission from recipients before sending them promotional or transactional text messages to stay compliant with laws regarding texting campaigns and protect their reputation among customers.

Finally, companies must test their text messages before sending them out en masse to avoid sending wrong information, which could lead customers astray. By avoiding these common pitfalls, businesses can maximize the success potential of their SMS campaigns.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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SMS Marketing

Your Ultimate Guide To Creating SMS Marketing Campaigns

Every marketer would tell you that there are reasons why text marketing continues to become a mainstay in marketing agencies. In fact, both conventional and modern companies highly rely on their efficacy when it comes to reaching out to their target audience. Because when you think about it, every person checks their text message inbox every time they receive a ping.  Leveraging communication strategies like an effective SMS marketing campaign allows you to grow your brand more, target more audiences, and even build closer relationships with prospects. There are a lot of things that SMS marketing can help you with in terms of achieving business goals. But before you partake in this marketing tactic, it’s important to understand the concept behind this marketing practice. Use this guide to make successful SMS marketing campaigns.  What Is SMS Marketing?  It’s crucial to understand first the concept behind this old but gold marketing strategy. SMS marketing refers to a short message service you send to your customers to build relationships with them. It’s important for text marketers to communicate with their target audiences in a respectful and compliant manner. No matter what your business goals are, SMS marketing puts you one step ahead of achieving them. For instance, you can drive more leads, introduce new products, lead them to check your website, and so on. The ideas that you can do with this marketing method are limitless.  Compared to email or push notification marketing, SMS marketing has several advantages. For instance, every person who receives an incoming message in their phone inbox will surely take the time to check and read them one by one. While some people might check their emails at least once a day regarding text message inboxes, people often check them as soon as they receive a message.  Your message can be concise and clear with SMS marketing. There’s no need for lengthy advertising messages. With brief sentences that can take up less than 160 characters of the SMS limit, you can already deliver what you want to say to your prospects. Choosing The Right SMS Marketing Tool  Now, it’s time to understand the tool to use for this marketing strategy. With the advent of technology, there is now text marketing software at your disposal. For one, you can take advantage of Drop Cowboy Ringless Voicemail service and some other brands that offer reliable text messaging as marketing services.   Text message delivery depends on the tools and services you choose. Such software comes with pricing plans that fit your marketing budget and goals. Unlike any other conventional marketing promotions like print ads, TV ads, and billboards, this marketing campaign is priced reasonably better. Also, consider partnering with the best SMS marketing service provider to automate your text messages to your target recipients.    How To Maximize On SMS Marketing Campaigns As mentioned, a high percentage of people open text messages every time they receive one. By sending promotional messages via SMS, you ensure your customers will read them because they will arrive directly in their inboxes. Check out these ideas in which you can maximize your SMS marketing campaigns.  1. Limited-Time Promotions  You can use an SMS marketing strategy to encourage your customers to avail of coupons and discounts or even redeem incentives or gifts. Offering these incentives for a limited time makes them even more effective. Announcing that the campaign only runs on a promo period is an effective call-to-action strategy so your customers won’t miss out on such opportunities. It’s one effective strategy to get your business to high ranks.  Considering SMS marketing's high open rate, it’s the most effective way to communicate time-sensitive offers with customers. As a result, you ensure your customers don't pass up a good deal. This yield win-win situations for both the customers and your brand. They get discounted rates, and you could convert your sales funnel more effectively.   2. Reminding Customers  One good purpose for SMS marketing is when you could send notifications regarding the recent actions of your customers. For instance, whether they checked your website, changed passwords, or linked different payment modes, an SMS notification will be sent to inform them that the activity is successful. Sending notification messages is essential for many businesses, and they’ve realized how effective it is in retaining customers.   By relaying notifications about their recent purchase or online activities, the customers will grow their trust in your brand. It could lead to continuous patronage. Also, they will feel at ease by getting reminders of how your brand is already dealing with their orders or purchases. Receiving reminders is valuable, especially for customers who are always busy with other things and obligations.   Make sure your brand is always at the top of your customer's minds. It’s a job that SMS is best suited for. With SMS marketing, you can remind your customers about everything from their most recently liked products to the purchased ones that are going to arrive soon.  3. Order Updates And Confirmation  An SMS is also useful for customers to receive updates regarding their orders. Once they make a purchase, a message will be sent regarding the successful transaction. It ensures peace of mind for the customer.  Also, the confirmation messages sent via SMS will allow them to use them as proof or evidence regarding their purchase. If products don’t arrive as planned, they can refer to the SMS notification.   4. New Product Release And Launches  SMS advertising is also useful for announcing new product releases. It’s the most cost-effective way for marketers to advertise new product launching. Without paying for the expensive talents of celebrities to promote new products, a large number of users will discover your new product offering through the message they can read in their SMS inbox.  Using this method will generate buzz and interest, and you could even entice old customers to come back and check out what's new. You can also use SMS campaigns to drive traffic to your website or storefront. Thus, you can simply include a link they can visit to check your new product or any offers.  5. Send Welcome Messages  Send your customer a welcome message once they subscribe to your SMS marketing campaign. Companies must start building relationships with their customers. As a result, you will be able to communicate with them right away, as they will know they have been subscribed.   It also alerts them to expect a few messages from your end every now and then. There’s no need for lengthy or complex welcome messages. Sometimes short but sweet thank you message about their subscription are already enough for your customers to remember your business.   6. Customer Service Tool  SMS is not limited to being a marketing tool; it’s also a customer support tool. In this era where customer service should be at the forefront of any business, SMS strategy can be used to ensure customer satisfaction.  It’s imperative that your work processes are as transparent as possible, and you can achieve this by constantly sending them SMS in case necessary. After all, a text message is the easiest way to communicate with pre-sale customers and post-sale tech support. 7. Collect Customer Feedback  It’s essential for businesses to receive customer feedback to determine what they are doing well and what they need to improve. And it’s something that’s being offered with SMS marketing. You can send out surveys through SMS, and customers can answer them timely and convenient.   There are many ways to create survey forms for them to easily fill out. The key is to attach the link to your SMS. Another option is to ask customers to rate you using a ranking system that’s easy for them to use.   8. Announce VIP Programs  By offering a VIP program, you can encourage loyalty among your subscribers and customers. If you want to make your VIP customers feel special, offer them VIP-only discounts. This sense of exclusivity allows your customers to treat your brand with more respect and value.   Also, use this program for customers to gain early access to sales and other promotions. One way for them to qualify for your VIP list is to encourage them to fill out a signup link. However, since it’s VIP, make it seems more challenging for them to enter this list. The harder it feels to qualify, the more special and valued they would feel.  Tips To Apply Effective SMS Marketing Strategies Applying SMS marketing strategies require effective implementations. When done right, they can produce the best outcomes for your business. Here are some tips to apply effective SMS marketing strategies for your brand:  1. Ensure That Your Customers Opted In  Your customers probably already provide you with their phone numbers. However, one common courtesy is to get their approval to start receiving SMS from your brand. Mass texting them without their consent is ethically wrong and will only lead to adverse effects on the customer. Ensure to get your customer’s clear opt-in before starting to send out text message campaigns.  Your website or other online channels can allow customers to opt-in to receive text messages. However, you should get a text confirmation before you send them anything. There are ways to get their opt-in consent. One is to make them reply Yes or No to your single SMS regarding SMS subscription. Another way is through your website. They can press a CTA button regarding their receiving SMS messages from your brand. When the user clicks the link in the offer, they can fill out the subscription form and enter their number so they can start receiving your SMS campaigns.  2. Take Time To Introduce Yourself  A good practice is to take the time to introduce your brand in any of your SMS campaigns. Chances are your customers don’t know where the messages are coming from. Failing to include your company name or brand name on the message will only forfeit its purpose. Hence, it’s important to include your company or brand name in that short message that you’re sending.  3. Make Messages Fun And Short  It’s common for people to use SMS messages to communicate with friends and family informally. Texting should remain fun in your SMS campaign in the same way as a fun communication tool between people. Be friendly and personal with customers to build trust.   Use local trending words that are popular with your target audience for the time being. It ensures to catch their interest and make them read your text message completely. The maximum number of characters in an SMS message is 160. With an opt-out option and the need to identify yourself, that's not much to work with. Don't waste any characters, and go straight to the point of what you want to say.   4. Don’t Forget To Use Target Keywords  To encourage users to connect with you, you should select contextually relevant keywords alongside simple messages and shortcodes. Using such keywords will allow them to easily remember anything about your brand or company. If they want to research you online, they can use the same keywords found on your SMS. 5. Give An Option For Customers To Opt Out  All marketing communications should follow these standards and rules. Much like getting their buy-in, you should also give them the option to opt out and unsubscribe from your SMS campaigns. You are more likely to lose customers if you constantly text them when they do not want to hear from you.  Your messages should come with the unsubscribe option, so your customers can freely opt out anytime they want. There are some viable reasons for them to do this. But it doesn’t entirely mean that they won’t be good prospects for you in the future. It’s just that not everyone prefers to get this kind of information via text.  SMS open rates tend to be much higher than those for email, so you should also expect a higher unsubscribe rate. After a message is sent, unsubscribes may spike and treat it as a normal occurrence.   6. Be More Informative Than Promotional  You should be extremely considerate of your buyers' inboxes since promotional SMS messages can easily be turned off. Therefore, staying informative and interactive is best, and not focusing too much on sounding sales or promotional.   A good rule of thumb is to focus most of your communication on order, whether a status update or a request for feedback. Schedule your promotional messages and send them at least only twice a week at a minimum. No one wants to keep receiving promotional messages that are obvious that they want to make money from you. Conclusion You can increase engagement with your target audience by using SMS marketing. Keeping your customers' attention is easier if you market to them where they are most active. Therefore, if your target audience is always in their phone’s SMS inbox, it’s worth considering SMS marketing as part of your marketing mix. Use this guide and wait for results to reflect your bottom line soon.  Read Also: Calling Out – How Telemarketing Allows You to Reach a Wider Audience How To Move Your Career In Social Media Marketing Up A Gear? Best Marketing Strategies For Lawyers In Houston

Effective B2b Graphic Design 

7 Tips For Effective B2b Graphic Design 

In B2B graphic design each pixel and hue plays a crucial role in sculpting your brand's digital presence. The color palette that characterizes your site and the intricately connected web pages from the tapestry of web design, transcends mere aesthetics to become a strategic fusion of creative expression and practical functionality. To outsource graphic design projects in Australia business-to-business transactions, the need for impeccable graphic design has never been more crucial. It's not just about having a visually appealing website; it's about crafting an immersive brand experience that resonates with your target audience. This is where outsourcing graphic design projects becomes a strategic move. By tapping into the expertise of professionals, you can elevate your brand aesthetics, ensuring that every visual element aligns seamlessly with your business goals. Navigating the realm of advertising presents a multifaceted challenge. The process involves more than just conceptualizing ideas; it extends to the intricate stages of creation, followed by vigilant performance analysis and necessary adjustments. Each phase is interconnected, requiring a delicate balance to ensure optimal outcomes. From the initial spark of ideation to the ongoing scrutiny of performance metrics, managing ads demands a comprehensive approach that acknowledges the complexities inherent in every step of the advertising journey. Up Your B2B Graphic Design Game With These Tips Understand Your Audience Dive deep into the psyche of your B2B audience. What resonates with them? Tailor your graphic design to speak their language, addressing their pain points and aspirations. A design that connects on a personal level is more likely to leave a lasting impression. Simplify Complexity B2B often involves intricate concepts. Transform complexity into clarity through design. Use visuals to simplify intricate information, making it easily digestible. A clean and straightforward design not only looks appealing but also ensures your message is crystal clear. Consistent Branding Maintain a cohesive visual identity across all platforms. Consistency fosters brand recognition and trust. From color schemes to typography, ensure that your design elements align seamlessly with your brand guidelines. A unified appearance reinforces your brand's professionalism. Prioritize Readability In the B2B realm, content is king. Ensure your designs prioritize readability. Choose fonts wisely, mind the contrast, and structure content in a way that guides the reader effortlessly. A visually appealing design is futile if it hinders the communication of essential information. Embrace White Space Don’t fear the emptiness. White space is a powerful design element that directs attention and enhances readability. Allow your visuals room to breathe, ensuring that your key messages stand out amidst the visual noise. Mobile-Friendly Design B2B professionals are often on the go. Optimize your graphic design for mobile devices to ensure that your audience can access crucial information anytime, anywhere. Responsive design is not just a trend; it's a necessity in the B2B landscape. Summary: As per Brandripe, remember that your visuals are more than mere images—they're storytellers. Beyond facts and figures, a compelling narrative weaved into your design adds a layer of depth, fostering connections that transcend the transactional. Read Also : How Personal Branding Online Can Help Your Job Search Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing Building A Brand For Your Small Business

Wasting Money on Marketing

Ways That You are Wasting Money on Marketing

Marketing is vital to every company's success. Without the correct marketing strategies employed, no one will know about your business. Even if you have high-quality products, no one will care about them since they do not know that your business exists in the first place. It is true especially for small companies that are yet to create a name in the industry. Allotting money for marketing plans could boost your success. Make sure though that you spend it wisely; otherwise, you will be wasting the opportunity to advertise. You started marketing without a strategy: Not all marketing strategies work. Some of them are expensive, but you do not see the results. Others are free, but the tactic could attract a lot of people. The marketing plan is a long process that begins by researching the people that you are targeting. You need to know what they want and what advertising strategy appeals to them. For instance, if you decide to release a video ad online, it needs to be short and concise. Within that short time, you can capture attention if you have a strategy; otherwise, no one will watch it. You are not spending enough money: If you think of using a portion of your budget for marketing, you need to go all-in; otherwise, you are wasting the opportunity. Some marketing strategies are expensive and require you to invest a lot. However, you also build your company's name in the process. For instance, if you want media coverage in a massive event that is going to happen in your area, you need to spend money to be a major sponsor. If you are going to release a TV commercial, you need to spend money on quality production. You still need to be smart in determining how much to spend, but you cannot keep reducing the budget. You expect quick results: The problem when some people spend money on advertising is that they expect results right away. It does not work that way. When you advertise, you need to wait for a while before you see things go in the right direction. The reason why it is essential is that some people decide to give up and stop spending when the advertising efforts are still going on. Once you choose to use an advertising strategy, you cannot abandon it in the middle of the process just because you think it is not working. You are spending everything on one strategy: It would be a disaster if you invested all your money in one marketing effort, and it failed. Diversifying your tactics will help a lot. If you think that online marketing works, you can invest in it. However, you cannot assume that it will be successful. As such, it also helps if you spend money in other areas like the use of conventional marketing methods. You can try garment t-shirt printing since it is a proven technique that many businesses still use. You may also start giving out flyers and posters. Be careful in using your money for marketing and make sure you are investing it in the right way. Read Also: Top Tips For Making Business Purchases 7 Social Media Tips For Your Business Dos And Don’ts Of Marketing For Technology Companies The Importance Of Saving: The Bedrock Of A Bright Financial Future