What You Need to Know About Jaguar E-Type?

Published on: 01 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Jaguar E-Type

The Jaguar E-Type model sports car debuted in 1961 when the top speed for vehicles clocked in at around 70 MPH. With a top speed of 150 MPH, this vehicle blew expectations out of the water and quickly built a reputation of class and sophistication. The car was so well-built it was considered to be the most beautiful car in the world for a time. An E-type Jaguar was considered perfect from every angle, and even today stands as a supercar model for excellence.

The Power of the Type :

The E-type was a unique model of car that boasted 265bhp 3.8-liter engine by the final renditions of its design. The car was a marvel of 20th-century engineering and its independent rear suspension design would help define the Jaguar brand for decades to come. The car would grow larger and more reliable over its production lifespan with a greater emphasis on speed and precision. When the series finally reached the point where it could hit 60 MPH in less than seven seconds, people began to take notice and the model exploded in popularity.

The Composition of the Vehicle :

The E-type is a classic lightweight model, but it did not start out that way. Rather, the aluminum body and monocoque were added later as a replacement to steel construction methods. The new designs held up out on the track and would help solidify the lightweight design as a Jaguar line staple even into the 21st century.  Racing was a big focus for the company at the time and eventually, a 5.3-liter engine was put in to increase torque and make the car more competitive.

E-Series History :

The history of the E-series is intertwined with racing and saturated with the stories of people who pushed the car to its limits. The series was actually never meant to race, there was no need for a public show of speed and the car did not have the engines for it. It was not competition worthy until the GT category for production sports cars was created with fitting requirements that matched the series specs.

The E-Type would go on to win race after race like in places like Goodwood, Silverstone, and Brands Hatch. However, Ferraris would continue to dominate the racing scene with their powerful engines. Seeing that the E-type was falling behind, the company decided to create the lightweight series to push for a more competitive angle. The resulting lightweight E-Type models had an aluminum body with a 350bhp version of the 3.8-liter XK straight-six engine and a five-speed gearbox. The model was so successful that it had other companies scrambling to create newer models just to compete.

The lightweight models would go on to participate in international racing circuits for years after their introduction. Eventually, the E-type production slowed down only to resurge again in the ’70s. The car’s performance solidified it as a classic supercar exuding style and class that has it still see demand today.

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Second Hand Car

Honda Cars in Watertown NY: 8 Things to Check Before Buying a Second Hand Car

Buying a second hand car is a smart choice for people who don’t have the budget for brand new vehicles. A car’s value depreciates and for a lot of people that’s the time when they can afford to buy one. However, second-hand buyers should always be cautious when they go buy one since repairs could end up costing more than a brand new car. Check Before Buying a Second Hand Car: If you’re trying to buy a second hand car, here are some things you need to check first: 1. Reviews of the Car Model: Before heading to the dealership, make sure to do your research first. Find a site and look for the car model that you want and take note of its details. If you don’t have anything specific in mind yet, you can make a list of your options. Read reviews online and see what people think about the car. Check to see if they are verified owners of the car model, so you’re sure they’re giving legit comments. You can also check the price so you can gauge whether what you’re paying for the second-hand version is worth it. 2. The Controls: Buyers who are looking for a new car always test drive the vehicle before purchasing to make sure that it is the right feel for them. It is doubly crucial for second-hand buyers to do so too because you need to make sure that the car is still in good condition. Otherwise, you’ll soon find yourself browsing the Internet for the best car accident lawyers near you. Here are some of the controls you check on: Check whether all the control buttons are working Test the brakes, make sure it doesn’t have any vibrations and that it doesn’t swerve Make sure all warning lights light up when you turn on the ignition Turn on the heaters and air conditioners too 3. The Car’s Body: Checking the exterior surface of the car is an excellent way to tell whether the vehicle has been in an accident or not. The telltale signs include major dents on the surface and mismatched paint. The indentation is a dead giveaway so the previous owner would most probably have it fixed already. But carefully inspect the paint job. If one spot appears to look a different shade or as if it’s newly applied, then the previous owner might be covering something up. 4. The Tires: If the previous owner properly took care of the car, then there should be even tire wear on all of the tires. Car tires need to be rotated properly, and if they aren't it causes uneven wear. It could also mean that the wheels are poorly aligned caused by other problems like damage to the frame or worn steering components. 5. The Smell of the Interior: The moment you open the car door and get in, there should be no sign of suspicious odors. Make sure that there are no smells of gas because it could be a sign that there is a leak in the engine. If you smell mildew, it could mean that the car got flooded or there’s water leaking somewhere. 6. The Seats: Since you’ll be spending most of your car time in your seat, make sure that they’re in good condition as well. Adjust the seats and the seatbelts and see if they’re all working fine. Check the upholstery too. Make sure that there are no huge rips and tears that may cost you extra to get fixed. 7. The Fluid Levels: The fluids in a car are like its blood. Vehicles need it so they can function properly. The fluids or oils in a car lubricates its different parts. It protects your engine or brakes from wearing down much faster than they’re supposed to. Below are the different fluids you need to check: Engine Fluid - Good car owners always make sure to top up the engine fluids. A car won’t work as smooth as it’s supposed to if the engine fluid is at a low level. Use your dipstick to see at which level it is. Transmission Fluid - Make sure that there are no foreign particles in the transmission fluid like water droplets or metal particles. It should have a pinkish color and no burnt smell. Brake Fluid - The brake fluid should not have a dark color. It makes sure that your car properly stops when you step on the brakes. If it has a dark color, then it means that it may have internal corrosion or brake failures. 8. The Windows: If there are any minor scratches on the windows, it’s okay. However, if you see any small cracks, be wary. It may not seem like a serious issue at that moment, but over time it could turn into a big problem. You can also raise it as a concern to try and set the price for a lower bargain. Final Thoughts: Buying second hand cars could save you a lot of money if you pick the right one. You need to check everything that’s listed above to make sure that you’re spending your money on something worth it. If you’re not quite sure, you can always bring along a mechanic with you to help you inspect. Read Also: Pros And Cons Of Buying A Used Car Why You Should Have A Code Reader For Your Car


Will Self-Driving Cars Replace Human Error?

The public is understandably skeptical when it comes to the introduction of new technologies. This has been a constant in virtually every innovation since the dawn of civilization. People were skeptical about the railroads when they first became a staple of American life in the 1830s. People were skeptical about aviation when it became a major part of travel in the early part of the 20th century. The automobile itself was viewed with a healthy dose of scorn and hesitation when it first drove onto the scene. Today, we find ourselves in a similar situation with regard to the emergence of self-driving vehicles. Just like with these other technologies, some of our skepticism is caused by the novelty of the technology and our unfamiliarity with it. However, just as it was with the transportation modes listed above, many of our reservations are well-founded and stem from shortcomings that the technology has yet to overcome. Still, the bigger question that we find ourselves asking is:  Will we be safer in self-driving vehicles than we would be in vehicles that have a human driver? Human Error Causes Vehicle Crashes The vast majority of crashes on our roads are caused by human error. Some estimates put this figure at around 90 percent. We experience this firsthand every single day on our roads. Consider how many crashes are caused by reckless driving, distraction, fatigue, and intoxication. In each of these cases, it is a person’s mistake that leads to a vehicle crash. People are far from perfect, and we make mistakes regularly. When these mistakes occur on our roads, the consequences can be devastating. One mistake made at 55 miles per hour can cause fatalities, serious injuries and incredible amounts of property damage. In that sense, the less we can be subject to lapses in judgment or negligent driving, the safer we will be. How Do Self-Driving Cars Stack Up Against People? Thus far, there is not enough information available to make a completely accurate comparison of automated vehicles and human drivers. Think about how many miles people have driven since the launch of the automobile and how many miles have been traveled by self-driving vehicles. This disparity leaves us with an incomplete picture. However, self-driving automobiles have been around long enough for us to get a clearer idea of how safe these vehicles could be and what dangers they could present if manufacturers don’t do their due diligence. Last year, Google touted the fact that its self-driving vehicles had traveled well over a million miles and been involved in only 17 crashes, all but one of which were found to be caused by another driver’s error. Meanwhile, Tesla, another company that has a big stake in the self-driving automobile industry, has come under fire from critics about its aggressive implementation of automated technology after the death of a driver in Florida in May of 2016. In September, the New York Times reported a similar incident involving a Tesla automobile that occurred in China earlier this year. The criticism from safety advocates is largely over the company’s willingness to make available technology that has not been thoroughly tested. While these were reportedly the first driver deaths in over 130 million miles of travel, it still raises a debate about the degree to which automation will be deemed safe for drivers. Concerns About Semi-Autonomous Vehicles Part of the skepticism about automated technology stems from automobiles that will be only partially operated by a vehicle and handed over to a human driver in case of emergency. In certain types of automated vehicles, such as vehicles equipped with Tesla’s Autopilot function, drivers must still be aware enough to take over driving duties in certain situations. This might prove to be a difficult task for drivers, and it could even require a certain level of proficiency or training on the part of a vehicle's operator. It should also be noted that we already have some forms of automation in many of our vehicles. Automated braking has been used in vehicles for several years and has likely helped reduce the occurrence of many crashes. There is great promise for more automation, but there are still many unanswered questions. Accountability Will Always Be a Central Issue Just as it is in today’s human-operated vehicles, crashes in tomorrow’s self-driving cars will stem from some sort of error. Today, it is usually the drivers who are held accountable for their mistakes, but as self-driving automobiles become a bigger presence on our roads, that accountability will be shifted to other entities. Rather than human error is to blame, it might be the case that a particular crash will be deemed to be the fault of a vehicle manufacturer, or a software manufacturer. For the safety of all drivers, accountability will be a very important issue, one that will need to be fought for and pursued by the institutions providing oversight and regulation, and by drivers and citizens themselves. The Self-Driving Revolution is Beginning People might be reluctant to embrace self-driving technology, but it will be thrust upon them whether they are ready for it or not. In Pittsburgh, for example, Uber has launched self-driving vehicles in a pilot program. Uber’s chief rival in the ridesharing world, Lyft, has said that our roads will be filled with automated vehicles in five years, and the company is taking its own steps toward releasing self-driving cars. Read also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver? Several companies are locked in a fight to be first when it comes to self-driving vehicles. This competition will no doubt lead to the rapid advancement of the technology. As consumers, we have to hope that the release of the technology is not hasty and that road safety is the top priority. The Future of Our Roads People are debating when, and not if, self-driving vehicles will become the norm. It’s only a matter of time before more vehicles will be completely or at least mostly operated by automated systems. We know from the history of transportation technology that we can expect certain things. We can expect resistance, adoption, innovation, and missteps in the implementation of the technology. We can also expect that one day soon we will be riding in, or sharing our roads with, self-driving cars. The Law Offices of James C. DeZao is a personal injury law firm in New Jersey. Contact them by visiting their website or calling them at (973) 808-8900. Read More: 5 Ways To Avoid The Rip Off While Buying A Used Car Invest In A New Car, Without A Financial Liabilit Turn The Tables For Helpless Children With Car Donation In New Jersey Fred Loya Insurance Company

Car Battery

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Charge Your Car Battery

Does your car’s battery always experience low battery power? For example, you have to buy something in convenience stores and bump you into a friend which you have enjoyed chatting with for hours, without even thinking that you forgot to turn off the lights of your car. Car battery can make things work properly in your favor.  Surprisingly, you will find out that you can no longer start the car. Well, you don’t need to purchase another battery to replace that. Yes! You’ve read that right! Even if it is low on power, the way you charge it can save you from spending more! There are ways that you can charge your car’s battery for better performance. However, you need to consult or read the manual instructions given for your battery and for the battery’s charger. Now if you’re still confused after reading the manuals, you don’t have to worry a thing! We’ve got you covered! We have compiled all the necessary things you to do when charging your car’s battery. You can check them out below! What Are the Things to Consider Before Charging Your Car Battery? There are a lot of things that you have to consider before you can start charging your car battery. These are essential for you not to damage anything from the battery or the charger. Check the battery terminals if they are free from corrosions. If the battery is too dry, don’t charge it. You can just add water above the plates so that you charge them afterward. It would be best that your battery is not connected to the electrical system of your vehicle, to reduce the risk of overvoltage. So, if it is possible, remove or disconnect the battery from your car. You have to know well the battery’s positive and negative terminals to ensure that you are connecting the right charger leads. Check the user manual of your battery and the battery’s charger for more instructions. How to Charge Your Car Battery? 1. Determine the Type of Battery: You have to be sure about the type of battery you have for your car. For example, if your car is powered with start or stop technology, then you will be needing a smart charger. Surely there are a lot of conventional car chargers available on the market today, but they can not cater to all types of batteries. So, it is better to check the type of your battery first to avoid further damage. 2. Check Your Battery: Once you’ve already determined the type of battery you have, it is now time to check your battery if they are free from dirt or corrosion. Your battery should be cleaned right before you charge them. 3. Detach Your Car Battery: As mentioned above, it is your choice if you want to attach or detach your car’s battery to your while charging. However, we recommend best to detach your battery after you’ve cleaned them. Just don’t forget the things that might be reset if you detach your car’s battery. The number one rule in detaching your battery is that the negative terminal must be disconnect first and connected last when you have to attach them back. Furthermore, you can disconnect the battery by loosening the bolt of the clamp and connect them back by tightening the bolt. Don’t forget this rule to avoid terrible shocks. 4. Connect the Charger: In connecting the charger to your car’s battery, it will now be easy to connect the car’s battery to the charger using the clamp from negative to negative and positive to positive. Once you connect to the charger, you will no longer have to do anything other than wait for the battery to become full. Other chargers have an automatic function of disconnecting your car’s battery when fully charged. Furthermore, you can check out the manual of your car’s battery and charger to check the required hours needed for charging. You can even use a Scondar connector designed for a great flow of current charges. You need to be extra careful in connecting the plugs so that it won’t turn out wrong which can further damage your car’s battery. 5. Follow the Manufacturer Instructions: Last on our list is the checking and following of the manual or instructions given by the manufacturers. In this way, you can have total peace of mind in connecting your batteries for safe charging. Conclusion: Once you have a car, being expert and well-informed about car battery charging is very important! You only need to follow the comprehensive guide we have provided above on how to charge your car battery, and you will surely get back on the road well-prepared! Read Also: How To Ship A Car Made Easy: 5 Tips To Keep In Mind Why You Should Have A Code Reader For Your Car How Car Detailing Can Keep Your Vehicle In Top Shape Get Cheap Car Insurance For Young Drivers