3 New Age Engineering & Construction Technology

Published on: 16 April 2019 Last Updated on: 19 September 2019
Construction Technology

As technology continues to improve, we could expect that it would continue to transform the construction industry for the better. There will be remarkable improvements in terms of safety, efficiency, mobility, collaboration, and many more.

The new age of engineering and construction technology would make way to more significant innovations, and to support that, here are the 3 modern age engineering and construction technology to look forward to.

1. Mobile Solutions for Onsite Execution:

More often than not, some of the most significant problems in the construction industry take place onsite. This leads to the development of different mobile solutions that could integrate workflows, improve productivity and safety, and best of all, ensure the attributes in the field.

There are also innovative tools that focus on field productivity, and it provides numerous capabilities that allow real-time tracking of crew deployment, project staffing management, onsite productivity, and monitor worker level strictly.

One great example of this would be the active tools that are capable of tracking the working hours every time the members are onsite, and this was made possible because the data being analyzed with wearable GPS devices, construction signs, and the like that allows construction workers to input information regarding their activities, working hours, location, and many more.

Aside from that, there are also technologies that allow construction workers in the field, or anywhere else to have remote access to the central unit and be able to evaluate crucial project information in real time. This could lead to higher productivity, and it would also eliminate irrelevant data handling.

There are also various work applications that allow companies to pull off project staffing among workers.

With onsite execution, it also leads to an improvement in terms of safety. The solution includes various tools that allow real-time reporting and tracking of safety concerns and incidents through workers putting in data onto mobile devices, such as tablets, smartphones, and the like.

This promotes a faster response to issues, and it also provides better data for users.

Likewise, there are a lot of solutions that allow safety warnings and tips to be part of the whole workforce which are delivered through real-time alerts. Even quality assurance is affected positively.

Project managers can now check remote sites through photos take in the field and tagged with several information, such as geographic coordinates while workers in the field update and track everything in real time.

The function of GPS during projects is also promoted. This usually includes transportation and other aspects that are part of the on-site execution.

Through this, construction experts believe that there would be better quality-control systems through the combination of AI and new technologies with other tools like GPS and BIM.

2. Digitization of Almost Everything:

There’s a wide range of innovative solutions that are being developed to promote back office functions and if possible, use this to exploit useful project data. A lot of these tools focus on offering project managers, as well as the staff members real-time access to back-office data through the use of their mobile devices.

Some of the most critical components of back-office integration solutions include managing equipment, scheduling, materials, data planning, and so on.

With scheduling solutions, tasks can now be worked on, assigned, and delivered in real time. What does this imply? Everything could be provided in real time, wherein the workers would be able to save their valuable time.

There are also tools for materials that make it possible for necessary construction materials to be easily identified, located, and tracked across the whole supply chain through GPS tracking, or even with the use of mobile data input.

Furthermore, equipment management solutions also allow monitoring and management of the construction-equipment fleet.

3. Digital Collaboration Made Possible:

There are various parties involved with successfully working a construction project. Included in this are the engineers, project managers, and construction workers. It’s essential for them to communicate frequently to ensure that they’re on the same page.

With mobile solutions, it allows a more effective collaboration, and it also provides that the entire party would have the idea of what exactly is happening in the construction site.

Aside from that, there are also state-of-the-art management tools that managers can use to easily share information with other workers during the pre-construction and construction phases.

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EQMS Solution

Guide on Choosing the Right EQMS Solution

EQMS solution is an emerging enterprise software category that manages business processes and content for compliance and quality across the value chain system. You can view it as a high-quality management podium with an integrated data model and IT design that facilitates collaboration and cross-functional communication. While the general management systems and practices behind the management of quality have remained to be consistent for several decades, the methods and solutions used to ensure the production and delivery of high-quality products and processes across the value chain have changed considerably. With modern technological developments, there is a shift towards organizations implementing point quality solutions most of them quality-specific and home-grown modules in ERP systems to manage quality. With the market need, there has been the emergence of a new software category, EQMS (Enterprise Quality Management Software). How To Choose The Right EQMS Solution? Below are things to consider when choosing the right EQMS: Understand The Type Of EQMS Solution Providers You Need For Quality Management: Due to the increasingly globalizing and competitive economy, there’s the need for more integrated and better compliance, quality, and risk processes on the value chain system. The EQMS market has continued to mature together with these needs, and companies now have a variety of alternatives for achieving them. Thus one needs to know what is right for their organizations. If you highly focus on manufacturing or engineering, PLM-based or MOM-based EQMS may be the best option you have. If you are leveraging the use of contract manufacturers and suppliers, and wish to get visibility into upstream operations, ERP-based or PLM-based EQMS may still be the best way forward. If it’s engineering or manufacturing, it may make a lot of sense to choose a MOM-based or PLM-based EQMS. If it is a corporate quality control system, ERP-based or stand-alone EQMS may be the best option at your disposal. Find Out Where Your Focus Is, Either Compliance And Risk Or Driving Business Value And Product Quality: In case your organization is highly regulated, or you run asset-intensive industries you should aim at taking a positive approach to compliance and risk with EQMS functionalities. If business value and product quality are your motives for quality implementation, products like ETQ Reliance QMS software offer an extensive catalog of options to ease this practice. Identify Your Current Maturity Look Like And IT Footprint And Understand The Projects You Are Already Investing In: It is common for a company to make IT-related investments that promote its principal competency. If your company is in the middle of an ERP exploitation, ERP-based EQMS should get special consideration. If your company generates most of its value through its production effort and design, then you are likely to have a significant MOM or PLM footprint already in place. In this case, extending EQMS through these platforms will be the most cost-effective. If you are not pouring a high level of resources into the current system, then the value that stand-alone EQMS provides may be easily justifiable. The Budget And Speed Needed For Implementation: Knowing how much money you need and the specific time to solution value will play a significant role in your solution approach as the valuation time has a tight connection to the current IT investments. Most stand-alone EQMS providers have a leg up in this area, but there are some ERP, MOM, or PLM vendors today who are looking towards expanding quality capabilities and willing to remain flexible with new clients in the industry. Your Quality Vision: As you determine the best solution approach for your business, it is critical to think about your long-run quality vision. That is, don’t continue on this path and make an investment to fill a need. Instead, do your due carefulness and invest in a scalable IT solution that continues to deliver cross-functional value with time. Conclusion: Determining your solution approach is critical only if you find the correct vendors that could fill your needs bearing in mind the above considerations. Read Also: 6 Software Technologies That Will Dominate 2018 Riding The Wave Of Popularity: 7 Most Popular IT Buzzwords And What They Really Mean Featured Image: lnsresearch.com

train AI

World’s biggest chip will help train AI.

The tech world heard one of its biggest announcements, courtesy of Cerebral Systems. The Los Altos based tech manufacturer announced that created the world’s most powerful processor. In terms of comparisons, the Cerebras’s new processor is faster, stronger and bigger than anyone of its competitors, including Nvidia. Even though this was big news, the company did not stop there. Known for its hardware capabilities in Artificial Intelligence, it announced the creation of a specialized server for the chip, which would be solely directed at enabling, improving and building different AI capabilities and applications. The new chip from Cerebral has been titled as the ‘Wafer Scale Engine’. Just to give you a quick glimpse of its might and processing prowess, the company claims that in terms of mere comparisons, the WSE is nearly fifty-seven times mightier than Nvidia’s biggest offering. This means that the world has never seen a General Processing Unit (GPU) on the scale of the WSE. As the chip is expected to power strong AI-based applications, it boasts of 3000x on-chip memory capabilities. The new chip is expected to churn terabytes of data with ease. Its main application will be in cloud servers and large-scale SaaS businesses. Cerebral CEO, Andrew Feldman told Data Center Knowledge that the major applications of the new WSE chip will enable tech businesses to take their AI capabilities to the next level. The Founder of former chip company Sea Micro (Feldman sold the same to AMD for a record $334 Million in 2012) told the journal that this is the most revolutionary chip that has come out from any of the major manufacturers in recent times. Does size matter?  Semiconductor companies of the world have spent decades developing ever tinier chips. These can be combined to create super-powerful processors, thus why create a standalone AI mega-chip? According to Cerebral, the answer is that hooking lots of small chips together creates delays that slow down training of AI models causing a vast industry bottleneck. The company’s chip binds 400,000 cores or parts that operate processing which is tightly linked to one another to speed up data-crunching. It can also transfer data between memory and processing extremely fast. Fault tolerance:  But if this incredible chip is going to overcome the AI world, it will have to show that it can overcome some significant hurdles. One of these is in manufacturing. If contaminants sneak into a wafer being used to assemble lots of tiny chips, few of these may not be affected by impurity; but if there’s just one mega-chip on a cracker, the entire thing may have to be damaged severely. Cerebral alleges it’s found innovative ways to assure that contaminants won’t endanger a whole chip, but we don’t yet know if these will work in quantity production. Power play:  Another difficulty is energy performance. AI chips are spectacularly power-hungry, which has both economic and environmental assumptions. Shifting data between lots of tiny AI chips is a massive power suck, so Cerebras should have an asset here. If it can help solve this energy challenge, then the startup’s chip could determine that for AI, big silicon is pretty. Cerebral has done its homework when it comes to the WSE. Before making the announcement, the company has already started working with some companies with regard to the chip’s AI capabilities. CEO Feldman was proud of the fact that the next-gen chip would be particularly helpful in enabling researchers in several fields including those studying neural networks to make the most of this next-gen technology. In other words, the impact of this chip for the next levels of human advancements would be huge, to say the least. The principal analyst of Tritias Research, Kevin Krewell stated that these are interesting and exciting times for the industry. With Cerebral pushing the boundaries of what is possible in chip development and advancement. Several technologies and studies, which were limited and curtailed till now, would be able to power through with the help of WSE chips.www.wordcounttool.com Read Also: How Artificial Intelligence Is Helping Banking And Financial Institutions? New Technologies And Consumer Protection 6 Software Technologies That Will Dominate 2018

Comparing Mobile Phone Plans

Comparing Mobile Phone Plans: What to Consider Beyond Price

Imagine you're at a bustling café, engrossed in a captivating conversation with a friend. Suddenly, your phone's battery dwindles to a pitiful 3%. Panic sets in as you scramble to find a charger, realizing that your mobile phone plan does not offer sufficient data for the day. We've all experienced moments like these, where the limitations of our mobile phone plans become glaringly apparent. While price is undeniably an important factor, there are other crucial aspects to consider when looking for the best mobile phone plans. Let’s explore the key elements beyond price that deserve your attention. Best Mobile Phone Plans: What It Must Have There are multiple cell phone network types that customers can enjoy. They include 3G, 4G, and 5G. Even there are talks about the 6G network. Apart from this, you also have LAN and WAN services available. Different service providers offer them to the customers. The set of benefits along with the services is called the data plan.  Mobile internet services are undergoing a sea change they pay to consumers. The active players, the companies that offer competitive services to the customers, are in a rat race to offer the best services to the consumers. As a result, the customers get all the benefits in a competitive market.  This section discusses the must-have’s best mobile phone plan. Network Coverage And Reliability A mobile phone plan may seem like a bargain until you find yourself in a signal-dead zone. That’s why you’d first want to investigate the network coverage and reliability of different carriers in your area. Moreover, check coverage maps and seek feedback from friends and family to ensure you select a plan with a strong network presence. Data Allowance It’s always best to assess your data needs. Are you a heavy video streamer or an occasional email checker? Understanding your usage patterns will help determine the optimal data allowance for you. Aim for a plan that strikes a balance between affordability and providing sufficient data to meet your online activities. Call And Texting Features While we're immersed in the digital age, basic communication still matters. Evaluate the call and texting features offered by potential mobile phone plans. Consider factors such as: • International calling rates • Roaming charges • Availability of unlimited calls and texts Extras And Add-Ons Delve into the additional perks and features offered by different carriers. Some plans may include extras like streaming subscriptions, data rollovers, or access to exclusive content. These extras can enhance your mobile experience and add value to your plan. Customer Service And Support A mobile phone plan isn’t just about the technology; it's also about the service that comes with it. Research the reputation of different mobile carriers for their customer service and support. Look for providers like MATE, which are known for prompt responses, helpful representatives, and easy troubleshooting processes. Contract Flexibility Consider your flexibility preferences. Do you prefer the freedom of a month-to-month plan, or are you more comfortable with a longer-term contract? Understand the terms and conditions associated with different plans to ensure they align with your preferences and that there are no hidden charges. Advantages and Drawbacks of the Mobile phone plans Now that you have a good idea of the mobile phone plans, you must know the advantages as well as the disadvantages of them. It can help you have a comprehensive knowledge of mobile phone plans. Let us try to understand some of them here.  High Talktime The biggest benefit you can have with the mobile phone plans is the high talktime. It means you will get multiple benefits with the help of a decent price. Alongside the best of networks, you can also enjoy benefits in tariff whether it is messaging, calling, and others. This is why people are always trying for the best services.  Unlimited Internet Services  Among the high benefits that one receives from the best fo mobile phone service is unlimited Internet services. Internet services are evolving fast as they move from 5G to 6G. Hence, with better connectivity, you can reap the benefits of better services.  As a customer in competitive marketing, you need to take the highest benefits from them, like unlimited data packages.  You not only have the advantages but also the disadvantages of mobile phone plans. While you know one slide of the coin, it is better that you understand the other side of the coin well. Some of the disadvantages of the best deals are mobile phone plans. Extra Bills! Imagine your next phone bills arrived with a whopping $100 extra charged on them. It is because you might now know when you have crossed the limits of your plans! Such an increase will take a lot of work to manage. Unfortunately, it is the pain of the gain!  New Model High Expense  The new models will have higher expenditures. When you buy mobile phones with extra facilities and features, it is bound to increase your bills. With changing technology, you can enjoy a wider range of services. Consequently, you may have to be prepared for the higher prices. Hence, you can put it on the negative side. The Prices Will Only increase In The Days To Come  Every time you open the mobile data, you will have to pay the bills for it. This is the norm. The best mobile data plans will add on in terms of the existing services. Hence, you will have to be prepared to pay prices. The tariffs will not lower; that is constant.  Conclusion As you embark on the journey of selecting the perfect mobile phone plan, remember that price alone does not determine its suitability. Beyond cost, evaluate network coverage, data allowance, call and texting features, extras, customer service, and contract flexibility. It’s when you consider these factors holistically that you’ll be able to find a plan that meets your needs and enhances your mobile experience. You may be you’re eagerly sharing the latest memes. You may be streaming your favorite music or relying on your phone for work. Whatever you do, a mobile phone plan tailored to your requirements will keep you connected without limits. Hence, choose wisely and go with the best mobile phone plans that seamlessly integrate with your lifestyle. More Resources: How To Fix android.process.acore Has Stopped Error? How To Fix Com.Android.Phone Has Stopped Error In Your Phone? How To Download Game Of Thrones Putlocker Online For Free?