Timber! 8 Facts About Log Cabin Construction You Should Know

Published on: 27 February 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
log cabin construction

Thought log cabins were a thing of the past? Think again.

Today, log cabin construction has become a chic, upscale way to build a modern home with a unique look. In fact, some people have even built high-rise buildings that pull design elements from cabin construction.

Log cabins have a solid place in modern architecture. They meld old-fashioned traditions that endure for a reason with popular modern elements like environmentally-friendly designs. Wondering what else you don’t know about log cabins? Keep reading to learn more fascinating cabin facts!

1. You Can Calculate Exactly How Many Logs You’ll Need

How many logs does it take to build a log cabin? Turns out it’s all a matter of simple math.

For example, by determining the height of each wall, then the height of each individual log, you can calculate how many logs you’ll use per wall. From there, it’s simple to add up the number of walls in a room to get the total.

Of course, other design aspects like the addition of doors or window can make things more complicated. When there’s an opening in the wall, it will get flanked by shorter logs, which can increase the total number of logs used. If the roof is built of logs, that will also change the numbers.

While you’ll want to leave it to the professionals when it comes to deciding how many logs to order, it can still be fun to try your hand at calculating the number of logs in a cabin.

2. You Can Build from a Kit:

Did you know that you can order a log cabin kit for a major DIY moment?

With a log cabin kit, you don’t have to be a pro to have a rustic cabin of your own. Most companies also offer plenty of customer service support, so you’ll know where to turn if you run into problems along the way.

It also doesn’t take a lot of extra tools to work from a kit. Most people can get the job done with just a few basics (think drills and hammers).

Since this is a more rustic form of the building, it appeals to many environmentally-savvy consumers. You’re not bringing in heavy machinery to pollute the area and disrupt local wildlife.

3. Log Homes Stay Warm:

Having trouble keeping warm in the winter? A log cabin just might hold the answer.

Wood naturally keeps heat in — that’s why wood furniture tends to feel relatively warm, even if the rest of the room is cold. Many modern building materials, from concrete to sheetrock, get cold fast. This lowers the overall temperature of your home fast.

With walls made of solid wood, your home actually soaks up and stores heat, dispersing it into the home over time. This helps your home stay warmer, while you save on heating costs.

4. Moisture Matters:

When you’re building a log home, one of the keys to success is keeping your logs completely dry.

You can actually choose to buy logs with different levels of moisture content. The lower the moisture, the better, because you won’t have to worry about what happens when the logs shrink and settle over time.

You’ll also need to take care to keep your home as dry as possible after it’s complete. This can mean installing different design elements (read more here) to keep water away from the walls.

Sturdy log cabins often include an overhanging roof or protective landscaping elements. You’ll also need to take care to keep other sources of water, like an automated sprinkler, away from the log walls.

5. Log Homes Last a Long Time:

There’s a reason many historic log cabins from 100 or more years ago remain to this day. This is one of the most durable ways to build a home that will remain sturdy for years to come.

Although American architecture doesn’t date back so far, you can find homes and churches made of logs in Europe that have stood strong for many hundreds of years. This natural building material offers the perfect balance of strength and flexibility to withstand all kinds of threats.

6. Log Cabins Work Best in Shade:

In addition to keeping your cabin away from moisture, you’ll want to build it so it’s shaded from the sun as much as possible.

Sun won’t destroy a log home, but it will mean you’ll need to re-finish the logs more often to make them last. If you can build in a shady area that’s guarded against moisture, your log cabin will require virtually no maintenance at all.

7. Log Homes Save Energy:

In log cabin construction, it’s super-important that you seal up the spaces between the logs carefully. But as long as that’s done properly, you’ll have an incredibly energy-efficient home to enjoy.

Spaces, where energy can escape, include the connection between individual logs, the space between the foundation and the lower logs, and space between the walls and roof. But when those spaces get sealed, your home will be significantly more energy-efficient than most.

The solid wood walls offer great insulation, so keeping your home warm or cool becomes far easier than with other materials.

8. Air-Dried Logs Work Best:

Drier is generally better no matter what, but if you have a choice between air-dried and kiln-dried, opt for the first choice.

Logs that get air-dried for the proper amount of time have already adjusted to the outdoor environment where they’ll be placed. This reduces settling even more because the moisture content of an air-dried log isn’t likely to change much further.

Kiln-dried logs tend to absorb more moisture when they first get placed outside. Then, as they lose that moisture over time, they’ll settle, creating a need for more home maintenance.

Will You Try Log Cabin Construction at Home?

Whether you build it yourself or hire the professionals, log cabin construction can give you a durable, unique, cozy home that you’ll love. These tips will help you plan ahead for the best possible cabin construction.

Once you build a log cabin, it’s time to decorate the inside! For a rustic look that matches perfectly, try these cork board ideas.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Water Heater

Advantages Of Using A Water Heater At Home

Your home will never be complete without water fixtures. Your household will need a clean source of water to drink, wash their clothes with and basically, just function as an individual every single day. Undeniably, water is a valuable resource regardless of the activities you and your family take on every day. This is the reason why most homeowners decide to install a water heater at home. For them, despite paying for water heater repair Dallas once in a while, the benefits a household can experience from using a water heater certainly outweigh the disadvantages. But as a homeowner yourself, should you take on the same path, as well? Installing a water heater at home is an investment. This water fixture doesn’t come with a cheap price tag and buying one might require you to break the bank. To help you come up with a sound decision whether to purchase a water heater or not, consider the following benefits: 1. A water heater can help reduce energy costs: This might come as a surprise, but yes, a water heater can actually help reduce your energy costs at home. There are a lot of water heaters available in the market today, and some of these are very high efficiency which means that these water heaters usually use 50% less energy compared to older models. The newer the water heater model is, the more advanced its functions are. If your budget allows it, make sure that you buy a highly efficient water heater as this can become an excellent investment in the long run. It might require a large amount of money upfront but since you’ll be paying for lesser energy costs, you’ll be saving money over time. 2. A water heater doesn’t really need too much maintenance: Contrary to popular belief, water heaters at homes don’t require too much maintenance. Sure, a regular check-up should be in place, but if the water heater is used correctly, there’s no need to worry about paying for regular maintenance costs. And as mentioned, since newer models of water heaters are popping out, you buy a water heater which can work correctly even without maintenance. 3. A water heater can help lessen water wastage at your home: Unlike traditional water heaters, newer models of water heaters don’t need to store gallons of water just to function. Today, a tankless high-efficiency water heater can be bought anywhere – and with the amount of water it uses every time you switch this one, it’s probably a good thing to have one installed right away. A tankless water heater only “heats” water the moment someone is using your water fixtures at home. Traditional water heaters, on the other hand, heats up stored water even when not in use. As a result, your house will heat up more than the needed amount of water which can also translate to higher energy bills. This is one of the most obvious reasons why a tankless water heater remains to be the favorite among many homeowners. 4. A water heater can be very convenient: Gone are the days when water heaters take up the entire space in your basement. Today, there are now water heaters which are small and compact and yet, very powerful. You can even install a water heater on your own. The manufacturer will usually set up the water heater with the regulated temperature, and once this is installed, you’re ready to use it the right way. 5. A water heater can be very durable: Everything in your home should be an investment. You shouldn’t buy anything which will only last for a couple of weeks or months because aside from wasting money, low-quality products can also bring unwanted stress to you and your family. Fortunately, buying a high efficient water heater can help you steer away from this situation. Because newer water heaters are equipped with the latest technologies, you can guarantee that manufacturers have created this product with the best quality possible. Usually, a high-efficiency water heater can last up to 25 years. Think Long-Term: When you’re a homeowner, it’s typical to become very cautious with your expenses. Being a homeowner isn’t a one-time investment, it’s actually a long-term commitment. You’ll still have to think about the bills and maintenance costs, just to name a few. But with the number of advantages you can experience from a water heater at home, it’s safe to assume that buying one is a smart move. As long as you know how to take care of a water a heater at home, you’ll surely get your money’s worth! Read Also: Upgrading Your Home To A Smart Home How Cleaning Helps Us Feel Better And Why We Don’t Do It Featured Image: readerslogic.com  

Interior Design

6 Interior Design Tips to Make Your House a Home

Decorations don’t necessarily make your house a home. However, certain interior design tips can help make your space cozier. When your home feels lived-in, it feels more like you belong there! Here are just a few tips for making your house feel more like home. 1. Lighting is Everything Comfortable lighting is one of the most important elements of interior design, and it’s one of the quickest ways to make your new home feel like home. Try indirect lighting for a gentle glow. If you’re going to be doing more than watching movies in your living room, consider task lighting. Make sure you can see to read or craft if you plan to spend a lot of time doing those things in your living space. Where there isn’t natural light, provide warm light with different types of lamps, different lampshades, and more. Mix it up with recessed lighting, chandeliers, and other different fixtures to bring out the coziness of your home. 2. Dress it Up with Art Bare walls can make your home feel empty and soulless. Even beautifully painted walls need to be decorated, and art is a great way to make your home feel closer and more lived-in. Choose art that you already know and love, but choose a frame that works best with your current design ideas. Make sure to hang the art correctly and display it where it fits best. Using art can be a great way to tie a room together! If you can’t find art that you like enough for a certain room, trying substituting a classy mirror instead! 3. Family Photos are Key All of those family photos need a place, so why not put them where you can see them? Nothing makes you feel more at home than your family and friends. You can display your photos in frames on the wall or your surfaces. You can also get canvas prints made of your favorite family photos and hang them up for all to see! Your house starts to feel like home once it’s full. Even if you don’t live with your family, being able to see their faces and recall great memories with them can help you feel more at ease. 4. Personal Space If you don’t live alone, chances are you share all of your spaces with at least one other person. However, choosing to set aside a room or corner of a room just for you is important. Make sure that you have your personal space with your favorite things, including books, personal decorations, gifts from friends, and your favorite blanket. Make a cozy space just for you! It can help your home feel more welcoming. 5. Your Style Rules One of the greatest things about your home is that you can decorate it however you want. The urge to make your room look like a showroom or a picture from a magazine is tempting, but adding your style can be incredibly worthwhile. Use the colorful pillows that you like, you can easily buy this product online and hang those custom pieces you’ve found throughout your life where you can see them, and choose wall colors that compliment your uniqueness. The only way to make your home feel completely yours is to put yourself into it wherever you can. Use your style to create a space you’ll enjoy living in. 6. Plants Add Life Finally, plants can make all the difference. Use small succulents or other plants on your shelves and surfaces to add color and life. Large plants go great in corners while hanging plants can be placed near windows to liven up your living room. Wherever you choose to place them, make sure you care for your plants properly to keep them alive as long as possible. If you don’t want to care for living plants, there are also synthetic options that add a great look without needing any care at all! Conclusion Even a well-decorated house can feel comfortable. Make sure that you dress up your existing style with things that make you feel as if space is uniquely yours. If you don’t love spending time there, it just isn’t worth it! If you need to make your house a home in the Atlanta area, call on the expertise of interior designers in Atlanta, GA. Read Also: Modern Home design ideas for crowded families How to Make Your Home Look Like You Hired An Interior Designer Outstanding Design Advice If Your Home Is Really Small How to Make your Home Look Beautiful in the Upcoming Holidays Top 5 Interior Designers from Singapore


5 Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Have Houseplants In Your Life

You won’t find more comfort and beauty in your home or office than when having foliage and lush flowers in your vases. Houseplants can do well in all spaces, either in the kitchens, bathrooms, or bedrooms. It isn’t hard to manage houseplants, but you only have to provide them with enough water and light in your room. Plants are aesthetically amazing and pleasing in your home because they have many real-life health benefits. According to research, indoor plants bring happiness and keep you healthier in your home. Before going any further, you should download the Lilia app on your device. This app is the best app for plant innovative intelligence. The Lilia app can identify every plant type by simply scanning. This plant identifier app can also give you more suggestions and information about the plant. The plant app gives you the best ideas to simplify your database on the best plants you would like. This app for iPhone is compatible and works well with apple devices. Plant your favorite houseplants and download the Lilia app to help you in monitoring their nature. If you love green nature, you can simply install Plant Identification app on your device, which will work for you well.  This is one of the must-have apps for you to understand nature well. It is absolutely free to use this app, therefore, you won’t incur any charges. Here Are Seven Important Reasons Why You Absolutely Must Have Houseplants In Your Life Below are the reasons why you must have houseplants in your life. 1. Working Near Plants May Help Your Productivity How are indoor plants useful to us? According to experts, green plants in the office results in higher job satisfaction and better productivity. On the other hand, another study in the past had the same findings. Therefore, there will be fewer sick leaves and high productivity. This proves that including indoor plants in our workplaces is much beneficial. 2. Working With Plants Can Be Therapeutic Indoor plants can be greatly helpful to those people who are experiencing mental illness. Experts have tried using horticultural therapy to boost positive feelings for those people with anxiety, depression, dementia, and other related conditions. Although horticultural therapy has been there for a long time, doctors are now recommending potted plants to patients experiencing anxiety and depression symptoms. 3. They Bring Color And Vibrance To Our Worlds How do plants impact my life? An empty environment can be very boring, but the presence of colored flowers can improve your mood. Houseplants with cheery flowers are known to boost positive moods because individuals' minds take plant life as a comforting and motivating realm of nature. Experts did research and found out that the color green makes the body calm and gives it a sense of comfort and positivity. On the other hand, yellow and red create an added dose of happiness. 4. Plants Improve Our Environment Knowing more about how plants elevate our mood and improve our feelings, we know they are also important in keeping our environment tidy. Houseplants can make your living space more beautiful to live in, they can also boost other factors we can't see, like the quality of air in our living rooms. Houseplants can boost the quality of air in our houses in many ways. Plants release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide through the process of photosynthesis. This is possible through evapotranspiration and transpiration, which results in a higher humidity by plants releasing moisture vapor. 5. Real Plants May Sharpen Your Attention Have you ever known that plastics won't help you pass exams? But have you ever asked yourself, ‘how are indoor plants useful to us?’ A study involving 23 individuals was carried out. Participants were classified; others were put in classrooms with a fake plant, others in a real plant, and others in a room with no plant. A brain scan was done on all students, and results show that students who studied in classrooms with real houseplants were better able to concentrate and were more attentive in class than the other groups of students. 6. Indoor Plants May Help Reduce Stress Levels According to research done and published in the Psychological Journal of anthropology, plants in your surroundings make you feel soothed, natural, and more comfortable, relieving stress levels. Each individual in the research was given a computer task. After completing each task, each individual was examined, and stress, including blood pressure and heartache, was measured. The final result shows that individuals in a room with plants were more relieved from stress. 7. Plants Improve General Work Outlook Working beside the city park increases the job satisfaction of every individual; you could also be surprised that a potted plant could have the same effect. Experts approached 440 individuals who are employees at Amazon. in two countries. Even though the research was done in different locations at different times, the results show that employees who had indoor plants in their offices were more committed to work and had more job satisfaction than others who worked without natural elements in their surroundings.   Have you been wondering how plants make your life better? With all these benefits, this is your time to motivate yourself and plant houseplants in your living rooms. For better recommendations on handling plants, visit the experts in plant stores or shops so you can know what plants are more suitable for your home. We hope that all the information we have mentioned in the article was helpful. Read Also: What Are Trailing Plants? – What Are The Types Of Trailing Plants? Top Useful Tips On How To Make Your Home Allergy-Free 10 Best Spiky Plants To Decorate Outside Your House