Oracle & The Cloud: A Dream Team

Published on: 22 July 2019 Last Updated on: 10 September 2024

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing provides on-demand availability of data storage, computing power, and other system resources that are not located on the user’s computer. There are many benefits to offloading these previously local resources and tasks. Customers of cloud computing move the responsibility for managing applications, storage, and computing power offsite to providers like Oracle, Microsoft, and Amazon.

The cloud offers organizations and companies of any size, access to powerful data centers without the overhead. Customers now have cost-efficient ways to access the latest technology, application software, and unlimited storage without a dedicated data center or large IT department. Click here to find an Oracle consultant.

Types of Cloud Computing:

Cloud Computing

Based on the organizations business requirements, companies can choose from three broad types of cloud services: public, private, and hybrid. The difference between them is primarily the amount of management time required by the customer and the level of security provided.

Public Cloud:

Public clouds are owned and operated by cloud service providers that deliver their services over the internet. Customers are free from maintaining their own computers reducing or even eliminating their existing IT department.

Private Cloud:

A private cloud is exclusive to a single business or organization. It can be physically located at the company or the cloud provider’s data center. Private clouds are maintained on private networks and provide the highest level of security and control.

Hybrid Cloud:

By combining public and private clouds, data and applications can move between the two providing greater flexibility, security, and more options to optimize the company’s existing infrastructure. The decision to use a hybrid cloud rather than a public or private cloud comes down to the services needed by the organization.

Cloud Services:

There are four broad categories of cloud services available: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS), and serverless. Companies need to decide on the services they require and how much time they have to manage those services. Generally, the more an organization offloads to the cloud service provider, the less they have to manage themselves.

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)With Oracle:

Infrastructure as a Service is the most basic type of cloud computing. It is an on-demand, pay-as-you-go model that provides compute, storage, and network capacity in the cloud. Subscribers are responsible for installing and maintaining any software on the cloud such as databases and application software.

Platform as a service (PaaS):

Platform as a Service provides an on-demand environment for developing, testing, and delivering, mobile and web applications without investing in or maintaining the underlying servers. The customer accesses the services via a web browser.

Software as a service (SaaS):


Software as a Service allows software applications to be delivered over the Internet, on-demand and typically on a subscription basis. The cloud service provider handles software updates and security patching, reducing in-house IT resources.

Cloud Computing Service Providers:

With the growing adoption of cloud-based services and technology, comes an ever-expanding field of players including Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. Oracle offers a complete suite of integrated business applications for Sales, Service, Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, and Human Resources, along with their cloud-based services.

Microsoft and Oracle recently announced a partnership designed to give customers the best of what both companies have to offer. Oracle is the leading database and enterprise applications vendor in the world and Microsoft Azure is the second-largest cloud vendor in the world. Customers can migrate their entire existing suite of applications to either or both cloud providers as needed without having to re-architect anything.

The cloud brings many advantages to organizations, allowing businesses to outsource expensive hosting, security, and storage costs. The growing need for companies to take advantage of the latest technology without the expense of a dedicated data center or even an IT department is a game-changer.

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which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?

Benefits of Server–To–Server App Conversion Tracking

Which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK? Is this the answer that you are searching for? If yes, then you have reached the right place… Question: Which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?Options:(a) Server-to-server connections are easier to set up than code-less conversion tracking(b) Adding multiple SDKs for various advertising or analytics platforms have no impact on app code file-size(c) If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app(d) Adding SDK and conversion tracking changes to your app doesn’t require review by the Google Play StoreAnswer: (c) If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app If your answer is option (c) If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app, then you are absolutely correct! But now is the time for you to understand the reason behind this being the answer. Keep reading this article till the end to learn more… What Are SDK Files? But before talking about "which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?" it is important for you to know a little about the SDK files. So what are they? The full form of SDK is Software Development Kit. It is a set of tools that are needed to help the software developers make or create the application for a particular platform. They are generally made and provided by the manufacturer of the hardware platform or a programming language. There are a number of things that are included in an SDK file. According to Red Hat, "a basic SDK will include a compiler, debugger, and an application programming interfaces (APIs)." However, these are not the only things that are included in the SDK files. They can also include things like drivers, libraries, documentation, and testing/analysis tools. And network protocols. Some of the best examples of SDK files are: Java Development Kit (JDK) iPhone SDK MacOs X SDK Windows 7 SDK Cloud SDK So, What Is S2S? Well, if you are planning to choose a server-to-server app conversion tracking over the SDK file, it is important to learn a bit about S2S as well, isn't it? A server-to-server or S2S tracking is a method in which the data is shared from one server to another. The major benefit of this is the fact that there is no need for cookies on the website at the time when a visitor enters the website. So, if the software does not take cookies, how do they get the data, and how can they track it? Well, I have the answer for you! The S2S tracking works in a simple way. It works by generating and storing the unique identification. This UID can be anything in the form of the clicks made by the user or even by the impression on the ads. This is how the data is collected. When the same user visits the website again and takes part in such an action that will be tracked, the UID matches, and that is how tracking is done! Pretty simple and efficient, isn't it? Now let me explain the answer that you were searching for! Read More: How Does Google Ads Generate Responsive Search Ads? Explanation Of "Which Is A Benefit Of Using Server–To–Server App Conversion Tracking Over An SDK?" Now that you know what an SDK file is, it is important for you to understand the explanation behind the question, "which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?" So here I go! The server-to-server or an S2S app conversion tracking helps the customers to send the details or credentials that they want to, to the website. These details or data are required for tracking the AdWords app user conversion. In this method, the AdWords app sends the tracking details from their server to the Google server during the event of conversion. On the other hand, the SDK files are not easy to implement or operate. When they are incorporated into an app, most of the time, you are supposed to add a piece of code. Furthermore, the tracking is also not controlled by the users. This also adds to the worries as they are not the ones to decide whether the process of data tracking is safe or not. Additionally, the most important benefit that you might have in choosing server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK is the fact that S2S is a much easier way of implementation. You will not be able to face any errors or bugs. The SDK, as I have already mentioned, has many complex technicalities. Thus, if the file is not implemented properly, you will have to go through the annoying experiences of bugs in the app. Wrapping It Up! SDK Files are the ones that are kind of a binary file type that some of the software use. They are the software development kit with which a lot of the software is embedded. However, if you are considering choosing server-to-serve app conversion tracking over an SDK file, then there is one major benefit. And that is the fact that it is much easier to implement. But, of course, if there is an error while implementing the SDK file and the tracking code, there could be bugs. In case you were searching for the answer to "which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?" I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, feel free to write them down in the comment box below at the bottom of the page. Read Also: Which Kinds Of Hits Does Google Analytics Track? When Does The Tracking Code Send An Event Hit To Google Analytics? 7 Ways A Software Development Company Can Help Mitigate Technology Risks In Business

Challenges And Solutions In Managed Database Administration

Challenges And Solutions In Managed Database Administration

"Managed Database Administration" is a solution for both small and large businesses. A managed DBMS service can help you reduce your IT costs, improve performance and security, and grow your business with confidence. The challenge is that there are so many factors to consider when choosing a managed DBMS provider. In this article, we'll cover the challenges of managing databases yourself vs outsourcing them to an external provider. We'll also discuss how outsourcing can help you focus on what matters most: building your business! Navigating The Data Migration Maze Data migration is a critical step in the database lifecycle. It can be a complex process, requiring careful planning and execution. The challenges of data migration are well-known, but solutions are available for those who understand how to navigate them. The first challenge is ensuring data security during migration: if you do not properly secure your data, it might be exposed or compromised during this process. The second challenge is managing performance while migrating large amounts of information; while ensuring that you don't exceed your budget by overspending on hardware/software upgrades (which could lead to other problems). These two challenges are related; if you're not careful with how much money you spend on hardware upgrades during a migration project - and subsequently find yourself unable to complete a said project because there isn't enough capacity left after all those purchases - you'll end up wasting time and money trying again later down the road when things have cooled off enough so that everyone involved has had ample opportunity think again." Ensuring Data Security In A Managed Environment The most important thing to remember when considering data security in a managed environment is that the service provider takes responsibility for all aspects of security. This means that you can focus on your core business, knowing that your data will be protected from threats both physical and logical. There are several aspects of security to consider: Physical and Logical Security - Ensuring that only authorized users have access to the database server(s) where your information resides; ensuring that they do not inadvertently or intentionally expose sensitive information; monitoring activity logs so that any unauthorized activity can be traced back to its source. Encryption and Key Management - Protecting data at rest (when it's stored) through encryption techniques such as AES-256 bit key lengths or higher, which are considered unbreakable by today's standards; protecting data in motion through SSL encryption technology such as Transport Layer Security (TLS). User Authentication/Authorization/Entitlement - Making sure only those who need access do so (and no one else) while giving them only those privileges needed for doing their jobs effectively without giving them more than necessary permissions which could lead them down paths they shouldn't go down due solely out of curiosity." Balancing Performance And Cost Efficiency You can achieve both performance and cost efficiency by using the right tools and techniques. For example, you may want to consider a managed database service that offers automatic scaling for your databases. This means that if you have thousands of users accessing a single database, it will automatically scale up when needed (and then scale down again when not needed). This will save money on hardware costs while ensuring optimal performance for users. You should also consider outsourcing your cloud infrastructure management services so that someone else takes care of all the technical details involved with running your applications from setting up servers to keeping them secure from hackers or other threats. This way, you don't have to worry about managing these things yourself! However much research goes into finding the right tools and techniques for achieving both performance and cost efficiency in managed database administration today and tomorrow! - there's always room for improvement! Choosing The Right Database Management System Choosing the right database management system can seem like a daunting task. To ensure that your company's data is secure, secure, and available at all times, you need to balance performance with cost efficiency. Let's take a look at some of the factors that affect database performance and how you can choose a database management system that strikes this balance for your organization. Database Management Systems (DBMSs) are software applications used by organizations to store, retrieve, and manipulate information in their databases. They also provide interfaces for users who want access to their data via software programs or web browsers on their computers or mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. DBMSs include features such as security controls that protect sensitive data from unauthorized users; backup/recovery tools so administrators can recover lost information if necessary; replication capabilities that allow multiple copies of databases located across multiple servers within an organization so users won't experience downtime if one server goes down due to hardware failure or other issues; etcetera ad infinitum - you get the idea! The purpose behind using DBMSs is simple: they offer many benefits over non-managed approaches including reduced costs since companies no longer have internal IT staff dedicated solely towards managing these functions themselves." The Human Element: Skilling Your Team For Managed Database Success When it comes to hiring database administration managed services, you want to make sure that your team members have the right skills for the job. You also need to make sure that they have the right attitude and willingness to learn. To do this, you can offer training and certification programs for employees who are new to or unfamiliar with managed database administration. You also need to make sure that they have the right attitude and a willingness to learn. To do this, you can provide training and certification programs for staff members who are new or unfamiliar with managed database administration. You'll also want to make sure you're offering the best tools possible for managing your databases. These could include things like an intelligent dashboard system that monitors availability and performance across all databases (and even across multiple cloud providers), automated backups for disaster recovery purposes, and data governance tools for compliance purposes. Finally: if you want your MDA program to succeed long-term then providing an environment where everyone feels supported (whether they are junior or senior) is key! Conclusion There are many challenges in managing a database, but the solutions are often simple. The most important thing to remember is that you don't have to go it alone. Your DBA should be able to provide you with expert advice on how best to manage your database so that it runs smoothly and efficiently without any downtime or loss of data. Read Also: Best Data Recovery Software To Recover Deleted Files From Mac Process Mining and Data Privacy – Key Points to Remember Unlocking The Power Of Virtual Data Rooms: How Real Estate Businesses Can Benefit

Bitdefender Antivirus

Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac Review

When it comes to protection, you can choose very few select products for your Mac device. The reason is that there are only a few antivirus companies that have the configuration and programming best suited for protecting Mac computers. However, all companies will claim to provide all-around protection to your Mac notebook. The main question is how you can actually tell which one to trust. Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac is one of the best and most reliable antivirus programs that you can find. According to Andrea Marx who is CEO of AV-TEST, Bitdefender scores 100% in the arena of antimalware protection on all the Mac devices. Perfect protection for your Mac : Bitdefender promises to provide you with the best experience regarding both cybersecurity technology and affordability. It claims to give you the fully-fledged freedom to use Mac devices at their best. The latest update of Mac assures you against all the threats that are both common and rare to the Mac device. Bitdefender, with its multiple layers of protection, will prolong the longevity of your device. It is equipped with multilayer protection against all types of ransomware. Added to that, Bitdefender will provide you with a shield against any and all online threats. Using Bitdefender will drastically improve all of your online experiences. Often you have been plagued by advertisements that suddenly pop up while you are watching a video or playing some online games. Installing Bitdefender will prevent those advertisements to pop up and it will block them. It will grant you seamless viewing experience.  It will also ensure that the performance and speed of your Mac improve drastically.  But the best part is that Bitdefender is one of the few antiviruses that incorporate the goodness of cloud-based technology. Bitdefender will provide you with a constant guard against all the malicious attacks by cloud-based technology 24/7.  Like much other mainstream antivirus software, Bitdefender offers a thirty-day free trial for all their products. Features Of Bitdefender Antivirus : Take a look at the specifications and functionalities that Bitdefender offers you: Bitdefender Shield: A specialty of Bitdefender is the Shield protection that is provided with it. From smaller threats to complex threats, Bitdefender will handle all the nitty-gritty of your security needs. The software is equipped with unique proprietary technologies that will automatically detect and eliminate all kinds of threats.  All you need to do is to turn on the Bitdefender Shield and sit back. Time Machine Protection: One of the specialized features of Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac is Time Machine Protection. The feature that will automatically back up all your files saved in your Macbook and will provide protection from all types of ransomware attacks. This will also be extremely useful against ransomware that tries to encrypt and destroy all your personal and confidential data. Safe Files: TheSafe Files feature is a feature that will allow you to save all your files in a special folder. Keeping in this folder will ensure that your data will be protected from any kind of unauthorized changes. All you need to do is to add all the folders into its watch list. The applications that you will trust will only be allowed to access all these files that have been added to the watch list of the Safe Files feature. Blocking and removal of ads: No one likes spontaneous advertisements flying up in their programs. Even Macs can get nosy adware contaminations that redirect your browser and drive you up the wall. Bitdefender identifies and eliminates adware, noxious criminal projects, annoying toolbars, and other irritating program additional items so that you can make the most of your Mac. Super-Fast Scanning: Ironclad insurance is an extraordinary thing, yet it's far superior when it accompanies unrivaled speed and execution. Bitdefender consolidates exactness and speed, so you get ultra-quick outputs and the best identification rate in the business.  Autopilot Feature: The new Autopilot has been designed as a Security Advisor and its purpose is to give you a more streamlined experience with your security. Its shrewd abilities imply that it can carry out security activities without hogging resources or bothering you with endless requests and notifications. Cloud-based security: The continual updates ensure that all your system remains protected by Bitdefender at the highest level of protection. However, viruses and ransomware get updated continuously too. In fact, the updates are designed only after the newer threats emerge. The latest threat that has emerged is in the form of cloud computing attacks. Bitdefender Cloud-based security advances to distinguish and take out e-dangers, wherever they may originate from, to give you continuous overall insurance. As the hard work is done in the Cloud, there's no delay in your Mac's performance, and your own data remains secure on your PC.  Anti-Phishing features: With the rise of online transactions and more and more reliability on online banking, the threats to the online bank data and piracy are on the rise. Online scams are an especially dangerous thing that can liquidate all your life's savings within seconds. The anti-phishing technology from Bitdefender will help you to keep your device and personal banking information safe and secure from all the phishing attacks. It will automatically detect and block all the websites that mask as trustworthy banking sites. It will adeptly protect all your data like credit card details, passwords, net banking information, customer id, etc. Final Verdict : Seeing all the advanced features, the verdict is to go for this antivirus without any second thoughts. Tried and tested by all the experts all around the world, Bitdefender is the best antivirus that will serve the protection of your Mac device very well. All you need to do is to install and subscribe via the available online subscription. There is very little difference between the home use antivirus and commercial use antivirus. So go for it! Read Also :  7 Essential Apps For Your Mac In 2018 Top 10 Computer Security Mistakes