Please Pass the Cheese! 7 Awesome Benefits of Cheese

Published on: 24 December 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
benefits of cheese

It may or may not surprise you that each American eats an average of 35 pounds of cheese a year. There are lots of ways to eat cheese – with crackers, on sandwiches, deep fried, in salads- so this really isn’t too high a statistic considering all the things you can do with this tasty food.

If you’re one of the many people who loves cheese, you might be a little worried that it will hurt your health one day. Well, the good news is that you’re probably worried for nothing – it might even have the opposite effect!

Here are seven awesome benefits of cheese that you probably didn’t know about.

1. Good For Skin And Hair:

Skin And Hair

One thing that cheese is really good for is helping to keep your skin and hair healthy. Cheese is great for the skin because it contains lots of Vitamin B, which helps your skin stay healthy and glowing. It helps get rid of acne and other skin problems by helping the healthy skin cells grow.

Cheese also has protein in it. When we think of protein, we tend to think of beef or pork, but cheese is actually more healthy than these things and gives you a slimmer, healthier alternative. Cheese has calcium, too, which is great for keeping your hair healthy and shining.

2. Helps Bones and Teeth:


Cheese is also helpful in maintaining healthy bones and teeth. If you eat only one ounce of Parmesan cheese, you get 336 milligrams of calcium, which becomes even more the more cheese you eat. Other types of cheese come close, too.

This is good for your bones because normal healthy men need 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day to keep their bones in shape. So, eating just three ounces of cheese will fill all your needs for the day!

Along with phosphorous, another chemical found in cheese, calcium helps to prevent the enamel on your teeth from wearing down. In the end, this means fewer cavities and money spent on dentist visits for you.

3. Helps Maintain Healthy Weight:

Healthy Weight

People tend to hate the idea of gaining weight, but the truth is that everyone needs to have fat in their bodies to survive. Well, cheese can help you to maintain a healthy weight and have the healthy fats that you need for temperature regulation and a good immune system.

Some people are even looking to gain weight, and cheese is a good way to do it in a healthy way. It has a good amount of fat and protein, which can help to strengthen your muscles.

4. Lowers Risk Of Heart Problems:

Heart disease, the biggest killer in the US, is a terrifying idea for anyone. The good news is that eating cheese can lower your risk of getting it and maybe extend your life.

A study from 2017 actually showed that people who eat a little cheese each day have a 14% lower chance of developing heart disease. It might be a worthwhile investment!

On a related note, eating cheese also helps to lower your risk of having a heart attack. Maybe deep-fried cheeses like mozzarella sticks aren’t the way to go, but cheese and crackers? Eat a little bit of those every day – you just might be saving your own life!

5. Benefits of Cheese Against Cancer:

While we’re on the topic of saving your life, eating cheese also lowers your risk of developing certain cancers later in life. Cheese is rich in the antioxidants that fight cancer cells in your body. This means that they won’t fester and hurt the healthy cells that your body needs.

Right now, there are more studies that are supporting the idea that eating cheese has an effect on the development and prevention of colon cancer. Who knew that something so delicious also might just help you have a longer, healthier life?

6. Lots Of Variety:

Another super cool thing about cheese is that there is a lot of variety when it comes to picking a kind you like. Like something flavorful and sophisticated? You might like an aged Gouda or cheddar. Something to spread on crackers or dip bread in? Brie or Gorgonzola might be for you!

One of the absolute best things to look into when considering your cheeses is French cheese. Everyone knows that no country does “classy” quite like France, so why not take a stab at cheese from a country known for its high-end cuisine?

From strong to smooth, you’re sure to find a type of cheese that pairs well with other aspects of your diet.

7. Pairs Well With Fruit:

Though this isn’t strictly a health benefit of cheese in and of itself, cheese is really good because it pairs well with fruit. Fruit is healthy because different fruits contain lots of different vitamins. Vitamins A and C, to name a couple, are really common.

Lots of people need something rich to pair with the sweetness of fruit, and that’s where cheese comes in. It’s perfect to contrast flavors with the sweet, tangy fruits, which might lead to you wanting to eat more of them and get those great vitamins.

Cheese Is The Best!

From this intel, you’ve probably gathered that your phobia that cheese is bad for you is just that: an irrational fear. If you want all these great health benefits, cheese is actually food you should be seeking out!

Now that you know all about the wonders cheese can do for your health, you might want to check out this article about variants of everyone’s favorite cheesy dish – pizza!

Now count with me. Three, two, one… say cheese!

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Alkaline Foods

7 Surprising Benefits Of Alkaline Foods

When it comes to the workings of these wondrous human bodies of ours, we truly reap what we sow. What we choose to put into our bodies has a profound effect on how it chooses to support us and perform for us. Our modern convenience food diets are riddled with acidic and overly processed foods that are harmful to our health. Things that we may have grown up with---meats, dairy, and coffee---are robbing us of our strength and vitality at every meal. Dangers of acidic foods: Our bodies strive to maintain a delicate PH balance throughout the day; this eliminates the acidic ash that can take its toll on bones, tissues, and organs that might otherwise function to support us. A body that is placed in a chronic, highly acidic state is more prone to disease, weight gain, and even a shorter life span. An alkaline diet rich in fresh, whole, organic foods becomes the very lifeforce of the body as it rebalances the PH and gives the body a chance to heal and regenerate itself. While it may seem at first that making the switch from acidic foods to alkaline foods is going to saddle you with culinary limitations and all sorts of unpleasantness, the feeling you will experience when you give your body a chance to "sigh" will be worth any comfort foods that you will be giving up for this new lifestyle. Whether you have been recently diagnosed with a chronic illness, or you simply want to improve your quality of life you owe it to yourself to give alkaline foods a chance. Here are some ways they can benefit you and your marvelous body: 1. Alkaline foods eliminate fatigue issues: An excess buildup of acid in the body depletes its natural store of oxygen; as a result, the body feels fatigue and so do you. Cells don't function as they should, and every system is working harder than ever to dump toxins and breathe once more. Switching to snacks that are alkaline in nature will reduce acidic buildup and release life-giving oxygen back into your system once more. 2. Alkaline foods strengthen the immune system: An imbalance in your PH levels weakens your body's ability to fight off disease and infection. Bacteria and viruses thrive in an anaerobic, or low-oxygen environment. Increasing your intake of alkaline foods brings more oxygen back into the body, battling disease and viruses and strengthening all systems. 3. Alkaline foods reduce inflammation: An acidic body is an inflamed body; when you have a buildup of acid in your body, you are prone to the development of chronically acidic and diseased states such as heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer. Bringing alkaline rich foods into your diet will reduce your risk for the development of these diseases and bring inflammation under control. 4. Alkaline foods strengthen bones and tissues: As we age, our bodies naturally pull calcium and other minerals from bone material to balance our body's PH. As a result, we grow gradually weaker and more prone to illness and injury. Consuming alkaline foods puts much-needed calcium back into our bodies and restores our strength and vitality in natural and healthy ways. 5. Alkaline foods can prevent the occurrence of cancer: Cancer cells thrive in an anaerobic environment, and by bringing alkaline foods into your diet, you increase the healing properties of vitamins, minerals, and vital oxygen that makes it difficult for cancer cells to multiply and grow. When you give your body the natural tools that it needs, the wonderful self-healing mechanisms present in your makeup go to work on their own, bringing your body into a state of balance once more. 6. Alkaline foods can help you lose weight...and keep it off: Giving your body the vital nutrients it needs through nutritious, whole foods is always preferable to the Standard American Diet, or S.A.D., for short. When you replace high-calorie acidic items like pizza, chips, cookies, and soda with high-quality fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, the equation is so simple. You'll experience permanent and lasting weight loss and you'll feel great! 7. Alkaline foods improve your quality of life: There are the whole brain, whole body benefits to eating alkaline foods--they heal and repair body tissues at a cellular level, they help to flush out harmful toxins that might slow you down, and they provide the energy necessary to lead a healthy and active life well into your later years. Alkaline foods can improve how you look, how you feel, and what you experience as your body gives back to you based on the wonderful, life-giving foods that you feed it with. Is An Alkaline Diet Right For Me? No matter what diet you choose to follow, it has to be manageable and sustainable in order for it to work. If you are going to derail yourself two weeks after starting an alkaline diet with a cheeseburger and fries, then perhaps going all in isn't for you right now. Making small, deliberate changes to your diet and assessing how you feel will help you create healthy habits for long term success. Many people become overwhelmed at the thought of having to replace everything in their diets; finding some tried and true alkaline diet snacks that you can use for a quick and healthy pick me up in between meals is one way to begin establishing new habits that will move you toward better health. Examples of healthy alkaline snacks include: fresh veggie sticks and hummus celery sticks with almond butter avocados with fresh salsa green juices smoothies nuts, seeds, and berries lara bars chia pudding with fresh berries Once you see how tasty and filling these new foods can be, it will become easier and easier to incorporate healthy, life-giving foods into your diet. Are you ready? Get ready! You are about to embark on an exciting journey to delicious food and better health. You'll experience vibrant energy, improved mood, and you'll feel better than you have in years. Don't look at all the things that you "can't" have on your new journey, focus instead on how much better you'll look and feel with a few simple changes and a whole new positive outlook on your health. Best of luck to you on your alkaline journey! Read Also: You Can’t Out-Diet Your Training 9 Magical Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet Easy Diet Tips To Summer Six Pack Abs Foods To Eat On A Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet Choosing A Diet Based On Your Personality Type 11 Foods You Must Incorporate Into Your Diet For Great Skin Featured Image:

Solid Foods

How to Get Your Baby Started on Solid Foods

From the first time they smile to their first tooth, everything that happens to your baby should be documented as a milestone. Getting your baby off exclusive breastfeeding, and started on solids is a feat that you should get right at the first go. The fact is solid food is not breast-milk.  It has to contain all the elements that will make it nutritious, delicious and palatable for your baby. Another thing you need to know is if your baby is ready for it. While doctors recommend that you feed your baby breast-milk for six months, some babies are ready to take solids sooner than that. So, how do you know when your baby is ready? There are some tell-tale signs that will give you an incline whether to start solid foods or not. Some Signs your Baby is Ready Good head and neck control When the baby is able to sit up in a chair They reach out for food When they weigh twice their birth weight Normally, when babies are not ready for solids, they do not have the ability to swallow. At this point, you see them push the baby cereal back with their tongues. When your baby is ready for solids, they gradually start to lose this tongue-thrusting reflex. The moment you see these signs, you should know that your baby is ready for more than breast-milk. How do you start? One thing you need to remember is your baby’s health and nutrition are the priority. You can start out with iron-rich baby cereal. It is best you feed your baby the cereal with a baby spoon, rather than in a bottle. No matter what, solid foods, or, cereal, should be fed after you breastfeed your baby. This way your baby still enjoys the goodies of breast-milk and at the same time, can get acquainted with solids. You may be tempted to introduce veggies and other foods immediately after the first success. But, you need to wait and give these foods gradually. Sometimes your baby may be allergic to these new foods, and giving them all at once will not help you identify the allergen. Another thing about giving your baby solid foods is you may need to serve it in small forms. There are a lot of great and nutritious recipes for your baby you can try. You may be itching to ask if you can give your baby fresh fruit juices. Fruit juices are an absolute big no for babies. The reason is that they pose to be more harmful than good. Juices add extra calories and sugars without giving your baby the needed balanced nutrition. In addition, drinking too much will cause diarrhea in babies, lead to tooth decay, and excess weight. It’s That Simple Breastfeeding your baby, although very beneficial, is tiring, especially if your baby nurses a lot at short intervals. If your baby is between 4-6 months, and 6 months to 1 year, giving solids is only meant to supplement breast-milk, not replace it. Read Also: You Need To Avoid These Foods For Breakfast 7 Surprising Benefits Of Alkaline Foods Eating Good Quality Foods For Diet


A Quick Guide on 3 Mukhi Rudraksh

A Rudraksha means-‘tears of Rudra’ in Sanskrit. It is a sacred bead, which is fashioned into rosary in Hinduism. Hindus regard the Rudraksha with great reverence and believe that it bodes good health and prosperity. It can be worn as a bracelet or as a chain. The 3 Mukhi (face) Rudraksha consists of three natural lines on the surface. It is a symbol for Agni- the fire, which consumes everything. It helps the wearer handle and overcome any situation. The ruling planet is Mars and days of wearing are Monday and Thursday. It is recommended for: Children suffering from chronic fever Gallbladder and liver disease Stress and depression Control of blood pressure Influence on body organ is throat Other Benefits of 3 Mukhi: Just as fire destroys everything, this Rudraksha destroys one’s Karma. It is believed that all past sins of the wearer are forgiven. It is a way of attaining Moksha. It removes obstacles faced by a person due to past Karma. It provides remission from the sin of committing an abortion. It helps attain purity of soul and to live a life, free of guilt. Protects from all sorts of diseases, accidents and blood poisoning. Mantras: Shiva Purana: Om Kleem Namaha Padma Purana: Om, Om, Namaha Skanda Purana: Om Dhum Dhum Namah Om Namah Shivaya Mode of Wearing: Take the beads. Wash them with sacred Ganga water or unboiled milk. Wear in the neck, chanting Mantra. Who Should Wear? Those who want to avoid the malefic effects of Mars. Those suffering from the disease. Those who are weak, lazy and have an inferiority complex Those suffering from stomach disorders, skin diseases, eye defects. Those who are depressed and need a boost of self-esteem. Rules to Wear: Wearers and devotees of Rudraksha enjoy peace, good health, and prosperity. But one must take some precautions: The Rudraksha must be worn only after Siddhi (purification rites and chanting of Mantras). Rudraksha mantra is to be chanted 9 times daily, after removing at night and wearing in the morning. It must be kept in the Puja room at night and worn after the bath in the morning. The wearer should not consume alcohol or non-vegetarian food. He must speak only truth and visit Shiva temple. Rudraksha must not be taken while visiting a baby or to the cremation ground. Women must remove it during menstruation. Keep Rudraksha clean and tidy. Pores of the beads can attract dirt and dust. Clean this with any soft material with fine bristles. Change the thread if it becomes dirty. After it has been cleaned, wash Rudraksha with holy water. This is to maintain its sanctity. Keep Rudraksha constantly oiled. After the beads and chord have been cleaned, periodically apply oil and treat with incense. This is crucial when you have kept the Rudraksha in storage for a long time and want to use it again. These are some safeguards for wearing and maintaining Rudraksh chains and bracelets. Since it is a sacred ornament, most Hindus are not affected by 3 Mukhi Rudraksha price. Don’t be confused by the shape and size of the beads. One has to buy the beads according to one’s gut instinct.