Pros and Cons on Google Translation Accuracy


11 June 2021


Google Translation Accuracy

Every person learning a new language through a class or instructor is told right from the beginning today not to use Google translator. It’s a powerful tool for a quick understanding of words or phrases written in another language, so many people think it’s also just as good for translating their language into something else.

However, while the power of Google makes their translator fast and comprehensive, it’s also inaccurate.

Unfortunately, instead of putting in the extra effort, a lot of students use Google anyways thinking it’s a viable shortcut. The tool gives them away because it is inherently incorrect from the perspective of a native speaker. And most language teachers tend to be native speakers.

So, cheating gets caught very quickly and exposed, which is unfortunate. Students caught this way end up embarrassed, usually drop the class or try to get out of it, and then never try to learn a new language again. Another potential translator ends up lost to what never came to be.

The Intention of Google Translate:

The Intention of Google Translate:

As an online free tool, Google Translate was basically made available to help people find information. It’s consistent with Google’s general product delivery as a search engine.

Used in that context, Google Translate works just fine. It carries the ability to roughly translate well over dozens of languages between each other and others. And that makes the tool particularly useful when just trying to understand content from a website or a message sent in another language. Even with the limitations of Google Translate, one can at least figure out what the message is basically trying to communicate.

Google Translate also comes with other benefits as well:

  • It’s free and has no cost to use. Just like Google’s search engine, Google Translate works just as easy to access. As long as one has Internet access, he or she can get to the tool through Google’s website, similar to other apps provided by the site.
  • Google has made sure all of its tools work extremely fast with very strong online support. The only problem anyone will have will be based on their own bandwidth and Internet support. It can handle thousands of queries hitting it at the same time, and the tool can handle as much as is copied into it all day long. A typical translator at best moves about 2,000 words per day, fully translated.
  • Google translate is able to adapt and evolve over time because it utilizes a statistical tool that lets the tool’s reference database grow with use and translations. This programmed approach creates matches between words between different languages which it then references again and again with future searches.

The Downsides of Google Translate:

The Downsides of Google Translate:

The first big problem with the online translating tools is that meaning and the relationship to context are lost with Google’s software. It doesn’t know how to automatically sense, understand and build in context. As a result, anything that is even remotely structured or otherwise complex ends up looking like gibberish.

The general message will be understood most of the time, but it won’t be anything close to being accurate. This kind of sloppy translating doesn’t happen with professional translators who are worth their salt.

Google’s ability to translate is only as good as its database reference pairing words together. So, word for word, if the database has it, will match up. However, that still doesn’t help when one is trying to translate entire phrases or paragraphs correctly. The more common languages in the West tend to be stronger and better in terms of reference. Languages that are far more distant or less used will be harder or may even be non-existent in Google Translate.

Google has a poor record when it comes to grammatical accuracy. Again, this comes from the fact that Google’s reference is only at the world level, not the phrase or sentence. As a result, it will frequently produce conversions that have serious sequence and grammar problems easily visible to the native speaker.

Worse, Google doesn’t have anything built-in that can fix translation errors, even when identified. There’s no button one clicks on to tell Google the translation is wrong and how it should be fixed. Without that feedback loop, the Translate tool can’t improve on its own.

How Google Translate Should be Used:

For the average person, Google Translate works very well just to get a basic idea of what someone or a website might be saying in another language. It provides a user a quick understanding.

However, there is no place for Google Translate in the professional translating world. It fails even a basic translation passing level. On the road or traveling, Google Translate mobile can be handy as well just to figure out a quick phrase in a pinch. But for essay and document work, it should be avoided. For these types of translations, your best option will still be to hire a professional translation agency.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Soul App

Harmony In Art: Soul App And WABC Illuminate The Canvas Of Inclusivity

As winter's icy grip tightens its hold, China's well-known social app Soul App and the WABC Art Way Foundation in Shanghai took it upon themselves. They wish to kindle a heartwarming flame through a unique exhibition that envelops the season in a radiant glow.  This exhibition was all about allowing children dealing with autism, known in China as "children of the stars," to flex their creative abilities and express themselves through the medium of art and colors. The collaboration between WABC and Soul App was not just to underscore the importance of kindness and patience but also to elevate public knowledge and foster a deeper sense of inclusivity toward autism. An Introduction To The Exhibition… Most of these paintings that were part of the exhibition were so much more than just regular works of art. They were extraordinary creations by remarkably talented children. In every one of these creations, each stroke of the paintbrush captured a spectrum of themes infused with the unique creativity, enthusiasm, and vigor of each young artist.  And because these artworks were so extraordinary, Soul did not want to limit them to just a physical exhibition. So, the Soul App team took on the responsibility of transforming these artistic creations into a channel for change. By digitalizing these masterpieces, Soul created a collection of art-inspired merchandise. The proceeds from the sale of these products were pledged to support WABC's initiatives for autistic children. This transformative process not only amplified the impact of the children's art but also channeled the collective goodwill of the community towards a cause that transcends the canvas. The collaboration between Soul and WABC was meant to go beyond the realms of just art as well as philanthropy, and that is exactly what the event did. The exhibition not only showcased the works of these extremely talented children but also worked as a transformative bridge that allowed children with autism to communicate and connect with the world in their own special way. What Made Them Different And Unique? Each painting on display had a unique backstory, and the artistic flair of the creator brought it to life on canvas. From the stunning sunset that spread its last bit of orange glow over the seascape to the gathering of twinkling stars across the cosmic sky and the earth depicted as a colorful ball exuding energy all around, every painting was a portal into the imagination and artistic genius of the "children of the stars." Artists like Yangyang, Ah Ye, and Jielin brought together a medley of styles and stories that were as awe-inspiring as they were diverse. For instance, Jielin put her savant skills to work by painting an imaginative representation of space and time as viewed and perceived by her. While each painting was no doubt a personal narrative, it also offered an overall glimpse into the unique minds of autistic kids.  So, each of these paintings contributed in its own way to building autism awareness, challenging stereotypes, and above all, fostering a more inclusive society. Held for 8 days from December 18th to 25th, the event known as "Painting Away Loneliness Fur-ever," unfolded its enchanting narrative at No.794 in Shanghai’s Julu Road. Beyond being a visual feast of artistic expressions, the exhibition became a haven, as the venue was transformed into a cozy, tranquil refuge adorned with stuffed toys and plush, soft materials. This carefully curated ambiance aimed to do more than showcase art; it sought to dissolve the barriers of loneliness, aligning seamlessly with Soul's overarching vision of a world without lonely individuals. Physical Exhibition Space While the physical exhibition space provided a tangible experience for visitors, Soul recognized the importance of extending the warmth and inclusivity of the event beyond geographical constraints. For those unable to attend in person, Soul App facilitated virtual participation by engaging in discussions under the hashtag #MeltLonelinessTogether. This online dialogue accomplished two important goals. First, it contributed to the exhibition's digital presence. Second, it echoed the collective warmth generated by the physical event. Because the physical exhibition space was embellished with fluffy decorations, ornaments, and mesmerizing plush dolls, the event became more than just a fundraiser. The environment was skillfully designed to instantly alleviate visitors' loneliness. So, the warm as well as soothing atmosphere became a space where emotional connections could flourish, further reinforcing the collaborative spirit between Soul App and WABC. What Was There For Consumers?  Soul extended an invitation to its consumers to explore the online exhibition version through an assigned in-app website page. But this page too, was more than just a virtual gallery. It built a foundation on which the event itself was built, and the goals of awareness and inclusivity were met.  So, it had comprehensive information about the exhibition, the painters, and of course, the exhibits. The hashtag #MeltLonelinessTogether encouraged users to both discuss and share their opinions on the exhibition, amplifying its impact on social media platforms and fostering a digital community committed to the cause. The event was a roaring success not just because it involved people coming together for an exceptional cause but also because Soul App and WABC have been collaborating for a while to increase awareness of social issues. In the past, they partnered to host a variety of events, which included: The Different Socks Day, a charity event organized to promote inclusion as well as acceptance for individuals suffering from Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and autopsy.  The exhibition of "Special Doesn't Mean Lonely". An event for "Soul's Happy Star Home" event,  The "Stars Meet Songs", was an online music party and a philanthropic event aimed at infusing adoration into the lives of the "children of the stars." The coming together of Soul and WABC was bound to be a symbiotic association with the latter committed to public advocacy and the former involved in offering young people a platform to contribute to philanthropy and make a difference in their own lives and the weaker sections of society by extending kindness to all. Established in 2016, WABC has long been associated with campaigns that were organized to raise awareness about community and public issues. Also, they have been providing no-cost art therapy to individuals with developmental disabilities and intellectual deficits.  Parting Thoughts As far as Soul App is concerned, almost 80% of total users belong to Generation Z, and these youngsters are keen on engaging in charity and volunteering work. Hence, it was a given that they would be involved in causes and campaigns that matter and are meant to make a difference. So, as the app continues to encourage warmth and foster its reputation on the platform, it remains dedicated to supporting highly vulnerable communities. Through a virtual social playground that organically expands based on user creativity, Soul strives towards its vision of a world where no one feels alone. This commitment goes beyond sporadic initiatives; it has become an integral part of Soul's identity—a platform that not only facilitates connections but also nurtures a spirit of giving back. 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Team Communication

Top 10 Apps for Team Communication and Remote Work

The COVID-19 Pandemic has forced businesses to adopt new ways of functioning and look at newer models of operation. With employees no longer sitting under the same roof and working from different parts of the world, Remote Working has become the norm. While working remotely can be a safe option during the pandemic, and allow work to continue, it can also be very challenging. Managing different people, processes, assignments, and so on, can lead to a drop in efficiency levels and contribute to decreased productivity. In this article, we are going to discuss the Top 10 Apps, which can help businesses promote effective team communication and remote work. However, before we do that, let us first look at what these Apps mean and represent. Team Communication Apps: Meaning and Definition Team communication apps are commercial -messaging apps, which promote cooperation and coordination, between different team members. They are software, which helps in an interactive workflow, has project statuses, active chat functions, task completions, collaborations, storage cloud, and other important functions that help in working efficiently. One thing, which needs to be pointed out is that Team Communication Apps are not just about texting. If it would be the same, we would not need anything apart from WhatsApp. They are much more than that. Remote Working and Team Communication Apps are a business setup, which presents in one unified dashboard, all or most of the business processes, that you need to get your work done efficiently and productively. List of 10 Best Team Communication and Remote Working Apps 1. AirSend- A relatively newer entrant in the field, AirSend is slowly emerging as one of the most sought after remote working apps. This is because the software boasts of an impressive list of features, is easy to use (great UI and UX), and prioritizes security and cloud storage. You can use AirSend to carry out team collaborations or conversations, organize files as well as for project assessments and tasks. 2. Slack- Ever since Slack was introduced back in 2013, it has become a mainstay of many small businesses. The software is easy to use and intuitive and offers great customer support. However, when compared to newer products and platforms, Slack has been found wanting in terms of its features, efficiency, and security. Newer updates are solving some of the issues. 3. Trello- Many businesses, especially agencies preferred Trello for its task management features. Listing tasks, assigning the same and managing project flows made Trello a popular choice. In recent years Trello has also added chat functions and calling to help in improving remote working capabilities. Trello’s free plans allow many of the features to be used making it a good choice. 4. Zoho- India based Software Company, Zoho’s remote working software, Zoho One is easy to use and integrates a host of functions, including scheduling social media posts and integrating support and chat features all in one platform. However, not all the integrations are up to the mark. The price point also makes it beyond the reach of small businesses who have to look elsewhere. 5. Asana- Another new entrant to the world of remote working apps, Asana is exciting, fun, and trendy to use. It also allows for work management, assigning tasks, and following ups. The custom chat feature between teams assigned on the same task adds to its functionality in a major way. However, the user interface can be tricky and complicated to understand for some employees. 6. Basecamp- Basecamp’s forte lies as being one of the most efficient project management tools or software. The scheduling of work with time frames, adding meetings (just like Zoom), and documentation make it a great remote working app. It also helps higher management with time tracking and can be useful to check and improve efficiency and productivity in organizations. 7. Monday- Quirky as the name suggests, Monday is one of the most interesting and engaging new work management and remote working platforms in the market. With easy log-ins and dedicated graphics to make work exciting, many younger start-ups are gravitating towards using it. However, it still has a long way to go when it comes to competing with AirSend or Trello. 8. Zapier- One product, which has been in the market for a very long time is Zapier. What Zapier has been successful in doing is integrating various apps, including Gmail in one single platform. Zapier is not your typical remote working app; it is like an overarching framework, which helps in bringing together apps like Trello, Asana, and more. However, it is not for first-time users. 9. Zoom- One software, which has made the most impact during COVID-19 on work, is Zoom. In many ways, Zoom has redefined work culture and promoted cross-functional capabilities. In addition to mere Video Calling, Zoom has also started easy chat support to promote instant messaging within and between teams. Zoom’s greatest advantage is its ease of use. 10. Skype- Even though Skype was one of the oldest tools and software, which could be called a remote working tool, lack of innovations and updates have made it fall out of the league of the big boys. Microsoft is trying to revive the old warhorse and we will have to wait and see how far the product is going to improve. However, many of us still use Skype for video calling and messaging. Conclusion Many of the bigger tech organizations including Twitter, Facebook, and Google have announced WFH schedules until June or July 2021. With the pandemic redefining how we work, how we live, and how we party, remote working is going to play a major role in the next few months. Which of the above-mentioned software do you think are the best communication and remote working tools on the market? Let us know in the comments below. Read Also: Tips for Your Next Business Conference 7 Essential Apps for Your Mac in 2020 3 Encryption Trends and How They Make Communication More Secure What Is Integrated Marketing Communication in 2020 [Full Guide]

Downloading HD Videos

Popular Apps for Downloading HD Videos

When it comes to the question of downloading HD videos to your computer or your phone, there are various options. Let us explore the list of popular downloading apps. Once you are using for the first time, you need to download an SFHlper basically an extension of Chrome. This provides an opportunity to download videos easily. A bad impression of this app is ads, but a suggestion would be to leave it behind. When it comes to downloading it provides an innovative and easy way to download the videos in the form of adding letters. In fact, YouTube HD videos can be saved in the form of MP4 online option with a save form option. The answer seems to be dead easy. Catchvideo Your search for a simple and easy YouTube online video downloading platform ends with the app. This app is bestowed with robust downloading capabilities. It has an intuitive interface that enables you to save video files without any major glitches. The moment you go on to acquire the URL of the original video, choose the ideal video platform and with the download option, you can downloading HD videos. Being a web-based application and user can download YouTube videos without the need for switching any device. A point mentioning is that it only goes on to support online videos that are at a resolution of 720 p and above. Y2 Mate As all of you might be aware that YouTube is the second largest search engine for its popular video contents. A notable feature is that the speed is increasing with every passing year as YouTube download masters are paving way for the popularity charts coupled with the fact that the webmasters are looking for a share of the pie every year. Yes Y2 mate is one of them and the rank of Alexa tends to grow in 2018. In fact, it can be downloading HD videos from the social network and convert into the format of your choice. One of the easiest ways would be to copy-paste the link manually on to the given area. Online video converter What are the reasons why a video become intriguing and exciting? From a personal point of view, a good video is not only about telling a compelling story. This should give a visual feeling that you are part of the surroundings. Another option to save HD videos without any loss of quality is an online video converter. The main reason why people love in love with this online video converter is that supports any browsers. Vidmate The last and the most popular among the lot, Vidmate app has gone on to create flutters within a short span of time. The best about this app is that it is free of charge and you do not have to spend a single penny. In addition to this, it allows you to download a host of videos from various websites without any hassles. Just copy-paste the URL on to the app and the video is downloaded. Read Also: How To Download Music From YouTube How To Download Facebook Videos On Android? 7 Of The Best Entertainment Apps On Android Movavi Video Suite Review: A Comprehensive Tool To Create Videos