The Real Cost of Assortment Planning Mistakes

Published on: 24 October 2018 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
Assortment Planning Mistakes

In the world of e-commerce, there are many practices, concepts, and techniques that can help you boost your revenue and enjoy some extra profits. One of the least mentioned category of mistakes in this manner – and yet one of the most important – focus on the mistakes related to the assortment.

In other words, these mistakes include all the wrong moves that e-commerce store owners are making during the buying process. The real trouble of these mistakes is the fact that many are unaware of their real cost.

This is why we have decided to guide our readers in on the dangers of improper assortment planning – and how it can be fixed. The key, as you will notice in the sections below, is to optimize the process of buying inventory and therefore match the customer demand in a perfectly precise way.

Mistake #1: Using Excel to Track Your Buying Process:

One of the biggest mistakes that e-commerce owners make is the use of Microsoft Excel as a way to track their buying. Even though this seems as a logical way to organize your buying process, spreadsheets are generally a bad way to organize your information.

Speaking of, anything that contains information in categories (added manually) has to be automated. In times when e-commerce owners are experiencing a magnitude of orders online, adding buys manually is time consuming – which is why it needs to be automated.

Mistake #2: Improper Arrangement of Clusters:

Clusters are the next mistake we are focusing on, and one that is tremendously big nowadays. The main way in which e-commerce managers are making it is by assigning every store to a single cluster – which needs to be reorganized.

More importantly, products need to be clustered at a product class level, and use the information in quantities (before the assortments are bought). By doing this, you can link the buying process to the actual allocation and eliminate problems before it’s too late.

Mistake #3: Inter-Store Inventory Balancing:

If you ever caught yourself in a situation where you are losing sales in on store due to your lack of stock for a particular item, you are probably having the same product sitting and collecting dust on the shelves of another store (if you manage more than one store).

At this point, the best way to solve this problem is by a simple trick – which does not involve the purchase of new inventory or the elimination of the inventory in one store so that it can be moved to another.

Alternatively, you should use a smart predictive analysis engine and a tool that is known as “Inter-Store Inventory Balancing” to analyze every single influencing factor of your retail supply chain. As an advanced form of analytics, a tool like this will recommend the optimal inter-store transfer schedule so that you move merchandise from one store to another (from low to high demand).

Mistake #4: Going Big (Instead of Going Custom):

A lot of multi-channel retailers are nowadays focused on the “best rated” programs and solutions for optimizing their assortment planning. And while in most of the cases programs like these are built to last and cover as many aspects of product assortment as possible, they usually lack the functions that are needed in specific situations.

For example, these programs often fail to calculate hundreds of algorithms on the kind of Big Data that today’s omni-channel retail products are able to churn out on a daily basis. Therefore, the general conclusion that we can all take from this mistake is to properly analyze your needs and implement a solution to analytics that works for you as you scale your business, is end-to-end integrated and coordinated between your merchandising and marketing.

Final Words:

At the end of the day, we all must accept the fact that mistakes linked to product assortment happen all of the time – and there is no harm in admitting that.

As a retail expert, however, you should always be able to know how to fix them. Your assortment needs to be consistent, scalable, matching your needs and optimized for your specific customers.

This is what proper assortment planning is all about. Ultimately, it is what will help you determine how much of your merchandise should be placed on your shelf. The end result of proper planning goes a long way – mostly resulting in increased sales and improved customer satisfaction.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Business on Facebook

The Definitive Guide to Market Your Business on Facebook

Social media has penetrated deep into the life of humans in almost every possible parameter. As the rise of smartphone and tech gadgets are more frequent, the exchange and flow of information have become extremely easy. In a recent survey conducted by a top American university, it was clear that people who own a web-enabled phone spends around 2 – 4 hours while checking their feeds and news on their social media platforms. That’s a huge amount of time and gives a great opportunity for businesses to grow and reach a maximum audience. An active and decent social media page helps greatly in strengthening your brand without being annoying (Inbound marketing) For example, if Jim’s feed is filled with the last night’s birthday party that he had attended then popping up the latest shoes from Jimmy Choo won’t look bad. Here’s the deal, are your sales even after spending millions in marketing aren’t justifying your ROI? Are you still searching for the big Marlboro epic ad campaign that changed the whole horizon of how cigarettes were used to take by the people? Stay on as we are about to explain the tricks that will benefit your business insanely. Here is the definitive guide to market your business on facebook: Step Number One: Optimization will sail you through: Have you noticed one common practice often used by most prominent brands on social media? They are appealing even to the people who aren’t even interested in the brand or page. What draws them towards them? One simple approach is optimization! A Username Matters the Most: Let’s learn this with an example. Now, ask yourself, which one you like the most? The second one is easily understandable and it makes more sense than its counterpart. Always try to claim a vanity URL as it serves the purpose well. Keywords Can Get a Deal for You: Including relevant keywords is the fundamental practice of SEO. Using specific keywords can end up all the results of a query on your page. Make it a habit to add potential searchable words and a brief description of the business that you’re operating. A Category Matters the Most: In order to reach a maximum number of people and elevate your profits, one should avoid placing their business in an improper set of categories. A specific category would help you in getting placed on the Facebook Graph Search. The most common ones are choosing ‘Companies & Organizations’ An Image Speaks More Than Words: It’s a proven fact that the majority of people would first see the cover and profile image and then decide if they want to spend time on the page reading content or not. Making images to speak about your business is perhaps the best approach that can grab you multiple customers and boost your “likes” count instantly. Participating In Groups Can Boost Engagement: Bragging about being the best is possible the biggest false marketing approach that you can ever adopt. Instead, you should concentrate more on contributing to the industry by providing important tips and tricks. This will help you in elevating your engagement and fan base, probably a vintage approach, but surely not a lame one. Don’t try to be in a rush and declaring yourself as the best option for the people. As deep inside you know, you’re not. Organic Vs Non-Organic Likes: Users cannot be fooled! Read this one more time. Users cannot be fooled! With easy access to information, the once used to innocent users or customers are now your worst critique, who is capable of ripping apart your products within a matter of a few seconds. Often time’s marketers buy Facebook likes in order to show their credibility to the potential user or customer. Buying fake likes can make the credibility of the organization into question as it shows a lack of transparency and integrity. In August, last year Facebook announced its plans about disabling more than 80 million fake accounts that would surely be a big blow to the face of the people who aren’t following the right approach. Facebook Ads: For quite some time, Facebook has expanded its horizon from “Connecting The World” to “Helping Reaching your Business to Target Audience” They give more exposure to your brand by featuring your content on the user’s feed and give an opportunity to them so; users can place their order as well. Choosing your campaign objective will help you meet your advertising goals. To create the best possible Facebook ad, you can use a good spy tool to see which of your competitor's ads are working best. How to Meet Your Objectives Using Facebook Ads: You might place a doll face or video on the whole Ad campaign, but it doesn’t matter if you haven’t placed your most important content on the first page. Then, it’s almost certain that you won’t be able to make it big. “Place your Most Important Content on the First Page” Use Call to Action Button: Placing a call to action button at the end of your Ad is like a perfect ending to the story. “Shop Now” “Claim Now” are some of the most important Adjectives that helps in converting potential leads to regular customers. Let them know why they should click on your ad! The Final Statement: There could be tons of important features that can help you to boost the business that you’re operating, but the above-mentioned ones are the most relevant in terms of building a brand and reaching to the more number of people. We hope you had a great time going through our article and will surely implement these strategies in order to gain maximum profit from your organization.    Read Also : 5 Steps On How To Market Your Business Using Social Media Why Every Business Needs Digital Marketing 7 Proven Marketing Tactics To Increase Your ROI In 2018 How To Remove Pname Com Facebook Orca

Increase your ROI

7 Proven Marketing Tactics to Increase your ROI in 2018

The digital marketing landscape has become more diversified than ever in 2018 because consumers are generating their own content and marketers are searching for more ways to create product awareness and interest. Since the digital space is highly competitive, marketers are ready to do whatever they can for gaining a competitive advantage. However, instead of dipping your hand in all the pies, it is best if you use marketing strategies that are bound to increase your ROI in the form of more leads, higher traffic, increased conversion, and sales. In a nutshell, you want to use tactics that add something to your bottom line. Listed below are 7 of those marketing tactics that do exactly that and can be used to boost profits in 2018: Tactic 1: Instagram Ads After Facebook, Instagram has become the newest force in social media. Just like Facebook Sponsored Posts and Twitter’s Promoted Tweets have given results, Instagram Ads can also be immensely powerful. They are like digital chameleons because they are able to blend in with the audience’s feed for increasing awareness and driving traffic to your website. While the demographics of the social network is similar to that of Facebook, Instagram has distinguished itself with a greater level of engagement and creativity and gives you exposure to the right audience. Tactic 2: Reviews The online reputation of a business can be hugely influenced by customer reviews. Businesses with no reviews, no recent reviews or with negative ones are at a significant disadvantage as opposed to their competition. As a matter of fact, more than 80% of people have stated that their buying decisions are influenced by negative customer reviews. Thus, it is essential for every business to get positive customer reviews and should also respond to them in a timely manner. Positive reviews can be showcased on the website and on social media and negative reviews can be addressed before they go viral. Improving the customer review score boosts SEO ranking and improves online reputation. The best way to get reviews from your customers is by contacting them directly. By using a tool called GMass, you can email all of your customers at one time asking them to write a review of their experience. They would be more likely to write a review if they are already online checking their emails than having to remember to write one after they got home from their shopping trip. Tactic 3: Evergreen Content This is content that stays relevant and interesting for a long time, regardless of any cultural change. This can include industry resources, tutorials, tips, and product reviews. While this usually refers to white papers and blog content, evergreen content can also be used for video content, infographics, and email marketing. Tactic 4: Crowdsourced Content Yes, the statement ‘content is king’ might be getting old, but it remains true still. Content remains very powerful in today’s competitive market and can turn the tide for a business. The problem is that turning out heaps of creative and useful content requires lots of resources and time. Therefore, it is not surprising to see a new trend emerge; businesses have begun to collaborate and crowdsource because this allows them to get access to meaningful and relevant content. By soliciting ideas from others, a business is able to get the best quality content and save a ton of its valuable time without making any compromises on quality. With crowdsourcing, you leave the idea and word generation to someone else, mostly in your industry. This enables a business to get insights it may not have come up on its own. Also, using this content allows you to reach a greater audience because the ones who created the content will also share it out. Read also: Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing Tactic 5: Retargeting Ads You just checked out an amazing new camera on Amazon and now when you visit Facebook, YouTube or any other website, you can see ads about cameras. This is a feature of Google Adwords and ad serving networks of other search engines, which is called retargeting or remarketing. When you check a business’s website, they can serve you with relevant and interesting ads wherever you go. Marketers are thrilled with this tactic whereas customers feel a bit creeped out. The best part? Your business already knows what the customer is looking for and targeting them with similar products will actually bring them back to you. Tactic 6: Video Content Marketing Traditionally, video marketing for dispersing content was termed unfeasible and getting an ROI from the video was quite difficult. However, this is the era of smartphones that have spectacular cameras and video streaming services that show you videos in just a few taps. This means that now the benefits of video content marketing can go beyond its cost. Every business needs to use video for product launches, Vlogs, tutorials, and tips because they provide value to the viewers. Videos allow a business to use humor, appeal to emotion and aid apprehension for relating to your customers in a better way. The same cannot be achieved with a written blog. Tactic 7: Custom Landing Pages Simply put, landing pages are webpages describing a piece of content, which require users to enter their information to unlock the said content. It is regarded as a lead capture tool because you want to be able to convert the readers into leads and customers when they go over your content. Otherwise, it is only a waste of time and resources. Landing pages linked from an email or blog should be connected to digital marketing content. Also, the featured content can be an eBook, white paper or anything else, but it has to be valuable enough for people to give their contact info. Using these 7 proven marketing tactics will help a business in increasing its ROI in 2018 effectively. Read also: Building a Brand for Your Small Business  Avoid these 5 Mistakes before Starting an SEO Influence Marketing Tool to Move from Local to Global Market How to Write and Design an Article that Attracts New Customers to Your Business


Retail Titans: The 10 Biggest Companies Dominating the Industry

The retail industry is quite expansive and evolving with time.  The sector plays a key role in the global economy. Within this landscape, certain companies stand out as retail titans, wielding significant influence and dominating market shares. In this article, we will delve into the strategies and successes of the ten biggest retail giants, exploring their backgrounds, market presence, and the impact they have on the industry. Overview Of The Retail Industry Before delving into the details of each retail giant, it's essential to offer a broad understanding of the retail industry. Retail comprises a diverse array of businesses engaged in selling goods and services directly to consumers. This dynamic sector is marked by continuous innovation, evolving consumer preferences, and intense competition. Importance of Retail Titans The significance of retail titans cannot be overstated. These companies not only drive economic growth but also shape consumer behavior, set industry standards, and influence market trends. Their success is often indicative of their ability to adapt to changing landscapes, innovate, and connect with consumers on a massive scale. Walmart Walmart stands as a retail behemoth that has had a profound impact on the industry. Founded in 1962, the company has grown into the largest retailer globally, operating a vast network of stores and leveraging its market presence for strategic advantages. Company Background Walmart's origins as a small discount store in Arkansas contrast sharply with its current status as a global retail giant. With a relentless focus on providing low prices and unmatched convenience, Walmart has become a household name synonymous with affordable shopping. Market Presence And Dominance Walmart's dominance is reflected in its extensive network of stores, both physical and online. With a strong presence in the United States and a growing international footprint, Walmart's revenue and market cap are indicative of its unrivaled scale. Key Strategies for Success Walmart's success can be attributed to several key strategies, including a commitment to low prices, efficient supply chain management, and investments in e-commerce. The company's 1-Year Trailing Total Return on the stock exchange further underscores its financial strength. Amazon: The Greatest Retail Titan In the era of e-commerce, Amazon has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing the retail landscape and redefining customer expectations. E-commerce Revolution Amazon's rise to prominence is closely tied to its pioneering efforts in e-commerce. The company's user-friendly platform, extensive product selection, and efficient delivery systems have reshaped the way people shop. Diversification And Innovation Beyond e-commerce, Amazon has diversified its business portfolio, venturing into areas such as cloud computing, streaming services, and artificial intelligence. This diversification has contributed to the company's resilience and sustained growth.  Impact On Traditional Retail Amazon's impact on traditional retail cannot be ignored. The company's disruptive influence has forced brick-and-mortar retailers to adapt or face obsolescence, highlighting the transformative power of digital commerce. Alibaba Group: One Of The Greatest Retail Titan In Asia While Amazon dominates the Western e-commerce landscape, Alibaba Group holds a comparable position in the East, driving the Chinese retail revolution and expanding its influence globally. Rise Of Chinese Retail Alibaba's roots in China have allowed it to tap into the immense consumer market, contributing significantly to the rise of Chinese retail on the global stage. Global Expansion Alibaba's ambitious global expansion efforts have positioned the company as a major player beyond Chinese borders. Through strategic partnerships and investments, Alibaba continues to extend its reach and influence. Technology And Ecosystem At the core of Alibaba's success is its technological prowess and the creation of a vast ecosystem. From e-commerce to digital payments and cloud services, Alibaba's integrated approach sets it apart in the retail landscape. Costco Costco's membership-based model and commitment to customer loyalty have propelled it to prominence in the retail industry. Membership-Based Model Costco's unique membership model encourages customer loyalty by offering exclusive deals and discounts to its members. This approach has proven effective in driving repeat business and fostering a dedicated customer base. Focus On Customer Loyalty Beyond membership benefits, Costco's focus on providing quality products at competitive prices has fostered a reputation for value, further solidifying customer loyalty. Sustainability Initiatives In recent years, Costco has also made strides in sustainability, aligning with consumer preferences for environmentally conscious practices. These initiatives contribute to the company's positive public image. The Home Depot As a leader in the home improvement sector, The Home Depot's dominance extends beyond its vast retail footprint. Home Improvement Dominance The Home Depot's specialization in home improvement products and services has positioned it as the go-to destination for homeowners and contractors alike. Supply Chain And Logistics Efficient supply chain management and logistics are integral to The Home Depot's success. The company's ability to stock a vast array of products and deliver them promptly contributes to customer satisfaction. Digital Transformation Embracing digital transformation, The Home Depot has invested in online platforms and digital tools, enhancing the customer experience and staying competitive in the evolving retail landscape. CVS Health CVS Health's focus on health and wellness distinguishes it in the retail landscape, with a strong emphasis on pharmacy services and adaptation to market trends. Health and Wellness Retail As the retail landscape evolves, CVS Health's commitment to health and wellness provides a unique positioning in the market. The integration of healthcare services into its retail offerings sets CVS Health apart. Pharmacy Services With a vast network of pharmacies, CVS Health plays a critical role in providing essential healthcare services. The company's emphasis on pharmacy services contributes significantly to its revenue stream. Adaptation to Market Trends CVS Health has demonstrated agility in adapting to market trends, incorporating digital solutions, and expanding its services to meet the changing needs of consumers. Loves Love's Travel Stops and Country Stores, with a focus on truck stops and convenience services, exemplifies innovation in services and a commitment to meeting the needs of travelers. Truck Stop and Convenience Love's stands as a vital service provider for truckers and travelers, offering a range of amenities, including fuel, convenience stores, and restaurant services, making it a one-stop destination. Travel Center Services Beyond traditional offerings, Love's Travel Stops provides essential services such as tire care and vehicle maintenance, catering to the specific needs of the transportation industry. Innovation in Services Love's commitment to innovation is showcased through its services, including a loyalty program and technology integration, enhancing the overall experience for its customers. Target Target's strategic brand reinvention and commitment to omnichannel retailing have fueled its success in the competitive retail landscape. Brand Reinvention Target's deliberate efforts in brand reinvention, including collaborations with popular designers and a focus on stylish yet affordable products, have resonated with a broad consumer base. Omnichannel Retailing In the era of digital retail, Target has embraced omnichannel strategies, seamlessly integrating online and offline shopping experiences to cater to the diverse preferences of modern consumers. Community Engagement Target's community engagement initiatives, including corporate social responsibility programs, contribute to its positive image and connect with consumers on a deeper level. Caseys In the realm of convenience stores, Casey stands out for its regional strength, expansion efforts, and community engagement. Convenience Store Dominance Casey's focus on convenience has allowed it to establish dominance in the sector. The company's strategically located stores cater to the needs of consumers seeking quick and accessible solutions. Regional Strength and Expansion While Caseys has a strong regional presence, the company's expansion efforts showcase its ambition to reach new markets and further solidify its position in the convenience store landscape. Community Engagement Casey's commitment to community engagement is evident through various initiatives, fostering a sense of connection with local communities and contributing to the company's positive image. Before we wrap up, for further exploration into the corporate landscapes of these influential companies and detailed insights into the top retail industries. Conclusion  In the current landscape of the retail industry, these ten retail titans continue to shape the way consumers shop, and businesses operate. Their diverse strategies, ranging from e-commerce dominance to community engagement, reflect the evolving nature of retail. As we look to the future, these companies will face new trends and challenges, such as technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and global economic shifts. The resilience and adaptability demonstrated by these retail giants will undoubtedly play a crucial role in navigating the ever-changing retail landscape.