7 Reasons why Online Education is Very Popular


11 June 2019


Online Education

Since its inception, online education has been growing faster and faster. While the benefits of receiving an education in person are obvious, what reason do thousands of students have for getting degrees online? Teaches Aid Training Adapt Education put together this list of seven reasons why online education is so very popular.

7 Reasons why Online Education is Very Popular:

Flexible Scheduling:

Regardless of a student’s age, flexible scheduling is a huge factor in seeking education online. Since students are not expected to attend class in person, coursework can be done while the kids are at school, during breaks at work, on the weekends, or whenever coursework is convenient. This allows students who work full time to advance their education in their free time without struggling to cram classes into a work week. It is also great for parents who balance their own schedule with the schedules their children keep. Students who find that they have a difficult time making it to classes can also benefit from a more freeform schedule, taking assignments and lessons at any hour of the day that is convenient.


Many online programs also offer a much more affordable alternative to traditional “brick and mortar” institutions. Online colleges only need to pay for instructors, software, and support staff rather than spending money on maintaining buildings and internal technology like computers and printers. This cost reduction is passed on to the student in the form of reduced tuition.

Indirect costs to the student such as transportation and room and board in a dorm are also reduced. According to My College Board students at a traditional university can expect to pay an average of $10,089 (USD) to live on campus. This also means a lower initial investment for students who are considering changing fields or just want to take classes to expand their knowledge of a subject. Many students change degree programs after taking a few classes, and online education makes for a financially lower risk way to try out a topic before committing.

A Variety of Topics and Modes:

Often, students will visit a nearby educational institution and be disappointed by the degrees or topics offered. An added benefit of online classes is that students have a world of choices and opportunities at their fingertips. If a specific topic is not available at one institution, the student can find another from a myriad of online degree programs. Just about any class, a student might want is available online through some college or another. Because the educational institution does not have to bother with physical facilities, it is also much easier to offer a wider variety of topics for students to study. Schools can draft professionals from all over the world to teach classes as well, without having to convince them to relocate.

The formats of the classes are also highly varied, with classes that are completely self-paced and automated, or with weekly assignments. Some faculty also offer video chat consultations and discussions for students who benefit from live interaction, which leads to the next benefit.

Adaptability to a Students Personality:

Students Personality

Not all students thrive in the environment of a classroom. For students who are particularly shy, an online environment may seem more comfortable. Many online classes are structured so that students interact with one another mainly through discussion boards rather than meeting face to face. Those who are more outgoing are also thrilled by the premise of making acquaintances and friends from far away, especially if their educational alternative is in a small town nearby where they may already know many of their classmates.

Improving Technology:

online learning

In the early days of online education, many thought it was more of a hat trick than an effective learning tool. These days, everyone knows that online education comprises a huge portion of the degrees offered around the world. Improving technology has largely facilitated this change. Thanks to the increased availability of high-speed internet, better computers, online archives and catalogs, and learning management systems, online learning has become incredibly easy to use. Many online classes also have excellent accessibility for students who have disabilities thanks to improved and widespread technology. This progress is not stopping any time soon either, and each year educators improve their online curriculum and pick up new pedagogical tips on making use of the great tech most people have at home.


In traditional education, the plan for a students coursework follows a traditional path. Each student takes a certain number of classes each semester and moves on. If the student fails at a topic, the course has to be repeated causing delays that can be costly for them. Since online coursework can be done whenever a student likes, there is less pressure to rush through difficult topics. If a student knows that he or she struggles with a topic or needs extra time due to a learning disability or other problem, they can opt for completely self-paced classes with no set start or end date. This removes the pressure to pass with a minimum grade and instead promotes deep learning of topics.

Building Discipline:

While students who meet weekly in person are constantly reminded of deadlines and assignments, online students are usually expected to be more self-sufficient. Although online classes typically have a system of reminders, there is no assigned time for students to work. This means that students become self-disciplined and are very motivated learners. According to this list by the University of Minnesota Mankato, self-motivation and time management are requirements of online learners. When looking for job opportunities after completing their education, these traits are highly valued in almost every field. Regardless of the subject studied, online education inherently comes packaged with relevant job skills.


While each student has his or her own reason for seeking education online, these seven reasons are a great start. If you are still interested in what online education has to offer, take a look at the programs offered by Adapt Education.

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civil rights of children

Children are Citizens: What are the Civil Rights of Children in Public Schools?

In the United States, children are given many of the same protections as are adults, namely, the right to equal protection. Simply put, children are entitled to the same treatment under the law regardless of race, gender, disability, or religion. Children also have the right to a safe environment, good nutrition, healthcare, and education. But when it comes to that last one, education, the rights of minors differ from those of adults. It's critical for parents and educators to understand the civil rights of children in the U.S public education system. Federal vs. State: In the U.S., the federal law governing education is limited. The Tenth Amendment provides that state and local governments decide most education policies. Parents can't assume the federal government will protect children in the public school system. You can find state-specific information here. However, there are basic rights provided to all public school children. Free Education: Every child in the U.S. has the right to free, public school education. Parents and guardians should take a look at their state, district, and school policies. They'll want to find out exactly what is free and what they'll have to pay for. For example, a school can charge students for lunch, athletic equipment, and field trips. Protection from Discrimination: The U.S. Constitution guarantees equal treatment to all, including public school students. Schools can't discriminate against a student because of their gender, sexual orientation, home country, financial status or disability. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires that male and female students are treated the same in school programs and activities that receive federal funding. Title IX also applies to higher education, career training and education for pregnant students. Students who've had children are protected too. Title IX covers employment and math and science education. Sexual harassment, standardized testing and technology are also included. Parents and guardians who feel their student is being discriminated against can contact the ACLU for help. Safety in School: Civil rights laws are in place to protect students from bullying at all public schools. Teachers and other students can't harass someone because of their race or national origin. Gender, disability, ethnic background, and religion are also protected. School safety has been in the spotlight a lot, especially after the shootings at Sandy Hook and Marjory Stoneman Douglas.  Schools have come up with safety plans, required active shooter drills and in some cases, even allowed teachers to carry guns. In the 2015–16 school year, 94 percent of public schools said they controlled access to school buildings. They did so by locking or monitoring doors during school hours. If your child is injured at school due to negligence, you'll want more info on your rights and possible compensation. Freedom of Speech and Religion: Public school students have a limited right to free speech. They're often encouraged to speak their mind and share their opinions. But schools can limit the student's right to free speech if they feel it might hurt other students. Students keep their First Amendment right to freedom of speech, as long as they don't disrupt the educational process. Public school students also have the right to pray and take religious material to school. They also have the right to wear religious clothing like a hijab or yarmulke. Students' rights in public schools also include the right to talk about their faith. They're allowed to organize a religious club and miss school for religious holidays. It's illegal for any school or employee to push a particular religion on students. They can't encourage students to join a religious organization. And, they can't discriminate against students who don't practice any religion. Homeschooling: Some parents would rather keep their children out of the public school system entirely. Federal law protects their right to teach their children at home. Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states. Every state has its own regulations that parents have to follow. You can look up state-specific laws here. Civil Rights of Children Include the Right to Privacy: Federal and state governments often gather information about students for research and education-related purposes. Students might be asked to fill out surveys that ask about their alcohol or drug use, their home life, their diet, and their mental health status. Public school students have the right to opt-out of these questionnaires without fear of reprisals. It's illegal to penalize children for refusing to take the surveys. Protection for Students with Special Needs: Federal law gives every student who qualifies an individually-designed instruction program for free. Parents can ask to have their student professionally evaluated. That way, they'll know exactly what the student's academic and social needs are. Qualified students may learn in a regular classroom and get help from a specialist. Or, they could study in a smaller group of students. These kids might need individual or small-group instruction. A student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Section 504 provide a road map for schools that are teaching students with learning and emotional disabilities. It covers mental and physical disabilities, too. Parents who understand their student's IEP can better support their child at home, just as teachers will better understand their condition. Opting out of Sex Education and HIV/AIDS Prevention: Some parents don’t want schools to teach their students about sexual health. They may not want their student to learn about HIV and AIDS prevention in school, either. Students can opt-out of these lessons if their parents request an exemption in writing. Free Education for Immigrants: Children of immigrants have the right to free public school education in the U.S. They have the right to go to school without worrying about deportation or discrimination. Their parents don't have to show a green card, a visa, a passport or an alien registration number to enroll their children. Wrapping It Up: Children under the age of 18 are still developing physically and mentally, and they aren't given all the same rights as adults. Children can't vote, own property or agree to medical treatment. But the U.S. Constitution does protect the civil rights of children by saying they're entitled to a safe environment, good nutrition, healthcare, and education. For more information about the importance of education and its role in the success of our children in the global economy, please visit us! Read Also: How Stress During Studies Can Affect The Health Of Your Children? The Essential Reasons Why Modular Classrooms May Be Your Best Option

online Pharmacists

Why Are People Turning To Online Pharmacists?

Online pharmacists are becoming so popular that the regulations have recently changed to better benefit the patient. These platforms now perform efficient questionnaires designed to eliminate any inappropriate or avoidable medications for the customer, but there are so many other benefits, too! Why Are People Turning To Online Pharmacists? Discretion And Confidence To Order One of the biggest factors that motivate consumers to use online pharmacists is because they offer a discreet, anonymous service. This is more appealing to those who may be embarrassed by the medication they require. For example, a lot of people choose to buy sildenafil online to help with sexual performance, or even medications that prevent or increase hair growth, are commonly bought online today. Most pharmacists promise a discreet packaging service, too. Online pharmacists are having a positive impact on conditions that people may find embarrassing, such as STIs. This is because consumers have subtle, speedy access to the medication they need to prevent the spread of ‘embarrassing’ but also very common conditions. Consumable Information Low-risk conditions or reoccurring symptoms that have been diagnosed as not a concern by a medical professional, such as hay fever, or one-off medicines such as the morning after pill, still require a lot of information. Consumers feel more comfortable being able to research and digest the information about individual medications before they commit to a purchase. Online pharmacies satisfy this need for consumers. They provide expert advice and authoritative information about healthcare. They often also provide helplines in which people can discreetly discuss conditions and make informed decisions about medications. Online information means that, unlike in brick and mortar pharmacists, consumers do not feel the pressure to make an immediate or rush decision. They can weigh up their options and pick what they believe to be the best option for them. Convenience & Rush Orders As with all online retailers and eCommerce brands, online pharmacies give consumers purchasing power. They can choose the product they prefer, with so many options and platforms available to fulfill their needs. Receiving medication through the post is also much more convenient for those living in remote places or with conditions that limit mobility. In turn, consumers can choose postage options based on urgency as well as budget. Medications that are required for a time-sensitive concern, such as the morning-after pill, can be accessed quickly, discreetly and conveniently. Simple Ordering Process Accessing some medications requires a GP, nurses or private pharmacists appointment. Ordering online and using a digital pharmacy can speed up the process and help consumers avoid a long waiting period. Typically, pharmacists offer next day delivery. In some major cities with couriers, same-day delivery is sometimes available. This efficiency is endlessly convenient and helpful when it comes to your health. Automatic Refills Some online platforms make repeat purchases easier than ever before. Not only do patients reclaim the time that was spent going to their pharmacy to pick up prescriptions, but they also reduce the risk of going without critical medications, including contraceptives and prescribed vitamin supplements. At the point of sale, consumers are able to enter how often they take the medication and online tools calculate when a repeat purchase is required. They can then set up direct debits and reduce the worry of going without ever again. Read Also: The perfect auto insurance company just for you How to choose the right online pharmacy

School Hardening

School Hardening: 5 Products to Keep Teachers and Students Safe

In 2021, schools in the United States experienced 23 school shootings. This equates to a school shooting every 8 days. Unfortunately, because of the shootings, parents have started to become more concerned about the safety of their children in schools. It’s important to know that academic institutions, among others, can be considered an essential environment as children usually spend more time every day with their teachers and peers. But with the recent school shootings in the country, it’s about time that the schools address the security threats to ensure the safety of all students. This is where school hardening comes into play. However, in school hardening you have to understand several aspects. After the Parkland shooting in Florida, the concept of school hardening came into the spotlight. School hardening aims to make it difficult for a potential assailant to enter the school and injure children or staff. The process looks different based on the school. It can include solely physical barriers and metal detectors or even arming children with weapons such as mini bats and rocks to use against an assailant. Keep reading to learn about 5 school hardening products that can help keep teachers and students safe. Florida School Hardening: In February 2018, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School suffered a school shooting where 17 students and staff were killed and 17 others were injured. After the shooting, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act was passed to allocate $400 million to schools to promote school hardening. Many states and Congress have also allocated money to help protect schools. School Hardening Products: Children have the right to feel safe in school. Although school hardening cannot guarantee your child’s safety, it has become essential in this day and age.  With more parents becoming worried about their kids’ safety, schools should boost their security efforts during the opening of classes. For example, they should add advanced security systems along with security signages and other related back to school images around the premises. That way, the parents will have peace of mind knowing the schools take their children’s safety and security seriously.  But aside from these items, here are 5 school hardening products that can help protect schools from active shooters. These are often great products to keep teachers safe, as well. 1. Bulletproof Backpacks: Bulletproof backpacks are a form of gun defense for children. It can only be the best safety element that parents can have control of. Once their children leave for school, they no longer know what happens to them. But with these backpacks, you can rest knowing your kids have something that can protect them against potential security threats. Just teach them how to use the bags properly to obtain a more favorable outcome.  However, it’s important to know that most only work to block the bullets of a handgun, and would not work against rifles or large caliber bullets. But despite the limitation, requiring students to use bulletproof backpacks can still provide an added layer of protection while they’re in school. Lastly, bulletproof backpacks are convenient as they work just like any other bag but with certain safety features. 2. Auto-Lock Doors: In many active shooter situations, locked doors are enough to deter a shooter. They often continue onward to another area rather than attempting to break into the door. Auto-lock doors can be manually activated by teachers when all students enter the classroom. An electronic system can also automatically lock doors, especially in the case of an emergency. 3. Bulletproof Doors and Windows: During the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, the assailant shot through the glass of locked doors. Manufacturing doors and windows with bulletproof glass would make it more difficult. However, the glass is not completely bulletproof, so the right weapons may penetrate the glass. 4. Barricades: There is a myriad of products that can help teachers barricade their doors in the case of an emergency. These items prevent someone from entering a classroom. However, these items should comply with fire safety standards and allow staff and students to quickly exit in the case of a fire. 5. Security Cameras: Security cameras, when actively monitored by staff, are a great way to view potential security threats. Spotting a strange individual or car can allow staff to act quickly and get law enforcement involved. Final Thoughts: With the increase of school shootings across the United States, school hardening has become more important than ever. We covered 5 amazing products that can help staff and students stay safe in the case of a crisis. For more articles the newest products that can keep you safe, visit our blog today. Read Also: How To Choose The Right Rock Climbing School Can A School Be Legally Responsible For A Student’s Suicide? The Disturbing Trend Of Multiple Chronic Medical Conditions CBD: The Understanding Of Its Benefits Evolution Of The U.S. Patent System 5 Ways College Students Can Minimize Back To School Stress 5 Strategies For Parents To Help Kids With ADHD Perform Better At School 3 Tips On How To Prepare For Transferring To An American High School What You Should Know About Solar Energy For Schools: Benefits, Expectations, And More