7 Advantages of Reflective Epoxy Flooring

Published on: 26 July 2019 Last Updated on: 19 January 2022
Epoxy Flooring

Flooring trends come and go, and that’s not a bad thing when you think about the decade in which orange and brown patterned carpet was all the rage. It’s proof that not every trend is a good one, but some are more withstanding of changing tastes and times than others. Epoxy floors are a great example of flooring that stands the test of time despite the trendy nature of this type of concrete floor. If you’re thinking about epoxy concrete, here are some of the biggest benefits of this type of flooring.

7 Advantages of Reflective Epoxy Flooring:

1. It’s Durable:

Durable flooring is hard to find when you have kids, pets, and even high heel shoes on the floor all the time. Reflective epoxy floors are among the most durable. They are able to withstand significant wear and tear, which means they are more affordable than other floors, too. You don’t have to replace them as often, which means less money comes out of your own pocket.

2. It’s Strong:

When you use epoxy on your concrete floors, you make them strong. They’re less likely to break down when you use them, and the chemicals in the flooring are not going to break down as quickly. Furthermore, the chemicals you use to clean this kind of floor will not cause erosion, breakdown, or damage. That’s big if you are into clean floors at home.

3. It’s Affordable:

Imagine you have a beautiful home, but the floors are less than attractive. The builder used a builder-grade carpet, and you can’t handle it anymore. However, you don’t have the budget to redo the floors with tile or wood. Why not go with epoxy to save some money? It’s easy to rip out the old floor, spruce up the concrete below, and add epoxy to the top. It’s strong, beautiful, and it’s more cost-effective than other flooring options.

4. It’s Safe:

What makes some people feel nervous about adding concrete epoxy floors to their home is the safety feature. Aren’t they slippery? Won’t you have a higher risk of falling? Will a small spill turn your home into a danger zone? The answer is no to all of the above. Epoxy is strong and safe. It’s not susceptible to slippage, impact, fire, and even temperatures that are extreme in nature. Your home is safer with this on the floor.

5. It’s Aesthetically Appealing:

You want your home to look good, and you want it to show well when you host friends and family. This type of flooring gives you just that. It’s bright, it’s beautiful, it’s attractive, and it comes in any color, pattern, and design imaginable. You get to customize your own floors, and you can add anything you want. Imagine adding your family crest to the floor by the front door for added appeal. It’s almost too good to be true, but it’s easily done with a stencil. It’s even easier if you hire a professional to do the work for you. Renucrete Sydney Polished Concrete can help you create the perfect epoxy flooring in your home.

6. It’s Low-Maintenance:

One of the most common misconceptions homeowners have regarding epoxy floors is about maintenance. Many people assume it’s hard to take care of it. It’s not easy to deal with, and it takes a lot of work. The truth is that it does none of the above. It’s exceptionally easy to maintain, and it can be cleaned regularly without the risk of damage. The epoxy removes the porous aspect of the concrete, which means your floors are even easier to maintain.

7. It’s Easily Changed:

If you remodel your home and spend thousands of dollars on trendy wood floors, you love them for years. What happens, however, when you decide that grey wood flooring you loved so much a decade ago is no longer in style? You’re spending thousands more to replace it with something else. Your epoxy floors, however, aren’t like that. You don’t have to rip up the old floor if you decide you’re tired of it. You simply add whatever you want to the top, and you can always go back to the concrete if you choose.

Epoxy floors are not just for industrial spaces. They’re making homes feel larger, airier, and more modern every day. It’s not something you might consider until now, but adding epoxy floors at home might be exactly what you’ve been looking for to turn your house into a home.

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Bedroom Makeover

3 Tips on How To Plan The Best Cheap and Fabulous DIY Bedroom Makeover

Tired of the current look of your room but don’t have a budget for renovations? It’s time for you to take a breather and read this guide for a thrifty chic’s way in achieving a bedroom makeover! No girl would want to keep the same look for her room in ages. And from time to time a girl would need to change their style. From the all pink room to modern and mature, but it is not an easy process at all. Changing a whole room setting will take time and a lot of brainstorming. Read also: Kitchen Renovations Must Be Done At Regular Intervals Choose What You Like In choosing your desired style, there is a number of choices. The color choices may range from neutral color styles to a preppy college girl’s choice. But sticking to your interest is the best call, and from there you can start planning which theme you desire the most. Do you want your room to have a bigger bed? Or maybe a bigger space? New closet? The planning is really up to you. After that, you can start thinking of what bedroom furniture do you want to buy, keep and throw away. Changing your bedroom style is best when you are cleaning up. You can easily clear spaces as you segregate your stuff and that spare space could be for decorating the room. Read also: Avoid These 4 Mistakes During Multi Family Housing Renovation Don’t Throw It All A basic rule when doing any home makeover is not to throw things away for they can still be of use to you. Well, of course, you would first need to clean up the clutter in your room and carefully assess if your trinkets, furniture, clothes, papers, and other stuff can help your room’s “new look” or not. The reason why you are not advised to throw anything away is that of DIY (Do-It-Yourself) projects that would need recycled materials. DIY has become popular with millennials today as it can show a person's creativity. But if you lack the artistic talent for such, DIY projects also have tutorials and are easy to do. Other than that, DIY projects cost less. Take Control Another tricky part of doing a bedroom makeover is taking control. Well, of course, you have control on which furniture will be at the best place, but other than that you have to take control of mixing and matching. Mixing and matching the patterns and colors is important for a mismatch of colors and stuff can bring disaster to your room. Don't make it too floral or colorful because it would look suffocating and stuffy. Instead, you should pick a maximum of three color tones that creates harmony when combined. The pillow population also matters, because even though it is cute to have a lot of pillows on your bed, it shouldn’t take half your bed space only. Two sets of the right size of bed pillows and a body pillow or a neck roll are all you need. Don't forget to consider your room lighting too. It can be in any shade of your liking. The lighting may be a bit dark, medium light or too light. Takeaway Doing makeovers is fun. Doing it for your room is exciting because it can be all about you. Remember not to be afraid when doing redecoration and renovations because freestyling for your room is not a  crime as long as you are comfortable with it.


Tips on How to Avoid Hoarding and Get Rid of Clutter

Hoarding too many things in your house can become a serious problem. After some time, you will notice that there is not enough space for new stuff. Not only that, sanitation can become an issue as well. Piles of unused items can cause dirt and dust to settle. And the worst part about piles of junk in your home is the pest infestation. You and your family could get sick from the dust and the insects living in the trash you keep. What is hoarding? Your behavior may not be clinically classified as hoarding, but in general, you hoard stuff when you tend to hold on to things even when they are no longer being used. For example, you keep boxes of old clothes, books, and toys your children may have already outgrown. Often the problem is not finding the time to declutter and get rid of junk. Fortunately, there is always a solution. We can provide you with tips on how to prevent hoarding, even before it becomes an issue. Human hoarding may be linked to animal hoarding habits, but firm evidence is requiring. Individuals who meet symptomatic patterns for hoarding mayhem experience sensations of anxiety or distress about abandoning possessions they do not want. The hoarding effects clinically important trouble or impairment in social, professional, or other significant areas of functioning (including securing a safe atmosphere for oneself and others). Scaling down your collection Collecting sentimental items is one common reason why people end up with piles of junk. If you are guilty of doing the same thing, what you can do is scale down. What does scaling down mean? For example, why not frame one of your kid’s artworks and toss the rest? Collectibles can take up a lot of space. Choose pieces with the most meaning and find a way to give away the rest if you can. Hire a junk removal company Expert junk removal in Fort Lauderdale can help if you need assistance with hauling and disposing of piles of garbage in your home. Professional waste removal services will not turn away any job. Whether they need to deal with something challenging, they have the workforce, tools, and equipment to get the job done efficiently. Another advantage of hiring professionals is safety. You won’t unnecessarily endanger yourself trying to carry heavy objects and hauling them to the dumpster. Donate or consign your stuff It is easier to let go of your things when you know that someone else will benefit. Donating is always an excellent option when you have too many items taking up space in your home. Clothes your children have outgrown and those that no longer fit you can be sent to Goodwill. If you have old books and toys, you can also donate them to a school or a charity. A consignment is a good option if you have many small items that still have value. You can contact a thrift store and ask about how to consign some of your things. Do you collect designer shoes and bags? Consignment is the best way to sell some of your stuff for extra cash. Conclusion If you want to avoid clutter and hoarding, you need to be extra conscious about how much stuff you store at home. Take stock of what you have at least twice a year and box up anything that you no longer use. Make it a yearly habit to do a major clean-up so that the task does not become too overwhelming. Read Also: 10 Tactics To Maintain Clear Windows 5 Health Benefits Of A Clutter-Free Home 11 Effective Ways To Improve Testosterone Levels In Your Body


Top myths about PVC

Impact of PVC vs non-PVC towards the environment: Polyvinyl chloride, also known as PVC or simply as vinyl, is a plastic composed of carbon, chlorine, and hydrogen. It’s a common material found frequently in packaging, wire coatings, furnishing, construction materials, pipes, electrical wires, and also in the graphics industry. The reason that PVC is such a popular material is that it’s incredibly versatile. It’s also resistant to UV rays, chemicals, weathering, and flame resistant. Many people, however, believe that PVC has a negative impact on the environment and avoid using any products that contain this material. It’s true that there are many complaints about PVC and its effect both on people and the environment, so let’s take a look at the main issues, both for and against. 1. The manufacturing process releases highly toxic carcinogenic dioxins into the environment: There are two main pieces of evidence that debunk this belief. First is that over the past 30 years, the production of PVCs has increased 300%, whilst at the same time the amount of dioxins in the environment has reduced. Therefore, if the manufacturing process was the major cause of dioxins in the environment, you would expect that the number of dioxins would have increased accordingly. In fact, if we stopped producing PVC, the levels of dioxins in the environment wouldn’t noticeably diminish. Second, that the main cause of dioxins in the environment is not the inefficient combustion of PVC, it’s mainly due to landfill fires and to a lesser degree, the inefficient combustion of medical and urban waste. 2. When incinerated or burnt in house fires, PVC releases dioxins, chlorine, and other carcinogenic chemicals into the air: First of all, PVC doesn’t burn very well, in fact, if the source of fire is removed, PVC doesn’t continue to burn, because it contains a fire-resistant polymer. Also, many PVC products are treated with additional flame retardants after the manufacturing process and release less smoke and less heat when combusted, compared to other plastics. Second, when PVC is correctly combusted the number of toxins released into the environment is insignificant. In fact, the most harm derives from the release of carbon monoxide, which is released from numerous other materials when burnt. 3. PVC can’t be recycled therefore it accumulates as plastic waste: In most scenarios, PVC is actually highly recyclable and can be recycled many times over without degrading. In fact, many plastic products in use today contain components of recycled vinyl; some proponents believe that due to its high recyclability, PVC is actually a zero-waste material. Also, since PVC lasts longer than other materials, it doesn’t need to be replaced as often and hence, appears in landfills less often than comparable materials. In addition, the durability of PVC has led to it being used to line landfills with no evidence that the vinyl breaks down and releases toxins into the groundwater. In the graphics industry, however, PVC is currently difficult to recycle due to contamination from adhesives, additives, and print. Avery Dennison is looking to overcome this with innovative technology to separate products into raw materials, through their Liner Recycling Program. 4. PVC is expensive to manufacture: PVC is made from chlorine and ethylene, both of which are inexpensive to a source (chlorine comes from salt and ethylene from natural gas), resulting in a very inexpensive manufacturing process. In fact, when you consider that PVC products are very cheap to buy, between the retail cost of the product and the profits made by the manufacturer and reseller, the actual production costs are minimal. The result is that vinyl products consume less energy, generate fewer emissions, and save more energy during the manufacturing process than many other products. Why is PVC popular in the graphics industry? All the benefits of using PVC in the graphics industry have been stated above however, more specifically, PVC is extremely cost-effective when compared to alternative polymers. Its long life, durability, resistance to the elements and flame retardance are also major factors, but for our customers, the lower costs are a huge benefit. One of the most popular applications is for car wraps, where the vinyl provides maximum versatility.  Vehicles can look like a work of art after being wrapped with a vinyl film. The fact that PVC is readily available is another factor that cuts down costs, as well as its versatility because we can manufacture numerous products using the same materials. PVC is also an ideal material for use across all print platforms, both porous and heat stable. In summary, PVC is not the villain that it has been made out to be. Many companies manufacturing it are not only committed to sustainability but focused on using innovative techniques combined with the responsible sourcing of materials, to reduce the impact of their operations and supply chain on the environment. Read Also: Replacement Windows – Benefits Of Vinyl Windows Five Ways To Improve The Air Quality Inside Your Home