Are You Safe When Looking for the Best Essay Writing Service?

Published on: 07 September 2018 Last Updated on: 09 March 2019
Writing Service

Online academic help is a big thing these days. According to A-Writer, an online writing company, the amount of college homework has been increasing in the recent years, so more and more students are turning to online services for help with essay writing.  For many students, this is the only way out in difficult situations that have them completing multiple assignments every week, going to classes, and doing other important things.

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re a student going through a similar situation right now.

If you are, you know how difficult it is to find time to do things you love or just relax in the company of friends or watch a movie. In many cases, it’s simply impossible, so you begin looking for alternative ways to complete all college assignments quickly. That’s where online essay writing services come in.

They help to handle complex essay assignments within short deadlines, thus saving your precious time and allowing to focus on other academic projects or daily activities. In the recent years, the number of such companies skyrocketed, with some of them being not so unethical about doing business.

In this paper, we’re going to cover the most common risks associated with essay writing services as well as the ways to minimize them.

1. Privacy :

Many students worry about their privacy when ordering essays from online writing services. For example, they worry that their educational institution will find out that they used these services. Well, while there’s an extremely low risk of that happening, any self-respecting essay writing service won’t give any personal details to third parties such as educational institutions.

The reason is pretty simple: it’s counterproductive for them because it’ll make them lose all clients. If they do that, they’ll go out of business pretty fast. In fact, if the news about that spreads, they’ll be closing their office in a matter of days.

This is not to say that you should trust your information with any essay writing service you find out there, though. Read below to know the signs of companies that are likely to ensure a stress-free experience and provide a quality college paper.

2. Scams :

Unfortunately, there are many scammers trying to take advantage of students desperately looking for help with writing an essay. They make websites to trick visitors into thinking that their services are legit but eventually those who trusted them with writing an essay get ripped off. For example, the papers produced by such companies are 100 percent copied but they refuse to revise them.

To avoid being scammed, follow these tips:

  • Take a good look at the website. Look for obvious signs of fake companies such as misspellings, fake endorsements, lack of reviews, and overall design.
  • Google the name of the company. Try to find news associated with that company or reviews of customers. Many students who got ripped off by fake companies write on forums and blogs about their experience.
  • Call the company. Does the customer service number of the website work? Has anyone picked up the phone? Does that person even know what they’re talking about? (Writing an essay requires a lot of expertise in academic areas, so ask some questions to see if they know what you need) If the answer to all these questions is yes, then chances are you’re dealing with a professional essay writing service.

3. Plagiarism :

This is another legitimate concern that students have when looking for an online company that does essay writing. Since the charges for plagiarism are extreme in most colleges and universities, submitting an unoriginal essay is simply not an option.

Here’s how to maximize the chances of getting quality essay writing services:

  • Avoid extremely cheap services. Any person writing essays for a living won’t plagiarize and aim for quality, therefore the compensation should be adequate.
  • Read reviews. If the company’s customers said that their previous experience with it was spoiled by plagiarism, then look further.
  • Look for companies that provide a money-back guarantee. In this case, even if you receive an essay that contains plagiarism, you won’t lose your money.

The Bottom Line :

Looking for a reliable essay writing service could be a daunting task. Since there are many risks involved in the search, you should definitely follow the tips described above. If you do, you’ll increase the chance of finding a good company that does excellent essay writing. If the quality of their writing satisfies you, try to order from them again so you won’t have to search for more companies next time you have the need for academic help. Happy and safe searching for the best essay writing service!

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5 Things You Need To Know Before Hiring A Ghostwriter

A Ghostwriter is the master of the writing craft. They are the go-to guys for homework assistance, ebook or novel writing when you don’t have the skills or time required to create an engaging piece. However, to avoid costly mistakes, time wasting and ending up with a bad fit for the job, here are five important things that you should know before hiring one. Different Factors To Consider Before Selecting A Ghost Writer  1. Experience and writing style: There is more to hiring a ghostwriter than going through their profiles or reviews.  You need to know what the writer is bringing to the table. Else, the purpose of getting the service of the writer will be defeated. Once you found someone that fits the bill, schedule an interview with them to get to know their personality and years of experience, and if they have ghosted a similar project. It is equally important to ask for a customized sample written according to your specifications. This is because you can’t take the pre-written examples ghostwriters offer for it. Moreover, the ideal writing styles vary based on the content types. For instance, how I’ll craft the words for a fiction book will be different from how I will do if I am writing my essay. So get a personalized sample to make sure that the ghostwriter’s style suits your project, there is no better way to find out. 2. The cost: Different ghostwriters charge different amounts. Sought-after “A-list” ghostwriters with a proven track record of producing bestsellers command about a million dollars or more per book. On the other hand, newbies or lower-end writers, especially those sourced from freelancing sites charge between $ 5,000 to 25,000 to pen a book. You can also get it done for less but get ready to hire a copyeditor to help you cut out the fluff and errors and bring the content to life. If you can afford it, it’s better to hire an experienced ghostwriter with many bestsellers under their belt.  Though this does not mean that the book you’ll get will also be a bestseller, it will surely be up to standard and meet publisher’s expectations. The reason is that such writers are highly skilled in plot writing, and know how to hook readers right from the very first page. Other things that can influence the price include word count – the more it is, the higher the cost – and the time you want the job delivered (be ready to pay more if you expect the book within a short time frame). 3. Expected delivery time: How soon the job will be completed depends on you, the ghostwriter and the word count. If you have already done the background research on the topic and have prepared an outline, the writer can get straight into writing. However, if you have not, the ghostwriter will have to do it themselves, so it will take more time to finish the job. A seasoned, fast writer should be able to churn out about 2000 words per hour. It can take more though, if the task is a bit complex or if the topic requires a lot of creativity and imagination. At this rate, you should expect to get the delivery of a 20000-word eBook or novel within 7 to 10 days tops. So ask the ghostwriter when they can complete the task without rushing or sacrificing quality. 4. Word Count: Another important thing you will want to know before hiring a ghostwriter is the number of words that you want the book to be. The mode of publishing and your budget are two things that should shape your decision. There are specific word limits that the book must meet whether you plan to use a publisher or take the self-publishing route. You don’t want your book rejected after the ghostwriter has completed the job just because it is below the limits. Also, you should choose your book’s word count according to your budget. If you can’t afford more than $200, then your word count should be on the lower side. You’ll need to hire a ghostwriter whose rate is $0.01 per word to get a 20000-word book. 5. Words per page: The number of words that should be on a page is an important thing that most people who hire ghostwriters don't always give thought to. Though the ballpark figure is 500 words per page[1], it can change based on the font you want to use, the line spacing, and page size. If you intend to include pictures to make the book an attractive read, then this number will be lower. The number of words that should be on a page also depends on the type of the book (whether it is more of dialogue or exposition-heavy). Conclusion: Lack of skills or time should not be the stumbling block to your dream of bringing out the book in you. Whether you need homework assistance, report or novel writing, ghostwriters can get the job done. However, for successful collaboration, you need to know things such as the cost, expected delivery time, word count and so on before hiring a ghostwriter. Read Also: Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? 10 Easy Ways For Students To Improve Their Writing Skills Features Image:

Essay writing

6 Creative Skills You Can Use During Your Essay Writing Process

Creative writing is critical during essay writing. It will let you run your imagination. Most themes are about objective and factual ideas, the way you rely on and deliver them. It involves the way you express the knowledge and understanding of the readers. The important thing is to ensure that there is a connection with the reader’s interest. An essay is a style that anyone can learn and master; you need to understand the basics of writing. Have a standard guideline and know the basic principles. Several creative skills can help in essay writing to make them exciting and original. 6 Creative Skills You Can Use During Your Essay Writing Process: Always Think about your Readers In essay writing, the reader is the most crucial party. You need to know the type of readers you are writing for, and that will ensure that they are interested. The idea is to know your target group and write for them. When writing to a lecturer, ensure that you give the correct answers. Have the accurate information, and when stuck, seek for assignment ideas. If you get a set of questions, ensure you know the right way to answer them. Always ensure you are original in your content. Have a surprise with the way you approach things. Have the correct information that your readers need. Make sure your content is captivating and catchy so that they do not get bored. The bottom line is always ensuring that you keep all your readers engaged. Embrace all the techniques and approaches needed. Better Structure The three-act structure is a device used in writing that helps with modern literature. It will assist when you need to know of the right approach to follow. Before you start writing, ensure you have an outline of what you are going to deliver. You need to understand how to place your introduction, the essay body that has to be in paragraphs, and the conclusion connecting all the other parts. You need to look for at least three reliable references. Know the Basic Grammar Make sure you are aware of all the basic style, punctuation, and grammar. It is an essential part of writing, and it will help the readers to understand your research and appreciate it. Before writing an essay, ensure that you know about all the essential grammar such as subject agreement, pronoun, verb, and sentence structure. Know the standard punctuation; understand the proper use of commas, full stop, and question mark. Know the difference between active and passive voice, hence making the essay tone stronger. Your language should be concise, avoid any transition or unnecessary information in the sentences. Use Correct Vocabulary You need to know what the words you are using mean. It is essential to understand how you use your language in essay writing. The idea is to persuade the other people that you are making an intelligent argument. When you use big words, it does not mean that you are making a relevant point. It will only seem like you are overcompensating your writing. Avoid using words that you are not sure about; when you use obscure words would take away the clarity of the essay. Understand the Argument Make sure you always analyze the evidence. Before writing the essay, have your argument in mind. It is possible to drift from the topic, work hard to avoid such distractions. Be thorough when evaluating all the evidence, and ensure you have significant research as a backup. Have a clear connection to all your topics concerning the arguments. A Better Conclusion You should have a proper conclusion that supports your research. Do not overlook your conclusion; it is the connection with the thesis. A great conclusion will outline the critical evidence of the essay body, the main argument, and the research. A poorly written conclusion can discredit a good essay. Read Also: Write My Research Paper: 5 Sources of Your Inspiration to Capture Major Regulatory Approvals for Cross Border Acquisitions


Student’s Guide: 14 Essay Types from the Easiest to the Hardest One

Being the most common type of written assignment, an essay is known by students of all ages. This task is an inevitable part of the educational program. Starting from middle school and all the way to college or university, everyone faces it. Since this type of task is being assigned to students at all stages of their education, it has a significant influence on one’s final scores. That’s why mastering the art of essay writing is vital for overall academic success. This article is your comprehensive guide, from which you will learn what academic writing is and what are its different types. What Is an Essay? According to the general definition, it is a short academic paper that discusses a given topic from a specific point of view. As a rule, the subject is presented from the student’s own angle. Typically, such papers are short. However, depending on several aspects, such as the subject, type of essay, or teacher’s instructions, the length of the text can vary. The common format for such paper is based on the five-paragraph structure. It consists of an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The general purpose of the task can vary depending on its type. For example, some essay types are created to inform readers about the given topics and some are analytical. Others can have a purpose to persuade someone of something. This type of task is currently a part of every academic program in schools and colleges. Therefore, it is vital that every student could handle it to ensure a high GPA. 14 Essay Types from the Easiest to the Hardest One Writing this type of academic work is, by no means, a simple matter, which is why many students struggle with such assignments. Luckily for those who lack time for their homework or simply can’t cope with the task, there are professional writing services. Sites like can deliver high-quality academic help to anyone in need. However, if you want to hone your skills and cope with the task on your own, this guide will come in handy for distinguishing different types of essays. Simple: 1) Descriptive This is probably the easiest type of work. In a nutshell, a descriptive paper is the one that describes something (a person, object, phenomenon, event, etc.) in detail. The author’s goal is to provide a clear description adding vivid details. They need to help readers see, feel, smell, hear, or taste what is described. As a rule, this task is short, it follows a standard structure, and doesn’t require in-depth research. 2) Narrative The second easiest type of academic paper is a narrative essay. Its main purpose is to tell a story. Similar to the previous task, it requires using plenty of details in order not to tell but show a story to readers. It is a creative task that most students handle with ease. 3) Process The next rather simple type of work is a process essay. As you could already understand from the name, its goal is to describe a certain process. The author needs to break down the process of doing something into a set of smaller sequences and describe each step so that readers could do it after reading a paper. 4) Comparison and Contrast The goal of such a paper is to make either a comparison, contrast, or both between two or more similar or different things. This form of assignment is rather simple as all a student needs to do is to analyze different objects and define what they have in common or what differs them. 5) Cause and Effect The main purpose of this task is to reveal the interconnection between certain things or actions. A writer needs to explain what caused them and what effect they can have. As a rule, students find this kind of assignment rather simple. However, the level of complexity depends on the object or topic that has to be explained. Medium Level: 6) Review This form of assignment requires a student to review a particular piece (usually, a book) and discuss its merits and demerits. Although such papers often follow the standard format and may not be too difficult to write, many students find it challenging. Such an essay requires a solid understanding of the book’s content and a lot of research. 7) Explicatory Such papers are most often written about novels, poems, and short stories. The purpose of the assignment is to explain a literary piece so that a reader could easily understand it. 8) Critical A critical essay is another assignment often written on a specific literary piece. The purpose of the paper is to give a thorough evaluation of the chosen piece based on its strong and weak sides. 9) Analytical When writing an analytical paper, the author has to analyze a specific topic, concept, or a literary piece from different angles, providing supporting arguments. This kind of work requires in-depth research, so it can be quite time-consuming. 10) Rhetorical Analysis This work is similar to the previous one. However, as a rule, a rhetorical analysis paper is written about a piece of rhetoric or speech and has a purpose to assess it based on the rhetorical strategies and tools that have been used in a piece. Complex: 11) Definition The main goal of such work, as you could understand from the name, is to give a clear definition of a concept or idea. What makes it a complicated assignment is that you must have a solid understanding of the concept to be defined. Only that will allow you to create a high-quality definition essay. 12) Expository This form of work has the goal to explain a complex concept or idea in detail to make readers understand it with ease. 13) Argumentative An argumentative paper is one of the most time-consuming and challenging types of essays. This type of assignment requires conducting an in-depth research and collecting valid data (arguments) that would support the author’s ideas. 14) Persuasive Another complicated kind of work is a persuasive paper. Similar to the previous type of paper, it should provide valid arguments to support certain ideas. However, what makes it even more complex is that the author has to use different techniques to persuade the readers of the correctness or incorrectness of certain ideas. Read Also: Tips on Writing a Winning Reflection Paper in College Tips on cheap assignment writing services hiring 7 Tips for Writing a Dissertation