Safety Triangle: Three Things Your Soon-To-Be House Must Have

Published on: 19 July 2017 Last Updated on: 19 August 2019

The house is the first shelter that makes up our first institution, the family. It is the witness of whatever first we have in life, from our very first step to probably our very first word. The house that we live in is the territory of our feelings and thoughts, both unheard and unspoken.

Since the house is the very place we dwell in as a place of comfort, homeowners should assure the sturdiness of the house from the very walls up to the heights of the roof. If the house is not sturdy enough to stand against the wrath of mother nature, it may not be a safe house after all.

People may say that it is close to impossible to stand against a storm or a tornado, most especially. However, what most people don’t know is that they can have a home that can stand against storms and hurricanes.

Methods for strengthening the structural frame of the house, from the foundations to the roofs, here are some helpful tips to help you have a sturdy house.

Super Foundation



Before you can even start building a house, you have to ensure a foundation first and foremost. It is a fundamental part of the house, and an inappropriate base can be the means of stand or break for your home.

There are different types of foundations ranging from, basements, crawlspaces, and concrete slab on grade. Basements are the most common type in many homes in America. Second to its popularity is the crawlspace which elevates the level of the house higher than average.

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Last but not least is the concrete slab on grade which is a solid concrete pad from which the house stands on.

Basements are the most prevalent in the country because it is the strongest among the other foundations. Homeowners opting for basements are also most likely fond of having extra rooms in their house. A basement can accommodate space which can be enough for a playroom, storage room, or even a bedroom.

Crawlspaces, on the other hand, are lower than the basement but is higher than the concrete slab on grade. Though in most cases, crawlspaces are vulnerable to moist cases, you can ventilate it and fix it to control the moisture level.

Lastly, concrete slab on grade is the cheapest among the foundations. It is a pad of concrete planted on the ground where the house can stand. It is free from termites and also from the safety of vital water supply and drainage pipes.

When problems with the pipes occur, the person doing the job has to crack the concrete open to see the pipes. However, the cost of a concrete slab on grade is more affordable compared to basements and crawlspaces.

Connecting Walls



Walls are the frame of the house, the skeletal system of the building. Most homeowners ignore the needed quality of walls from which such mindset leads to the delicate structure of the wholesome of the house. A damaged or weak wall can trigger the destruction of your whole house.

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There are many methods to consider when making strong walls, one of them is called the continuous load path. It is the way that connects every bit of the house, from the floor composition to the threshold of the roof. In this connection, the walls connect the roof and the foundation from which the “path” starts.

This method requires a focal point where the house meets its balance. Imposing balance in the home is acquiring connection in the building. This joint is with the bolts, metal connectors, nails and screws, and everything else that can add up to the inside of the walls.

If the house has this kind of connection, the frame of the house will be like a chain on the inside that will be able to stand against calamities.

Nowadays, home constructions follow the program of the continuous load path. However, not every firm in the country supports the national building standards. So as a homeowner, you should ask the construction team to use the continuous load path method, or ask them if they do.

Metal Roofing



The roof is the ozone layer of a building. It protects us from the sun, the snow, and the rain – most especially cyclones. Cyclones are the number one enemies of roofs. Cyclones can do so much to a roof and damage it a lot, but if you have the appropriate roof, you can survive them all.

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The best shelter that can help you assure a safe house that your family can dwell in for the next 30 – 50 years is the metal roof. Metal roofing is the standard roof of Houston, especially since the city is vulnerable to cyclones due to its geographical location.

Using metal for your roof is a basic necessity as it is one of the safest roofing material that can withstand fear and some harsh climate conditions. Aside from being fireproof and stormproof, if we may say, metal also reflects the heat of the sun stopping most of it from entering your house. You can save yourself from humidity and save your electricity from using air conditioners.

The durability of metal roofing is also 2 – 3 times stronger than average roofs. This length can equate to 30 – 50 years lifespan, by which we can say that metal roofing can witness the adulthood transition of your kid by the least.

In the maintenance of the roof, many companies do metal roof repair in Houston. As one of the advantages of metal roofing, it is quick and easy to install and can also be customizable according to the uniqueness of the house.


From the foundation to the walls to the roof, the house itself should be able to withstand any problems the homeowners can think of for the sake of the people that will live in it. It pays to be knowledgeable of the structure of the house to ensure prior safety.

Home as a basic shelter is also the first institution where things for families begin. Building a house with healthy bones is protecting the family itself.

A homeowner should ensure that the house is in good maintenance. Regularly clean your basements, check the walls and don’t be afraid to dial up some companies of metal roofing Houston for your roof. Any bills for maintenance or necessary improvements are better than hospital bills.

Precautions are always better than a cure. Know the quick knicks and knacks of your house and address them efficiently. More so, it pays if you know the fundamentals of your home.


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All About Ips Corporation

All About Ips Corporation: A Deep Dive Into Its Contributions

In today's world, industries need reliable solutions to their everyday operational challenges. A pioneer that stands out from the rest in providing comprehensive solutions for the diverse needs of various sectors is the subject of our study today - a corporation that has extensively contributed to the plumbing industry with its innovative and efficient solutions. A name that echoes the promise of quality, integrity, and Innovation - that's the IPS Corporation. Setting the Stage - The Origin Story The Genesis A great success story is always preceded by a humble beginning. The inception of the IPS Corporation goes back to the mid-20th century. The company was started by a visionary entrepreneur who foresaw the potential and necessity of efficient and innovative plumbing solutions. The key to their success has always been the ability to anticipate and address future needs with pioneering solutions. Evolution Over Time Over the years, the Corporation has come a long way, steadily transforming from a small startup into a reputable industrial giant. It evolved from a local firm to a global enterprise, expanding its operations across continents. Its story inspires many, setting an example of how an idea can grow into a worldwide corporation. The IPS Corporation has continually redefined its capabilities, pushing the boundaries of Innovation, thereby reshaping the industry's landscape. The IPS Ethos – Striding Towards Excellence Pillars Of Strength The IPS Corporation stands tall on three significant pillars: Quality, Innovation, and Sustainability. These core values guide their day-to-day operations and strategic decisions. Quality remains at the heart of their products and services, providing high-performance solutions to their clients. Simultaneously, Innovation is the driving force that propels them to continually improve their offerings and adapt to the dynamic industry trends. Sustainability, the third pillar, reflects their commitment to environmental responsibilities, aiming to minimise their operational footprint.   Human Capital – The Backbone Of The Corporation The employees are the heart and soul of the IPS Corporation. They employ a diverse pool of talent who bring rich experience, knowledge, and creativity. The team comprises industry veterans and young minds working collaboratively to build solutions that meet the needs of their global clientele. The organisation's leadership continually nurtures this talent, facilitating an environment that encourages continuous learning, development, and growth. Unveiling The IPS Contributions Revolutionising The Plumbing Industry IPS Corporation, an industry pioneer, has left an indelible mark in the plumbing sector. Their cutting-edge products have revolutionised operations within this field; by consistently pushing innovation boundaries, they have set benchmarks of durability, efficiency and safety solutions that put an unrivalled standard for their peers in the area. Through their commitment and tireless dedication, the IPS Corporation has emerged as a driving force behind the evolution of plumbing procedures. Their constant pursuit of excellence has yielded groundbreaking techniques and products that have significantly enhanced plumbing systems' efficiency and reliability worldwide. As such, they have transformed a previously disjointed industry into one well-coordinated and standardised, building trust among customers and professionals. IPS Corporation has had an indelible mark on more than just products and services; their involvement in industry-wide initiatives, collaborating with experts, institutions and regulatory bodies to set industry best practices and establish industry standards is immense. Their involvement in shaping regulations and guidelines has also contributed to overall growth and development within the plumbing sector. Championing Environmental Responsibility The Corporation has always been keen on minimising its environmental footprint. They have introduced environmentally friendly products, adhering to stringent regulatory guidelines. Their sustainability-driven innovations mitigate their environmental impact and pave the way for progressively green industry. The Journey Ahead Future Prospects The IPS Corporation is not one to rest on its laurels. The team is continually working on groundbreaking innovations, focusing on expanding its product portfolio and venturing into new markets. They aim to maintain their position at the forefront of the industry, pioneering change and driving the sector's evolution. Continuing the Legacy As they look ahead, the IPS Corporation is committed to upholding its quality, Innovation, and sustainability legacy. They are prepared to embrace future challenges, continually adapting to the dynamic industry trends and ensuring their offerings remain at the cutting edge of technology. Conclusion: In conclusion, the IPS Corporation is an exceptional example of a corporation that has significantly contributed to its industry. Their success story is not merely a tale of business growth but is a testament to their unwavering commitment to quality, Innovation, and sustainability. This Corporation's journey exemplifies the power of a vision, the strength of a committed team, and the impact of ceaseless Innovation. The future undoubtedly holds great things for this industry giant, and we can only wait in anticipation to see how they continue to redefine the industry standards. Read Also: 8 Plumbing Myths Busted Asphalt Pavement Maintenance Tips 5 Important Tools For Pipe Recovery Operations

Water Heater

Advantages Of Using A Water Heater At Home

Your home will never be complete without water fixtures. Your household will need a clean source of water to drink, wash their clothes with and basically, just function as an individual every single day. Undeniably, water is a valuable resource regardless of the activities you and your family take on every day. This is the reason why most homeowners decide to install a water heater at home. For them, despite paying for water heater repair Dallas once in a while, the benefits a household can experience from using a water heater certainly outweigh the disadvantages. But as a homeowner yourself, should you take on the same path, as well? Installing a water heater at home is an investment. This water fixture doesn’t come with a cheap price tag and buying one might require you to break the bank. To help you come up with a sound decision whether to purchase a water heater or not, consider the following benefits: 1. A water heater can help reduce energy costs: This might come as a surprise, but yes, a water heater can actually help reduce your energy costs at home. There are a lot of water heaters available in the market today, and some of these are very high efficiency which means that these water heaters usually use 50% less energy compared to older models. The newer the water heater model is, the more advanced its functions are. If your budget allows it, make sure that you buy a highly efficient water heater as this can become an excellent investment in the long run. It might require a large amount of money upfront but since you’ll be paying for lesser energy costs, you’ll be saving money over time. 2. A water heater doesn’t really need too much maintenance: Contrary to popular belief, water heaters at homes don’t require too much maintenance. Sure, a regular check-up should be in place, but if the water heater is used correctly, there’s no need to worry about paying for regular maintenance costs. And as mentioned, since newer models of water heaters are popping out, you buy a water heater which can work correctly even without maintenance. 3. A water heater can help lessen water wastage at your home: Unlike traditional water heaters, newer models of water heaters don’t need to store gallons of water just to function. Today, a tankless high-efficiency water heater can be bought anywhere – and with the amount of water it uses every time you switch this one, it’s probably a good thing to have one installed right away. A tankless water heater only “heats” water the moment someone is using your water fixtures at home. Traditional water heaters, on the other hand, heats up stored water even when not in use. As a result, your house will heat up more than the needed amount of water which can also translate to higher energy bills. This is one of the most obvious reasons why a tankless water heater remains to be the favorite among many homeowners. 4. A water heater can be very convenient: Gone are the days when water heaters take up the entire space in your basement. Today, there are now water heaters which are small and compact and yet, very powerful. You can even install a water heater on your own. The manufacturer will usually set up the water heater with the regulated temperature, and once this is installed, you’re ready to use it the right way. 5. A water heater can be very durable: Everything in your home should be an investment. You shouldn’t buy anything which will only last for a couple of weeks or months because aside from wasting money, low-quality products can also bring unwanted stress to you and your family. Fortunately, buying a high efficient water heater can help you steer away from this situation. Because newer water heaters are equipped with the latest technologies, you can guarantee that manufacturers have created this product with the best quality possible. Usually, a high-efficiency water heater can last up to 25 years. Think Long-Term: When you’re a homeowner, it’s typical to become very cautious with your expenses. Being a homeowner isn’t a one-time investment, it’s actually a long-term commitment. You’ll still have to think about the bills and maintenance costs, just to name a few. But with the number of advantages you can experience from a water heater at home, it’s safe to assume that buying one is a smart move. As long as you know how to take care of a water a heater at home, you’ll surely get your money’s worth! Read Also: Upgrading Your Home To A Smart Home How Cleaning Helps Us Feel Better And Why We Don’t Do It Featured Image:  

Best Mattress

Whoa! Enviable And Glamourous Features Of The Best Mattress For Heavy People

After a hard day’s work, everyone retires to bed to relax and sleep to recover the energy they lost during their working hours. Even those who are ailing are often given bed rest by the doctor to help them recuperate. Basically, the bed is the best place to relax, rest and sleep. Therefore, it should be absolutely comfortable and hassle-free to facilitate your rest, relaxation, and sleep. That cannot be possible if the mattress on your bed is not good. If it is thin, it will cause you discomfort because you will be squeezed. Particularly plump people need the best mattress for heavy people. What you should consider when buying the Best mattress:- Proper support and alignment: When you lie horizontally in bed, your body weight is not balanced. There are some body parts that exert more pressure on the mattress than others. For instance, your head, shoulders, hips and waist area squeeze the mattress than the rest of the body. Therefore, you should ensure that the mattress offers proper support to avoid having an improper surface on the mattress. The areas that are squeezed more sink: if the mattress does not offer enough support. Edge support: Sometimes you could be sitting on the edge of the mattress when watching TV, reading, chatting with your partner, or even typing on your laptop. The edges get squeezed so much by your weight and if the mattress’ edges are poorly supported, they start getting disfigured. The edges become lower and the mattress can eventually start sloping with a higher middle and lower edges like a macadamized road. Consequently, when you are sleeping and you want to toss, you can easily fall off from the bed. Material preference: There are several materials that mattresses are made of but the most preferable one is foam. Its quality is good and its features are quite impressive. However, that also depends on your tastes and preferences. You can weigh the pros and cons of every material before buying. Durability and quality of the material: This is a common factor in all the products that you buy from the market. Apparently, you will go for a durable and high-quality mattress rather than going for a cheaply and poorly made one. Mattresses are a bit expensive and if you buy one that will not last, it will cost you a lot. Therefore, you should be very keen on the quality of the material and durability. Thickness: Thickness is one of the key factors that you should not leave behind when factoring out the features of the mattress to go for. It goes without saying that a thin mattress is of poor quality and it is very uncomfortable for heavy people. When your weight exerts pressure on it, it will be squeezed so much and you will not help to toss the whole night trying to get relief. I can almost say that you can wake up in the middle of the night to rest due to how tired you will be when sleeping on that mattress. Heavy people should go for a thick mattress of over 13 inches. Heat retention: The mattress should be warm to facilitate you to get good sleep without frequent breaks of awakedness. Therefore, the material should be warm and retain heat that your body emits when you are asleep or when lying in bed. Density: Density matters a lot and it is one of the core factors to consider. Heavy duty and medium densities are very good and comfortable. However, if you are obese you may consider going for the heavy-duty mattress because it is not affected by your weight. The quality of these mattresses is indisputably commendable and they also last for quite long. Their thickness does not get compromised because they are firm enough. Airflow: The flow of air matters and that is why foam mattresses are recommended. That flow prevents you from sweating because your skin breathes normally. Without a good flow and circulation of air, temperatures would go so high causing you to be soaked with sweat. Bouncing: bouncing is also an important factor to consider to enhance comfort. With your massive weight, when you sit or lie in bed, you squeeze the mattress so much. If it does not bounce back, it remains with that thin thickness. Therefore, that makes it lose its condition. You should go for a mattress that will bounce back to its right size when the pressure is relieved. Firmness: A firm mattress is ideal for heavy people because it gives them absolute comfort and support when they are sleeping. The mattress should not collapse and make you get squeezed by the bed. It should be firm enough to give you comfort. The less firm the mattress is, makes you sink deep into it and even start feeling the bed. Obviously, the bed is made of wood, metal and other materials that are hard, and they would cause you absolute discomfort. Select the best mattress that can work well for you. Innerspring: the mattresses that have innersprings are quite good and they are both comfortable and firm. The springs are quite flexible and they compress up to the point where your weight squeezes them. Spring mattresses are quite ideal for heavy people because they remain in good condition. In a nutshell, these are the features you should consider when buying mattresses for heavy people, not exempting pressure relief. Read Also: Best Mattress For Back Pain Can A Mattress Cause Back Pain? What To Look For In A Pillow Top Mattress Natural Latex Mattress Vs Foam Mattress What You Need To Know About Electric Mattress Pad The Best Memory Foam Mattresses For Staying Cool This Summer Which One Of The Memory Foam Mattresses Out There Worth Your Money Choosing The Best Mattress That Will Make Mothers Comfortable During Pregnancy Seven Simple Ways For Achieving Cozy Bedroom Environment: For Perfectly Night Sleep