How a Smart Guy Gets an Amazing Commercial Lease with Bad Credit

Published on: 25 July 2019 Last Updated on: 16 August 2019
bad credit

Sometimes, things can go south when you need to take up a commercial lease, but you discover that your credit score is bad. There is an unfortunate stereotype about people with a bad credit score as they are seen to be a typical bad guy, starved off trustworthiness.

Yet, in reality, a bad credit score can occur to just anyone. Bad credit essentially means a financial history of your inability to pay up loans when you were obligated to.

Worry not, for in this guide, we will show you how to secure your dream commercial lease, even in the face of bad credit.

1. Do a wide search of your options:

Honesty is quite needed here, and you have to search for all the options open to you. Your real estate advisor or lawyer can help you do it, but you need to be honest about the reasons why you were unable to meet the previous financial commitments so that they have adequate information to help you.

When you know you have several options, you will be more relaxed to seek out a property owner who can accommodate your bad credit.

2. Get a good guarantor or co-signer:

If, for instance, you’re considering getting an office space for lease Seattle with bad credit, getting a guarantor or co-signer with a high credit score to sign as a surety for you can help you secure the commercial lease.

The property owner would know that he or she would have nothing to lose as your guarantor or co-signer will be held liable to pay if you default.

Admittedly, since your credit is bad, it could be hard to get a guarantor, in which case, look for a family member or friend whom you would be willing to offer a percentage of the business proceeds, making the deal more lucrative and mutually beneficial.

3. Be willing to stake high:

Negotiations for an office space for lease Seattle with bad credit could be quite tricky, but you can still get a fair deal. You would have to increase your stakes to make your offer attractive, despite your low credit score.

You can offer to make a hefty security deposit, add collateral, or even agree to pay a higher interest rate. A business-minded property owner would be more interested in offering you a lease with such these attractive conditions.

4. Consider bartering:

Bartering means exchanging what you have for something that you need. Identify a connection between your line of business and what the property owner can get in place of the payment and have the willingness to exchange, even if you’re a bit on the losing side.

If finding a connection is difficult, you can join a barter club where the credit scores of the members can be used towards your lease.

5. Go for a motivated property owner:

Property owners can sometimes be motivated to advertise that they are willing to bargain or offer leases to people with bad credit. Search out for them and be prepared to commit to their terms, giving assurance that you will keep to the lease agreement.

When you need a commercial lease, and you have a bad credit score, you don’t have to panic. There are some things that you can do to rectify the situation. The bottom line is that whatever arrangement you decide to use, you have to document and sign it to protect yourself in the future.

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5 Tips For Transport & Logistics Business Owners Before Investing In Insurance

You need to make sure that you have considered how you will buy insurance before you get started managing your company. Most people who run a large business like this think that they just need to get insurance for their vehicles, but you should be a bit more clever with the insurance that you buy. There are some steps below that will make your life much easier, and each of those steps will be easy to follow because you only need to have a look at what your options are when talking to an agent. Let the agent guide you and realize that you have a lot of things that actually need an insurance policy. Insure The Vehicles First When you work with a company such as Connect Business Insurance, you will still insure the vehicles first. You need to have insurance if you plan to send the vehicles on the road. You need to get the vehicles valued and insured properly so that they can be replaced on their own. A lot of companies just own the trucks, and you are hauling someone else’s trailer. Even if you own your trailers, they get their own insurance when you have the policies written up. Insure The Trailers You can insure the trailers with no trouble because they have their own value in and of themselves. When you do not own the trailers, your partner needs to insure their own trailers. They will cover the loss of the trailer in the event of an accident, and you can move on to other types of insurance that will actually pay to replace the items that are in the trailers. Property Loss Insurance You can get property loss insurance that will pay for the loss of anything that was in the trailers in the first place. When you are getting a policy like this, you need to get a general replacement value that could be used for anything that you are hauling. All you need to do is keep track of the things that are in your trailers because that will help you file the claims in the future. You also need to remember that you must have these manifests ready for any insurance claim if the partner is paying for the loss of property. Profit Loss You can take out business insurance that will be used to pay for lost profits. When you need to shut your business or stop using trailers or trucks, you can use insurance to pay for lost profits. This is how a business can afford to stop working when it has an emergency. You also need to remember that these policies have different values based on how much you think a lost day of work is worth. Let the agent value your workday for you so that there is no confusion. Use The Agent Often You should use an agent in all cases because that is the only person who can properly value your policy, write the policy, and offer customer care. Read Also: How To Choose The Best Auto Insurance Company? Have You Paid Enough Attention To Liability Insurance When Launching Your HHA Business?

Credit Card Debt

A Guide to Getting Out of Credit Card Debt

It’s estimated that over 191 million Americans have credit cards, with the average credit card holder having at least 2.7 cards. While there are many benefits attached to credit cards, such as building credit and increasing purchasing power, it can be all too easy to miss credit card payments and find yourself in debt. So how about getting out of credit card debt? If you’re in this predicament, you may be wondering how to get out of credit card debt quickly. There are certain factors that can affect this, such as the amount of debt you’re in. Just remember, if you’re in credit card debt, you’re not alone.  5 Actions You Need To Take For Getting Out Of Credit Card Debt To successfully pay off your credit card debt will take some grafting from you. Here are some actionable tips for getting out of credit card debt.   You can take it now to clear your credit card debt. 1. Ask For Help You’re bound to feel overwhelmed if you’re in a ton of credit card debt. However, rather than burying your head in the sand, it’s time to ask for help and support. This may involve speaking to a credit counseling agency.  They can put you back on the right track and improve your financial situation. If you need help getting out of credit card debt? You always have to find the most suitable helping advisers for it. Now, most banks are offering services for credit card debt support. So you can avail of it. Alternatively, you can contact Tally, who is a specialist in credit card management. They can provide help in getting your credit card debt paid off faster. Whatever you do, don’t put your debt off. If you do, you will accrue more debt which will make it harder to get out of. 2. Establish Your Finances The first action toward getting out of credit card debt is by assessing your financial situation. This involves devising a list of everything you owe. You should include credit card debt and other monthly bills too. Your overall debt should factor in the balance and annual percentage rate, or APR (the price you are charged to borrow money) for every credit card you own. Analyzing each card’s APR and balance will help you establish what methods to use to reduce your debt.  You may find it more beneficial to tackle the debt with the largest interest rates first. Make sure to compare your expenses and debts with your income too. This can include items like a mortgage or rent debt, credit card balances, and loan debt. 3. Prioritize Your Spending After assessing your finances, it’s time to concentrate on how much you’re spending. To begin, you should pay the lowest quantity on secure debts. Are you failing to make the payments on time? This could see you lose the assets that are funding the loan. You must pay attention to your student loan debt too. This is because the federal government (which backs the majority of student loan debts) can sanction you financially should you default on student loan repayments.  For instance, the government can garnish your tax refunds, wages, and your Social Security benefits. When working on getting out of credit card debt, it’s advised not to use your credit cards during this time. Instead, pay for things using cash or a debit card. The last thing you want is to rack up further debt. 4. Draw Up A Budget Once you have prioritized your debts, it’s time to draw up a budget. This will help monitor how much you’re spending and give you better control on decreasing and getting out of credit card debt. It will take determination, persistence, and self-discipline to get rid of this financial burden. There are online tools you can use to set a budget and ensure you stay within your means. To free up more money from your budget, it’s time to look at ways you can cut back on expenses whether it’s forfeiting cable TV for the time being. But canceling your gym membership or you have to be well prepared to go without some luxuries as you tackle your debt.  To generate more income, why not consider starting a side hustle? If you have a particular passion for something, you may be able to earn extra money that can be put towards your credit card debt. 5. Alter Your Financial Habits If you don’t change the behavior that got you into credit card debt, you may slip back into debt quicker than you realize. Once you tackle your credit card debt and get it paid off, the relief will be like nothing else.  Therefore, you don’t want to be in the same position months down the line. If you want to get out of credit card debt fast, you always have to revise your financial habits. And always learn from your greatest mistakes. You need to understand the difference between ‘wants’ and ‘needs.’ Necessities include food, clothing, and housing, whereas luxuries are things like a Netflix subscription or going on vacation. Once you’ve cleared your credit card debt, it’s wise to set up an emergency fund of cash. That way, you have money when you need it without the need to use a credit card. Conclusion: If you’ve found yourself in a mountain of credit card debt, with the proper knowledge and tools, you will soon be on the path to conquering that mountain and becoming debt-free. Remember, you don’t have to tackle your credit card debt alone. There are people out there like credit counselors who can provide support and guidance. They are also willing to help you to get out of credit card debt. Read Also: Why Would I Need A Business Credit Report? 5 Tactics to Improve Your Credit Score This Year How to Deal With Debt By Doing Business Marketing Smartly? 10 Ways a Low Credit Score Can Negatively Impact Your Life

Long-Term Goals

5 Must-Have Long-Term Goals for A Secure Future

Most of us would agree that it’s vital to set goals and make plans to achieve them. People do it all the time. For instance: Goal: ‘Lose 5kg’ Plan: ‘Eat less and exercise more’  But financial goals, which are the life-changing goals of all, are often put on the back burner. Retiring early, setting up a business, or building an investment portfolio worth millions can all seem a bit too hard. You should prepare long-term goals that can help you to achieve your objectives.  However, it's not! With a bit of understanding and help, financial goals can be set, plans can be put into place, and the desired nest egg can be achieved. Here are a few long-term goals worth setting: 1. Having an Emergency Fund for The Rainy Days : Life can bring economic uncertainty to many, and even for the financially secure, life happens, in the form of domestic catastrophes, medical bills, and other unplanned expenses. Therefore, it’s vital to have an emergency fund that can offer peace of mind and financial relief in such untoward situations. As a general rule, it’s good to have an emergency fund that would cover three to six months of your living expenses. So, calculate and know how much you need and set aside a certain amount from your paycheck every month. Over the years, this fund will grow, which you can use in case of an unexpected event, or when you are in financial strain. 2. Ditching Debts and Dues for Good : Being in debt can be a stressful experience for anyone, and no matter what your circumstance is, if you have a loan, you are obligated to pay it back. Even if you have life-altering experiences like getting into an accident, losing your job, or increased expenses due to having a child. Hence, repaying the outstanding debt and clearing of all dues is important, especially to know where you stand with respect to money matters. A simple way to clear your debts is to develop a budget that tracks your income and expenses. This will help know whether you have money left over, called the surplus. The goal is to increase the surplus and use it to pay down your debt. 3. Building Your Retirement Fund : Although retirement may feel like a million years away, it doesn’t matter - now is the time to plan for your retirement. Investing and saving is a critical part of leading a financially independent life post-retirement. The good news is, investing even a small amount each month will pay off later in life. Along these lines, decide what you will need during your golden years - expenses like healthcare, household costs, and additional leisure expenses. Once you know your needs, find a suitable retirement plan which can cater to those. Put simply, save, invest, and ensure yourself as a fallback option for your future. 4. Funding Your Child’s Higher Education : Your child’s dreams can become a reality when you support him or her, emotionally and financially. Quality education should be on your and your child’s wish list. Setting up an investment plan that can help with the higher education of your child is a good idea. To do so, find a reliable child education plan that can help you create a substantial corpus for your child’s education and future needs. 5. Expanding Assets for Your Family : Other than making arrangements for expenses, it is essential to create a secure base of wealth for your loved ones so that you can support them and maintain the lifestyle you have now. Investment in unit-linked insurance plans (ULIPs)is a good way to achieve financial growth as well as protect your family’s future in your absence. ULIPs enable you to make significant returns with a relatively low investment every month, while also offering insurance protection to you. Other benefits of unit-linked insurance plans are: Flexibility to choose your fund option- equity, debt or balanced Encourages goal-based saving for child education, retirement etc. The top-up facility gives the flexibility to change your premium amount You can opt for riders like Critical Illness and Accidental Death benefit You get ULIP tax benefits under Section 80C and Section 80D It’s never too late to get started. Pick one or all the financial goals listed above and start setting yourself up for your secure future. Read Also :  Getting Your Personal Finances In Order With A Proper Budget Strategy These Small Changes Will Change Your Finances For The Better