Social Media Usage: Pros And Cons


17 October 2019

Social Media

social media usage

The impact of social media usage on all our lives is immense these days! There is hardly anyone who doesn’t use social media today and thus, the number of users keeps increasing every day on these social platforms. Sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. have seen a massive surge in the number of users in the past few years and with the ongoing digital revolution, it is surely going to see more such upfront. 

But is this good for the common people? Are people benefitting or losing more in this social media revolution? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using such social platforms? Well, we shall discuss this in detail below as to what are the pros and cons of social media usage. Read on


The major benefits of these social media sites lie in the vast reach it has around the world. It is a mode of communication and connection that is formed between people sitting in any corner of the world. You can use social sites to get in touch with them anytime you want. 

Apart from that, these days the social platforms are used for marketing and advertising purposes which target the concerned audiences and reach out to them without having to invest much in the promotions of products and services. 

These sites are easy to handle and thus needs no help from anyone to be handled. The social sites have saved people a lot of time and money in such promotional events which otherwise needed a lot of it to be invested. These are some of the advantages of social media that must be taken into consideration.


Though there are not many disadvantages of using social media, there are some which you need to know. Like there are many fraud people who fake their identities to con you personally and professionally in these social sites. Apart from that, the need for an active internet connection all the time to get social media services is also an issue at times when you don’t have a connection. 

Also, the idea of over-indulgence and exposure in these social sites also call for a “no personal space” issue for many of us. There are some of the advantages of using social sites that people must have knowledge about!

The closure

If we go by the online facts collection site, the number of active users on social media sites have already crossed a billion and more. There are various usages of social media in terms of knowledge, entertainment, skills, tech and many more and thus we cannot say that social media is useless. 

Unlike before, when these social sites are only used for chatting and communication, today these platforms are used for various purposes which is one good sign. But we can also not ignore the dark side of these social sites wherein cases of fraud, bullying, using identities, etc. have been reported. Thus, it can be concluded that there is both the good and bad side of social media usage which needs to be taken care of by the ones who use it for any purpose.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing – A Life-Changing Strategy

A social media advertising strategy is all your steps and efforts to promote your brand or company on social media. Now the question arises why market on social media? Well, the answer is that this form of marketing has many benefits, including brand recognition, increased website traffic, and much more. You can create better awareness about your product or service through social media. Moreover, social media is a convenient way to reach your target audience. Businesses failing to imply this form of marketing surprisingly got some amazing progress. This article will summarize all the relevant information related to social media marketing, along with how it can be a life-changing strategy. Read this article to discover some potential benefits of it. Benefits Of Leveraging Social Media Marketing It’s important for your brand to get the attention of your target audience and clients. It can help you to build a larger following and a loyal customer inflow. Here are some of the potential benefits that can elevate your business progress. These are: Improvement In Brand Social media or SM marketing, when done in the right way, has a favorable effect on your brand. It can help humanize your business while fostering loyalty, respect, trust, and authority. You may increase the credibility and trustworthiness of your brand by publishing material that highlights the real people behind it and actual customers. A signature generator can make your work much easier and more convenient. People prefer genuineness. Your brand may distinguish out from the competition by putting the needs of its employees and customers first and living according to its core values. Your brand can greatly benefit from aligning ideas with deeds promoting activism and philanthropy. Better Consumer Service As Well As Satisfaction A major benefit of this form of digital marketing for small and medium-sized brands is that it offers you a straightforward channel for your audience. Furthermore, it enables real-time interaction with clients. This can have both positive and negative impacts on brands. Businesses using social media to provide feedback usually listens to what their target audience says and give accurate responses. Consumers may either compliment or criticize you in their posts and comments. Furthermore, how quickly and appropriately you answer might affect your brand's reputation. Businesses not paying enough attention to this channel of communication might appear insensitive to customers and irritate them, who usually put an end to support them. Studies The Competition By reading the social media posts of your competitors, you can learn where you need to improve and what not to do. This might assist you in getting a feel of the positioning of a product within the market or the trends they are focusing on. Take ownership of a coffee business as an example. The holiday season is almost approaching. Your sales have been slower than normal, you've noticed. Check social media to discover if similar businesses are selling coffee in seasonal mugs during winter. You can adapt the marketing techniques of social media you see and give them your special spin. You'll be able to simply check the number of likes, shares, and views a post receives on social media. Good ROI One of its main benefits is that it lets you grow a massive audience without having to spend a lot of money. Making a company profile on most sites is free, and while you can make use of things such as paid advertising, it's unnecessary. On the other hand, you might grow your customers as well as your reach by producing continuous content your desired audience finds useful. Enhances SEO The efforts you make at search engine optimization can also benefit from social media networks. There is a connection between your search engine rating and social media, even though your ranking is not directly impacted by the content you put on social media platforms. One of the advantages of social media is the ability to promote your material. More traffic and engagement result, both of which are encouraging user signals. Furthermore, it increases your prospects for building backlinks and increases the possibility that your profile will rank for specific search terms on its own. Boost Up Website Traffic Ideally, your social network post should direct visitors to your site, which is most likely where they will wind up. Consider your social media sales funnel. When people see your material on a social platform, they click on a link to visit your website for further information and, ideally, choose to buy from you there. Although e-commerce conversion is a completely different subject, social media marketing can at least draw visitors to your brand website. You need to go beyond self-promotion if you want to attract repeat clients. Your company website should be listed in your profile on all of your social media channels so that people can simply get more details about your enterprise. This will help you to drive more customers and clients. It ultimately boost your website traffic. Final Thoughts Social media marketing is one of the most beneficial tools to promote your brand. It is proving its importance in business in different ways. People are more appealed to by effective SM marketing strategies than any other way. Therefore, implying this life-changing strategy and improving your business's overall revenue and customer traffic is important We hope this article will provide you with all the relevant information related to social media marketing. Make sure to imply it to get all its benefits. 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Brand Recognition

12 Practical Ways to Boost Brand Recognition with Social Media

Spreading brand awareness is essential if you want to become a household name. One of the best places to get your name out there is social media. However, carving out a place for your brand in such a crowded atmosphere can be challenging at best and impossible at worst. However, with dedication and the right social media strategy, you can garner followers and promote your brand and products while engaging with your target audience. Here are 12 practical ways to leverage social media to boost brand recognition. 1. Share Social Media Buttons Having some share social media buttons on your website or blog can help your customers get the word out on your products or services, exponentially expanding your reach. When you make it easy for your visitors to share your content, they’re more likely to help promote your business and recommend your brand to their family, friends, and professional social media connections. Of course, that’s not all you can do on social media, but it's a great place to start, so have one-click share buttons so anyone visiting your website can quickly spread the word. Aside from pasting a few lines of code into your website, it’s an effortless way to boost brand recognition. 2. Understand Your Audience and the Platforms They Use Market and audience research is an essential part of any outreach strategy. So pull out your customer profiles and see what social media platforms they’re on so you can effectively target them. You should also discover the rules and culture of the platform you post on. You can be fast and loose on Twitter, but you’ll want to take a more formal tone on LinkedIn. 3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Repurpose Content for Social Media You’ll likely be posting on multiple platforms, and you can share plenty of content between them as long as you tailor that content for the platform you’re posting to. Reuse your content, but customize it to the social media network you’re sharing it on. You shouldn’t post a paragraph-long story on Instagram or just a picture with no context to Facebook. And every social media manager knows about the 280-character limit with Twitter, although that may change soon. And it’s not just social media content you can recycle. Turn your blog posts into a series of short snippets with a powerful call to action to encourage followers to click through to your website to read the full story. Post short clips of longer videos as a teaser to drive traffic to your website or YouTube channel. There are endless ways to repurpose your content to power all your digital marketing initiatives. 4. Engaging With Customers: Social Media is Like Customer Service, but More Fun Consumers will definitely let you know if your company gets something wrong on social media. Responding to these comments quickly and effectively is essential for engagement and providing excellent customer service. Of course, you should also respond to positive comments, which can alleviate the burn from the scathing remarks. Reacting quickly and effectively to any brand mentions can immensely help customer engagement and brand recognition. 5. Visual Content: The Popularity of Images, Infographics, and Videos Attention spans are short, and your audience wants instant gratification. You can capture attention and amuse the masses by taking advantage of visual information with images, infographics, and videos. If your content is catchy, funny, or otherwise captures the attention of the masses, you can even go viral, spreading your brand all over the web. Keep in mind that you can go viral for bad reasons, too, which may open you up to negative publicity. That’s why you should ensure that your social media content aligns with your vision, mission, and brand personality. 6. Hashtags, Captions, and Comments Oh My! One of the most critical aspects of social media is being social. Follow others, use hashtags to make your content searchable, comment on other posts, caption photos, and just be social. It’s incredible how many businesses miss this crucial aspect. If your business were a person, it would be social on the feeds, interacting with its followers and other users. So be social, and you can make your brand seem more alive and likable to consumers. 7. Research and Case Studies: The Importance of Authority Content When you post online, you need to have high-quality content. Among this content, authority content is some of the most important. No matter how excellent your outreach strategy is, no one will pay attention to it if you're posting hot garbage. Authority content is content like research or studies carried out by your company that establishes you as an authority in your industry or niche. It garners trust with your audience and proves you know what you’re doing. 8. Educational Content: Making Learning Fun Educational content is some of the most popular content in the social media sphere. Tutorials and how-tos rate highly, for example. So, by using educational content on your brand profiles, you can prove you’re an authority, attract followers with high-quality content, and improve your brand recognition and image all at once! 9. Take a Stand: Promote Your Brand’s Stance on Important Issues Many authority sources are split on this. Some think businesses and brands should stay far away from any political issues. Others believe you should state them proudly. It's up to your discretion. However, brands that have taken a strong stance on their political beliefs have trended and gained popularity. Political issues are always a hot topic on social media; you’re putting your brand out by joining that conversation. So state your brand’s beliefs and take a stance on important societal issues, but don’t stir the pot. While expressing your beliefs and reacting to current events can garner attention, you don’t want to risk alienating your audience or drawing the wrong kind of media attention. 10. Community Service: Show How You’re Giving Back If your brand or business gives back to the community, shout it out online. Take pictures and post them, write about individuals and how your brand’s community programs have helped them, and just let your audience know you’re giving back to the community. Brands and companies that give back to the community gain favor with online audiences. Consumers want to know their favorite brands are giving back, and when they do business with brands that do, they’ll feel like they’re playing a part in the effort, too. 11. Your Brand Voice: Human, Personable, and Humorous Your brand might not be a person per se, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t sound like one online. Your audience will know if you’re phoning it in, as the brand voice will sound flat, unfeeling, and robotic. Social media feeds that only exist to sell products won’t get far. So inject humor, keep your feeds centered on human stories and issues, and engage in conversation with your audience rather than merely talking to them. Talk like your brand is an actual person online. Don’t sound like you’re a product. 12. Tag Teaming: Tagging, Influencers, and Partnering with Related Brands Tagging is extremely useful if you’re trying to get the word out about your brand. You’re getting double the exposure and promoting the person you’re tagging simultaneously, a win-win for everybody. So tag whenever you can. You can take this a step further with influencers. Influencers are users who are considered thought leaders on a particular social platform or on social media in general. Note: By sponsoring influencers who have a relevant audience that you want to target, you can reach more ideal customers and boost brand awareness. Partnering with related brands is another excellent way to promote your brand on social media. Final Thoughts For any influencer, breaking through on social media is a challenge. Keep in mind the tips laid out in this article when you develop brand awareness campaigns in the future. Whether you’re leveraging social media share buttons, tag-teaming with other influencers, or working on the perfect hashtag, these strategies will help you boost your brand’s profile in the social media sphere. Additionals: Social Media Usage: Pros And ConsUncover the Benefits of Partnering with a Social Media Agency in MalaysiaHow to Use Videos to Get Real Estate Leads from Social Media with Little EffortHow To Improve Your Social Media Branding By Getting More Instagram Followers And Likes

Engaging Storytelling Videos On Tiktok

Tips For Creating Engaging Storytelling Videos On Tiktok

In today's digital era, TikTok has emerged as a powerful platform for creative expression and storytelling. With its massive user base and engaging video format, TikTok provides an excellent opportunity for content creators to captivate audiences through short, impactful narratives. One effective strategy for boosting engagement and receiving valuable feedback is to harness the power of authentic interaction. This includes encouraging viewers to share their thoughts and experiences through comments. To amplify this engagement and kickstart the conversation, some creators opt to buy real TikTok comments from genuine users who appreciate and resonate with their content. 10 Proven Tips To Create An Engaging TikTok Video Further in this article, we will explore valuable tips and tricks for creating compelling storytelling videos on TikTok. So, buckle up and get ready to learn how to create compelling storytelling videos that leave a lasting impression on your audience. Put All Efforts In The First Seconds Tik-Tok has to be one of the fastest platforms that is navigable by users easily. Hence, if you wish your prospects to hold on and check your content, you have to grab their attention quickly. For this, you will have to utilize the initial seconds of your video.  Instead of starting slowly, show your best moves in the first few moments. Secondly, you might want to try including a narration or a text overlay that can catch the interest of users quickly.  Craft A Captivating Hook With millions of videos vying for attention on TikTok, it's essential to grab viewers' attention right from the start. Begin your storytelling video with a compelling hook that piques curiosity or provokes an emotional response. This initial moment should instantly captivate your audience and make them want to keep watching. Whether it's a surprising statement, a visually stunning shot, or a cliffhanger, your hook sets the tone for the rest of the video. Embrace The Power Of Visual Storytelling TikTok is a visual platform, and leveraging its potential for visual storytelling can significantly enhance engagement. Use a combination of creative camera angles, captivating visuals, and intuitive editing techniques to immerse your viewers in your narrative. Experiment with transitions, effects, and filters to create a visually stunning experience that resonates with your audience. Use Right Hashtags Hashtags are crucial for enhancing visibility, including context, and driving discovery on your TikTok. Add industry as well as contextual hashtags to your video so that it becomes relevant and trending. Fans can easily locate you when you use branded hashtags.  With a trending hashtag, you get the ability to increase reach. Additionally, it provides you with new ideas for content. You might want to utilize the TikTok Creative Center to get an overview of trending content. Be Authentic And Relatable Authenticity is key to building a connection with your audience. Share personal stories or experiences that are relatable and showcase your genuine self. TikTok users appreciate content that feels real and relatable. So, don't be afraid to showcase your vulnerabilities or highlight everyday situations that others can identify with. This authenticity will help you build a loyal fan base and foster meaningful engagement. Don’t Forget To Track TikTok Insights A major portion of the TikTok appeal consists of “Trends.” Thus, leveraging it might help your brand gain massive recognition on the platform. However, it is significant to create content that not only reaches your audience but also resonates with them.  Do not forget to review the TikTok analytics of your brand regularly. If you want to find content insights, head over to “Profile” and then open the right-hand side menu. There, you might need to tap on Business Suite and choose Analytics. Thus, get an easy overview of content, followers, and engagement. Optimize For Tiktok's Short Attention Span TikTok thrives on short-form content, so it's crucial to optimize your storytelling videos to fit within the platform's time constraints. Condense your story into bite-sized, digestible portions that capture attention quickly. Consider using text overlays to emphasize key points and ensure your message is conveyed effectively, even without sound. Utilize Captions And Subtitles To cater to a wider audience, including those who prefer to watch TikTok videos without sound or have hearing impairments, consider adding captions and subtitles to your storytelling videos. This inclusivity will not only engage a broader audience but also enhance the accessibility of your content. Schedule Your Content  Timely content is the essence of TikTok. However, busy managers on social media might not get ample time to create engaging moments always. Fortunately, the application provides an easy alternative to schedule content. You might easily create your video, upload and schedule it in advance.  All you need is TikTok’s desktop version. Open it in the browser, log in to your account, and tap the Upload button. You will most likely find it in the upper right corner. Then, share the file you wish to upload and write an engaging caption.  Don’t forget to add hashtags and mentions to boost the reach of your video. Engage With Your Audience Building a loyal community on TikTok involves actively engaging with your audience. Respond to comments, ask questions, and encourage viewers to share their thoughts and experiences related to your video. This interaction creates a sense of connection and encourages viewers to become invested in your content. Remember, the more engaged your audience is, the more likely they are to share your videos and spread the word about your storytelling skills. The Bottom Line Crafting engaging storytelling videos on TikTok requires a thoughtful approach and an understanding of what resonates with your audience. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can create compelling narratives that captivate viewers and spark meaningful engagement. While considering unconventional methods such as buying real TikTok comments can provide a boost, the true key to success lies in your ability to tell authentic, relatable stories in a visually appealing manner. So, go ahead, unleash your creativity, and captivate the TikTok community with your storytelling prowess! Read Also: Instagram Advertising For Beginners What Are The Three Components In The Youtube Ecosystem? How To SEO Optimize WordPress Category And Tag Pages 5 Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Business on Instagram