Six Steps to a Successful Office Move

Published on: 08 October 2020 Last Updated on: 12 August 2021
Successful Office Move

There are several steps to take when moving your office from one location to another. Whether you are downsizing or expanding, moving your business requires a lot of planning and the ability to minimize interruptions to productivity, employee projects, and cash flow. Depending upon the size of your business and the funds you have available, there can be a lot of stress associated with moving.

Office Moving Basics:

If you are on a limited budget, knowing how moving companies arrive at their fees can reduce your stress and even help you save money. For example, if you have the flexibility, try to schedule your move for an off-peak period that is less expensive. Or look for free packing boxes so you will not have to buy or rent them from a moving company. Whether you choose to rent a moving truck or decide to hire a commercial moving company, below are six ways to make the process as seamless and stress-free as possible.

1. Prepare, Plan, and Delegate

Write down a plan to outline everything you must do to get to your new office location. Include notifying staff and clients, packing up everything you need, and obtaining insurance. Do not underestimate how long the process will take. Smaller offices will take less time to pack and prepare than larger offices. Start packing the office items you will not need until you are in the new office space. Decide who will be responsible for different steps of the moving process. For example, assign or delegate a move coordinator to communicate with and keep employees informed. Be sure the person you choose has stellar organizational and communication skills and give them the authority to make and manage decisions. Small offices with only a few employees will require a very coordinated effort to work together.

2. Layout a Timeline

Keep in mind that while you plan to move, there will still be work that needs to get done. When creating a plan, establish a reasonable timeline so that your business does not suffer during the moving phase. The first step to put on your timeline is the moving date. Do not forget to include time for cleaning up and decluttering your office before packing. There is no need to bring stuff you will not need to a new place. Your lease termination date will play a significant role in choosing a moving day.

3. Know Your Budget

Relocating to a new office location will cost money. Determine how much you can afford to outsource and where you can reduce costs. Will you hire a professional mover or rent a truck? Do you plan on upgrading office furniture and equipment? It is highly recommended that you include moving insurance in your budget if anything gets damaged or lost during the move.

4. Plan Out the New Office Space

Collect any available information, such as floor layouts and blueprints, for the new space. Know where the electrical outlets are located and how much storage space you have. Does the new office have large open spaces that will require temporary walls or cubicles? If yes, It’s possible that you will need to hire electricians, painters, carpenters or you can try One Point Partitions if your office will require some more specific work, like toilet divisions so that your new office will accommodate your current needs.  Do not forget to include these costs in your budget.

5. Solicit Bids

If you plan on hiring a professional mover, get several bids, and choose the company that best suits your needs and budget. Specialty items such as high-value products and complicated equipment like medical equipment should be handled by professionals with experience.

6. Notify Service Providers and Clients

Let your clients or customers know well in advance when you plan to move. Even if you do your best to avoid delays in communications and services, there is a good chance there will be a slight delay during the actual move. Set up a contingency plan for how clients can reach you during your move. A suggestion is to leave a few employees in the office to attend to customer inquiries.

Follow the steps above to achieve a successful office move with minimal to no downtime. The better you plan, the more likely your staff will be able to get back to work in the new location quickly.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Label Designing

The Dos and Don’ts of Product Label Designing

Product labels have always been part and parcel of product branding. If you don’t create a good one, it will severely affect your sales. Doing your own product labels is a fun and easy task if you know what you are doing. You need a basic understanding of the dos and don’ts of product label making if you want to do it by yourself. If you haven’t got a clue, don’t worry! We can help you out. We listed a few key things you need to remember if you are going to be designing your own product labels. Check them out: Dos Do focus. Match the colours, fonts and images to your chosen theme and layout. It’s not good if you have a messy concept. The final result will be chaotic, and it can do more harm than good to your company. The key is balance. It’s not good if you have too many elements on the label. Do go for unique. You don’t need to settle for ordinary. You can do whatever you imagine, and it’s best if you let your imagination run free. Going for a unique look can make your product stand out. Do something simple. There is beauty in simplicity. Don’t go overboard and make your label design too colourful or loud. It will attract the wrong kind of attention. Going for something simple is better since minimalism is all the rage nowadays. Do ask for help. Ask for help from someone you know to help you design if you are having some trouble. It may be a close friend of yours who is quite skilled at handling design software. If you don’t have anyone, you should hire a graphic artist or an illustrator. They can undoubtedly assist you in bringing your creative concepts to life. If you are already set, consult your family and friends and ask for their opinions. They may suggest having a few details changed that could help you improve your label. Don’ts Don’t scrimp on the budget. To make a well-designed product label, it will take a great deal of time, effort and patience. But, more importantly, you need to allocate a portion of your budget to make a great label. If you use high-quality materials and advanced labelling systems to create your product label, then, naturally it will come out beautifully. Don’t pick hard to read fonts. The most challenging thing to do in label designing is selecting beautiful but readable fonts. Here are the top 12 most easy-to-read fonts you should use: Georgia Helvetica Open Sans Quicksand Karla PT Sans & PT Serif Verdana Futura Ubuntu Rooney Roboto Lato   These are a few things you should and shouldn’t do if you are going to design your product labels. Following these will make sure that you only get the best results and you will have a compelling product label that you can use.


Work from wherever you want

Surely we would all be aware by now what it’s like to be in the working environment. You’re often stuck in one place, doing the same old repetitive things for who knows how long and then being expected to do things in the way the boss tells them to. You need to work from anywhere. Moreover, in all this, they are to maintain a good level of motivation so that their mood and levels of fatigue do not take a toll on their workload. As we know, it's just not possible to keep a high level of motivation in a confined environment, you are bound to let it get to you no matter what. Compromising on the quality of work, in turn, could have your boss reprimanding you or in some extreme cases even fire you. So what do you do? How do you even get out of a situation like this? We may have a solution to your issue should you choose to go with it. Northbridge Secure is a company which looks to take people out of the office environment and places them in a more comfortable setting. A setting which they are familiar with and where they will be able to perform better, a setting of their own choice. Whether it's their bed, a park or just sitting around in their living room, the company looks to bring the entire work environment into one centralized location where you can access them from just about anywhere. Essential Things You Need To Take Care Of While You Work From Anywhere What is NetConnect? What net connect is, is a software system launched by Northbridge Secure. It’s a system which allows the user to get out of an uncomfortable environment and move into a more comfortable setting in order for them to increase productivity. They have access to all their files and everything else they will need, just like as they were in their office environment, yet with the comfort of being wherever they want. This way the worker is in touch with their other coworkers and can get whatever work which they want to be done with whatever help they need through the online support of their colleagues as well. It’s basically your entire office on your device, be it a computer or cell phone. This makes it great for people who are constantly on the move. Is it secure? Northbridge Secure claims that they have indeed met whatever safety considerations a usual business is concerned about. It’s common for hackers and other rogue agents to try and infiltrate such a system and take advantage of key data. This could cost your company a lot of money if sensitive information gets into the wrong hands, not to mentioned ceasing to be a company as a whole. Just an overall nasty situation if you think about it, one which you don’t want to get caught up in. For this reason, the company has taken the best measure to ensure security when it comes to their NetConnect software. They have taken note of the potential dangers to the company of working from a software and on personal devices and tried to ensure that there is no access route for hackers to potentially get in and steal data. Long story short, yes, it is secure. You can use it anywhere We talked about this briefly earlier. So on one of those days when you’re out with your friends or family and you remembered that there is a little bit of work to be submitted and you can’t be late. You don’t even have your computer nearby and you start to panic. Well, fear not. NetConnect works on any device you choose, whether it's a cell phone, laptop or tablet. Now you can work anywhere and at any time. You can catch up on work which you are late on either while you’re sitting in the park, or at a bar with your friends. You really don’t need to worry about anything other than getting it across in time and the quality of work.  That’s somethings Northbridge Secure cannot help you with. Hopefully, something like this can help you and your work life out just a little bit. It certainly makes things much more efficient for people who don't work well in an office environment and are working part-time in different places.  We hope that Northbridge Secure business can be useful, yet feel free to scout the market for whatever suits your needs best. Final Take Away  Hence, these are some of the core factors that you have to take care of while you want to improve your work from anywhere. Try to fetch the best results while you want to improve your Read Also: 5 Informal Team Building Activities To Break The Ice Among Co-Workers What No One Tells You About Working Remotely

FBA Business

Choosing a Quality Prep Center For Your FBA Business

Often, a company is more focused on the quality of their products. They give less attention to packaging. It leaves the vendor with no choice but to rely on prep centers. To new investors, a firm that can do that on their behalf is significant. FBA business is very popular now. Many leading businesses, both big and small consider Amazon to be an important sales vertical for them. However, most of the time, they do not have the knowledge, expertise, or resources to leverage and push their performance on Amazon’s platforms. This is why it is best that such businesses go for Affordable FBA Prep to improve their turnaround times, work on their packaging, boost logistics and generate more sales. To ensure a certain standard, one needs to outsource some of the processes to other companies. You cannot solely rely on yourself to tackle every problem. Even if you have the resource for it, you might not have the expertise. Using a service like FBABEE will give you leverage over your competitors. Source: Pinterest Amazon is a big company with a lot of rules. It has a stringent guideline for the items it receives. A quality prep center will ultimately help you in preparing your package in those specified rules. To find such a company, you will have to look at the following merits: Choosing a Quality Prep Center For Your FBA Business: 1. Location: A company has to be aware of the fact that the product that they are selling will likely be manufactured far away from them. A dynamic company will have to come to terms with this fact. If they are flexible enough, they can manage it. FBA Business has the potential to move to the next level.  The problem with this is that they cannot physically check the product before the dispatch to the FBA warehouse. It can be troubling as the quality check which is necessary to ensure the excellence of the product is difficult. To save time a prep center will check the product for you, before packing and shipping it to your selected warehouse. Source 2. Time-Saving: A service such as Amazon has a lot of rules to ensure quality.  A vendor that does not follow these guidelines properly will face rejection. These checks and balances can cause a delay in delivery, which will annoy the customers. A prep center will need to pack quickly with precision. If you are relying on a prep center to make checks on your behalf, you will need to check their expertise double. Any product that returns will be your loss and not the centers. Moreover, if the delivery is late due to any reason, it will result in a loss of business. Source 3. Level of Expertise: A prep center carries out the scrutiny of consignments to certify that they are Amazon compliant. If there are some discrepancies, they will let you know immediately. You may not be an expert on the product that you are selling, but a prep center has such people. They employ experts in different fields to safeguard your transaction for you. Furthermore, you may not be completely aware of the proper procedures for packing. A prep center will label and sort them for you. Mostly you get a package which is ready for delivery without you having to lift a finger. If you are not an expert than the chances are that Amazon will return your package to you. You will have to start the whole procedure from the start. 4. Service Cost: Source A prep center will have to pick up, check, pack and photograph your product. All of these services will come at a cost. You have to make sure that you are not paying too much. If you happen to be paying beyond a specific limit then you will end in loss, even you make a profit. Thus all the money that you earn from the sales will be spent on a prep center. If you try to pack yourself initially, then it will also prove to be costly. So it will be better to rely on a  prep center that will reduce the cost. Since they are in business longer, and they have the means to provide you with discounted services. Even if they are not, economical, still it will be much less expensive than what you will pay on your own. One thing to keep in the notice is that a service cost for packing one product will be different from others. If you are packing a toy than it will cost less than say a computer. So you will have to keep checking the prices to ensure that the company is not deceiving you out of cash. 5. Photography and Finishing: Source A client expects there product to be fully ready to be delivered to their customers when it reaches the warehouse. A prep center will require photographs of the products. Moreover, they will need to have the merchandise packed so that they can market it. It can be difficult if you are far away. A prep center with a good reputation will pack your items in an attractive package. It will be accessible to the market. It will help you in sales since when people use your product over the internet, they will feel it be legit. Professionally photographed items will show your customer how much you are investing in your product. 6. Invoice: A quality prep company will keep a proper record of all the products. They will prepare invoices for your delivery. It will save you the difficulty of adequately managing your items. You can keep track of every sale. Any discrepancy will not be left out. It can even be problems with Amazon delivery system. This way, you will have papers to back your claim if a customer returns the product. The vendor company will have no difficulty in confirming their request. Source Conclusion: FBA business has the potential to produce billionaires for any nation. You will have to check the location of your prep center to make sure it is near your warehouse. This is to make sure that your product is sent straight away without postponement.  Therefore, it is crucial that you have to choose the quality prep center for your FBA business. They will ultimately affect your transactions. Read Also: Your Review Of Amazon’s FBA Wholesale Marketing Course How To Select A New Shopping Center Site How To Stand Out In The Competitive Corporate World The Rapid Growth In The Global Industrial Automation Market And Its Career Opportunities