6 Things To know Before Choosing Web Hosting For Your Website

Published on: 23 January 2019 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
Web Hosting

No matter how awesome your products are, a powerful web hosting solution is the most for your ecommerce store. Surprisingly, this is not a decision that you can rush into. Ensuring that your ecommerce store is offering a hassle-free experience is necessary. While a solid web hosting can work as a fuel to ignite the growth, a bad one can make your customers leave and never come back.

Your customers want an experience, and being an entrepreneur, you need to ensure that it is a good one. The type of web hosting you choose will affect your website speed, uptime and ultimately the overall performance. Only the right web hosting has the capabilities to ensure a smooth customer experience.

In this article, I am going to share some of the things you must consider while choosing the right hosting for your ecommerce store.

6 Things To Consider Before Choosing Web Hosting For Your Ecommerce Website:

1. Analyze ecommerce software capabilities:

Shopping cart functionality is one of the most crucial parts of every ecommerce store out there. You need to provide your visitors the quickest way to add products in the cart and check out whenever they want. Additionally, your website must handle customer’s payment details very safely. These are some of the common standards that must be followed by every com software.

While some web hosting solutions already have these features included, some others expect you to buy separate software products for the same. No matter which one you go for, you must ensure that your web hosting plan provides the compatibility to add these features. Lastly, the less the hurdles, the better is hosting.

2. Security is your customer’s priority, make it yours too:

When you are dealing in an ecommerce niche, customer data security should be your topmost priority. One err… And your customers won’t feel for you. At every stage of the customer journey, their sensitive information like bank details, credit card details, etc. must be encrypted. The best way to ensure this is to implement an SSL certificate in your store.

Most of the time bundled SSL certificate is already provided with a web hosting package. Although, many reliable web hosting solutions provide SSL certificates without charging anything extra. You just need to choose a hosting package that offers a free SSL certificate in their package.

3. Ensure that uptime is high:

Being in an ecommerce business, you understand the importance of website accessibility. Every minute your visitors are not able to access the website, you could be losing sales. While choosing a hosting solution for your ecom store, analyzing servers of your hosting servers is a must. Uptime is the portion of time your websites are up and running.

Although every hosting server needs to go offline occasionally for maintenance. But if it happening more often, you need to stay away from this one. A hosting provider whose servers are not maintained well will face issues on hardware glitches, hacker attacks or even weather problems. This means, whenever your visitors will arrive on your website during this period, they will get an error message. And this is not at all good for your business.

Ideally, you should go with a web hosting solution that provides at least a 99% uptime guarantee. The more, the better. Also, make sure to verify these claims by taking third-party web hosting review sites like Sitegeek too.

4. Lightning-fast speed is must:

We all know, website speed is a huge factor in search engine rankings. Additionally, it also impacts how long the visitors will stick around the website (which is not very long if your website is too slow). According to data by Unbounce, the total cost of shopping cart abandonment is estimated to be around $18 billion a year and slow website speed was the major reason for 18% of those who abandoned carts.

Having a slow e-commerce store can result in losing visibility among your customers. Even those, who are able to make it to your website, will bounce back at the first chance.

Although, there are 100th of ways you can improve your website speed, choosing the right hosting is the most effective and important one. An ideal web hosting solution must be able to handle the traffic without affecting performance.

So before settling for any plan, ensure that it fits your website needs. Also, keep checking your website speed at regular intervals, so that you can upgrade as soon as required.

5. Keep a check on backup policy:

Have you ever seen your screen freezing up while working on something really important? Well, then you know the importance of backups.

In an e-commerce website, you have spent a lot of time and effort designing and writing your web pages, listing the products, maintaining inventory and much more. Now, what if your website crashes? You don’t want all of the efforts to go into vain, do you?

Yes, you can take manual backups from time to time, but what if, only once you forget about this task? Well, automated backups are your answer. Most of the hosting providers automatically provide automated backup functionality which takes the burden away from your plate.

6. Scalability is crucial:

Your e-commerce store is destined to grow over the years. It will grow in terms of visitors, orders, staff, products and much more. There are high chances that the web hosting you have chosen today, might not work in the next 5 years.

Ideally, you should look for a solution that allows you to scale up whenever needed. The plan upgrade process must be very quick and smooth. Choosing the right hosting now will save you from big troubles over time.

A good e-commerce store has the capacity to earn you huge profits and choosing the right web hosting is the base of it. Make sure to follow these basic yet highly important best practices while choosing the web hosting for your e-commerce business.

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Email Marketing

How to Integrate Email Marketing With SEO

Marketers spend countless hours making sure every piece of content they publish online is optimized. However, many marketers fail to take the time to optimize their e-newsletters. These newsletters are not published online, which means they are not indexed by search engines such as Google and Bing. But, this should not stop marketers from making an effort to integrate email marketing with SEO. Effective email marketing campaigns drive traffic, increase engagement, and lower your bounce rate, which are three factors that affect your website’s ranking. Because of this, it is important to optimize email marketing campaigns in order to improve your ranking within search results. Here’s how: Encourage Engagement: Link to some of the most recent blog posts in your e-newsletter and encourage your audience to engage with your content. How? Ask them to leave comments with their feedback, questions, and suggestions. Search engines look favorably upon websites with an engaged community of users that are commenting on posts. If you encourage your subscribers to leave comments, this could improve your website’s ranking. You should also place social share buttons next to your content and within the email campaign template so your readers can easily share your work with their followers. It’s important to encourage engagement in any way you can to boost your SEO ranking. Create Link Building Opportunities: Marketers can also use their email marketing campaigns to build inbound links, which are links to your website that are placed on other third party websites. If your inbound links are placed on relevant and trustworthy websites, this will have a positive impact on your ranking. Create link building opportunities by including links to interesting pieces of content you’ve written within your email campaign. For example, if you’ve recently published the results of a study, include a link to this page within your email newsletter. This makes it easier for someone who wants to cite your work to find the link and place it on their website. If you choose the right piece of content to promote, you should see a spike in inbound links in the weeks following your email marketing campaign. Identify New Keywords: Many companies solicit feedback from their customers using email survey campaigns. This is a great way to hear what customers really think about your business, and it can also be used to improve your SEO. How? Include a few open-ended questions so participants have to answer in their own words. The way they write these responses is probably similar to the way they would write a search query, so this is the perfect opportunity to analyze their responses to look for potential keywords. For example, a gym might realize that their customers tend to refer to their business as a fitness center or health center rather than a gym. In this case, the survey helped this business learn that targeting “fitness center” or “health center” would be a better way for them to reach their target audience. Optimizing email marketing campaigns is important, but it’s also crucial for marketers to remember the basics. Keep the subject line short and sweet, but make sure it is interesting enough to grab consumers’ attention. The campaign should also be mobile-friendly to ensure that it can be accessed by users on their smartphones or tablets. Following these simple tips will help you integrate your email marketing with your SEO strategies so you can increase your website’s visibility and your company’s bottom line! Read Also: Importance Of Web Push Notifications In Search Engine Optimization Don’t Stick To Age-Old Methods Of Marketing: These 7 Are The Best To Date!

Tag Pages

How To SEO Optimize WordPress Category And Tag Pages

Have you ever thought of optimizing your tag and category pages? Well, not many people are aware of the role these pages play and how they can negatively impact your SEO. However, categories and tag pages are much more than just optimizing things for readers and search engines. Categories are essential for SEO; in fact, they are more important than the individual posts and pages. Let's say, you stumble upon a DIY makeup and hair blog and you suddenly find the post you just read quite fascinating and you are looking for more. Where would you go next? How will you read next? You see a big tag cloud at one side with ‘Hairstyles’. You are going to a party, so you click it.  You see, many random posts on the same page, but since the posts are not sorted, you become confused and leave the page. That’s how WordPress behaves! And, sometimes this behavior only makes sense to the authors, not the readers. However, if the web page has the same and sorted content, maybe the best hairstyles on that page with the content explaining how you can try those styles, it would have been easier for the reader. What Is A Category Page? A category page lets you combine different posts altogether. It's more like your main page of the blog that displays posts from a particular category. Think of categories as a table of content of your site that will give readers an overview of what the comlplete guide to seo is all about. Further, the categories are hierarchical, which means you can create a subheading with ease. Category pages might have the same template as your post with the similar widgets and sidebar. Usually, category pages have the title, image, and the introduction of the post with paging at the bottom to help readers navigate through the archives. In terms of SEO, category pages have many issues with duplicate content being one of them. A category page with excerpts of different posts need not have to be unique, as everything is already available at various posts. Category Pages Are Also Difficult To Rank…. Because of the piracy and duplicate content, Google will rank a page or post from your website instead of the complete category page.  Put any keyword on Google, and you will rarely find any category page in the SERPS. The only time when Google might show a category page is when a website has many related pages, and the SEO structure of a website will help Google choose category pages over a post page. Tags: Tags help in describing the details of your web post; you can think of them as your website’s index words. Besides, they can also be touted as the microdata that you can use to micro-categorize your content. Also, tags are not hierarchical, for instance, if you have a blog where you write about daily events; you can categorize it as Music, Food, Books and more.  Now, if you write posts in these any of these categories lets say food, you can put tags like pasta, pork, pizza, etc. Further, when you add a tag in the tags section of the post, WordPress automatically creates a page for each tag. Further, a tag page is just like a category page that lets you group posts together. It shares the same template as archive pages and is also not shown in the menu unless you specifically add them in the post. How To Add Content In Both Category And Tag Pages? Spend time in organizing content and ensure they look relevant.  It's very easy to randomly add tags and categories, but that creates confusion and looks messy. You can either add categories or tags, or both. Besides, you can also add individual categories, but don’t get overwhelmed thinking you will have to complete everything at once. Conclusion: Your website is for readers, not for the search engine bots. Just think of your webpage as an evolving book, so choose your table of content and increase readability! Read Also: Guide To Hiring A WordPress Developer 8 Reasons Your SEO Campaigns Aren’t Showing The Desired Results Source: SEO for dummies

Content Strategy

Map Your Content Strategy: Finding Hidden Topic Opportunities

If you think of your content strategy as a map, where are you right now? On a good writing day, you might be on a well-maintained, scenic highway. You are cruising with ease and taking in the view. If you find yourself in the midst of writer’s block, you probably feel like you’re in a massive traffic jam. It takes every bit of energy to move one inch forward.  Every content creator and marketer has found themselves in both positions. You’ll have no problem thinking and brainstorming new ideas when writing comes easy. But when you feel stuck and uninspired, it can take everything just to get a single piece published.  While there is no quick fix for writer’s block, there are ways to find inspiration and avoid the traffic jam. Here are three tips for finding hidden topic opportunities for your brand.  1. Identify Competitor Content Gaps While you don’t want to chase down your top competitors’ every move, you should keep track of what they’re publishing. Knowing what your competition is doing can strengthen your keyword strategy, allowing you to rank higher on relevant topic areas. It may also improve your overall content quality. Seeing what others are writing about might spark creativity for how you could add to the conversation.  Competitor analysis can identify areas that nobody is currently writing about. As long as the topics are relevant to your brand, these untapped areas are up for grabs. Applying this analysis will improve your content creation, allowing you to address questions others have missed. Your audience might already be seeking this information. And providing it helps position you as an authority in the space.  However, performing this type of analysis on your own is extremely time-consuming. Consider leveraging software that will conduct a competitive content analysis. This allows you to quickly identify topics others are writing about and where you can fill in the missing pieces. Moreover, these tools exploit weaknesses and share how to structure your content to ensure it ranks high in SERP.  2. Ask Your Audience To best serve your audience, it is important to ask them what types of information they want to read. Predicting and guessing the content your core demographic may be most interested in only goes so far. Asking your target audience directly will help you gather fresh insights and perspectives. To do so, consider launching a survey on your website or including it in your email newsletters. Keep it short and simple. Ask a handful of questions tailored directly to your content. Doing this will give you insight into how to plan your content strategy.  Another way to ask your audience is via social media. Gauge your audience’s interest with an Instagram Stories poll, teasing a few topics to identify which gets the most votes. You could also drop in an open-ended question sticker on Instagram Stories. Pose the question, “What types of content do you want to see from us?” and note how people respond. It may lead to a new content pillar or angle you and your team have not yet considered.  3. Read Reviews Customer reviews are an essential component of any business. They help establish trust between the brand and the consumer. Reviews also influence buying decisions: 93% of individuals read online reviews before purchasing. You may already use reviews to improve customer experience and ideate future products; however, reviews can help with content creation.  While browsing through reviews, you may notice a similar question regularly appears. There is a good chance your website does not properly address this question. If this is the case, create a blog post answering this query directly. You might also post a Q&A blog to answer frequently asked questions about certain products or services you offer. If a reviewer mentions how your product shines compared to a competitor’s, spotlight this feedback for others to read. An article comparing your product to another product can help buyers in the decision-making process. Create an infographic illustrating how your brand’s offering compares to others, and share it on social media.  Reviews can be a goldmine for gaining testimonials, so take the time to read and respond on every platform. Integrating testimonials into your content may help boost potential customers' trust in your brand. Post a quote card with a review from a satisfied customer on your social media pages. Or, create a blog post titled “Here’s What Our Consumers Have To Say About Us.” You should plan to update this post routinely, adding more reviews as they come in.  Tips to Improve Content Strategy in 2025 No content strategy or content marketing plan is set in stone. It evolves with the changing market conditions, changes in algorithms, technology, and business plans. Here are some tips businesses can use to improve their content strategy in 2025. Leverage AI Tools The most wise thing to do this year is to rely on AI tools for content strategy, marketing, personalized messaging, content creation, and content optimization. It helps reduce lots of time taken throughout the day for content creation.  Focus on Interactive Content Content doesn’t only have to be written documents, blog posts, brochures, and emails. Quizzes, polls, calculators, and AR/VR experiences are also part of the content, and it’s time to put those into content strategy. Short Form Video The best way to drive quick results is through short videos like YouTube shorts, reels, and TikTok videos. Cut long videos into small snippets and share them across channels.  Focus on Sustainability Messaging There's a growing focus on environmental and social sustainability. It’s time you made those as a part of your content creation journey. Talk about what helps communities and people build brand trust among audiences.  Build Communities The best way to gain impressions and readers is through communities. It’s important to build a community of like-minded people who’d love to engage with your content. Go over to Facebook, Quora, and Discord to build a community of audiences who’d love to read your content and engage with them. Apart from the above-mentioned tips, continue to repurpose your content, publish it across channels, and collaborate with micro and macro influencers to get better results. In the end, it always boils down to analyzing your content strategy and finding newer ways of renovating it.  Content Tips and Takeaways Knowing what to write about can be challenging at times. Some days you may have a flurry of ideas, creating and publishing content non-stop. On other days, you might bang your head against your keyboard trying to churn out a single piece of usable content.  Finding relevant topic areas often means looking for unanswered questions and solving problems for your target audience. After all, your audience is the inspiration for creating this content in the first place. Addressing their needs will help to pave a path of informative, engaging, and educational content they can’t wait to consume. Read Also: How to Unlock HP Laptop if you Forgot Login password Is ASUS ROG FX503 The Best Gaming Laptop? Know It Here!