Tips for Painting Interior Doors

Published on: 12 April 2021 Last Updated on: 16 August 2021
Painting Interior Doors

Freshly painted doors can enhance the makeover of any house. You can paint your doors on your own or hire a professional painter to do it for you.

Many people prefer painting their doors themselves as they want to enjoy painting them on their own. However, if you don’t have any experience or want high-quality paintwork, you should always hire professionals for complete painting service.

If you choose to paint or spray paint your interior doors, you need to know some tips and skills to do the job right. Let us explore some tips by professional painters that you can use to paint your doors.

Remove or cover the door handles:

Paint can stain the door handles and locks. So, it is better to remove them or cover them with painter’s tape to prevent them from getting stained. You will need a screwdriver with multiple heads to remove the handles and locks.

Call a locksmith to remove the inbuilt lock systems as they are difficult to remove. Removing these things will make it easy to clean, sand and then paint the doors.

Fill the cracks and holes:

Fill the cracks and holes

If there are any holes or cracks in your doors, you can fill them with a wood filler, gypsum plaster, or a filling compound. Put a small amount of wood filler or filling compound on a putty knife and put it into the hole or crack uniformly. Place it as uniformly as possible and leave it to dry for at least two hours.

Check the filling the next day, and it requires more filling, add the required amount of filling compound to fill the space completely.

Sand the surfaces:

The old paint gets worn and imperfections develop with time on the door surfaces. That is the reason why homeowners want to repaint their doors. Sanding removes the worn paint and imperfections easily and prepares the surfaces for a clean and uniform finish.

Start painting with a Roller:

If you have already chosen the paint color, mix several cans in a bucket so that you can have the same shade on every door. Sometimes, the shade in different cars can vary a little, although not noticeable in the interiors in low light.

Use a 4-inch roller to apply a thin layer of paint on the door starting from an edge. If you want to paint the trim first, you can use a 2-inch brush.

To remove any lines, move the lightly loaded brush or roller from bottom to top. Using this technique will help you paint quickly and uniformly while leaving a wet edge.

Painting a paneled door:

Painting a paneled door

Many homes have paneled doors and the technique to paint them is different from painting a flat door. Paint every panel beginning from the upper left side downwards in a sequence.

Always use a brush of appropriate width to paint a paneled door. Don’t worry if you paint a bit outside the edges of a panel. Once the edges are painted, use a small roller to paint the space between the panels.

If the rollers of appropriate size are not available, use a 2-to-4-inch brush to paint the center of the panels.

Minimize the drying time:

Paint in light and uniform coats to minimize the drying time. Thick coats of paint take a bit longer to dry and may look nonuniform after drying.

If you are using a brush, you should dip its bristles halfway in the paint and tap the brush against the container edge slightly to remove the excess paint.

If you plan to use a roller, place it in a pan and use the back-and-forth strokes to paint uniformly without soaking it.

Let the paint dry before installing knobs and locks:

Let the paint dry completely before installing the doorknobs and locks. Also, tell your kids and family members not to touch the doors until they dry completely.

Once they dry up completely, you can install the accessories and start using the doors as you use them normally.

Final Words:

Painting the doors is not difficult, even if you are painting them for the first time. All you need to do is to follow the correct sequence of steps, use the right size of tools and prepare the surfaces before grabbing a brush or roller. Following these tips can help you to paint your interior doors easily and conveniently.

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What You Need To Know About Ceiling Textures And Drywall Options

Drywalls are those construction materials that are used to create walls and ceilings of your home. Not all that but, drywalls also come in handy if you want to create design features like eaves, arches, or any mind-blowing architecrequireigns!!! Do you know the best part about drywalls? These are super easy to install, highly durable, and only require simple repairs when damaged. So drywall is a flat component composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate, typically extruded between thick sheets of facer and backer paper, used to construct interior walls and ceilings. Through this article, I’ll be talking about the ceiling textures and the drywall options you can choose for your home!!! The Ceiling Textures And Your Drywall Options Decorating your home can be a real challenge for many!!! And choosing the right drywall finish or texture can prove to be a hard nut to crack. And it’s very natural to get at a state of indecision if you are handpicking it for your new home or renovation project. There are so many options that it feels like you are “searching for a pearl in an ocean.” Making up your mind about whether or not to go for texturing your ceiling can be a tough job. And even if you choose to texture your ceilings, there are chances you’ll be confused about which one to go for!!!! And remember, getting the drywall right is the first step of tiling projects?”. But No Need To Worry!! This article will guide you to choose the perfect texture and drywall option for your ceilings to look elegant more than ever!! 1. Sheetrock Texture: Old Is Gold Sheetrock ceiling texture is a drywall ceiling texture that has been famous since 1917. The reason this drywall texture is so awesomely renowned is because of the artistic look that it gives to your ceiling And the best part, you don’t need to use and sort of spray paint in this case. You can achieve this texture by using your artistic hand technique and without using any special brushes. This texture is perfect for any room. There are no restrictions of use for this ceiling texture. 2. Stipple Brush Texture: A Test of Your Skill This texture is not as easy as it seems. You need skills for this texture to be created. In order to create this texture, you need a roller and slap brush. The fascinating fact about this texture is it can cover the bumps and holes on your ceiling. And if you have the skills, then this texture can surely make your ceiling look gorgeous than ever!! 3. Swirl Texture: Creativity Taken To A New Level In order to achieve this texture, you need either a roller or sprayer. You can also do this by using a technique called “the basic swirl” method. But one thing that you need to keep in mind is while creating this texture, you’ll need a lot of patience to get the best result. And the difficult part is you need to create the pattern before the mud dries. So make sure to have a helping hand by your side. Overall, the texture can really give that awesome look on your ceilings if you do it in the right way!!! 4. Orange Peel Texture: A Color of Choice The name suggests all, the color of orange skin, but sometimes it’s also called “an eggshell” ceiling texture. If you really love this color, then this can be on the top of your favorite lists. In order to create this texture, you need to apply thin mud to the ceiling using a spray gun set at very high pressure. The more artistic mind you have, the artistic look it has got!!!! 5. Smooth Textures: Choice of Many If you are someone who wants the best at a cheap cost, then this texture is just the right choice for you. Moreover, you don’t need to have much skills to create this texture design. The look of this texture is just mind-blowing, and if you are someone who likes things to be consistently gorgeous, then this is the texture you can have for your ceiling. This texture is effortless to remove and is also perfectly suited for any room. 6. Tree Bark Texture: Beauty of Nature If you are someone who loves nature and wants to bring the reflection of nature inside your home, then this textured style is just the option you can have. This ceiling has the look of a tree. You can create this texture just by using a heavy roller. The texture might look simple, but it’s very artistic and can surely catch the eyes of many. If you have a farmhouse, then this texture will double the beauty!!!!! 7. Slap Brush Texture: Slap The Beauty Out Artistic, gorgeous, beautiful, and elegant are the nicknames you can give to this texture. A complete package of beauty!!!! To get this texture, you’ll be needing a brush with very stiff bristles and thin mud. Firstly, you have to cover your ceiling with mud using a roller, then take the brush and slap the ceiling from the edge. This can be a hard nut to crack because if you don’t get it right on the first shot, the whole ceiling might end up looking messy. 8. Popcorn Texture: Cottage Cheese This texture, also known as the “cottage cheese” or “acoustic” ceiling texture, is probably one of the most famous ceiling textures ever!!! If you look closely, you’ll see it’s kind of a look-alike of “popcorn.” That’s why it’s called “popcorn texture.” In order to achieve the correct texture, you need to use a sprayer to apply to your ceiling. This contains Styrofoam with mud which gives that puffy effect. But it will require you to have a lot of skill to achieve this effect. That’s because the “popcorn texture” is both challenging to apply and remove. I hope this article will help you to know about the needs of ceiling textures and drywall options. And now I believe you’ll be able to get yourself the perfect texture for your ceilings. Read Also: Here’s How to Turn Your Garage into a Bedroom on a Budget! Turn your attic into a living space

Roofing Service

What Are The Services Offered By Roofing Companies?

Homeowners and businesses trust the best roofing companies to offer them local roofing services. The services such companies offer include installations, repairs, and replacements of roofing systems. They offer high-quality and cost-effective services. Leading commercial roofing contractors provide unmatched services in the local roofing industry. They ensure roofs are in top shape to protect the value of businesses and homes. Exceptional roofers stand out from their competitors regarding technology in use and craftsmen hired to get the job done. The two major services that are offered by are the following: Residential And Commercial Roofing  1. Residential Roofing: A roof is an important security aspect of any home. Roofers use innovative solutions to solve common problems their customers often encounter. Services offered to residential clients include installing, repairing, and replacing roofing systems. Roofs are the crown of homes and thus can’t be entrusted to just any roofing company. Professional roofers are specialized in using various types of roofing materials. They help protect residential homes from environmental elements and improve their efficiency. Windows make the exterior of homes beautiful and increase energy efficiency around them to save on energy costs. Doors make stunning entryways to complement homes perfectly. In addition to working on roofing systems, roofers can also offer quick repair of doors and windows of residential homes. 2. Commercial Roofing: Professional roofers also offer commercial roofing services to local businesses. They can handle roofing systems of all sizes because they’re experienced in the same. Therefore, they’re able to offer cost-effective services to clients. The purpose of the best roofing companies in Cincinnati OH is to help save money long-term. They have correct roofing materials in place to ensure commercial roofs are installed to last many years. The services can also help businesses increase energy efficiency. High-quality work offered drives business growth. Properly installed commercial roofs improve the exterior appearance of such structures, making them look beautiful. How Roofing Companies Help Build Homes A roof is a top barrier between the exterior and interior of a structure, protecting it from harsh weather elements in the exterior environment. Even the slightest hole on a roof can expose homeowners to outside elements. Such damage on the roof exposes homes and businesses to diseases and pests. A real roofing company can ensure roofing systems are weather-proof. An outstanding roofing company offers flexible estimates, top-notch services and has qualified roofing technicians with proper training and working experience to handle roofing jobs. They also use top-grade, weather-resistant materials to roof buildings and focus on providing guaranteed customer satisfaction. Conclusion: A roofing company must have certifications and licenses provided by relevant local authorities. It should be in a position to provide manual and automated estimates. Due to the steps involved in hiring roofing companies and fixing roofing systems, it’s important for the estimates to be free. If working the DIY-way, no prior experience is required except to follow some general Do-It-Yourself steps. Contact us to get a free cost estimate on any of our cost-effective local roofing services. Read  Also: Professional Roofing Services And Different Decorating Styles 5 Myths About Roofing Services To Avoid How Can You Choose An Efficient Waterproofing Contractor?

Interior Design

6 Interior Design Tips to Make Your House a Home

Decorations don’t necessarily make your house a home. However, certain interior design tips can help make your space cozier. When your home feels lived-in, it feels more like you belong there! Here are just a few tips for making your house feel more like home. 1. Lighting is Everything Comfortable lighting is one of the most important elements of interior design, and it’s one of the quickest ways to make your new home feel like home. Try indirect lighting for a gentle glow. If you’re going to be doing more than watching movies in your living room, consider task lighting. Make sure you can see to read or craft if you plan to spend a lot of time doing those things in your living space. Where there isn’t natural light, provide warm light with different types of lamps, different lampshades, and more. Mix it up with recessed lighting, chandeliers, and other different fixtures to bring out the coziness of your home. 2. Dress it Up with Art Bare walls can make your home feel empty and soulless. Even beautifully painted walls need to be decorated, and art is a great way to make your home feel closer and more lived-in. Choose art that you already know and love, but choose a frame that works best with your current design ideas. Make sure to hang the art correctly and display it where it fits best. Using art can be a great way to tie a room together! If you can’t find art that you like enough for a certain room, trying substituting a classy mirror instead! 3. Family Photos are Key All of those family photos need a place, so why not put them where you can see them? Nothing makes you feel more at home than your family and friends. You can display your photos in frames on the wall or your surfaces. You can also get canvas prints made of your favorite family photos and hang them up for all to see! Your house starts to feel like home once it’s full. Even if you don’t live with your family, being able to see their faces and recall great memories with them can help you feel more at ease. 4. Personal Space If you don’t live alone, chances are you share all of your spaces with at least one other person. However, choosing to set aside a room or corner of a room just for you is important. Make sure that you have your personal space with your favorite things, including books, personal decorations, gifts from friends, and your favorite blanket. Make a cozy space just for you! It can help your home feel more welcoming. 5. Your Style Rules One of the greatest things about your home is that you can decorate it however you want. The urge to make your room look like a showroom or a picture from a magazine is tempting, but adding your style can be incredibly worthwhile. Use the colorful pillows that you like, you can easily buy this product online and hang those custom pieces you’ve found throughout your life where you can see them, and choose wall colors that compliment your uniqueness. The only way to make your home feel completely yours is to put yourself into it wherever you can. Use your style to create a space you’ll enjoy living in. 6. Plants Add Life Finally, plants can make all the difference. Use small succulents or other plants on your shelves and surfaces to add color and life. Large plants go great in corners while hanging plants can be placed near windows to liven up your living room. Wherever you choose to place them, make sure you care for your plants properly to keep them alive as long as possible. If you don’t want to care for living plants, there are also synthetic options that add a great look without needing any care at all! Conclusion Even a well-decorated house can feel comfortable. Make sure that you dress up your existing style with things that make you feel as if space is uniquely yours. If you don’t love spending time there, it just isn’t worth it! If you need to make your house a home in the Atlanta area, call on the expertise of interior designers in Atlanta, GA. Read Also: Modern Home design ideas for crowded families How to Make Your Home Look Like You Hired An Interior Designer Outstanding Design Advice If Your Home Is Really Small How to Make your Home Look Beautiful in the Upcoming Holidays Top 5 Interior Designers from Singapore