Top 10 Muscle and Strength Building Exercise at Home

Published on: 04 April 2018 Last Updated on: 24 July 2024
Muscle and Strength

All exercises are not treated equally. Some exercises are meant for building muscle and strength and most of us think that the only way we can do that is by picking up a pair of heavyweights at the gym. But the truth is you can build muscle and strength at home too and without picking any weight, just picking up your own body weight can notch up your muscle-building strength way higher!

Yes, we know that most of us do not have enough time to exercise at the gym, “I am just too busy.” That’s the excuse we all give, but what if you can exercise your whole body with simple body moves? Just a few minutes of your daily routine and you are pretty much sorted. Try this ultimate muscle and strength building workouts to get a lean and ripped body. These 10 moves are all you need!

Ultimate Muscle and Strength Building Exercise – 10 Mean Moves

1. Pushup:


The push-up is a great bodyweight exercise and works on a lot of muscles altogether such as the shoulders, the chest, and triceps muscles.

Here is how you do it :

Drop down to all fours keeping your feet together, keep your hands under your shoulders and keep your body aligned straight from the head to ankles. With your elbows tucked in, lower down your body until your chest is close to the floor but does not touch it.

2. Deep Squat:

Deep Squat

Deep squats help in overall muscle development in the lower body working on a lot of muscles together such as quads, glutes, and hamstrings for overall muscle growth.

Here is how you do it:

Keep your feet at least shoulder-width apart and extend your arms straight out. Push your hips back and squat as much as you can.

3. Planks:


Planks are a great way to strengthen all your core muscles, some of the muscles worked are the rectus abdominis, the adductor complex the external oblique muscle, and the glutes.

Here is how you do it:

Drop into a push-up position on the floor. Bend your elbows and balance your weight on your forearms. Keep the alignment of your body right from shoulders to ankles. Brace your abdominal muscles while inhaling and exhaling slowly. Hold this position for another 20-40 seconds and keep at it for as long as you can. Lower yourself to the ground. Repeat this for at least 3 or 4 times.

4. Squat Jack:

Squat Jacks are a great lower-body exercise that works on a number of muscles such as quads, glutes, and hamstrings.

Here is how you do it:

Put your feet together and use your hands to touch the sides of your ankles. Now get into a standing position and raise your head and jump into your sides.

5. Mountain Climber:

Mountain Climber

Mountain Climbers are a great exercise to move your heart rate up and working up most muscle groups in the body such as the chest, obliques, deltoids, biceps, triceps, quads, abdominals, hamstrings, and hip abductors.

Here is how you do it:

Get down to a pushup position. Bring your right foot and bring it as close to your chest as possible, touching the floor with the help of your right foot. Repeat the entire exercise with your other leg That completes 1 rep.

6. Single-Leg Hip Hinge:

Single-Leg Hip Hinge

The single-leg hip hinge works your glutes and hamstrings and it boosts your foot and ankle strength to a great extent. It also improves your balance and stabilization.

Here is how you do it:

Stand on your right leg and raise your left foot behind you, keep your arms by your sides. Next, while you push your hips back try and reach for the floor as you lower your upper body and raise your left leg. Try and go for 10 movements per leg.

7. Skater Hop:

The skater jump works your quads, your hamstrings, glutes, and calves. This workout tones your entire leg.

Stand on your right foot with your left leg crossed behind you. When you land on your left foot try to cross your right leg behind you. Keep hopping from one leg to another.

8. Bridges:


The bridge is an exemplary exercise that works all your core muscles that includes your abs, lower back, and also tones your glutes. The Bridge also stretches out your chest, neck, spine, and hips and helps with pain in your back, head, and knee.

Here is how you do it:

Lie down flat on your back. Bend your knees while keeping your feet on the floor and keep your arms relaxed right beside you. Lift the butt off the floor all the while tightening your glutes and abs. Hold this position for a minute and reprise your original position.

9. Lunge:

lunge exercise

The lunge is a great functional exercise.  It works your glutes in your hips and butt and also works the hamstrings and quadriceps in your thighs beside the calf muscles in your legs.

Here is how you do it:

Keep your feet shoulder-width apart all the while keeping the upper body upright and look forward. Take a step forward with one foot, then bend the front knee at a 90-degree angle. Ensure that your front knee is right below the ankle when you perform this exercise.

10. Jump Squats:

Jump Squats

The jump squat specifically works the legs and midsection. The specific muscles it works are the hamstrings, gluteus maximus, abdominals, quadriceps, and calves, by continuously stretching and contracting the muscles.

Here is how you do it:

Keep your feet hip-width apart and rest your arms at your sides. Squat low all the while keeping your back straight and core all braced up. Use your hips, knees, and ankles to explode up. Use your hands to get the extra momentum. Land with a soft jump keeping your bent knees aligned with your hips and ankles. Land and immediately go for your next jump.

There, how difficult can it be to do all the exercises? You can do these exercises in a HIIT format or interval training format. Do at least 5-10 minutes of warm-up exercises before starting. That means 30 seconds of work with 60 seconds of rest. This will give you great results in a short time! Try out all these exercises and let me know if you have felt the difference. Happy working out!

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CBD the Solution to Insomnia

Good sleep is very essential for the normal functioning of the human brain and body in general. It refills them with energy, smoothens the skin, and rejuvenates the tired body cells. However, some adults and in some cases children experience problems with sleep. This really impairs their effectiveness at work as well as their interactions with other people. Well, CBD product for sleep is the solution to this and other sleep problems. Cannabidiol popularly known as CBD is one among many chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. The chemical is a treatment for numerous other health conditions besides insomnia. Some of the conditions CBD can treat include pain, epilepsy, neurodegenerative disease, and cancer. Contrary to the misleading misconception by a few people, CBD oil for sleep does not get you stoned. Instead, it calms you and can be used as an antipsychotic or an anti-anxiety. For centuries, human beings knew the pain-relieving effects of marijuana. However, scientists later discovered that CBD does much more than previously perceived by many. In the recent past, CBD has been made available in numerous delivery methods. Today you can get it as a spray, inhaler, tincture, capsule, and the common CBD for sleep. In whichever form, it relaxes you by influencing the dopamine levels in your bloodstream. Sleep Benefits of CBD Oil for Sleep : CBD Oil As An Anti-Depressant And An Anti-Depressant  There are numerous living examples of how hemp extract and CBD oil benefits the user by helping them sleep well. Actually, it has numerous therapeutic benefits to the human brain and the body in general. That is, it helps reduce depression and anxiety which causes insomnia. These are common disorders that not only affect one's sleep but also their general health and well-being. Once this has been corrected, the user can now sleep more comfortably. CBD Oil Improves One's Sleep In case you did not know, the use of CBD for sleep improves one's multiple sleep biomarkers. This includes sleep onset which defines how fast one falls asleep. This really impairs their effectiveness at work as well as their interactions with other people. Well, cannabis tea for sleep is the solution to this and other sleep problems. Alert Inducement Research has proven that the CBD compound promotes wakefulness. If used in the morning CBD keeps the user alert all day long without preventing them from falling asleep. The state of being alert and vibrant for a whole day will definitely make them fall asleep quicker and sleep longer that night. This is by modulating the inflammatory cycle's microglia that minimizes lowers the stress levels something that definitely the user has a good night's sleep. CBD Helps Reduce Recalling Dreams CBD nature of reducing dream recall is quite intriguing even to scientists. They have not actually pinpointed the exact mechanism and benefit of CBD in this. This is mostly due to the fact that there is a huge information gap about the nature of dreams and the neuroscience field in general. By reducing dream recall it helps one have a good night's sleep and a relaxed night in general. Truth be told, CBD oil for sleep is the product you need to solve all your sleeping problems. Read Also : 7 Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil Why Is Sleeping Well So Important For Job Performance?

Home Paternity Test

The Average Price Of A Home Paternity Test Based On The State You Live In

If you're thinking of getting an at-home procedure that can help you determine the father of your child, then you're not alone! Millions of women do this every year to establish who the father is, determine child support amounts, determine custody of a child, or solely for peace of mind. If you want to just know who the father is for your own peace of mind and to help establish a relationship between your child and their biological father, then you can do an at-home procedure. If you need to know the paternity for legal purposes - such as child support payments or custody battles - then you will have to go to an in-person professional setting so you can have this done at a laboratory. Either way, you need to know how much you will be spending on this procedure so you can save money and be prepared for the total amount! The Average Price Of A Home Paternity Test Based On Your State If you are considering getting a home paternity test to see how the father of your child is,  then you need to find out more info before purchasing. Fortunately, the costs are typically quite affordable, no matter what state you live in. If you live in the United States, you can expect to pay under $400 for this at-home DNA testing kit. But how do you use the home paternity test? Is it complicated? Fortunately for you, it is very easy to use! All you have to do is follow these tips on the instructions they provide you with the kit. You have to use the buccal swab to get cells from inside of your child's cheek and then you send the buccal swab in the vial back to a lab for them to do testing. And that’s it - simple as that! If you live in Illinois, the home paternity test is usually around $115 for an at-home collection kit and paternity test kit, whereas an in-person court-admissible test costs around $230. If you live in Pennsylvania, the average price of a home paternity test cost is around $59 per family or around $19 per person. In Florida, the home kits typically range between $200 and $300. In New Jersey, the prices typically start around $189 for DNA testing, paternity testing, and maternity testing procedures. The home paternity test for Colorado costs between $90 and $225 depending on the facility you chose or if you do a home paternity test. In California, you can expect to pay between $400 and $500 for a legal paternity test, with a home test costing between $15 and $125. Conclusion As you can see, the prices vary depending on the state you live in and where you are getting the procedure done. For a home paternity test, you can expect the prices to stay below $200. For an in-person test, you can expect the prices to range between $150 and $350, which can sometimes be even lower depending on where you live! More Resources: 10 Health Problems Eased by Yoga 8 Newborn Baby Care Tips for First-Time Parents 4 Facts you should Consider in Organic European Formula

Benefits Of Using Bhringraj Oil

Benefits Of Using Bhringraj Oil And Supplements

Bhringaraj is an ayurvedic plant that has been in use for ages due to its immense health benefits. Bhringraj is also known as  Eclipta alba or Eclipta prostrata and comes in four different species. The plant can be found bearing beautiful and colorful flowers. The plants bearing yellow and white flowers are used extensively to make ayurvedic medicines and supplements. The products formed using this herbal plant contain various bioactive compounds like ursolic acid, luteolin, etc. which are extremely beneficial for our health and beauty. Most of us know bhringraj as a herb that is only good for your hair, but apart from being a beauty enhancer, this plant can also help the body in numerous ways. You can use bhringraj supplements to make your skin beautiful, avoid respiratory problems and more. There are a lot of fitness myths and many believe that supplements aren’t good for your health when used for a long time. However, if you choose the right product that is clinically proven and have them in the right dosage, then these supplements can do wonders for your body. Here are some of the benefits of using bhringraj that you should never miss out on: 1. It is excellent for your hair: It is a known fact that bhringraj is amazing for your hair as this hair-vitalizing herb can deal with hair loss and prevent greying of hair. It is also known to speed up the process of hair growth. 2. It is amazing for your skin: The usage of bhringraj powder can help to fight fungal infections that can otherwise affect your skin very badly. Bhrigraj leaves and powders can help to deal with skin problems like eczema and skin boils. 3. It is great for your liver: Dimethyl-wedelolactone and wedelolactone compounds present in bhringraj supplements can perform like antitoxin agents that can help in the process of liver cell regeneration. Regular usage of this herb can protect your liver from harmful chemicals that are responsible for damaging it. 4. It can deal with dysentery: Dysentery can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and high fever. Usage of bhringraj supplements can help to fight the bacteria which is responsible for causing dysentery. One can also have the juice of bhringraj leaves with honey to ease dysentery symptoms. 5. It can help to relieve pain: Yes, you read that right! Having fresh extracts of bhringraj leaves or supplements can be used to relieve pain, reduce swelling and inflammation. 6. It can help to deal with gastric ulcers: Stomach ulcers can lead to nausea, burning sensation in the heart, and pain. Bhringraj supplements can help to deal with stomach ulcers which are usually caused because of regular consumption of aspirins and anti-inflammatory drugs. The extract of bhringraj can help to reduce gastric ulcers induced that are caused due to aspirins and alcohol. Conclusion: Bhringraj is a blessing that mother nature gave us to nurture ourselves. However, while using supplements make sure you do not overdose with any herb. Talk to an ayurvedic practitioner before using the edible form of any herbal supplement. You must know the right dosage amount that your body needs and have supplements according to your body’s requirements to avoid any problem. Read Also: CBD for Pain Relief: Dosage Guidelines and Safety Hair Loss Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Treating Open Wounds – Types, Treatments, and Complications