Turn your attic into a living space

Published on: 26 March 2018 Last Updated on: 19 August 2019

When purchasing a home, people have some projection of the future. However, it is hard to predict everything. This is why we like getting a place with the room for improvement and expansion. The attic is probably one of the first choices for home expansion of growing families. It often seems miraculous the way an empty, or a storage room turns into a comfortable living space.

The purpose :

The purpose of your loft-conversion is an important element of project planning. Some of the most convenient and usual purposes are a playroom, an office, an entertainment room, or a bedroom. Decide the most convenient purpose depending on what you lack space for. Perhaps this can give your children enough space to play when they are indoors, or finally give you the master bedroom you’ve always wanted. The purpose will determine the layout, the amenities, and the type of access.

The access :

Perhaps you are used to using the attic ladder, however, when this becomes a room you use every day, the ladder is no longer acceptable. First of all, consider the space you have. Is there anything on the floor below which will make fitting a staircase difficult? Perhaps in certain scenarios, it could block one of the doors into one of the rooms. Hire a professional to make a plan for the stairs, unless you are a professional, or truly experienced. Safety should be your priority. Also if your loft is meant to be a playroom, you should definitely get a banister and safety get at the top and the bottom.

The style :

Does your attic currently have enough space for your purpose? Is the ceiling high enough? Do you have enough windows? Check your local regulations, get the required licenses and choose the style of the conversion. There are three common styles of the loft conversion, mansard, dormer, and roof light. The roof light is probably the most convenient one as it does not require major alterations to your roof. This is the reason why there is usually no need for planning permits.  The other two styles, however, involve creating more space and offer a better choice of windows. You can get more daylight and a possibility of installing shutters and other window treatments greater energy-efficiency.

Electricity/Plumbing/HVAC :

Hire a licensed electrician to establish whether your current system can handle the increase in the electrical load required for the new room. Let them do the wiring. Look for the main stack and plan your bathroom in that area. A professional plumber should have no trouble setting it up. Finally, the last contractor you will need for this type of project is an HVAC specialist. They will tell you if the current system can support another room and set it up.

Insulation :

Insulation is another essential part of the conversion. Perhaps even the most important one. Without it, the room would be impossible to live in due to extreme temperatures. It protects a room from the weather elements and increasing energy efficiency. Hang drywall once you are done insulating.

Flooring :

The floor insulation is not so much for the sake of warmth, but for the sake of noise. Installing floorboards requires an excellent subfloor to reduce the squeakiness. Also, a carpet may be a good choice as it absorbs a lot of noise. While you are at it, carpet tiles are excellent for a playroom. They are not slippery, they absorb sound and they are easily removed and replaced.

The room now fulfills all standards to be lived in. All you are now left with are the finishing touches. You need to select the colors, the furniture, and decor.  Do so according to the purpose of the room and your taste.

Bio: David Koller is a freelance blogger passionately interested in minor house fixes and home décor.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Pest Infestation

9 Signs You Have a Pest Infestation in Your House (And What to Do About It)

The average American home has dozens or even hundreds of different kinds of insects living inside it. However, the vast majority of those tiny, unseen roommates aren't pests. Many insects and other small creatures can live peacefully near humans without causing problems. But others are pests that can infest your home, breeding in huge numbers and turning up everywhere you don't want them. From mice to cockroaches, these pests can leave all sorts of different signs. Humans have been doing pest control for thousands of years. But if you don't know what to look for, you won't know how to take the steps you need to control a pest infestation. In this guide, we'll show you exactly which signs of a pest infestation to look for. Once you recognize the problem, you can start taking the steps to fix it. Keep reading for what you need to know! 1. Damaged Wires or Furniture Big pests, like mice, often chew on furniture or through cords. If you see damaged wires or bite marks on your furniture, you probably have a pest problem that's not just insects. Rodents need to chew on things because their teeth constantly grow and need to be worn down. You'll see the marks of this activity down low, near the floor. You might also find signs that mice have been eating the food in your pantry. This damage will probably leave you asking, "What is the best way to get rid of mice?" However, the answer to this is the same as the answer to getting rid of any pests: you should always call a professional. DIY solutions are rarely completely effective. 2. Signs of Nesting Rodents also like to build nests, and you might see the signs during a thorough check of your home. They'll use any available materials to build their nests. You'll need to check all the small, hidden areas of your home where they might have started nesting. Common signs include shredded paper and cardboard. 3. Droppings Droppings are definitely one of the most unpleasant signs of a pest infestation you can come across. You can often figure out the type of pest you're working with by looking closely at the droppings. If it's a rodent, you'll find long, solid droppings that are sometimes shaped like cones. These droppings tend to be small, and won't have a strong scent. While that's a good thing, it also makes them difficult to spot. Insects droppings are different. You might find exoskeletons that have been shed, or wings, legs, and other parts of the insect body. A different sign of insect pests can be spider webs. Although spiders themselves aren't usually pests, their webs signal that they might be trying to catch the insects that have infested your home. 4. History of Pest Infestation Not sure if you're seeing sure signs of a pest infestation? Your house or apartment's history might hold some clues. Try to contact previous owners or tenants and see if they've experienced infestations before. You can also ask your neighbors if they've had any infestation issues. Where pests have been, they'll often come back, especially if measures to prevent their return aren't taken. 5. Dirt and Grime This is one of the more subtle signs of an infestation. Sometimes, what looks like a simple buildup of dirt can actually show that you're dealing with an infestation. One reason everyone hates pests is that they make a mess wherever they go. In places where insects, rodents, and other pests hang out, you might find crumbs, dirt smudges, and other bad signs. Rodents often take the same routes back and forth, so they'll leave streaks of dirt or grease along the paths they've taken. If there's dust on the floor, you may also see a trail where pests have walked. These signs may start out small, but they'll build as time goes on. The sooner you can catch them, the better. 6. Plant Damage Many insects feed on plants. If your house plants show signs of gnawing around the edges, and you don't have a pet that might have done it, it's likely due to a pest in the house. 7. Unpleasant Smells Sometimes, you'll smell a pest infestation before you see it. If you're dealing with insects that carry food, like ants, the smell could be that of rotting food they've dropped or stashed somewhere. You might also smell the pests that have died somewhere in your home, where you can't see them. They often hide in the walls or under floorboards. If you start to notice an unusual, unpleasant scent in one part of your house, make sure to carefully check it out. You might find an infestation you weren't expecting. 8. Live Pests The most obvious sign of an infestation is visually seeing live pests. However, sometimes it's easy to dismiss the problem if you see just one. Keep in mind that if one pest made itself visible, there are probably many more where it came from. These creatures tend to be great at hiding. If you catch them, you probably already have a problem -- it's not just a single creature in your home. 9. Strange Noises Almost all of your senses are useful when it comes to detecting a pest problem. Sometimes, they make unusual sounds that can be quiet and hard to catch. Pay close attention to the sounds in your home late at night, when everything's quiet. You can also put your ear up to the wall, floor, or anywhere the pests might be hiding. The sounds you hear can confirm the other signs you've found. What to Do About a Pest Infestation Now that you've spotted the signs of a pest infestation, what should you do about it? As mentioned above, your first step should always be to call professional help. If you try to fix the problem yourself, it can grow much bigger before you can stop it. Need to protect the outside of your home too? Check out our guide to keeping pests away from your garden here. Read Also: 10 Pest Control Tips To Keep Pests Away This Summer What You Should Expect From A Pest Control Visit

What is the fastest growing plant on earth

What Is the Fastest Growing Plant On Earth?

What is the fastest growing plant on earth? The answer to this question is Duckweed which is known as the fastest-growing plant in the world in 2021. The Duckweed family consists of 37 species and can be found pretty all over the globe. Besides, this plant is also known as Wolffia, a plant that is easy to harvest and float on water. It grows very fast that you have never imagined of. Wolffia is found everywhere in freshwater and has become a subject of fascination for scientists. This plant acts much like a weed, although it is eaten by humans, animals, and ducks. What Is The Fastest Growing Plant On Earth? As already discussed above, the fastest growing plant on earth is Duckweed, also known as Wolffia. This plant is a tiny type of duckweed that grows faster. On the other hand, you are probably familiar with this plant (duckweed) that is found on ponds where several green beads seem to form a lid on water sources. The genetics underlying this strange little plant’s success has long been a mystery to scientists. The Genome Research of February 2021 will help scientists to know how plants grow up so fast and what are the functions that allow them.  What Makes Wolffia (Duckweed) The Fastest Growing Plant In the World? There are various reasons why Wolffia is known as the fastest-growing plant in the world. Many individuals are taking the benefit of this unusual crop as it is extremely high in protein and is a part of some Southeast Asian cuisines.  This plant reproduces very quickly. According to many types of research, Wolffia is regarded as the fastest growing plant in the globe. About forty percent of the plant’s genes are influenced by this time of day factor. Wolffia, clocks in with only 13 percent of its genes restricted by time. Can You Speed Up Growing Rate Of Plants? Smaller plants and trees grow faster than bigger versions of the same tree and plant because of the root ratio. These variants grow fast as they highlight a great balance of roots to top growth.  On the other hand, the plant and trees can place all their strength into top growth enables it to grow taller. And fast-growing plants only grow as fast as their roots support.  Besides, if you are growing plants, they must be planted right. In order to encourage deep root growth, you can also give continuous watering to the same.  The Final Thoughts  Duckweed is the fastest growing plant on earth and this is the correct answer to your question. The characteristics of the same are described above and if you have any queries about the same, you can specify them below in the comment section. More Resources: Garden Edging for Beginners How to Maintain a Bright and Beautiful Garden During Winter Smart Fun Gardening: How to Take Care of a Money Tree

Optimal Lawn

3 Keys To Achieving Optimal Lawn Nourishment

Achieving a lush and inviting lawn is something all homeowners dream of! While it can be tricky to properly take care of your outdoor space, one of the most important steps to having a magnificent lawn is fertilizing. Lawn fertilization services in Texas make your garden thrive, providing — you with the essential nutrients needed for vivid colors, growth, and most importantly — health. Here Are Three Prime Keys To Achieving Optimal Lawn Nourishment To support you along this process, here is our guide: three tips for successful lawn fertilization to make your outdoor area the envy of the block. 1. Uncover your lawn's essential needs It's essential to understand your grass type in order to achieve optimal lawn care. Take some time to figure out what type of grass is growing in your yard, as each one requires its own maintenance. A quick way to identify the type includes examining the shape of the blades, their color, and the growth pattern. With this knowledge, you can take proper steps in maintaining a healthy lawn all year round. Maintaining a lush, healthy lawn may require fertilizer specific to the type of grass in your yard. Warm-season grasses like Bermuda and Zoysia, as well as cool-season grasses like fescue and Kentucky bluegrass, have varying dietary needs. Knowing your lawn's grass type is essential for choosing the right fertilizer and following an appropriate application schedule. To ensure the soil's quality, it is vital to perform a soil test. Doing so will provide insight into what nutrients your soil is lacking, what adjustments need to be made to reach optimum growing conditions, and what type of plants would thrive best in the environment. 2. Adhere to the right fertilizer application techniques Utilizing fertilizer correctly is essential to enabling efficient nutrient uptake and averting any potential damage to your yard or nature. To guarantee the appropriate use of fertilizer, here is a breakdown of the key guidelines: All times demand that you employ the most appropriate spreader to ensure success. To achieve optimum results in your yard maintenance, it may be worthwhile to consider investing in a spreader. Typical models include drop or broadcast spreaders, both designed for specific lawn sizes and structures. According to manufacturer guidelines, you should set up the spreader for precise product application. 3. Accurately apply the prescribed rates The right amount of fertilizer is important for effective results. Don't be tempted to apply more than the recommended rate based on the nutrient content and area size. Over-application can cause over-fertilization, leading to nutrient burn and environmental damage. Make sure to pay close attention to the instructions on the packaging for optimal effects. Utilizing fertilizer at the correct moment is an essential element to consider for optimal plant growth. Applying the correct amount in the proper timeline will help your garden to flourish and thrive. For your lawn to reach its full potential, timing is of the essence when it comes to fertilization. During the times your grass is actively growing—fall and spring for cool-season cultivars, late spring and summer for warm-season types—apply the necessary fertilizers for the best results. Should you attempt to fertilize lawns that are not actively growing, your actions would be in vain; not only will the nutrients be wasted, but there's a risk of doing harm to the grass. Therefore, be sure to fertilize only when the conditions are right. Read Also: The Best Riding Lawnmowers: These Lawnmowers are for You Natural ways to get rid of flea in your lawn How To Prepare Your Lawn For Fall