7 Most Common Types Of Wrongful Death Cases

Published on: 14 November 2022 Last Updated on: 12 December 2022
Wrongful Death

In many jurisdictions, death by negligence is a criminal offense.

If someone dies as a result of another person’s negligence, the person responsible may be charged with a crime. Depending on the circumstances, this could be a misdemeanor or a felony.

A wrongful death claim is a civil action brought by the surviving family members of a person who died due to the negligence or misconduct of another.

In order to win a wrongful death case, the plaintiff must prove that the death was caused by the negligence or misconduct of the defendant and that the surviving family members have suffered damages as a result of the death.

Seven Types Of Wrongful Death Cases:

Wrongful death cases can arise from a wide variety of circumstances, but there are some that are more common than others.

Types Of Wrongful Death Cases

The following are 7 of the most common types of wrongful death cases:

1. Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is one of the leading causes of wrongful death in the United States. This occurs when a doctor or other medical professional fails to provide the standard of care that a reasonable person would expect, and as a result, the patient dies.

There are many different ways that medical malpractice can occur. It could be something as simple as a doctor failing to properly diagnose a patient, or it could be something more serious like a surgeon operating on the wrong body part. Whatever the case may be, if you have lost a loved one due to medical malpractice, you may be entitled to compensation.

2. Car Accidents

Car accidents are unfortunately one of the most common types of wrongful death cases. This is because car accidents can often be very serious, and even fatal. If you have lost a loved one in a car accident, you may be wondering what your legal options are.

When a car accident occurs, it is often the result of negligence on the part of one or more drivers. This negligence can be in the form of speeding, drunk driving, or simply not paying attention to the road. If a car accident results in the death of another person, the driver who caused the accident can be held liable for wrongful death.

3. Workplace accidents

Workplace accidents are unfortunately quite common. They can range from minor injuries to major ones, and sometimes even death. These can occur in a variety of ways, but often involve some type of negligence on the part of the employer.

For example, failing to provide a safe working environment, failing to properly train employees, or failing to take precautions to prevent accidents from happening. If an employee is killed as a result of this negligence, the family may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the employer.

4. Product liability

Product liability is one of the most common types of wrongful death cases. When a defective product or dangerous design causes the death of a consumer, the company that manufactured or sold the product can be held liable.

In some cases, the company may have known about the dangers of the product but failed to warn consumers. In other cases, the design of the product may be so dangerous that the company should have known about the risks.

5. Slip and fall accidents

Slip and fall accidents can occur anywhere there is a slippery or uneven surface. They can happen at home, at work, or in a public place. Slip and fall accidents can be caused by many different things, such as wet floors, loose carpeting, or even ice and snow.

Slip and fall accidents can often be prevented by taking some simple precautions, such as wearing proper footwear, using caution when walking on slippery surfaces, and keeping floors clean and dry.

6. Pedestrian and bicycle accidents

The number of pedestrian and bicycle accidents has increased significantly in recent years. These accidents are often caused by careless or distracted drivers who fail to yield the right of way to pedestrians or cyclists.

Slip and fall accidents

Unfortunately, these accidents often result in serious injuries or death. If you have lost a loved one in a pedestrian or bicycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses.

7. Drunk driving accidents

Drunk driving accidents are all too common. Every day, people die or are seriously injured in collisions caused by drivers who have been drinking. The consequences of these accidents are devastating, not only for the victims and their families but for the drunk driver as well. A drunk driving accident can ruin a person’s life, and it is a tragedy that could have been prevented.


If you have lost a loved one due to the negligence of another, you may be entitled to compensation. An experienced wrongful death attorney can help you investigate your case and determine if you have a claim.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Is DUI A Serious Crime?

DUI is considered a crime in every US state. The drivers of any kind of vehicle must operate their vehicle sober. When a person takes drugs, alcohol, or any prescriptive medicines then the ability to drive gets impaired and causes road accidents. Sometimes, these accidents can lead to death. To answer the question “Is DUI a serious crime” one can say that it is a serious crime. The details of DUI shown here can show the intensity of this crime and thus, it is really important to focus on DUI cases. However, all is not well when it comes to involving the traffic police. Sometimes, police officers tend to exaggerate the details and put someone in a difficult position. This type of DUI charge can put people in a tough situation because professional people have their reputations to maintain. In those situations, hiring a DUI defense in Oakland could be beneficial as lawyers know how to beat such charges. What Happens When A Person Is Convicted Of DUI? Once a person is convicted of a DUI, that person is subjected to receive some sort of criminal sentence. The most common sentence for DUI is the suspension of a driving license for some time. This time limit could be determined based on the severity of the DUI charge. Sometimes the suspension of a driving license could be accompanied by a fine, community service, or jail time. But if you had hired a good attorney, things wouldn’t go that far. DUI lawyers have the skills to find loopholes in the legal system and by finding them they can ask for lenient terms even for a driving license. Things like an ignition interlock device (IID) could be used in the personal car of that person who was charged with the DUI. Sometimes, the person could be able to go to work and restrict his driving in a particular neighborhood when lawyers know how to do their jobs. What Happens When DUI Charges Are Federal? Normally, the DUIs are processed by the state but when drivers mess with federal property, the charges could be from the federal court. This happens when a driver drives harshly through a national park and collides into a national monument, a military vehicle, or a federal building. Such crimes could have different sentences based on the civilian or military status of the person who had been charged with DUI.  What To Do When Charged With DUI? If you have been in a similar position where bogus DUI charges have been filed against you, it is time to get a lawyer. Mass Tsang legal professionals can help you in this regard. Mass Tsang is a legal firm where the firm offers different legal services to those who require legal guidance. In the cases of Drunk under the Influence (DUI) or Drunk while intoxicated (DWI), skilled legal professionals can have your case dismissed or negotiate for a lesser sentence through community service and diversion programs. If the District Attorney doesn’t budge, there could be other ways to reduce charges. For instance, if the charged person wants to get his or her driver’s license back, then he or she needs to agree with the chemical testing to ensure that there is no alcohol in his or her blood. Read Also: Top 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys The Personal Effects Of A DUI Case On Individuals: By Counsellors Accident By Unlicensed Driver: How To File For A Compensation Claim?

Role Of Family Mediation In Legal Conflict Resolution

Understanding The Role Of Family Mediation In Legal Conflict Resolution

As much as we enjoy close and loving family relationships, sometimes, disputes find their way without warning. These disputes may include divorce and separation, succession issues, child maintenance, and custody. Handling these disputes is challenging and may need immediate action to resolve them. While some family disputes, especially those involving violence, may be resolved by court, some can be resolved by family mediation. Family mediation works on both parties’ interests and aims to restore a positive future relationship between the disputants. It is also a cheaper way of resolving family disputes and takes relatively less time. But what role does family mediation play in legal conflict resolution? Read through to understand all aspects of family mediation, including its process and benefits, as a peaceful way to solve family disputes. Understanding Mediation Role In Family Law Mediation is a dispute resolution process where the disputants cooperate with an independent third party to resolve their disputes outside court. Mediation is both a cheaper and faster way of resolving disputes among family members. Family mediation can help solve several issues. It can help resolve parenting disagreements, property settlements among divorcing couples, and succession disputes among kin. Note that mediation can occur with both parties sitting together or separately on different occasions. On disputes of significant magnitude, you can involve family lawyers to help guide the mediation process. If you don't resolve the dispute through family mediation, you may move to court. However, you must present a certificate to prove you engaged in family dispute resolution through mediation. The Purpose Of Family Mediation The purpose of family mediation is to help disputing parties reach a long-lasting agreement. The decision they arrive at should be of their liking and should be satisfactory to each party. Unlike other disputes, family disputes have a relationship and emotional attachments, though some have financial and legal implications. Resolving these disputes in court may address the financial and legal aspects alone and fail to address the emotional and relationship aspects. However, through mediation, the disputing family members can resolve all aspects of their disputes and arrive at a more desirable agreement. Family Mediation Process The family mediation process involves the following steps. 1.  Initial consultation/pre-mediation: The mediator seeks more information concerning the dispute. They should also gather personal concerns, perspectives, and projected outcomes of both parties. Note that at this stage, the mediator meets the disputants separately. 2. Joint sessions: After individual parties agree to proceed with mediation, the mediator organizes a joint session. At this stage, the mediator sits together with the disputing parties in one room. 3. Issues identification: Since the mediator has background information about the dispute at hand, they, at this stage, identify critical issues of the dispute. The mediator should guide both parties in talking about their priorities, concerns, and desires. 4. Establishing options: Now that the underlying issue is well-spelled out, the mediator should guide disputants in coming up with possible solutions. The mediator should suggest expansive possibilities after brainstorming suggested solutions. 5. Final agreement: At this stage, the mediator should assist the disputants in structuring a mutual agreement. The mediator should ensure that the final agreement is fair and in line with the state´s laws. Family Mediation Benefits Family mediation has several benefits, as listed below: It Generates Mutual Agreement Through family mediation, disputants can arrive at a mutual agreement satisfactory to each party. The parties have the right and power to explore all possibilities and arrive at a more desirable decision. Family Mediation Resolves Disputes Faster Unlike court disputes, which take years to resolve issues, family mediation takes a short period. On average, the family mediation process takes between three and six months to resolve a dispute. It Preserves Relationships Since family mediation addresses the emotional and relationship aspects of a dispute, the disputants should be able to maintain their long-term relationship post-dispute. Confidentiality And Privacy Court cases are in the public domain and may expose sensitive and private aspects to the general public. However, family mediation creates a more secure and private environment where disputes are resolved without involving the general public. Cost-Effective Mediation saves a lot of money, which would otherwise be spent on court charges and other legal fees. Family Disputes Ideal For Mediation The family disputes that should be resolved through mediation are as follows: ·         Succession disputes ·         Matrimonial property issues ·         Children maintenance disputes ·         Children custody ·         Shareholder disputes in the family business ·         Civil and other inter-personal disputes Should I Involve Family Lawyers In Family Mediation? It is good to involve your family lawyer in family mediation. The lawyer will provide you with legal advice concerning the legal and financial implications of your family dispute. Besides, they should be able to guide you through the mediation process since it can be overwhelming. In addition, they can help add the final touches to the final agreement you arrive at. Unfortunately, not all family mediation processes have the desired outcome. Sometimes, parties may disagree, bringing the need for court proceedings. In this case, the court will demand a certificate showing you participated in family mediation. Your lawyer will be much more resourceful here. Conclusion Family mediation aims to bring disputed family members to an agreement. Besides settling their disputes, it also helps mend their broken relationships and heal their emotions. In doing so, it protects the interests and values of both parties, promoting family cohesion. What's more, family meditation addresses the issues of parties involved in the mediation session and those indirectly involved in the dispute. The process will ensure the interest of such parties, including children´s future well-being, is well addressed. However, when your dispute involves violence or threat of life, don´t hesitate - file a court case immediately. Read Also: 30+ Fathers Day Gift Ideas: It’s More Than Gifts 8 Things Every Parent Should Do To Keep Kids Safe Online Top 10 Cybersecurity Features That Are A Must-Have In An Ecommerce Store

Legal Services

How Legal Services Outsourcing Aids Law Firms and Legal Departments

Legal Outsourcing Services is the by the now everyday process whereby a business, corporation, company, or law firm seeks legal assistance from an outside law firm.  The services of legal outsourcing include all kinds of business and corporate lawyering, including drafting and negotiating contracts and other agreements, developing patent and trademark and other IP strategies, offering legal risk analyses, and much more, including services requiring a physical presence, such as a difficult negotiation or a court appearance.  Other outsourcing services include filings and litigation and agency work, such as document review, legal research, legal writing, drafts of pleadings, drafts of briefs, and patent services. Legal Process Outsourcing Services Now A Billion-Dollar Industry Today the legal outsourcing business is a billion dollar industry. With this boom in legal outsourcing services, there are many new firms, many now located offshore, providing legal process outsourcing services to law firms and legal departments. Why Use Legal Outsourcing? Legal Outsourcing services provide law firms convenience and flexibility. By outsourcing, the most significant benefit is your law firm's valved time, using the time for more money-making opportunities. Labor Cost Savings If you hire an attorney or a paralegal that means salaries, and benefits out of your firm's bottom line. By using outsourcing services, you have a professional, skilled, and trained to outsource team, without the cost of salaries and benefits. Expertise Legal outsourcing services know a large variety of legal matters. Because of legal outsourcing services varied experience, these services are capable of performing these services for you quickly. For small firms, this can be a tremendous benefit. For firms who have not dealt with particular legal action, legal outsourcing can be a great solution without having to hire a part-time or full-time legal person. Types of Legal Outsourcing Services Deposition - Court Reporting Services - Deposition Summaries - Video Deposition Services - Live Web Streaming for Depositions - Legal Interpretation and Translation Services - Online Document Repository System - Legal Transcription Services - Deposition Suites 2. Forensics - Complex Case Management Solutions and Background Work - Legal Document Preparation Services - Electronic Discovery Findings and Related Reports - Expert Witness Services and preparation - Internet Depository Services 3. Corporate Services - Commercial Litigation Services - Business Intelligence Tools - Medical Malpractice Litigation What To Look For In A Good Legal Outsourcing Services When looking for a good outsourcing service remember why you are considering an outsourcing service. A capable outsourcing service should be able to reduce spending on areas such as document review, contract management, due diligence, discovery, and legal research. By allowing these areas to outsourcing services, your in-house legal attorneys should have more time to win a judgment, within or out of the court system. In general, the law firm bottom line should increase, producing more profits and higher income for the firm. The Upside In The End : A lot of the outsourcing firms currently located in other countries. The upside is lower fees for outsourcing services is significantly smaller and because of different time zones can work more extended hours. If looking at outsourcing services in other countries, ask for law firms they have worked for in the states. Read also :  Hiring The Services Of A Legal Eagle Go For A Better Legal Job In 2018!