Why Are VC Firms Interested In Cryptocurrencies: An Analysis

Published on: 04 February 2022 Last Updated on: 07 February 2025
VC Firms

The Crypto industry is progressing at a rapid and dynamic pace. The pace is fast enough that people are comparing this as if they are looking for Gold. And as the maturity of the sector is growing, people are encountering the ocean of retail and traditional investors gathering to the Crypto landscape.

Even the venture capital firm and other institutional investors are eyeing the opportunities to invest in Cryptocurrency for any profit that can be made.

With the rise of Cryptocurrency popularity, many Crypto startups have popped up in the financial market. Although they might be a part of a new and comparatively young industry, they have plenty of equity to offer.

That being said, venture capital firms view Defi space and NFTs as viable investment options. So let’s explore some more to see what Venture Capital has seen in Cryptocurrency that made them think about investing in the Crypto space.

What Are Venture Capital Firms?

What Are Venture Capital Firms?

Venture capital firms have an ocean of investors who wish to yield a substantial amount of cash soon enough. The fund managers send the prospectus to the interested investors and invite them to participate.

The prospectus is a document selling them the investment funds. Once the investors are ready to comply with the prospectus, the fund manager spends considerable time reviewing thousands of projects to determine the growth potential.

Although Venture Capital Firms are made up of prudent investors, they are aware of risks and spread their bets to minimize the losses.

Many startups tend to go this route when they are not ready to go public. This also includes Bitcoin startups. However, this method can sometimes be risky as Cryptocurrency startups can simply be a scam. To know more, visit the bitcoin hack review.

Why Are Venture Capital Firms Interested In Cryptocurrencies?

To understand why Venture Capital firms are interested in Cryptos, let’s see some statistics to know whether the demand for Cryptocurrencies actually exists among the VC firms.

The global VC firms have invested more than $27 billion in Cryptocurrencies, and as days are passing, the investment amount is set to rise even more.

One of the best VC firms in the Silicon Valley, Andreessen Horowitz, has recently invested $20 million in Coinbase. If everything goes well, the investment is set to generate a return of $2.5 billion.

That establishes why so many VC firms are interested in Cryptocurrencies, right?

YES!!! You can carve out money internally when you invest in Crypto projects. You only get a middle ground between doing nothing and launching a separate fund. Thus, VC firms can attract more and more investors in the Crypto field every day.

Crypto projects also allow VC firms to expand their business portfolio and diversify their investments. In addition, it keeps them at a lesser risk when the economy fluctuates. For example, during the COVID19 pandemic, Bitcoin was trading at its highest record of $30,000.

The VC firms saw an increasing opportunity during this time. It made them realize that even when Cryptocurrency is a speculative asset, it can generate a solid return when the macroeconomic system undergoes turmoil.

Investing in Crypto coins also allows the VC firms a lot of flexibility, which keeps their heads in the right place even when recession ensues. This is probably why the VC firms have already invested $17 million in the Crypto sector at the beginning of this year.

Many VC firms have also partnered with limited partners and lawyers to stabilize their status quo as they invest more and more money in virtual coins. They believe that the future holds great potential for the digital economy, so the greed of staying ahead in the curve is also propelling the venture capitalists to invest more and more money into Cryptocurrency every day.

Putting It All Together

Putting It All Together

Since the Crypto regulation has been eased up worldwide, it has become easier for VC firms to invest in Cryptocurrencies. This is because there are no more challenges left to deal with, at least on the regulatory front, which was restricting the VC firms into investing in the Crypto coins.

Therefore, if you need more information on them, let us know in the comment section below. We will get back to you with an answer in no time.

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Long-Term Goals

5 Must-Have Long-Term Goals for A Secure Future

Most of us would agree that it’s vital to set goals and make plans to achieve them. People do it all the time. For instance: Goal: ‘Lose 5kg’ Plan: ‘Eat less and exercise more’  But financial goals, which are the life-changing goals of all, are often put on the back burner. Retiring early, setting up a business, or building an investment portfolio worth millions can all seem a bit too hard. You should prepare long-term goals that can help you to achieve your objectives.  However, it's not! With a bit of understanding and help, financial goals can be set, plans can be put into place, and the desired nest egg can be achieved. Here are a few long-term goals worth setting: 1. Having an Emergency Fund for The Rainy Days : Life can bring economic uncertainty to many, and even for the financially secure, life happens, in the form of domestic catastrophes, medical bills, and other unplanned expenses. Therefore, it’s vital to have an emergency fund that can offer peace of mind and financial relief in such untoward situations. As a general rule, it’s good to have an emergency fund that would cover three to six months of your living expenses. So, calculate and know how much you need and set aside a certain amount from your paycheck every month. Over the years, this fund will grow, which you can use in case of an unexpected event, or when you are in financial strain. 2. Ditching Debts and Dues for Good : Being in debt can be a stressful experience for anyone, and no matter what your circumstance is, if you have a loan, you are obligated to pay it back. Even if you have life-altering experiences like getting into an accident, losing your job, or increased expenses due to having a child. Hence, repaying the outstanding debt and clearing of all dues is important, especially to know where you stand with respect to money matters. A simple way to clear your debts is to develop a budget that tracks your income and expenses. This will help know whether you have money left over, called the surplus. The goal is to increase the surplus and use it to pay down your debt. 3. Building Your Retirement Fund : Although retirement may feel like a million years away, it doesn’t matter - now is the time to plan for your retirement. Investing and saving is a critical part of leading a financially independent life post-retirement. The good news is, investing even a small amount each month will pay off later in life. Along these lines, decide what you will need during your golden years - expenses like healthcare, household costs, and additional leisure expenses. Once you know your needs, find a suitable retirement plan which can cater to those. Put simply, save, invest, and ensure yourself as a fallback option for your future. 4. Funding Your Child’s Higher Education : Your child’s dreams can become a reality when you support him or her, emotionally and financially. Quality education should be on your and your child’s wish list. Setting up an investment plan that can help with the higher education of your child is a good idea. To do so, find a reliable child education plan that can help you create a substantial corpus for your child’s education and future needs. 5. Expanding Assets for Your Family : Other than making arrangements for expenses, it is essential to create a secure base of wealth for your loved ones so that you can support them and maintain the lifestyle you have now. Investment in unit-linked insurance plans (ULIPs)is a good way to achieve financial growth as well as protect your family’s future in your absence. ULIPs enable you to make significant returns with a relatively low investment every month, while also offering insurance protection to you. Other benefits of unit-linked insurance plans are: Flexibility to choose your fund option- equity, debt or balanced Encourages goal-based saving for child education, retirement etc. The top-up facility gives the flexibility to change your premium amount You can opt for riders like Critical Illness and Accidental Death benefit You get ULIP tax benefits under Section 80C and Section 80D It’s never too late to get started. Pick one or all the financial goals listed above and start setting yourself up for your secure future. Read Also :  Getting Your Personal Finances In Order With A Proper Budget Strategy These Small Changes Will Change Your Finances For The Better


What You Must Know about ELSS before you Invest

Equity Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS) or assessment sparing common store schemes as they are otherwise known similar to, a mainstream impose sparing venture. The significant reason for this ubiquity has been the introduction of Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, from April 1, 2005. This section enables the investor to put up to Rs 1 lakh in different speculation items and get an assessment deduction for the same. The rundown of speculation items additionally incorporates ELSS. Prior, till March 31, 2005, interest in these duty sparing schemes only took into account an assessment deduction of up to Rs 10,000 under Section 88. Things You Must Know However, that being stated, there are different things an investor needs to remember before choosing to bounce into an ELSS speculation. Section 80 C spoils you for decision: As has been mentioned above, ELSS isn't the only speculation road that goes under Section 80C. Other ventures, for example, Life Insurance, Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Savings Certificates (NSCs), Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS), Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS) and so forth likewise offer a comparable tax break. Then there are mandatory installments, for example, your PF, tuition expenses of youngsters and notwithstanding lodging credit reimbursements that are secured under Sec. 80C. Secure of three years: Like all venture roads under Section 80C, ELSS supports additionally include specific security. For this situation, the security is for a long time. Subsequently, an ELSS speculation can't be pulled back for a time of three years from the date of the venture. This secure resembles a twofold edged sword. On the one hand, it cultivates long-term venture, which is extremely basic while putting resources into equity. What's more, on the other, if you wind up in a situation where you require supports in a crisis, you should turn to other means/speculations - best fewer funds to invest in 2017. Withdrawals are simply not permitted, not even with a punishment. Expense sparing schemes carry the danger of putting resources into equity: ELSS stores are advanced as great speculations as they empower the reserve manager to accept long-term approaches account of the implemented three years secure. In other words, the store manager doesn't need to stress over keeping reserves fluid to oblige day by day redemptions that can occur in ordinary open-finished schemes. However, it must be remembered that Reliance elss supports for every single reasonable object are like ordinary diversified equity shared reserve schemes. Conclusion The assets in these schemes are put resources into the stock market. Consequently, the profits these sukanya samriddhi scheme create rely upon the sort of stocks the store manager puts resources into and the general condition of the market. So if an investor puts resources into an assessment sparing plan, and three years down the line, when the secure finishes and the markets are not doing great, his total returns will get destroyed. Indeed, this has not occurred in the past as the Indian market is in a sidelong bull stage (excepting the occasional hiccups). However, the capability of the capital loss is especially there and it must be considered.


A Beginner’s Guide In Using MT4 On A Mac

As described by most forex traders, MetaTrader 4 — is by far the top forex trading platform you can use today. The MT4’s trading platform is an all-in-one platform for all of your forex trading needs — from market analysis to all the additional services a forex broker will offer. Although MT4 was initially created for Windows, the application is now also available in Mac. And if you’re wondering what MT4 application to use for your Mac, you can open a meta trader 4 for your mac here. Here’s a beginner’s guide in using the MT4: What’s inside the platform? There are four main panels on the MT4 platform, the navigator, market watch, terminal, and chart panels. Let’s discuss each one and some of their uses. 1. Navigator Panel: This panel enables you to access your trading accounts. This also allows users to create a trial account to test new strategies before trading in the market. Additionally, the navigator panel offers a feature to add various indicators — trends, oscillators, and volumes — on your chart panel. You can even customize your own indicators through MQL4 or MetaQuotes Language 4, the integrated programming language for developing indicators in MT4. 2. Market Watch: This is where you’ll find all the various instruments that are tradable, such as forex pairs, energies, precious metals, and indices; and it also displays the current bid and asking prices alongside its instrument symbol. The market watch panel also allows you to have access to a set of options by clicking a specific instrument symbol. These options are: Chart window - This opens a new chart of your selected instrument. New order - This opens a trade on your selected instrument. Depth of market - This will display the bid and ask prices of a specific instrument. Tick chart - This will display the sales activity of the forex pair. Specification - This will display the contract specifications of a particular instrument — swap rates, contract size, and spreads. 3. Terminal Panel: This panel allows quick access to your trading history and account. The terminal panel displays various tabs along the bottom side of the panel, such as: Trade - Allows you to view your pending orders and open positions. News - This displays the relevant and important trading headlines. Account history - This displays all your executed trades. You can also view your withdrawal, deposits, profits and loss, and credits in this tab. Alerts - This displays the list of alerts and notifications, such as instruments reaching a specified price. Mailbox - This is where you can view the messages sent via this platform. Journal - This tab lets you view your account’s systems messages, such as filled or edited orders, login times, and closed positions. 4. Chart Panel: The chart panel is probably the most recognizable panel of the trading platform, as this panel shows a particular instrument’s price movement. The charts can be viewed as lines, price bars, or candlesticks. And if you’re tracking multiple instruments, this panel can display multiple charts on a single screen. Additionally, this panel also allows you to view the charts in various timeframes, from one minute to one month charts. MetaTrader 4 trading: How to open a currency pair trade: The easiest way to set up a trade in MT4 is to utilize the Order window to place an order on the market by doing these steps: Select the chosen currency pair by clicking the Window tab of your MT4 platform. Select New Window Click New Order on your toolbar, or open the Order window by pressing F9. Enter your chosen trade size in the Volume box. Choose Market Execution in the order type Click sell or buy How to close a trade: When you’re done opening the trade, of course, you’ll eventually need to close the trade. Here’s how to close: Click the Trade tab from Terminal window. Right-click any order you want to close on the Trade tab. Select Close Order Select the Close button on the Order window to close the trade. How to add currency pairs: If there’s a specific currency pair that you’d like to trade, but it’s not visible in the Market Watch window, then follow these steps to add currency pairs: Press CTRL+U to open Symbols In the Symbols window, look for the currency pair you’d like to add. Click the symbol and click Show to add the currency pair. Closing thoughts: Although setting up and placing trades in MT4 is easy, learning the platform’s powerful features and intricacies to fully take advantage of the program can actually take time and effort. May you use this guide as a stepping stone to start trading in the MT4 platform. Read Also: Forex Trading Wisdom: Talk Yourself Out Of Bad Trades What To Expect When You Become A Forex Trader